The Ages of Uraš

Page AG3

Quoted materials from books, interviews, and communications by Anton Parks:
Copyright 2007-2009 Anton Parks
Otherwise Copyright 2007-2012 Gerry Zeitlin


First Inhabitants

As we have seen, when the Ušumgal and their Anunna, Mušgir, and Mìmínu (see Races) came sweeping down to the Earth, it was not as though there was no one to greet them. Our planet already had a history and had its occupants.

As a matter of fact, Uraš (Earth) had been colonized for a very long time before that awful moment. The Namlú'u had been created here, and under their guidance the Kingú and the Ama'argi Amašutum had been developing a number of primates who were by that time well established (Project Kingú). Mamitu-Nammu and the Ama'argi had been very actively developing a variety of life forms here ("Project Elohim").

The Two Ádamic Lines graphic farther down this page begins at a point in time 200,000 years prior to the arrival, and provides at least a glimpse of the two aforementioned "projects".

Note from that graphic that they had been working with entities known as Ugubi, Ukubi, Ukubi Ullegara, etc. Who or what were these, and how do they fit with our conventional understanding of the archaeology and paleontology of the period?

It is important to provide a reconciliation of Parks' information with the conventional picture if at all possible. To begin to achieve this, we are going to look at the (more-or-less) standard taxonomy of the primates.

Although taxonomy, strictly speaking, is purely concerned with classification, it is often presented pictorially as a tree structure, which does encourage an interpretation of descent through time of developing life forms. In other words, evolution. Since, as you may have guessed, Parks' story argues strongly for something more like design and mixing-matching of genes in a laboratory, this is not going to support evolution but rather is a very strong sort of "intelligent design" - except not exactly by "God", as the IDers would have it, but by the pseudo-god that was Ušumgal-Anunna.

We have developed a taxonomy graphic that has no time element in it. Rather, it shows nested "bubbles". This will provide an initial crude framework for understanding some terms and for showing how all this begins to fit together. Please take a moment to study this image:


A couple of points about the diagram:

The entire lower grouping is a subfamily that should be seen as nested within the family Hominidae. It was impractical to place it there in the graphic. Also, what is shown as the "Gorilla tribe" is sometimes considered to be a separate subfamily of the great apes.

We have shown in a white font the names used by Parks that need to be grafted into this system:

"Inferior ancestor" = ape
Ukubi'im (Project Elohim)
"Inferior clay people"
Homo Neanderthalensis
On the Sumerian tablets (Project Elohim):
ullegarra = placed before the manipulation of the gods
annegarra = placed after the manipulation
Genus Homo (Project Kingú)
Other names found on the tablets and used in Ádam Genisiš will be explained below.

This subject will be taken up in much more detail in the section "Creating Humans" below, and indeed in much of the remainder of the website, still under development.

Creating Humans

As we will explain more fully, Sa'am's Nungal were called on at first to perform the physical work of constructing the colony, digging riverbeds and irrigation canals in the Edin plain to support the needed agriculture, and working in the cropfields themselves. Eventually, when the Nungal became rebellious, a series of worker races was developed to free them from this labor.

From the Karmapolis interview [K2]:

In Genesiš 1.26, when the Elohim wished to create the first human, they said, "Let us make man according to our Tsélem (usually interpreted as image)." But "image" seems an inappropriate translation of Tsélem, which is formed from the word Tsél, meaning "shadow" [Parks uses the French word "ombre", which could mean "dark" as in the title of his first book], and the final [Hebrew letter] Mem, which in Hermeticism symbolizes water, the vital element, which is to say semen.

Thus in stipulating that the Elohim would form the first man from their own Tsélem, that should be translated as forming from their genes, their "shadow-liquid", which is to say the semen of the Elohim!

"[...] they (the creators) fashioned a creature by linking their powers from one to another, those with which they had been endowed. Each potency furnished a quality conforming to the image that they made of it psychologically. Thus they created a being modelled after the perfect Primordial Man [i.e., the Namlú'u]."
- Nag-Hammadi Manuscript, The Secret Book of John, Codex NH2-1 ; 28

[See Decoder entry for Tsélem for the result of decomposing this Hebrew word into Sumero-Akkadian syllables.]

