Generalized Wave Principle for All Biologic Negentropy
History & Physics of FIRE IN THE BLOOD!
Origin of BioElectric - NEGENTROPY:
Dan Winter's Compelling new Book- A Scientific Tour de Force- Implosion Group Publishing..see:
Dan Winter’s new book presents the most compelling and systematic scientific evidence to date – that fractality in space and time is the specific mechanism and cause of gravity, biologic negentropy, life force, perception, and human bliss. Although several hugely famous authors have already presented their books on fractality in time- by comparison – this book shows they were functionally clueless about the physics. Winter quotes many scientists who have already speculated that fractality is the cause of gravity- BUT Winter is the first to very specifically define the frequency, geometry, and wave mechanic optimization of that gravity causing fractality.
"Everything Centripetal, Negentropic, Gravity Producing, or ALIVE
- becomes so - by BEING a (perfect wave fractal) PHASE CONJUGATE PUMP WAVE!"
Winter’s work (with his mathematics team- including Martin Jones)- was the first to prove the wave equations showing golden ratio solves the problem of max constructive interference, compression, and phase conjugation. SO phase conjugation – well known and proven in optics for time reversal, self organization and negentropy- now becomes a candidate for proving negentropy in general (many physicists agree that the gravity is itself negetropic / self organizing). Originally- just Dan's theory – that golden ratio phase conjugate multiples of planck length and time – the universal key signature of the vacuum- would optimize negentropy. Winter has now gone on to prove it. He was famous for proving that hydrogen radii are exact golden ratio phase conjugate multiples of Planck. In his new book Winter has assembled with equation graphics results overwhelming further evidence- that golden ratio exact multiples of planck predict: * photosynthesis frequencies, * schumann resonance frequencies, * brainwave frequencies causing peak perception/ bliss, *(new) table showing the sacral cranial tidal frequencies are phase conjugate , * new table showing the ear ringing ‘sound current’ frequencies heard by meditators are phase conjugate !, *almost exact duration of Earth AND Venus orbital years, - the list goes on ... (dodeca /icosa conjugate geometry of d,f electron shell noble gases and platinum group metals- physics of alchemic implosive charge collapse- new science of transmutation..). These are all the structures which produce life and negentropy! They fit the pattern far too well- for this to be arbitrary.
Everyone agrees that fractality is infinite compression. Fractal mathematics teaches the mathematics of infinite compression but until Winter- no one knew what a fractal FIELD was. Golden Ratio is unquestionably self-similarity optimized- as precisely is fractality. Einstein argued that gravity was infinite charge compression- but never learned what a fractal was. Winter now presents overwhelming evidence that golden ratio phase conjugation IS fractality incarnate in all wave mechanics. IF Winter is right with his exact frequency signatures for fractality in space and time- he clearly presents how to repair all wave systems to emerge from chaos- fixing environments for peak perception, amplifying the Schumann phase conjugate pump wave so Gaia climate emerges from chaos- are just the beginning. Fractality in time is now quantized and predictable- you can set your calendar. Synchronicity is nothing more than the charge coupling produced by conjugate embedding – in the (fractal) charge rotation intervals- called time. How to emerge from chaos- starts with knowing why objects fall to the ground- now for the first time both questions are answered- in pure fractal highly accurate wave mechanics: HOW negentropy originates!
Predictably with Winter, there is also a deeply spiritual aspect to his new book. He claims that ALL concepts of 'sacred space' (bioactive fields- the SHEM), collective unconscious, communion of saints, and living plasma surviving death (NDE)- are specifically explained and can be created and optimized intelligently with the teachable science of ubiquitous phase conjugate dielectrics, optics, magnetics etc (Elizabeth Rauscher has acknowledged Winter for inventing phase conjugate magnetics). He insists spiritual traditions are ONLY completed with a new and powerful fractal geometry wave physics- eliminating the need for disempowering miracle worship, personality worship.. AND religion wars.
(The Fractal Space-Time equations here form the basis of a developing technology of Life Force - Plasma Rejuvenation Field - re-invented PRIORE device - see new PICTURES Priore hardware-at link for the book : )
1. Order the Full Color 192 Page PDF |
2 Order the Full Color Amazon Kindle Edition - for immediate reading online: 1 1 1
or 3: ![]() |
Qualify for your FREE copy of Dan Winter's new book: Fractal SpaceTime (recorded publication date: Oct 20, 2014) Just provide evidence you are a professional scientist, and answer these few questions ( email to info -at- ) 1. I agree that Dan Winter has discovered the generalized wave geometric cause of gravity, life force, and biologic negentropy? TRUE / FALSE 2. I have no other answer as to why an object falls to the ground? TRUE / FALSE 3. I have no other answer as to how/why wave geometry creates negentropy so well proven in phase conjugate optics? TRUE /FALSE 4. I have no other answer as to how Earth and it's Schumann harmonics creates the self organization evidenced in the GAIA HYPOTHESIS? TRUE/FALSE 5. I agree that golden ratio phase conjugation is the only wave geometry which defines a 'fractal field'? TRUE / FALSE 6. I have no other explanation why virtually exact integer exponents of golden ratio (phase conjugate) times PLANCK length & time predict: - multiple exact radii of hydrogen - the exact only 2 frequencies which motorize photosynthesis - virtually exact Schumann Planet harmonics - the brainwave (ALPHA / BETA) frequencies of peak perception / bliss - virtually exact duration of the Earth year and Venus year - virtually exact frequencies PRIORE and also RAUSCHER used to heal - exact frequency and geometry used to create commercially proven life giving (bioactive) fields at (hydrodynamic implosion) and (capactive implosion)- the PRIORE rejuvenation field. (phase conjugate plasma time-reversal) TRUE / FALSE |
- from Dan Winter, Implosion Group and Friends, Main Index: -2 mil. hits/ month
-Implosion Group Dan Winter main film library 250+ films, All videos about Dan Winter - on the web- 100000 videos
Announcing: Heart COHERENCE/ Empathy Breath Training for iPhone,iPad:
All New Suite of Fractal Tech:Projects> - - - new
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TWO Million hits/month: &, - Link to: 41,300 Websites which link to > 6,850 Web sites which refer to
> Language Index- English, French, Spanish, German, Italian - new Polish, & Czech , Dutch
>SiteSearch or Search Site w/Yahoo - DVD's/Books - "World Tours!"-Events Calendar
Newest Implosion Powerpoint! Dan Winter's BOOKS:1.Alphabet of the Heart, 2. EartHeart, 3.Implosions Grand Attractor,
4. Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy&Immortality , - Origin of Alphabets Physics - Stellar Purpose/History of DNA Articles - new master Photo Galleries.
-Bonus: Updated 25 DVD Set- 144 Euro -with Dan Winter- now includes latest beautiful color printed book:
Article and Newsletter from Dan Winter - Implosion Group March 15, 2014
Related original articles: "Restored Centripetal Forces" - , and our seminal physics paper:
Much of the appendix to that - our work on phase conjugate negentropy is about Tom Bearden- see also his: "Kindling, Life, Mind and Negentropy"
Related: Gravity as a Negentropic Force
Examples of negentropic / bioactive field generation: (Priore- see below)
"there is no substitute for electrical engineering understanding of phase conjugates
- without that the wu wu new age movement is doomed to disempowering miracle worship of trinkets.."
Pope Francis- may have a sweet heart- but the physics law still applies to him. Physics says- you find out if someone is a KA (tholic)- namely has a KA - which is a phase coherent / immortalizing aura/plasma field (the Egyptian 'boat into the underworld')- by something you can measure (GDV for example). So Francis- how are you going to know who is KA tholic- unless you learn the physics? - KA tholics and KA thars - those with a KA- are those who have learned to attract the kind of aura/ plasma charge field which is projective.. and importantly-potentially immortal/sustainable. Here we suggest the biologic form of that charge sustainability / immortality- is precisely linked to learning the skill / the hygiene to become centripetal / phase conjugate.. implosive to living charge- literally The QUALITY OF GRACE! - This we suggest is the essence of the real science behind spirituality.
Abstract: We have extensive evidence/literature now that negentropy / self-organization in (biologic) electric field generation (like blood)- is extensively related to the well known self organizing quality of phase conjugation (originally optical- now we are learning about phase conjugate dielectrics and magnetics). All of these phenomenon are potentially present in blood- particularly in the presence of recursive implosive DNA braiding associated with human peak experience / bliss / kundalini. The coherent lo frequencies from EKG /EEG- entrained also with the known sacral cranial spine liquid pump lo frequency 'tidal' harmonics - These are the phase conjugate pump wave- we can well understand- create negentropy- for blood and glands. Dr Tom Dooley- proving disease organisms die quickly in his blood -might be an example. (The silicon nerves of Draco- Uru - our ancient alien ancestor by contrast- do not generate any of the low frequency- coherence required- so they cannot conceive of [ensouling] emotion as we know it!) - Understanding how these qualities evolved in human tissue- (ability to implode with charge- create bliss and lucid dreaming/ plasma projective / immortality field)- requires contrasting this with our recent Draco / URU / Nephalim / Annunaki - part ancestors. Their lipid based blood, nitrogen breathing, cyanogen exhaling, radioactive field requiring, silicon based nerves- present an entirely different contrast - making electrically impossible- most of the pathways- to getting what we would today call 'a soul' (namely- ability to lucid dream, astral project, and take memory thru death for example). Yalweh / Enlil was by blood a Draco / URU- so now knowing more of the chemistry of his blood and metabolism- we can almost completely understand the origin of the 'Kosher' diet - and we learn the roots of the fear of women in Jewish and Aboriginal marriage laws. Behaviors which cause our blood to revert to our Draco ancestors (fried food, coca cola, lo oxygen, genetic monoculture, radioactive environments)- need to be recognized for what they are: biologically- a reversion toward a soulless past. If we are to choose which path is our genetic destiny- we must be informed of the bifurcating path in front of us right now from our blood history.