The Biblical clay generally represents the blood or even the genes.

Thus we translate the passage in question as: "Let us make the man (with) our high exalted vital force taken from the clay (i.e., our blood or our genes)..."

This translation is perfectly in accord with text of The Apocryphon of John given above...

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The Two Ádamic Lines
English French
Available as 11"x17" poster
More Information
The Two Ádamic Lines -- Abel and Caïn: Please refer to the genealogy diagram found at the top of the Genealogy section as well as the graphic at right as aids to understanding the various races mentioned in this section. In most browsers the graphics will open in separate windows and remain available until closed.

We present here some information on the complex genetic history of the human race, based on private communications received from Anton Parks plus published materials as well as our own interpretations.

Note, to begin, that while the earliest labeled date on the graphic is "500,000 years ago", the project arrows do not begin at that point; their origin is at an unspecified earlier point in time -- apparently much earlier!

"Project Elohim": In the first genetic operation depicted, what Parks calls "the blacks," the Á-DAM, were created by Enki and his people as required by the Ušumgal-Anunna as slave beings for work in Edin. (Do not confuse these beings with present-day "blacks". In fact the entire line was terminated and is no longer present on the Earth.) They were an upgrade of the preexisting Ugubi, a kind of monkey similar to the apes of today, with genes of the Amašutum.

This race is also called Ukubi (genus homo) Ullegara (placed before).

Subsequently these were upgraded to the "mixed-blood" Sag-giga with the incorporation of Kingú-green genes (to mark or assert the superiority of the Ušumgal over the Kingú). The resulting being is the one known as the Lùlù, (i.e., mixed being).

G.Z.: I wonder how individual beings such as Enki and the others can manage lives of many hundreds of thousands of years in duration. Let alone the story in the book, just the chart here shows Ninmah's activities over a span of 100,000 years, and she had been living for... another 100,000 years before she started that? More?

What is it like to live that long, and to work on projects that take that long to complete? How do such beings handle the sheer size of their memories? Do they ever become tired? Do they enjoy that? Are we the anomalous ones?

A.P.: Yes, I know that it is difficult for us to envisage such dates as these, but they relate to a civilization that is not ours and of which we are only a pale reflection. This reptilian civilization, whether Kingú, Amašutum (Nammu), or "Yahvéiste" (An, Enlíl) has not ceased to truncate the human via genetics and at times to stealthily restore it.

From this comes... ourselves: beings who barely use 10% of their brains and 95% of whose DNA (junk DNA) serves no purpose.

Therefore it does not seem to me impossible that humanoid beings such as the Gina'abul are able to live hundreds of thousands of years. If we did not have all of these gaps (breaks or fractures) within ourselves, I would not be having to explain this, but given the data, I find it easily plausible.

The Earth has been a laboratory that was in the hands of the Kingú for many thousands of years. By all evidence, the Kadištu had allowed them to work more or less in tranquility (and I don't completely understand why), but there had to have been conflicts. The Imdugud, for example, were the result of a sort of conciliation between the two parties.

The Kingú had been free to create, break, recreate... the notions of time are not important under these circumstances...

Enki didn't wish to see his genetic creation used as vulgar Á-DAM. He decided to progressively and clandestinely modify these slaves to render them autonomous.

"Project Kingú": In a separate development, the Kingú-Babbar undertook the creation of a white race, the Lubarra, mixing their own genes with those of the Ádam Sag-giga, thus marking their supremacy over the creation of the vanquishers.

The role of Ninmah in all of this is confusing. Originally she was among the Ninti ("nurses") who would support Enki in his creation of the black Ádam for working in Edin. But she was not part of the team that would improve the black Ádam.

However, in a time when she was briefly the companion of Sa'am-Enki, she clandestinely worked on the genetic development of the white Ádam under his directives. So Enki was not the creator of the whites but modified them via the agency of Ninmah.