From Dan Winter, Nov 30, 2014: Compare this 'flame letter' origin of alphabet / symbol
sacred letter pronunciations (pro-noun see A tion/inside out ness) |
Fractality+ Origins of Negentropy: Our Blood vs ET History-
By insisting on a radioactive future- our government turns us over to the parasites: THEN- Truman - met with the WRONG ET's (the Greys- controlled by the Drac / URU) - a short time later- he agrees to 'a few little abductions' in return for 'trinkets' -some tech .. within a few years- the Drac / shapeshifting - plasma beings- had basically completely parasited the US government- and... - so as the good ET's knew- they were abandoning us to our nuclear- and parasitic fate..- pretty soon our biology would be taken out by parasitic cultures- the DRAC/URU radiation loving..parasites.. You may have heard of Laura Eisenhower, the great grand-daughter of President Ike. She has delved into the whole ET phenomenon, its spiritual consequences and government involvement. This is a fairly long article but gives an interesting perspective. .. Also Laura Eisenhower- presentation full text- quite useful: Note - she usefully presents what does seem to be the concensus view- which we share- of multiple ET interference on Earth. This article below deals primarily with the Draco / Uru - which are clearly the dominant / probably most agressive species - primary threat. Mike Emery commented: "A REPORT FROM IKE'S CAMP ABOUT THE UFO COVER UP, ABOUT THE EXTENSIVE INTERACTION BETWEEN THE GOV'Ts AND THE E.T.s AND THAT MOST E.T.s ARE BENEFICIAL, WHICH STANDS TO REASON, THE UNIVERSE IS MADE FROM LOVE. IT IS AN INTERESTING READ. SOME HOW SHE MISSES THE ARCHON / DJINN, WHICH IS AMAZING. NEITHER HAS SHE TOGGLED TO THE REAL POWER OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS. THE ARCHON ARE DEATHLY AFRAID OF THE MIGHT OF COMBINED HUMAN WILL. " Dan Winter wrote: "to laura cc.. we think it's great work you are doing educating on the ET issues, Would suggest noting how much further our response to ET challenges is advanced by understanding their tissue and blood biology differences etc: Knowing their drac/uru leaders are nitrogen breathing, cyanogen exhaling yet poisoned by oxygen and even water is not good for them and they are highly flammable. Interesting to understand why in addition to terraforming us to their need -reducing our O2 and desertifying here- that in order to gain electron transport more like their home- they NEEDED hi radioactivity.. (see below) These things and how to deal with the astral hygiene.. empower the humans.. the history explains so much .. like origins of kosher.. and aboriginal laws... their silicon based nervous system- means higher electrical propagation velocity.. more telepathy but with no lo frequency in the EEG - empathy.. is virtually eliminated.. (feeling for big things.. like planets as a whole.. grounding..). For the electrical physics of gaining negentropy in blood /dna humans have an advantage they need to understand.. a hygiene discipline can feed the lo frequency phase conjugate pump waves from the ekg /eeg power spectra-of peak emotion- imploding our dna to psychokinesis and charge acquisition in a way their biology cannot.. details.. (below) -- To remove a parasite- study the biology.." How can we resist an ancient (drac/ uru / nephalim / annunaki) - lo oxygen, hi nitrogen - hi radio activity -lo rainfall- deserts etc etc UNLESS we understand the biologic history? ... AND their weaknesses! |
What evidence do we have - that the negentropic / conjugate 'implosive' component of field effect IS precisely what we call conscious - and self aware? When we read pervasive stories about ball lightening responding to telepathy just like dogs and horses do- we are compelled to wonder. Is the core component of the toroidal ball lightening which is like a conjugating pump wave- exactly what makes it respond to 'awareness'? When TV documentaries ask- just how intelligent is it possible to become- it IS obvious that intelligence is the amount of information (charge) which can be compressed efficiently. We have the wave mathematics which confirms that the (fractal) wave symmetry which maximizes charge (information) compression - is precisely the same golden ratio phase conjugation which identifies peak perception / awareness in EEG (BlissTuner ) It becomes also then obvious that the peak of intelligence is also the peak of the centripetal (conjugate) wave force which MAKES the field around the brain - and around conscious intention - ELECTRICALLY CENTRIPETAL (as Tiller so carefully measured). So then to me it would stand to reason- that the actual power of consciousness - and evolution of 'intelligence' would be simply measureable by HOW centripetal was the (conjugate) field you create with your mind - the so called 'flame in the mind'. This means that the self awareness of the Sun - which every Shaman will tell you is capable of profound conversation- is precisely the component of it's field which by generating fusion- is in fact generating (the self organizing field -we call) AWARENESS. This would in part also explain that (conjugating?) capacitive charge distribution efficiency - as Korotkov's GDV in air- showed- correcly measures where Shaman can go to make survival critical phone calls to ancestor voices and memory. This means that the component of the Earth's field effect which is generating negentropy - by being conjugate (read Bill's hypothesis that the famous "Smoky God" - inner core of the "hollow Earth"- is in fact a warmth releasing nickle cold fusion reaction) - IS in fact the core component of what makes the Earth appear electrically self-organizing. This would be exactly the frequency signature and symmetry operation of precisely WHO is GAIA! - This would also mean that weather and the metabolism of our planet which keeps us from chaos (obviously now breaking down quickly) - could be restored to negnetropy / self organization - by carefully feeding the correct low frequencies globally to increase the critical phonon phase conjugate pump wave. This is obviously related directly to the conjugating dodeca symmetry of the Earth's electromagnetic grid- and especially note how the Schumann resonance harmonic series almost precisely fits the phase conjugate golden ratio (caducceus) frequency cascade down to Planck (bottom caducceus wave - frequency table graph below in SOLID PHYSICAL EVIDENCE DAN WINTER's NEW IMPLOSION PHYSICS .) This same 'bliss pump wave' (conjugate phonon) frequency signature this article shows Note here also how I discovered this exact same lo frequency signature harmonic cascade identifies the magnetics applied in BOTH the Priore device (healed thousands of cancers - docs below)- AND Elizabeth Rauscher's successful FDA trials- pain reduction by magnetics! ! -Fractal Phase Conjugate Nature of Self-Organization/ LIFE- in TIME: Immediately above: the exact frequency signature (frequencies labelled in BLUE)- and wave shape +which causes GAIA - the Earth grid (see the Schumann series there) to emerge from chaos and become self organizing +which sets up the EEG brainwave alpha-beta series to cause PEAK PERCEPTION, BLISS, EUPHORIA- TRANSCENDANCE +which causes DNA to implosively braid / recursively embed- to set up NEGENTROPY and SELF ORGANIZATION in the blood (ensoulment) +which predicts the exact 2 frequencies which ONLY motorize PHOTOSYNTHESIS! +which then predicts the EXACT frequency series used to reduce pain magnetically used by Elizabeth Rauscher (she did not know the equation) +which then predicts the EXACT frequency series used to heal thousands of cancers by the PRIORE SYSTEM (who also did not know the equation).
Generalized Wave Principle for All Biologic Negentropy
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The reason 'sacred' alphabets are called FLAME LETTERS: Each letter is an ELement of symmetry TO MAKE A WORD: when they are assembled in a sequence such that the fields (angles of charge in your own brain) collectively NEST and approach a common center- to become RECURSIVE, CONJUGATE, CENTRIPETAL and NEGENTROPIC... THAT RESULTANT (phase conjugate) FIELD CREATED .. IS QUITE LITERALLY THE FLAME OF MIND! (Dan Winter's original animation - left EL-ements of the FLAME of MIND) |
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Good example - of the phase conjugate origin of biologic negentropy Question- 5/23/14, 8:35 PM, Underwinger- nwocsi@unseen.... wrote: > > Greetings Dan, > Dan's answer == -- precisely how a still point massaged by the right (tap) phonon harmonics transcends the block (still point) to resumed flow WHICH is in both cases then with more phase discipline (healed) - exactly how spinal pump still point initiates more phase coherent (healed) flow- after the HRV / breath pumped phase conjugate pump wave... -- in summary .. phase conjugate origins of ALL BIOLOGIC NEGENTROPY -- - dan winter ( original discussion: The Conjugate Synapse Not only is (golden ratio) PHASE CONJUGATION the climax phenomenon of WAVE COHERENCE- 1. At the well documented negentropic center of phase conjugate optics- coherence increases- (the only waves which cancel are those out of phase ). 2. Wave mathematics has proven -golden ratio optimizes CONSTRUCTIVE interference AND phase conjugation 3. Extensive historical research has proven golden ratio (conjugate) harmonics in EEG power spectra correlate to peak perception / bliss. THAT EXACT SAME FREQUENCY SERIES phase conjugate ( alpha beta) power spectra exactly correlate with the frequencies of all biologic negentropy (from hydrogen's frequencies and radii to the exact 2 frequencies of photosynthesis to the duration of the earth year and venus year. This is NOT a coincidence SO - a) focused human attention, b) life force (photosynthesis), & c) gravity- Turns out what identifies the wave mechanics of each one is golden ratio phase conjugation to planck dimension!
March 2014 Events- Conferences- Upcoming Course Announcements
from Implosion Group, Dan Winter , and
Implosion Group with Dan Winter- is Announcing: All New Suite of Fractal Tech:Projects>
Stay Tuned-see new films also at: , , , New Heart/Breath Empathy Biofeedback- iPhone:
Major Updates to Implosion Group/FractalField- many exciting RESEARCH PROJECT SUMMARY + Latest Dan Winter Media Interview
Implosion Group- newsletter reaches ~10,000, Web attendance over 8 years - million+ per month,
return to Main Index Implosion Group distribution of Dan Winter's work, Implosion Group and Friends
FILM LIBRARY-Implosion Group with Dan Winter- is Announcing: All New Suite of Fractal Tech:Projects> -2 mil. hits/ month- - - - new
Upcoming Events Calendar: w/Dan Winter, Subscribe/Unsubscribe email to: ,
TWO Million hits/month, - Link to: 41,300 Websites which link to > 6,850 Web sites which refer to
> Language Index- English, French, Spanish, German, Italian(new Sci&Consciousness Mag. Article) - new Polish, & Czech , Dutch
>SiteSearch or Search Site w/Yahoo - DVD's/Books - "World Tours!">2010-Events Calendar
Newest Implosion Powerpoint! Dan Winter's BOOKS:1.Alphabet of the Heart, 2. EartHeart, 3.Implosions Grand Attractor,
4. Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy&Immortality , - Origin of Alphabets Physics - Stellar Purpose/History of DNA Articles - new master Photo Galleries.
-Bonus: Updated 25 DVD Set- 144 Euro -with Dan Winter- now includes latest beautiful color printed book:
In conjunction with Dan Winter's participation in NY 2014 (above): Dan wrote a new abstract on THE GEOMETRY OF SUCCESSFUL DEATH: - link "The amount of coherence in your aura's charge field or plasma- is called your KA. The portion of that coherence which IS projectable and makes it to faster than light speed- is called the BA- like a seed pushed out of a husk or shell. The process of pushing the aura central charge seed (KA BA)- during death or coherent lucid dream involves a highly specific and known sequence of geometric phase transformations- documented as the 'Kluver Form Constants' (images below). What is profoundly instructive is that these transformations specifically known to be the geometric sequences generally seen at death- are precisely the recursive braid mechanics also present in DNA- AND follow the physics of phase conjugation. In other words- the so called pure intention / phase coherence of entering the world of the collective unconscious - or communion of saints requires specifically charge distribution optimized geometry - the so called ' phase conjugate dielectric/magnetic'. This then suggests a very specific electrical environment for successful death/birth -the prefect squeeze - enabling plasma distribution- the bed- the place- the magnetic map. As the Hopi and the Cherokee knew- the graveyard must be a plasma map- library card to survival critical ancestral memory as sustainable field effect. Korotkov pioneered how to measure the fractal charge distributed AIR- where phone calls to ancestors are enabled. Hints from the 'altar' or shem at Machu Pichu. (Generally opposite of the obscene electrosmog of a modern hospital). This further explains as Ray Moody has so nicely documented from professional medical reports- that the Near Death Experience (like the Kundalini) is an elecrically contagious plasma or charge field-with critical mass- and a propagation geometry. This Bio-PLASMA PROJECTION process explains in part the precise alignment of the tubes pointing from the Great Pyramid to Sirius - and the 'fractal' star mapping of dolmen structures. In fact the ancient SHEM unto the Lord- Biblically mistranslated as ALTAR in church- is a phase conjugate dielectric bioactive field plasma projector stone or crystal- not only door to electrically successful death/birth. It is no coincidence that the so called Sacred Ark - could non-destructively contain radioactive material- which we now know is an electrical quality of perfected conjugate compression EXACTLY like the same measureable quality of focused human attention. ALL of which is part of understanding the fractal / conjugate / implosive and negentropic ORIGIN in general of all centripetal forces... (the gravity, life force, perception).. which include the wave mechanics of successful death." - related: Plasma Projection Symmetry Index- origin of Alphabets - |
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REAL BIOLOGIC HISTORIC EXAMPLE OF (AN IMMORTALIZING) NEGENTROPIC FIELD! Vincent Bridges - Dan Winter Compendium- 72 page pdf - Recommended reading - download here: VincentBridgesDanWinterCompendium.pdf -Key points: Historical study evidencing that many of the secret codes of Nostredamus and Leonardo DaVince (Virgin in the Rocks et al)- point clearly to a pent land magnetic - in South France / St Remy /Arles- which provided the (negentropic) environment for the real Grail bloodline- Trophimius / secret son of Magdalen - the real John- whose knee print melted- his Arles- coffin lid- becoming the Grail Platen- setting off hundreds of years- rush-to be buried with him- in the Arlyscamp- literally Elysium Field.. Also- summary investigations of the physics of Angel Alphabets- John Dee / Kelly and much more - Originally assembled with Roger Green - in conjunction with ongoing lectures in South France - Grail Series.. Added here May 11, 2014- to update our studies at GRAIL SCIENCE: , ANGELIC ALPHABETS: , |
(below- for those available- invite to our event with Dr K. in South France)
Below: News- from
Celebrating our new successful assembly operation, the spring growing season- and the upcoming release of our dramatic new Imploder Brochure- (cover below)-
we are extending our very special offer- for Superimploder - and also Triploder-
if you agree to share the results of your testing (as so many have)- we have a very attractive arrangement to get you started
- contact: or US 310 651 8123
Aug 2014- New SuperImploder Results Report- We are so excited about this!
168%Growth Benefit- Marijuana- Alberta Trials-Documented w/2 Photos Tester- A.V.- Critical Study-Trials- Superimploder- Edmonton, Canada- wrote (quoting) > |
Aug 1, 2014 - quote: “Hi Dan, Thanks a million for such an amazing piece of technology, I am so happy to have it- test results:? (Hemp) Strain : Church - Result- Superimploder Growth Benefit to Marijuana= 168% church A - 227g - SUPER-IMPLODED water (Reverse osmosis) church B - 135g - Reverse osmosis water These two plants where grown under LED lights and all the variables have been kept the same, the only difference between them is the water type.” |
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Now included in the special offer: Triploder as well
also upcoming with Dan Winter- March and April 2014:
Short summary- film above-
When DNA - is imbued with life force/ genetic diversity - and ' implodes'...
The (golden ratio / phase conjugate / fractal / recursive / negentropic)
recursive braiding of DNA - embeds centripetally and phase coherently - in the electrical presence of bliss (coherent conjugate ekg/eeg)-
sucking in it's electrical environment- to become powerful and sustainable (virtually immortal).
(DNA imploding geometrics/ graphics: )
Announcement: our partner Dr.Elsheik -
announces his new book: (self organization, golden ratio, and biologic life principle)
April 6, 2014- " Hi Dan, > I hope you are fine and doing well. My book "Discovery of the Life-Organizing Principle - In Search of the Fundamental Laws of Life" is now available ..> I have acknowledged your collaboration and the importance of your discoveries to my work. Please find enclosed...> Kind regards > Elsheikh"
Below - using Mathematica - to model the perfect 2D Fractal Tree Structure based on Golden Ratio..
we suggest this is a prelude to the 3D charge wave mechanics of conjugate fields (dielectrics / optics / magnetics)
Video Research Updates from Dan Winter ( with links )
Priore Regenerative Field Tech
Priore- regeneration - (all the detailed Priore regenerative technology pdfs) :
Published on Mar 8, 2014
MAP stands for Magnetically Aligned Plasma, advanced technology based on the 1960's ground breaking Priore Technology that proved without a doubt that magnetic plasmas can regenerate the body's cells. Full description on
Based on magnetic cascade, which eliminates pain and speeds healing.
In the 1960's and 1970's, in France Antoine Priore built and tested electromagnetic healing machines of startling effectiveness. In hundreds and hundreds of rigorous tests with laboratory animals, Priore's machine cured a wide variety of the most difficult kinds of terminal, fatal diseases known today.
However- the technology was then supressed ! Time to now get it back into society. We are very passionate about this and are seeking investors.
Comment from Dan Winter: above we have complete breakthru- DRAMATIC and SOLID physics evidence of the ability to build the planets most regenerative, negentropic, healing field effect- DEMONSTRATING THE ABSOLUTE PURE PRINCIPLE OF WHAT LIVING NEGENTROPY IS! [the real caducceus/ conjugate ' magic of Hermes']
- all this - while not one government, hospital, university, or medical school, or publication -even remotes cares or gives a damm- or would even consider that self regenerating fields exist and can be made. THE most important concept ever developed in healing: the electrical ESSENCE of the root of all real bible study: "I will build a SHEM (regenerative field)/ 'altar' unto the Lord"...
What this tells me is that those stupid institutions of this planet deserve their impending death. The only path out of chaos is clearly electrically marked- it is phase conjugate and negentropic- and those whose arrogance blinds them to the truth- deserve the chaos they face. This principle is especially the essential solution to those who need to restore [electrical] negentropy to the ATMOSPHERE AROUND DYING PLANETs.... like Earth! (if you thought your climate was going into chaos.. you ain't seen nothin yet..)
Update Nov 2013: Complete reprint of the long lost compelling Priore Book: DOSSIER PRIORE (it is in French - use google translate)
Please read some of the very detailed pdf files:
FasanellaPrioreChiareLetr.pdf (in Italian - suggest translator - google or chrome?)
and see the description below- courtesy of Tom Bearden
Complete document from Tom Bearden-
Predictions- harmonics emerge from chaos- and stock market:
Published on Mar 8, 2014
The stock and Forex markets were a perfect environment to leverage our technology that understands oscillations in financial markets are biologically induced. By adjusting the threshold conditions to say when there are dominant harmonics present in a stock or Forex price history - the shape of the next move can be used to identify the next likely direction.