Later, because of Enki's rejection of the society of the Ušumgal-Anunna, Ninmah began to work on her own in cooperation with the Babbar to progressively improve the white Ádam while Enki and Sé'et continued to modify the black Ádam.

The above is just a quick and partial sketch; the full story, whose outlines are incorporated in the graphic, is much more complicated.

The original specimen specially conceived for work had been androgyne. Enki would "cut it in two" to make a man and a woman. This is illustrated on a clay tablet:

Birth of a Clone

What do we see? Enki is shown at left. Around him are serpents (symbol of creation and fertility) waving in rhythm. We conclude from this beyond a shadow of doubt that the serpent of the bible is no other than Enki the geneticist, otherwise known as Nudimmud the cloner.

Enki was often represented as a serpent. He bore the designation MUŠDA (powerful reptile) in Sumerian, an epithet that defines him as the Grand Architect or Mason of the World. He is the crafty serpent of the Bible who foils the plan of Yahvé in Eden.

At his side appears a star with an arrow pointing downward. The star symbolizes the term DINGIR (god(s)) [see Decoder], and the arrow, "the below" or "the abyss," confirming that this "god" is indeed Enki, the divinity of the Abzu - the subterranean world.

In the middle of the image there arises or awakens a woman emerging not from one of the Ádam's sides but more from a sort of kettle or vessel that one could easily take to be one of the artifical wombs [that are so prominently mentioned in Parks' story].

This kettle resembles the ancient Sumerian symbol corresponding to the demoness Lilù (Lilith) who represents the malady and the evil we have spoken of above. [See Races]. Do not the old rabbinical legends relate that the first companion of Ádam was Lilith?

At her sides, a man tends to the woman a branch of a tree whose extremities end in vaginas. The symbolism is clear! But the crunchiest is on the right: we see a totally irritated monarch brandishing two forks. To the Sumerians, the fork symbolizes a chieftain of the land. We easily equate this personage to "a Šàtam," a territorial administrator or regional chief. And who is the grand Šàtam of the Anunna? It is Enlíl, adversary of Enki!

Karma One: The Anunnaki warriors and their chiefs, the aristocratic "Ušumgal", seem to be internally unbalanced in their comportments, which renders them aggressive, especially when compared to other races. You often say that they are not in harmony with the plans of "the Source" of all things, all being. What is the reason for this disequilibrium? Have we inherited it?

Parks: It appears to be a sort of involuntary degeneration due to the multiple genetic manipulations that were employed, and the genes that were used. Enki's Nungal for example are going to "metamorphose" little by little and change the color of their skin. As to the Anunna, they will be sickened by the terrestrial frequency that is too high for them and will above all tend to have shorter lives than previously, which will oblige them to systematically connect with the female Gina'abul to obtain "the secret of the trees".

The imbalance of the Ušumgal-Anunna is clearly reflected in our own comportments, because we (humans) are essentially their heirs. As indicated in Ádam Genisiš, Homo Sapiens (Caïn) is not the issue of the Life Designers (Elohim) like their brother Homo Neanderthalensis (Abel), but rather of the "foreign gods" (Yahvé) who constitute the Ušumgal-Anunna regime!


The Slavic manuscript of Ádam and Eve indicates that Satan claimed to Ádam the possession of the Earth: "Mine is the Earth, divine are heaven and paradise. If you become a man who belongs to me, you will work the Earth..." Other Biblical passages such as Matthew (4,8) or Luke (4,6) evoke the same thing. But note that in the Bible, it is "God" who catches the serpent "instructing" Ádam and Eve in his garden. Why not Satan!?

In other words, according to the foregoing, the garden should have been Satan's, not God's.

But wasn't the serpent supposed to have been Satan?

Keep in mind that they were all serpents, in a manner of speaking. (Except for the humans, whom they created. There is a reason for that, to be explained.) This makes it easy to sow confusion. Remember, the Ušumgal with their Mušgir and their Anunnas won sovereignty over this solar system. And who is it who always gets to write the history after a war?

But to return to the image...

As the Sumerians loved symbolism, we find at the Šàtam's side a "Gullum" (a cat). The cat has often been regarded as a baneful animal. This ideology is reinforced among the Sumerians, because if we decompose the term Gullum, we obtain GUL (to destroy, annihilate) and LUM (fertility, abundance, carrying fruit), which means that the Šàtam (Enlíl) has only one objective: "destroy the fertility" of his handiwork that has become too abundant and free for his taste. What is better than a cat to express this idea! Moreover this episode is confirmed at the end of the Babylonian tablets of Atrahasis where one sees Enlíl command Enki to reduce the longevity of humanity and to render certain females infertile.

Fertility and longevity were, and always are, of strategic importance. Without these factors, the human race would never have amounted to anything more than a band of workers for the plantations, that would expire when no longer needed. They could be renewed only by use of the cloning machines, and then only when operated by the handful of skilled individuals. What Enki did was to ensure that the Earth would eventually go to his humans, for better or for worse.

In The Secret, Parks mentions that the entire Anunna army that defeated Tiamata was raised in practically no time with just a few cloning machines and some cells taken from the repository.

People wonder why genetic operations seem to be so important to the entitities who abduct humans. Perhaps this will help them to understand.

Notice that Enki's feet and hands are bound. This evokes the fact that Enki is not as free as he would wish because he is solidly under the directives of Enlíl.

Here is more discussion of these modifications from the Karmapolis interview [K2]. The reader should follow with reference to the "Two Lines" chart above.

Karma One: Enki made certain that his own prototypes were capable of reproducing sexually. You express this in very precise terms: "the Initiation into the Secret of the Giš" or the "Secret of the Dark Stars", the title of the first book, which causes one to think of the eternal feminine and the importance that the Gnostics attach to sexuality. Why had Enki wished that humans be more and more autonomous and be initiates? Is this gift of sexual reproduction made to men by Enki the reason that one finds in the Bible a complete taboo against sexuality, and the idea of a temptress "Eve"? And why does the Bible relate that the woman was created at a second point in time, from the side of man, as a sort of subproduct? Isn't this a deliberate distortion?

Parks: Yes and no. There were several versions of humans. The first, "manufactured" by the "Life Designers", was effectively totally asexual. This ancient version that is found in a distorted form in Genesiš 1.26 is the product of the Elohim (Life-Designer divinities). The model mentioned is without any doubt a melange of the Primordial Man named Namlú'u and the Neanderthal prototype, also manufactured by the Elohim, precisely by Nammu, the mother of Enki. This version was rendered asexual, thus docile, by the clan of Yahvé (Ušumgal-Anunna) who worked for those Sumerian "gods".

In order to give this humanity autonomy with respect to the authoritarian Anunna regime, Enki separated their sexes so that these workers would be able to multiply by themselves.

The Edin (the Mesopotamian plain), where one finds the most ancient traces of wheat, was the seat of a gigantic agrarian industry that was very difficult to completely control. When the sexual humans found themselves faced with their obligation to pursue their travail for the "gods" in Edin, they had to clandestinely manage their covert "autonomy" with the aid of the administrator of the area, namely Sa'am-Enki (Samaël, the biblical serpent).

The reason for this maneuver is a profound "bad blood" between Sa'am-Enki and his people, the Life Designers (Elohim), and the paternal clan of Enki symbolized by the biblical authority. Enki, "the serpent", is usually represented in the Mesopotamian imagery as an instructor and not as a tempter, while the Bible inverts the roles and distorts the situations...

Karma One: In reading the Bible, one notes that the original man of the Bible, Adam, does not resemble the fabulous project that you describe. The biblical Adam seems more an idiot, "innocent", ignorant, subservient to Yahvé, and is not this powerful being that you describe in the beginning of your work. Why this discrepancy? Is this the same "Adam" or was there another project, another original man before the Biblical Adam?