Take a look at independent trades, statistics and proof of concept charts.
The living wave function happens because when a million people are involved in the stock market - it is a living event, that has "emerged from chaos." It creates a pattern, an emotion, a movement, an expression, a 'predictable order' that can be measured, tested, validated and used as a tool for stock market analysis.
ANY wave form that enters into implosive collapse or "compression" -has therefore become part of a self organizing system. By applying unique IP mathematics - we can powerfully look at stock analysis- in a far more subtle and sensitive manner- for the well known Golden Ratio-indicators of the moment of self-organization. Any wave shape- which is going to emerge from chaos - is going to exhibit these characteristics.
Other Implosion Group- "Restored Centripetal Forces" Projects:
Hydrolysis by Frequency Signature:
Implosion Made Useful for Growth & Agriculture: &
Electric Field which cause Life/ Seed Germination: &
Example of our (Dan Winter team) development of fast conjugator (implosive) dielectric field- BIOACTIVE field generator (Icosaphi & Pyraphi)
All inner surfaces are gold- in phase conjugate charge geometry.
Powerful centripetal charge field: will - accelerate growth, reduce radioactivity, preserve life force (food etc).
To be added soon: phase conjugate MAGNETICS: pain reduction, healing acceleration.
Our Bloom the Desert- Science of Growth: &
Global Heart Link Up with Breath / Heart Entrainment- over IPhone:
Global PEACE UNIVERSITY- Comprehensive Science of PeaceMaking Curriculum- based on PEACE as defined by CENTRIPETAL FORCE-
Origin of Alphabets/ Symbol- as Physics:
Latest Science Update:
Main Index (2 million hits/month) :
Film Library:
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Amazing Newest 25 DVD Set from Dan Winter > very economic..
2014 Updated -Implosion Group with Dan Winter- 25 +DVD Set - Special Offer- for 144 Euro
Order Directly the SPECIAL OFFER -Implosion Group -Dan Winter -
25 DVD + Education Set 144 Euro+10 Ship- as described at , Secure Direct - PayPal / Visa /MC Purchase-order online or email visa/mc/paypal to
Exerpt from recent magazine article by Dan Winter: |
Dan Winter's -Origins of Biologic Negentropy (exerpt)- as published - ISpectrum Magazine- May/June 2014 |
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now- back to our subject article- complete version:
History & Physics of FIRE IN THE BLOOD!
Origin of BioElectric - NEGENTROPY:
by Dan Winter
The subject of this article is the electrical origin and history of negentropic (self organizing), centripetal (implosive) fields in blood. (As in where does physics learn about 'soul').
First a background discussion:
It is critical to understand how the electrical cause of centripetal, negentropic ( conjugate / implosive) fields- are absolutely essential to the nature of life, consciousness, and the path out of chaos in general.
First let us be clear- this is all related to the stupefying tragedy caused by Earth's physics community really not having a clue- to the wave symmetry cause of any centripetal (and negentropic) field. This is why current physics also has no information as to WHY an object falls to the ground- or what electrical field causes life and mind and awareness. These are all phase conjugate and negentropic (self organizing ) wave phenomenon. SO - wouldn't you think scientists who CLEARLY observed negentropy and self organization in phase conjugate optics- would at least admit to you that the absolute most important question in all of physics ( how do waves emerge from chaos, and make life and mind and negentropy) - desperately needed an answer- if we were to survive as a species? (as in- if you hadn't noticed- right now chaos seems to be winning..)
NO- those physicists who also really have not a clue to what a makes a phase conjugate mirror work . The 'non-linear' material question so artfully swept under the rug- they don't know WHY certain material MAKES a phase conjugate mirror works- The truth is the magic material which motorizes negentropy in phase conjugate mirrors must be phase conjugate to planck dimensions both at atomic and molecular scales. (Again - the visual here for phase conjugation as a wave phenomenon is essentially two golden spiral pine cones- 'learning to kiss noses' - animated: )
This is the same science community - ignorant of the phase conjugate wave nature of all paths out of chaos- who knowingly nod their heads when you ask them why does a bird fly south in the winter?- INSTINCT they assure you. When in fact the word instinct is merely a label for ABSOLUTE IGNORANCE. ( chaos is definitely winning in the language of science). Maybe we should ask them why the word G-ray-vity means "G -Ray of Vita" - the generative centripetal spiral wave mechanics of life itself!
What IS clear by measurement- is that human consciousness IS electrically centripetal and negentropic ( Tiller- measuring fields compress when exposed to attention, Dossey measuring seed growth accelerated when exposed to human attention, Geller measuring radioactive half life reduced by human attention- like it is also reduced by phase conjugate dielectrics). The illustration of this principle I most like- are the numerous testimonials about roses popping open suddenly in the hand of a saint. Centripetal fields are the ESSENCE of making bioactive healing charge ( - see PRIORE device film and links above, also and We explained at length the wave mechanic origin of FLAME IN THE MIND- how brainwaves in phase conjugate golden ratio frequency signature- combined with hemispheres 180 degrees out of phase - produce the compressional longitudinal field effect- -at
This is the teachable, measureable brainwave pattern of all psychokinesis, prayer, and how you create your immortal 'kesjahn' / 'ka' (aura plasma coherence)... your only vehicle thru death (KA means boat to the underworld.)
SO- to those who understand how to re-arrange waves so that negentropy- happens- chaos is avoided- to them belong a path alive out of history. The only alternative ultimately is Death (of their species). Note especially the phase conjugate / negentropic hygiene which is associated with taking memory thru death ( ).
To the rest- your stubborn physicist community- who smugly ignore everything we have published about implosion- we send them appropriately to their karma: chaos and oblivion.
Specifically- this graphic below - reprises exactly what your physics community obscenely chooses to ignore (golden ratio phase conjugate origin of centripetal forces):
- our published physics article- mathematics and wave mechanics proof: golden ratio is the solution to constructive wave interference, non-destructive compression
- and phase conjugation / negentropy:
-This (lo frequency phase conjugate pump wave) is for example clear proof of what phase conjugate wave symmetry CAUSES photosynthesis...
This is how you cook up life / NEGENTROPY among waves!
This is more than just the optical frequency recipe which obviously restores attention span to your childrens classroom .. - as in shoot those damm non-full spectrum flourescent lights will you..
- it is also the GENERALIZED wave mechanic recipe to get all of life out of chaos!
So- having vented my frustration- .. actually looking at the murderous governments everywhere in the world... perhaps these tragedies are too little to mention. We always knew chaos was winning.. we see that locally- but perhaps.. riding a longer wave of history..
Back to my subject here.. history and physics of negentropy - implosion in blood.
HOW human DNA participates in the broad spectral- implosive - negentropic - phase conjugate PUMP WAVE - which ensouls:
1. The recursive braiding golden ratio molecular geometry - contributes to the mid range frequency component ( khz- mhz) - Probably relates to the so - called psychokinetic measuring BOSON 7- or MicroChloridians in the blood stories..- doing REAL power spectra of DNA to measure psychokinesis / evolution is of course a political hot potato.
2. The imposive geometry of hydrogen - golden ratio proven orbits- at the DNA ladder rung core - contributes to the very hi frequency phase conjugate component.
3. The lo frequency phase conjugate component- seems likely largely generated by the below 50 hz beautiful harmonic cascades- from the heart / brain during peak experience / coherent emotion / bliss (much of my lifes work was on this). The EKG harmonic cascade during peak emotion appears to be a linear - octave based harmonic series - which however - seems to move closer to a conjugate .618 hz - key signature- during love / empathy etc. WHEREAS the EEG harmonic series - during bliss / psychokinesis- projective plasma events- appears to take on beautiful golden ratio- precisely phase conjugate harmonic series (see BLISSTUNER - again at ). And what may be even more beautiful - as we discuss in the frequency cascade graphic at the top of this article- the KEY signature ALPHA EEG frequency - seems to lock on to the Schumann resonance - planetary embedding - which is also profoundly phase conjugate to PLANCK length -and time (meaning precisely atomically implosive).
-RESULT - a plasma field around DNA which is psychokinetic - negentropic - time travelling - lucid dreaming - and ensouled
These are all the things which our Nephalim - Draco - Uru - Annunaki ancestors precisely could not do. To - Enlil / Yalweh and the soulless- cloners- - we send our condolences...
Compare the real mechanism of soul- by BLISS MEDIATED- penetration into the immortal by biologic plasma coherence- (see how the DNA field does it- below)
the clueless- Stephen Hawking approach: he says: STEM CELLS are the key to immortality. What he doesn't know is that phase conjugate dielectric (implosive charge) fields- are the key to switching on and off- stem cell behavior. What lies deeper beneath this- is that the conjugate field of the stem cell- in order to have soul making context- requires- EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE- of what cloning offers- in order to make the human plasma field- actually immortal! SO - Stephen Hawking- who (like the obviously deprived primitive monkey like skull cavity of George Bush) sadly it appears - is lacking the biological equipment- to HAVE a glandular bliss experience. SO he advocates- the soullless approach of the Nephalim- Draco. OF course- those who choose a machine mechanical assisted form for metal life extension- for them the only form of life extension is a metal environment. Stephen Hawking limited understanding represents a 'ground-hog day' - we're gonna have to repeat this mistake - return to our soulless ancestors.
Instead of maximizing the negentropic field effect of a genetic diverse biosphere to create the ensouling negentropic charge implosion of nature- with the yoga lifestyle of charge attraction- NO - these small minded - clueless to how DNA makes a soul types- would lead you down the literally DEAD end path - which took the Dracos ( our part ancestors) and the Greys- to their dead metal encased- soulless agony. Our past- and their soulless future- does not have to be our future!
Bit of irony here- that Enki (and his Caducceus conjugator - sidekick Hermes/Thoth/Tehute DaWiD)- - Enki's other name NUDIMUD - means THE CLONER.. (see Anton Parks)
- talk about finding your job description IS the problem instead of the solution... By becoming his Father's team leading cloner- he discovered exactly how cloning was de-souling his bloodline- and offered the solution - the Caducceus. In the physics of wave mechanics- the Caducceus - IS the shape of a conjugate field. Naturally generated by DNA- in the right (blissful) biologic context- the conjugate wave (so called 'perfect storm' - rogue) - can propell our bioplasma aura- into the immortal. This becomes exactly the mechanism which makes Enki's profession THE CLONER- obsolete.
So - our story- we start with implosion in DNA..
About the DNA geometry: - First- a short review of what we have said in other articles about the PHYSICS of implosion / phase conjugation / negentropy in blood (soul by black hole)..
In the article:
we clearly show the recursive braid algorhythmn of DNA is golden ratio phase conjugate (implosive).
Article exerpts:
above from "Geometric Extensions of Consciousness" by Anne Tyng
Emphasizing particularly in Anne Tyng geometric analysis of DNA- watchet / braid (from Coxeter she suggests):
DNA BRAID: "Rotating Dodecahedron with 10 turns per circumference -
in each turn a GOLDEN RATIO Progression:
RADIUS OF TURN : Golden Ratio ^3 " !
Note how this applies to the exact visions sequence: KLUVER FORM CONSTANTS- which accompany near death experience:
Compare how DNA recursive braid embeds- to implode- geometrically-
with the Kluver Form Constants- the sequence of visions geometrical shown to be archtypal to the death visions sequence.
Note how Ray Moody has extensively shown - documented by high level medical professionals- that the electrical black hole of the death experience-
is specifically contagious- and anyone sensitive nearby will often be sucked in.
(first image credit- Ann Tyng , 2nd image from Dan Winter)
At DEATH- or bliss / kundalini / tantra - moments:
This 'KHEM unto the lord'- black hole created by the phase conjugating genetic field- is DNA's way of attempting plasma projection-
if you throw the ball coherently- it creates a plasma toroid which can sustain. It becomes the doorway thru death- to immortality- depending on coherence- whose climax form is phase conjugate.
Here we shed more light on the archtypal concept: the BA from the KA -
Translating the Egyptian concept- the KA - is the AMOUNT of coherence in your plasma aura- enabling your 'boat into the underworld' - and the BA is squeezed out from the KA- like a seed from the husk. The BA is the part of your plasma coherent aura - which CAN and DOES survive implosive compression acceleration THRU the speed of light - enables lucid dreaming, time travel, and memory mainenance thru death. This is where the human DNA experiment - CAN - outshine our Draco / URU / Annunaki - 'anyone not cloned is illegal' ancestors.
The hydrogen center bond of each codon is phase conjugate / fractal / implosive /negentropic! - - The center of each implosive CODON rung (image above) on the DNA ladder- IS the HYDROGEN atom which is precisely implosive / phase conjugate in nuclear structure:
(since my new equation proved that at least 3 radii of hydrogen are precisely whole number golden ratio exponents times planck length-
therefore here is a corrected picture of the radii of hydrogen- at the heart of DNA's implosive braid:
Phase Conjugate TORNADO- to the SOUL: the black hole wormhole down the center zipper of DNA!
Recursive phase conjugate phonon pump wave braiding (EKG / EEG harmonics of bliss emtion)- make this broad spectral / enveloping / long wave embedding..
We suggest the mechanism which allow human emotions like love and bliss- to program DNA to implosive soul making-
is long wave piezoelectric BRAIDING- phase conjugate 'pump waves'
- from the frequency signature of EKG and EEG during love and bliss - shareable wave- emotions of pure intent
- measureably causing implosive braid in DNA.- see image below
pic from rein (exerpts here:
Mechanism of EKG/Coherent Emotion Progamming DNA by BRAID.. measured.(click pic for link)
Defining and Measuring ASCENTION- in EKG and DNA BRAID:
Real meaning of ASCENTION: DNA Ascends in Braiding Piezoelectric HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS-
measureably in reponse to EKG / Heart Coherence- harmonic inclusiveness
Read about Heart Harmonic INCLUSIVENESS- at
I am correctly credited in the literature for inventing this term HEART COHERENCE - because I originally developed the mathematics (cepstrum) for how heart coherence is measured ( )
- We pioneered the biofeedback to teach this coherent emotion - originally HeartTuner- -
now - HRV-heart /breath coherence- empathy training - iPhone /iPad.
New- Aug 2013: Powerful Psychoactive BINAURAL BEAT- Audio Generator Software released - for use with
See demo and info :
The major point of the MINDWAVE article and extensive film series - was..
Bliss and Implosive brainwave (immortalizing) psychokinesis - can be further measured and taught (with biofeedback- even beyond my Blisstuner)
now because we know TWO things about the BRAINWAVE - EEG - signature of peak perception/ bliss / psychokinesis:
1. Brainwave EEG harmonics alpha/beta frequency cascade enters GOLDEN MEAN (phase conjugate implosive) RATIO (alpha locked to Schumann conjugation-top graph)
and 2. - in addition- the right versus left hemisphere of the EEG must be 180 degrees out of phase- in order to make
the necessary LONGITUDINAL (compressional) WAVE- which accounts for psychokinesis - compression at a distance (fusion control) - the so called FLAME IN THE MIND!
here is the software to optimize:
acknowledgement here to Marc Kroeks- for his help in developing this audio code
A Potent Binaural Beat- sound generator- specifically designed- to create precisely- the (golden ratio) phase conjugate -EEG- AND the necessary (180 degree) phase relationship to make brain hemispheres create the LONGITUDINAL (sometimes incorrectly called SCALAR) Note: this can be disorienting- use carefully. The psychological issue is that if your emotions cannot focus (you have not made your memories into a perfectly distributeable wave-) then the very nature of the perfect flame in your mind- first must 'burn' every emotion / wave not rendered SHAREABLE. (another way of saying- need to develop the focus of pure intention- gently first- before you try living in the FLAME - which like kundalini- will otherwise feel like 'hell'). "Prepare to enter the perfect biologic flame in the same way you prepare for .. prayer .. .. your lover... or .. death The phase conjugate (centripetal) point- has it's own discipline- which like the ruthless eye of the eagle- implodes all in it's aura New Software download for new longitudinal phase conjugate EEG builder- binaural beat - (above) - from dan winter, inventor heart coherence iphone -thanks for your interest in what I believe is the most potent binaural beat audio software - for peak perception- yet. The software is called Secret Sound the description is at Particularly in the last film there.. (To maximize psychokinesis) - The sound series can be set to the key signature of your heart's musical fundamental - taken from the iPhone but that is optional- The default harmonic series (depicted at the link) actually is probably the most potent because it is tuned to pure phase conjugation from planck length
So it is my view - that the structural and wave mechanic mechanism (lo frequency phase conjugate 'pump wave') by which DNA implodes to become negentropic and ensouled - is now fairly well understood.
Consider- a probable solution to WHY DNA- is ennantiomorphic: the necessary assymetric handedness of all biologic proteins. The DIRECTION of rotation on the surface of a torus- determines whether the net gravity created is centripetal or centrifugal (similar to why one pole of a magnet is more centripetal- and healing than the other- the physics of ying / yang). SO - biologic proteins HAVE to go one way only- SO that the phase direction of the phase conjugate pump waves in DNA helixes (schumann to EKG cascades- of bliss emotion) - WILL be necessarily in the centripetal AND negetropic (self organizing direction).
Example of negentropic handedness- (HOW the Vimana flew) when you pump high inertia mercury liquid in the correct toroid spiral trajectory to make gravity (star trek impulse powder - vs the kowsky frost which was their warp power)- the DIRECTION on the critical trajectory determines the polarity of the gravity (independant inertial field) created. Of course most every military run government on the planet would rather kill you than have you know that- except- of course it is critical to understand such things to learn- how your heart propels your aura- before AND after death! (So- immortality information is of course - a threat to national security - in Draco shareshifter- run governments- like USA).
Next: the plot thickens just as the DNA recursive braid does.
So- the history story : History of FIRE IN BLOOD!
This then becomes backdrop for the contextual HISTORY story of where DNA negentropy / ensoulment became lost and found in our origins.
The Cherokee. the Hopi. the ancient Japanese tribes, the Australian aboriginals. the Maya, the Maori...
the whole documentary film series- "Ancient Aliens", ( also Anton Parks)
these are all quite clear- we descended from ancestors in the Pleaides.
We leave it to you- to believe them- or- modern science. ( as we emphasized above- with modern science totally ignorant of - -why an object falls the ground- -the electrical origin of life force, consciousness - or ANY centripetal field- or negentropic field.
So - it should be unsurprising modern science has no real knowledge of our genetic origins either.
I am clear who I believe.