Parks: Yes, as I have just mentioned, there were several versions of the human, as there were several of the ape... The very first is the Namlú'u [see Decoder], created by the Life Designers, Kadištu (the Elohim) who seeded the Earth before the invasion of the Anunna. These are the immense human beings who embody extraordinary capacities. This specimen is named, for example, in the gnostic Nag-Hammadi manuscript (Secret Book of John, Codex NH2 - 1, 28) where he appears in the form of the "primordial perfect Human" created by the different creators according to their different powers and qualities. The Namlú'u are almost four meters in height and are multidimensional beings. As expressed by several gnostic texts, they were the guardians of the Earth before the arrival of the evil gods (the Anunna). They disappeared from our dimension at the time of the advent of these.

The word "Namlú'u" is a generic term used in Mesopotamia to refer to the primordial humanity and later employed to designate the Sumerians who were considered in the ancient Near East as the first humanity placed in the service of the "gods".

So there is definitely a blending between this Namlú'u, guardian of planet Earth on behalf of the Elohim, and the different types of workers fashioned for the needs of Yahvé, beginning with the simians who are Homo Neanderthalensis and later Homo Erectus, leading to modern man, that is to say Homo Sapiens.

We strongly suggest keeping a doubly-enlarged image of "Two Ádamic Lines" (above, this page) open in a window while reading this information. (Click the language flag for the first enlargement, and click a second time for the double enlargement.) Parks' interview response here is only a first, gross overview of the extremely complex genetic history of man. It may seem reasonable enough in a quick read, but finding and tracing the references in the chart is indispensable to understanding.

Now you can see that Parks is discussing the lines on the left-hand side and the right-hand side.

This Homo branch [on the right, the biblical "Caïn" family] is the "animal" family, that used by the different Gina'abul ("reptiles") who make up the reptilian family imposed on the Earth. [See here the Decoder entry for Á-DAM.]

I show in Ádam Genisiš that the first version of Homo Neanderthalensis is named Ullegara ("placed before"). The second, revised as requested by the Anunna and originally asexual, is called Annegarra ("placed after") on the clay tablets. This exemplary corresponds to the biblical Abel [the line on the left side of the diagram].

The [Caïn] branch, considered as "animal", is a version deliberately rendered less "spiritual" than its cousin Neanderthal who possessed a form of profound mysticism relating to life and its Life-Designer creators.

How ironic indeed that Adam was modeled as a counterfeit of the model of Man by the Hebodmad.
- Nag-Hammadi Manuscript "The Second Treatise of the Grand Seth", Codex NH7; 28
"Hebdomad" is a term found in Gnostic texts of various persuasions to denote seven demonic offspring of the Great Archon. Parks speaks of this just below.


The Adam, in service to the Gnostic Hebdomad, is no other than a reduced version of the Ullegarra ("placed before"); he appears to be the Annegarra ("placed after"), an ad hoc revision of Neanderthal.

Neanderthal man (Abel) possessed in the human and biblical spirit the image of a being fashioned by those "on high". As I have indicated, his memory is doubtlessly combined with the extraordinary multidimensional Namlú'u for the simple reason that these two species were fashioned in a different period by Kadištu (Elohim) Life Designers.

The second wave of workers associated with Adam is the animal branch that I name Ádam Dili (first animals = Homo Erectus) and Ádam Min (second animal = Homo Sapiens) who were good only to serve the reptilian "gods". They appear to be the biblical Caïn.

Genesis claims that Caïn had been created by Yahvé (An and his Anunna angels) and that he was "bad" through association with his brother or cousin Abel. The reason for this assertion is that Caïn (Homo Sapiens) was genetically cut from the divine.

Effectively only 3-5% of modern human DNA expresses itself in proteins and would be used, the rest being the so-called "junk DNA" of which everyone speaks.

Sumerian clay seal showing the geneticist Enki, a vial in his hand, near a Ninti (nurse) carrying in her arms a human of smaller size than the Gina'abul and whom one can imagine was a clone. Note the presence of the tree (Giš = "Dark Star") near the goddess.

The strange assemblage from the gnostic texts, this "hebdomad", is no other than that of Yaldabahot (Yahvé) and his six other archons, who correspond to the Great Council of the seven Ušumgal ("grand dragons"), and who possessed all the powers in the story that I relate. There is no doubt that this Yaldabahot is the Sumerian "god" An.

As much as I am in accord with numerous so-called apocryphal passages, I must point out that the gnostics often associate Yaldabahot with Samaël, which is for me a monumental error. This misunderstanding is doubtless due to the fact that Enki-Samaël (son of An-Yahvé) worked for the latter and was obligated to create creatures for the subordinate angels of his father, the Anunna. It is a little like the confusion that is made between Enki (the serpent) and Enlíl (Satan) who is the grand Šàtam (territorial administrator) of Edin (the Mesopotamina plain). It will be shown in the planned Volume 3 of The Chronicles that this same Enlíl-Šàtam who is no other than Šètéš (Seth) will be in permanent conflict with Heru (Horus), who is actually Lucifer, "the Lightbearer". As you can see, there is much confusion between the great mythological archetypes.


About the Šàtam:

Don't ask why no author has yet made the connection between the Sumerian terms Šàtam, Ádam, and his Biblical quasi homophones, and above all have not had the good idea of observing that the Sumerian "god" Enlíl clearly holds the role of Šàtam, ("territorial administrator" or "country chief") on the clay tablets. I don't have the slightest idea! As always, the truth is reestablshed today. The "smoky" Enlíl who symbolizes the Biblical "God" (or the chief of the Anunna) is no other than Satan! Furthermore, his name EN-LÍL -- "the lord of the wind" (of the word) -- can as well be translated in Sumerian as "the lord of infection." It is no coincidence that Enlíl, supreme chieftain of the terrestrial Gina'abul after An, was not at all appreciated by the Sumerians who have kept in memory the fact that he was a despotic and bloody monarch! This conforms to the Gnostic ideology that compares the great Archon to Satan!

The term SATA exists in Egyptian. Its strict translation expresses "serpent wizard" and "child (or son) of the Earth" (on the left hand). If one assembles certain Egyptian particles that can compose the term Satan, one obtains at the same time "to carry the Earth" and "to carry evil". It is interesting, because one again finds here the verbal form in second position as with the Gina'abul and Sumerians. More, the imagery that emerges here conforms to the Mesopotamian and Christian ideologies that present respectively Šàtam and Satan in similar manners. Do you truly think that this is by chance? In Ádam Genisiš we observe how the Egyptian language was as important as that of Mesopotamia for the formation of certain biblical terms.
Yaldabahot and the Great Archons
Karmapolis: The Gnostic literature speaks of great Archons and their chief, Yaldabaoth, as the source of evil and disequilibrium in the created world. Do you think the Gnostic visionaries were referring in their visions to the Anunna?

Anton Parks: Absolutely! The Anunna are assuredly the Archons of the Gnostic texts. Multiple apocryphal passages present the Archons as malevolent angels commanded by a certain Yaldabaoth who is no other than the biblical Yahvé. In my second book I insist on the fact that Yahvé personifies the patriarchal authority directed by the "god" An and administered by his great Šàtam (territorial administrator) Enlíl, master of the Edin (the Mesopotamian plain)... As you see the Bible has not made up anything!


The term "Satan" is a melange of Šàtam (territorial administrator) and Šandan or Santana (plantation chief, herbalist, horticulturalist) from the Sumerian traditions. But an important detail separates Šàtam and Šandan: the latter is under the orders of the Šàtam, who possesses full powers. He administers entire regions, even countries. Enlíl reigned over the totality of Kalam (Sumer). So he administered his territories through the intermediary of the Šandan (Santana) without whom he could do nothing at all. Because in the universe of the Anunna (the dominant caste), one thing alone counted in their eyes: survival by the grace of the agricultural plantations. Now, with the Gina'abul, the Šandan (Santana) are exclusively the females. Long before the Sumerians, the Šandan (Santana) were uniquely women who worked in the vast Mesopotamian plain called Edin. In The Secret I have detailed the close association that one finds the world over between females and trees in the Garden of Eden.

Speaking of serpents and victors...

Serpents = Royalty



to decide/oblige


godly attributes


title of honor

reserved for "men of good family/lineage"

title of honor

to address lords, emperors, kings

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