( My deeper study strongly indicates much of modern science theory is largely politically controlled by the same Draco / Uru plasma shapeshifters who control the body of Rupert Murdoch... the board of Monsanto, etc. etc. - see below for how to root out the parasites- hint pump in pure oxygen to the boardroom and the senate..)
As many of you know- I have for over 20 years made a serious study of literature on ET Origins of DNA. There are literally hundreds of thousands of reprints of my films and articles on ET origins - master index-
If you are still one of those who belittle people who take ALIEN ET ORIGINS of Earth seriously- I have a suggestion. Watch a good part of the entire History Channel - TV documentary series ANCIENT ALIENS. I suggest- anyone who STILL doesn't accept overwhelming evidence aliens messed with Earth history- they -these skeptics are the real irrational fringe.
I tell a short summary of the story as I perceive it here- from my study- not so much to convince you of anything historic- because as I have often said- once you grok the physics- the history story is optional (like a nightmare you can then forget). The pure principles are timeless. (like your aura after death- if you do the hygiene for charge.. 'grace'fully.. ).
The story helps make the science lesson memorable. (One of the many tragedies of a planet largely ruled by lipid blood, nitrogen breathing, blood cold- Draco / uru plasma shapeshifter / parasites- is the young are discouraged from learning real physics- because that would empower them to kick out the parasites! .. rather reminiscent of the famous US Republican WAR ON SCIENCE - on steroids..).
== (the next short section of this article - is still in outline form only)
More silicon in nerve system (related to monoatomics- cf gold powder addiction)
monoatomics addiction- elevated brain wave frequencies.
Means no long waves in brainwaves- meaning no embedding in large fields- inability to feel for big context.
Like coffee addicts- high brainwave frequencies means less compassion ( ability to embed your environment).
Our silicon resides mostly in our skin, epilthelial tissue- and cornea.
Silicon made the flexible bond..
We discussed elsewhere- the detailed narration from Thuth / Hermes / Tehuti - exercises to avoid fractionation of the personality caused by gold powder consumption. This reminds me of our good friend Pat Flanagan denying that the his Ormes emulate microhydrin could cause shortening of attention span.
Ausperges syndrome - vs elevated nerve propagation velocity. As in the movie Rainman.
We suggest recalling Phil Schneider- describing how intimidatingly fast was the response time and telepathy of the Draco in the firefight under Dulce. (link).
Gold Powder vs silicon need..
Increased radiation in the environment- the effect is on monoatomics..
when Hudson exposed his white powder to sunlight- it vanished!?
So even tho the Draco - Uru have a higher need for the monoatomics- gold powder / silicon emulates- those fragile atoms would be disappearing too rapidly in the radioactive enviornment which the Draco need. Presumeably the Draco home star in Alpha Draconis ( Thuban??- means Thioobah - yahoovah according the French book)- had a higher radioactive environment. (note to check spectral class of Draco stars.. ).. If there is a pulsar near their home star- that would explain why there was such a high radioactive environment. (You knew that Ankor Watt "Heaven's Mirror" was a detailed star map of Alpha Draconis- but did you know this is also true of the famous Ohio Serpent Mounds- where the Draco used the adjacent meteor crater deposit for their mining. )
Radioactive environments in general serve the electrical function- accelerating electron transport. (see Brown device). So when they arrived here- they felt sluggish because..
In the same way we need UV light or we get SAD - syndrome. So..
We can back track to find what kind of star they come from. In Alien Autopsy they found nictatating reptilian like membranes over the eye. We know that if their home star was say F class- the radiation would require such biologically built in sun glasses.
For them - with less lucid dreaming ( no lo frequency EEG)- whereas with them- their dream state would be higher EEG frequency- meaning probably more telepathic - collective mind kind of experience. (we know the aboriginal legends of dream time- are largely Draco rooted- even as the Abo's required males and females to have a separate language- due to sex wars- just like the Draco). Compare this built in EEG for collective mind- to the BORG legend for the Draco conquerors.
John Lear suggested from the secret government lab- that when they analyzed the nerves of the Draco- (ET?)- they showed a high level of silicon. However at the same time we know that in conventional spectrographic techniques- ORMES shows up as silicon. So perhaps- the ancestors had gold powder in their blood. This should make you wonder why Mummy Powder was served in every pharmacy in Europe for 300+ years- for its gold powder content. In the recent television specials "Mystery of the Cocaine Mummy"- after finding large concentrations of cocaine in Mummy tissue- the producers speculated how the Egyptians got it from South America. Perhaps the connection and analog between our Draco Uru ancestors (Annunaki / Nephalim?) - addiction to Gold Powder- vs addiction to Cocaine- is important.
Human Blood vs Draco Blood
in ours it is IRON- in the Draco it was red phosphorus vs white phosphorus- (literature consistently describes red vs white Draco / URU)
our blood is (salt) water based- theirs is lipid oil based.. (the Draco's which evolved here probably have some salt water in their blood)..
Oxygen vs Nitrogen breathing
we exhale carbon dioxide, they exhale cyanogen (poisonous to us- flammable- being the so called 'dragon's breath')
radioactivity triggers electron transport in their neuro complexes
human form of bliss takes individual phase conjugate (golden ratio) brainwave eeg and ekg - and pump wave implodes the DNA..
vs Draco form of bliss- would be- telepathic- hive mind- ground entrainment- loss of the experience of individuation..
(if this sounds like Japan and China to you... feel free to explore the analog)
For them for example self-empowerment would be the opposite of religion. (if this sounds like Earth religions.. you're getting it)
Calcium does not dissolve well in lipid oil- but carbon does- meaning their skeleton would be more carbon nano-tube- more conductive but more flamable (everything about the Draco is flammable)..- ref spontaneous combustion..
Oily / lipid blood would function at cooler temperatures- like a reptile. They could survive lower temperatures but they would not choose.
What kills us in freezing is ice crystal damage- whereas like some frogs- they could be frozen and the re-animated. Makes them hard to kill - as Phil Schneider said.
They use phosphoric acid for digestive fluid (coca cola is their perfect beverage, and due to blood lipids - french fries are their perfect food.).
The bible is largely about building SHEM (bioactive- immortality- electric fields).
Cloning - asexual-
Human DNA is built for bliss- in the sense that - braid phase conjugation electrically is the very geometry of DNA itself. Draco DNA on the other hand- being lipid environment- and never having had the benefit of long wave emotion- coherent empathy braiding...
So - while Draco shape shifter governments (like U.S. and others)- would insist on making human bliss functionally illegal (as they do so much)-
while in Draco culture itself - their form of bliss - group entrainment- would be a legal requirement- because- it would enforce their hive mind.
Humans reincarnate as soul groups for electrical reasons related not just to entanglement- but collective conjugating centripetal plasma (collective unconscious / communion of saints). VS Draco - would more require a central structure - to maintain their group mind electric field- like the TREE in Avatar, or barefoot in a temple with semi-conductive floor.
Fire in the Blood / DNA Implosive Ignition:
Human vs- ET / alien origins of blood
(again- acknowledgement here to Bill Donavan- for his work -article below- on the CHEMISTRY OF ALIEN BLOOD)
Human Metabolism and Blood Chemistry | Draco/ URU/ Annunaki / Nephalim |
Blood Liquid Base | Salt Water | Lipid / Oily |
Respiration- Breathe In | Oxygen | Nitrogen (hi Oxygen is a quick way to poison or burn them) |
Breath Out | Carbon Dioxide | Cyanogen |
Electron Transport/Bonder | Radioactive Triggers | |
Role of Silicon/vs Gold Powder | Silicon is in eye lens and skin | Silicon Based Nervous Tissue - also gold powder (Manna/ORMES/the spice - is more necessary less addiction) |
EEG Harmonics | Below 30 hz (Alpha / Beta) | Above 30 hz (no Schumann lo frequency planet phase lock) |
Mechanism of Bliss | Phase Conjugate EEG/EKG Lo frequencies Pump Wave Blood | Bliss Mechanism has no lo frequency ability to bond to long wave environment- so bliss embedding requires group / hive mind |
Relationship to Radioactivity | Radioactivity Poisons Perception and Metabolism | Radioactivity Stimulates Perception and Metabolism |
Relationship to Oxygen | Oxygen is the basis for breath and metabolism | Oxygen is a poison to breath and metabolism |
Digestive Liquid | ? Acid | Phosphoric Acid (coca cola and fried food- ideal for them) |
Bone | calcium | carbon |
flammability of body liquid and tissue and breath | low | high |
natural electrical telepathy | low | high |
natural electrical empathy | high | low (the silicon nerves create a wave propagation speed electrically which eliminates the long wave sub 20 hz- eeg/ekg harmonics necessary to FEEL the big things) |
number of hearts | 1 | 2 (split heart reminiscent of frogs/reptiles - key emotions not centralized- heart without the fractal electrical intelligence of humans |
chemistry of tissue | keratin (also for nails) | similar to cellulose (no sulphur bond) |
pulse | distinct pulse (from qrst ekg peak) | virtually no discernable pulse- because 2 hearts cancel somewhat the wave peak |
A History of FEAR OF WOMEN..
My primary pre-occupation in University- with the rather liberal Jesuit education at University of Detroit- was the study of what I perceived as the origin of FEAR OF WOMEN on this planet. After my rather childish review of history- my conclusion was that FEAR OF WOMEN- was the dominant factor for most of the really bloody history of planet Earth- from religion wars, many cultural origins, to the inquisition. Note how even the Aboriginals- clearly decided the women must use a different LANGUAGE than the men (later we find this was in strict accordance with their Draco origins- from the Pleades - which they specifically acknowledge).. Whether you are considering the huge sex guilt dominant in most religions, to even today - where in so many countries- the disgusting, fearsome, bloody, horrific practice of female circumcision is STILL practiced. Fear of women is disastrous to our evolution- in exactly the same way- that the obscene rate of so called (male doctor's chosen) CESARIAN section births: de-souls our species- by depriving the foetus of the essential phase conjugate 'rebirth' pump wave- perfect implosive squeeze in the birth canal - preventing much of the later BONDING process.
Essence of 'Bond of Power'? - The Birth Canal - (implosive geometry) as the perfect LOVE SQUEEZE:
Is the birth canal designed so that the moment of max pressure during the traverse is .618 thru,
in exactly the same wave shape which music (Sentics) found for the TOUCH THAT SAY LOVE? (physics of rebirthing science in a graph)
Note the above curves on the right are the documented SHAPE of PRESSURE OVER TIME- in HUMAN TOUCH / MUSIC- which mathematically correspond to emotion as wave shape. (ref Sentics by Manfred Clynes)
So - no matter how you shake the historic picture- one thing no one should argue with- is that fear of women- fear of the power of the feminine was probably one of the most consistent ( and destructive) factors for every culture on Earth. Now- for me- in graduate school- after careful study- I concluded that there was no evidence that female dominated cultures had ever really done anything so bad. Whether it was "Coming of Age in Sumoa" - or .. or Minoa- the 'wet making' ( compare- Desertification proven can be CAUSED by Patriarchy - - vs Rain- can be CAUSED by Bliss/ Permission to touch literally: ) - female dominated cultures were all rather gentle ones- even to their men!
SO- after decades of scrutinizing the mostly nightmare scenario that is the religious history of planet Earth - I came to a hypothesis: That the hugely dominant FEAR OF WOMEN- on planet Earth... probably DID NOT ORIGINATE ON EARTH!
So- about 20 years ago I began a serious- intent- and hopefully descriminating study of the EXTRATERRESTRIAL ORIGINS of culture / DNA ... and FEAR OF WOMEN.
As mentioned - my hundreds of personal articles- and thousands of personal films presenting my understanding of our ET origins- are well known ( 1 index: ). And I am happy to say I feel somewhat vindicated after years of derision from historians- after extensive TV documentaries like ANCIENT ALIENS. The body of evidence of ET intervention on Earth- is in my opinion- overwhelming- to the point where those who deny it- are rather like the remnant of ancient inquisitors - stuck in the destructive religion based on fear and ignorance.
Now- originally my version of the story ( ) - emphasized the ONE main Draco / Uru family- whose 'the NINE' family members seem to be the origin of most every major religion of Earth: (table immediately below)
(more on the science of NINE self organizing plasma bodies- in ancient religions- including Greek, Roman, .. Anunaki.. ,
(table and exerpt here below from my article:
Is ONE Genetically Troubled Annunaki Family - the real: Flight of the Gander thru the Ages , Hero with a Thousand Faces , Myth of the Birth of the Hero,
if so - then probably the REAL lesson is - how to fix the Genetic Problem :
DNA sustainability is solved with fractal electric field distribution: the symmetry of LIFE will ALWAYS look like a ROSE! (no idea could be more Hermetic)
Cultural Tradition , Name (Names for Same Person below in same column)
Anu and Urash had Ninmah and Enlil
Anu and Antu (Aide) had Enki
Sumerian / Annunaki | Anu (Father of Enki/Enlil/Innana | Enki / Merk /Dagon (Ichtheos-Fish god) (Father of Thoth/ Hermes + Marduk/Ra |
Enlil Yalweh El Jehovah Iyu |
Thoth/Hermes Annunaki name: Ningishidda |
Marduk | (sons of Enki.. Bo(heme) / Ba (bel)- probably from the word Ptaa | Innana | Ninhursag/ Ninmah Aruru (in the Epic of Gilgamesh). Nintur, Belet-ili, Mami | Utu | Galzu
Ptaa-Taal |
Antu (Wife of Anu, Mother of Enki)
Aide |
Egyptian | Ptah / Atun | Amun | Line of David =Twt=Tehuti=Thoth Egyptian Kings:ThuthMoses= Literally Sons of Thoth |
Ra | AkunAtun | TutankhAMUN | Ptah | |||||
Greek | Apollo | Poseidon
(Poseidon / Enki is KING OF ATLANTIS-which is also called THULE after his son Thoth). |
Zeus | Oedipus..
Greek Line Arcadia= Essene tribe Benjamin |
Roman | Jupiter | Neptune? | Mars | Venus | ||||||||
Babylonian | An | Ea
/ Zoroaster? |
Ellil | (Zoroaster? | Ishtar, Sin |
Aruru, Mammi | Shamash | |||||
African | Atum Kilimanjaro |
Amun | Ra Seth? |
Isis? | ||||||||
Christian | Lucifer
Ba-al-Zebul (Beelzebub)- see Ba / Bo |
Michael / George (Ge-OGre , OG) |
Line of David | Moses | Joshua/Jeshua/Jesus | Di-ana Atemis? |
Ophanim | |||||
Norse | Loki? | Odin | ||||||||||
American | Atum becomes 'Tom' in Puharich / Annunaki / Egyptian Ennead NINE. | Michabo | Quetzlcoatel / Virachoca | Bird Tribe,
Adawi |
Aboriginal Australia | Fish God | Snake God | Valnaapa | Warrazam (Bunjelung) | ||||||||
Star Wars | Darth Vader
Anni-kin (Anu's Kin) |
Luke S |
=== (end exerpt)
See here the article inset below: "Origin of the concept - Raising a SHEM Unto the Lord..
a SHEM is a Bioactive Field / Regenerative - building / structure."
Shem was later somewhat mis-translated to mean ALTAR in the church. A CH UR CH- is where an URU enters the CH (chet) meaning black hole of charge.
So - getting back to our story of the origin of fear of women. We analyze for consistency the many versions of who this Annunaki family was- and where they came from. Almost every culture - notably the Greeks, the Romans, the Sumerians, the Hopi.. - not to mention Eastern / vedi etc- even the Japanese Jain- everyone has stories about this ET family of 'the gods'. And it has OFTEN been noticed that most of these stories- seem to have the same themes. (They all agree on Pleadian roots- where Anton Parks- also places the Draco Annunaki family before their arrival here. ) I was amazed that when the Aboriginals talk about fish god vs snake god origins- it is like a copy right out of Enki (Poseidon ) vs Enlil (the Yalweh- 'levite' snake god). In the East consider Balaram - as Enki :"Vishnu Avatars" So Enki stopped playing the role of Balarama and went to Lanka to play the role of the Buddha (a Vishnu avatar) so as to transform the Nagas into Buddhists." The point being again how simple it is to see the Vishnu Vedic stories as another (mis?) translation of the Sumerian / Annunaki. We are reminded how how often Sitchen for example has been criticized for simply mistranslating "SU-MER" to mean 'south sea' - when so many have pointed out how widely it is known (South America for example) that the most common meaning of SOMMAIRE - is Dragon (Draco).
So getting back to our problem 'with women' (or should I say 'for women'). Note the detailed scholarship showing the origin of the Oedipus myth- lies with Enki / Anu / Allalu ( link at ) - Many sources agree that among Enki, Anu , Allalu- from father to son- in that tradition there was a long and noble pattern of murdering your father. This became the basis for the scholarship of our friend-William Theaux - which we discussed at (link above)- who concluded after detailed study that (Osiris / Enki / Sumerian) was the origin of the oediupus myth. Generally in Egypt - ATUN meant the bloodline Enki / Hermes / Osiris - while AMUN meant the bloodline Enlil / Yalweh.
Here we exerpt from the Recipe for Schizophrenia article - about William Theaux:: "We would like to acknowledge the studious days here with William Theaux who in his many web pages-( , see english version at + his collaborators- Daniel Kolos: ,, ) published the identity of Akhanaton as the same as Moses (and then Oedipus) - long before Ahmed Osman. Also his collaboration with Charles Pope - who collectively have now absolute (and compelling?) detail on the Egyptian origins of most ALL the major personalities in the (priestly schizophrenia) Jesus myth. (table below ) William Theaux - new major analysis and discussion of THIS article (click here- in French) - "The link which DanW makes between DNA and force of gravity is remarkable - and maybe so brilliant that I do not dare to deal with it at the moment fearing that readers are disturbed by this intensity" His connection of the Moses Akhanaton personality - as directly the historical person called OEDIPUS in Greece - becomes in my view much more compelling if we understand the Sumerian Annunaki root of ATUN / ENKI for whose bloodline AkhunATUN is named. (Thuthmoses- the name of the Egyptian royal line - means literally the SONS OF THOTH - who we see is Enki's son - Hermes - later called the line of DAVID - meaning DWD / TWT / Tehuti / Thoth ). Enki's father (Anu) quite clearly ate the balls (gonads) of the previous Annunaki male king Allalu - in order to take over the line. Enki married Allalu's daughter. Then Enki's other son MARDUK (later called RA) - distinguished the family in that for many documented generations Marduk's successors took over BY MURDERING THEIR FATHER. Now- do you suppose there is something to learn about Oedipus by studying WHO he is named for (AKU-ATUN) ? The more general recipe for schizophrenia that has been religion on planet Earth - is that the names of the Annunaki Draco family - which ONE FAMILY - definitely became the murderous - Sumerian - Babelonian - Greek - Egyptian - Roman and then CHRISTIAN 'Gods'. The schizophrenia is that each culture thought only THEY knew this 'GOD' family! Even today - shocked (and lied to) Christians are just about to wake up to discover the story they were told was a veneer about the REAL history in Egypt. ( Ahmed Osman et al- above). Meantime - the Sumerian scholars - have finally concluded THEIR God's - the ANU family - became the NAMES of the King of Egypt. And yet- has anyone asked - well then the Christian 'God' family - is now SPECIFICALLY the Sumerian ANU family. This means that the DNA politics ENKI was cooking for the fallen Draco - is the root of HERMETISM - AND the root of Christianity. SO - perhaps we should turn all this into a DNA lesson- and drop the fairy tales- to reach the moral? .(see the caduceus symbol of Hermes and DNA) - Get FRACTAL charge in your blood - ... or -- get dead. (If the genepool is not toast already from the arrogant stupidity of science unable to see the necessarily fractal and gravity making electrical nature of DNA. If we keep building less than fractal or rose like cities and farms- and feeding fractionated DNA to our kids- then I say - this genepool NEEDS to die.) ref: , The Deep Science of Hermetism (Thoth web)-: the Physics of DNA Ignition with Fractal Charge. Translation: En-ki as KA- EL (see- more context for this article below- Janet with Dr Sasha Lessin below of - believes Enki's original name may have been KA-EL.. The Ka-El's are probably the ones whose biologic KA/electric field of blood- is coherent enough to make the EL or phase shift / translation of vorticity -thru light speed at toroid lord of ring DNA core- giving them lucid dreaming access/ and star navigating gravity making 'ensouled' power in their blood. The alKHEMic / implosion mystery of how DNA gains or loses this implosive gravity making charge physics - being much of their and our current psychodrama. ) KA= amount of coherence generated by the electric field of your blood- if sufficient - memory retains thru death -ultimately allowing perception and entry THRU THE SUN. KA-anan held KA-in (the electric charge envelope of the blood line). They -the BA of BENJAMINIC / ArKAdia- became - KAtholic, KAthar. EL- tracking the translation of vorticity of charge around the surface of toroidal DNA (ref: ) refers to those whose blood electric field is coherent enough to make the EL or PHASE SHIFT -which requires compression/implosion/acceleration thru the speed of light at the donut DNA core. An EL is one who can track with the attention (see: phase conjugation= perception " end exerpt |
To get back then to the ancient roots of fear of women- in the Draco / URU culture. The legends are clear from multiple sources. The ancient culture of the Draco - Dragon blood was originally androgynous. One interesting version of that story is the "Thiaoouba"- books in French. ( -note the free ebook version) . "Thiaoouba" in this detailed mythos is the origin of the term -Yehova - Yalweh - and appears likely to be the story of THUBAN in Alpha Draconis. Here the advanced root culture of Draco is described as advanced and essentially Androgynous- altho they look a bit more female.
The history story appears to be that after the Draco root culture evolved toward sexual reproduction- (which obviously increases the rate of evolution- but increases mutation)- there quickly broke out wars between the sexes. Early in these wars- the females became dominant ( as apparently they were in Thule/Atlantis). Since the more powerful part of reproduction occurred in the females- and Eggs are more fractal than seeds- this combined to form also a more telepathic sex. Notably as explained in our table- the more silicon based nervous system of the Drac- created higher nervous electrical wave propagation velocities- meaning higher frequency EEG- meaning longer distance telepathic tendancy. But with less lo frequency - in their EEG- there was less long wave "big fields" coherence in their brainwaves- meaning less tendancy to embed and have EMPATHY for large living structures (other beings and other 'feeling' self aware systems - like ecosystems).
It is important to understand these parts of the root of the Draco culture- in order to understand many things in the origin of Earth / Aboriginal / Vedic Draco based cultures. For example- among the Draco- since they grew up in more radioactive environment- there is a natural tendancy to use lo level radioactivity to facilitate hi volume electron transport. This is similar to the Irradia couple documented in Russia- mutated toward Draco blood chemistry - see film below- by growing up too close to Chernobyl- they evolved like the Draco- to actually NEED radioactivity to facilitate electron transport in blood chemistry. Bliss for them would have much less of the phase conjugate implosive EEG/ EKG quality we documented for humans. We have fusion in the blood - based on bliss physics. For them their peak experience requires entirely different conditions. (Scientists should compare to how Paul Brown triggered electron transport with radioactivity in the Resonant Nuclear Battery - Nucell )
Again- we are beginning to make the point here that the bifurcation between human versus Draco blood chemistry is a fundamental cross point in history. A decision we are making now on Earth- as they attempt still to terraform our planet - to their requirements: hi radioactive- lo oxygen - lo ambient moisture.
With the radioactive triggering they required- this gives new meaning to the phase conjugate dielectric box (the Ark of the Covenant) they carried to contain their nuclear materials. Phase conjugate and therefore centripetal dielectrics reduce radioactive half life- as does measureably- focused human attention- which at it's best is also electrically centripetal (Tiller's measurements).
The Drac culture had a long love hate relationship with their nuclear tech. They were such lousy stellar navigators- as well detailed in multiple myths- (Anton Parks - and elsewhere)- that their only way to steer thru the Van Allen belts - was to nuke their way thru. Many are the descriptions of saving their nuclear weapons from the transport craft so there would be enough to nuke their enemies (the nuclear melted- molten glass still evident on the Sinai plateau).
The hygiene required to handle high voltage implosive dielectrics - like the Ark- became a fundamental part of the Jewish (Draco) religion. As did - the kosher diet laws. These dietary restrictions come right out of Draco lipid blood chemistry. (Enlil / Yalweh / Amun was far more on the Draco side of family blood chemistry - than was Enki / Atun /Samuel / Nudimud 'the Cloner' - who made Enlil Yalweh- by cloning and then unsuccessfully tried to destroy him as clinically defective. So began the infamous war of brothers. Enlil/ Yalweh- the more Draco of the 2, makes Vlad the Impaler look like a gentle man- read: "Genius of the Few" & "The Shining Ones")
Why would the Jewish religion worship an ET being (Enlil / Yalweh) as "God" who was in fact specifically famous for being murderous specifically toward humans?..
(Anton Parks- credits O'Brien's translations {'Genius of the Few', & 'The Shining One'} of the Sumerian- as being much better than Sitchen.. but here he is pointing out one glaring error- it seems in the key portions of the original texts- where Enlil/Yalweh is clearly the murderous slave driver- these parts O'Brien just leaves out. His agenda was clear: in O'Briens book "Shining Ones" he is constantly crediting the Draco with 'saving history' with their interventions like genetic engineering. While it is true - we do have much to be grateful to the Draco for- yet millenia of parasitic enslavement was always their dominant relationship to us humans.)
In my view - anyone who is serious about understanding our genetic and religious origins- needs to read Anton Parks.
== Anton Parks- excellent books on the Enki / Samuel / Nudimud - history story- in English:
,- vs the originals in French: , my comments:
Humans at that time had no choice except to worship the powerful. The MAIN message of Anton Parks- books- re-translating the Sumerian etc-
is that the human race was essentially made for slaves and snack food. We will only be rid of the parasites- when we understand our own power.
THAT requires knowing where biological power comes from- which is ability to become a "self charging battery": discovering bliss process is the BEGINNING
of the time when you are not a parasite- because you have your own source of charge.
ORIGINS OF "KOSHER": The ('kosher') blood chemistry which requires all blood be drained from meat prepared for Draco's - comes from the Draco lipid oil based blood - is in fact poisoned by water. Whereas oil based foods - like fried food- french fries- as epecially Coca Cola- are ideal for Draco blood. (Have to thank Stan Tenen for carefully explaining to me that Coke was Kosher- as he drank it). The phosphoric acid- in coke is a digestive to Draco. (Convenient that it is also so useful for toilet and windshield cleaning, removing rust off metal etc.)
Other Kosher (Draco) dietary requirements- like reducing Ammonia - NH3 would be toxic to them- suggest that ammoniated cleaning products will help keep the Draco (& their plasma shape shifters) from your house. Of course- one of the best ways- would be HIGH OXYGEN - even OZONE- very toxic to them.
Kosher- like the (Draco based) Aboriginal - wisdom - correctly identifies that eating Pork- because the DNA is too similar to ours- is destructive to the immune system.
We are making the point here- how humans today - make the choice -whether to revert to their part ancestor Draco blood line. Those who drink Coke with Fries- in lo-oxygen - high radioactive atmospheres- provide the perfect environment to return to Draco blood.
It is definitely not our point here just to criticize the Jewish religion. Levite does mean snake- and the double triangle - star of david- flag of the Jews- is the triangle shape of Draco craft- AND their insignia. But- our purpose is to criticize most all religion on this planet.
We would no more say that all Jew's are bad- then we would say that all Draco's are evil. Were the Jew's childish in not recognizing the ET Alien selfish interests in their Yalweh/Enlil's Draco blood- yes. But no more so than the Mayan culture were childish in not recognizing the murderous plundering intentions of the Spanish. Does the Spanish culture today- recognize something higher than those intentions then? Probably. Or the Tibetans plundered by the Chinese, or the Aboriginals plundered by the English, or the Indians plundered by the Americans- these stories are old. In each case - it actually emerges that the psychokinetic -lucid dreaming part of indigenous blood lines (still phase conjugate to- and embedded in their lands magnetism)- this is the sustained value. Will the Draco ever teach why lucid dreaming is key to ensouling memory thru death - no. Their blood chemistry excludes the possibility. Will the Draco (and the Jews and the Catholics- ) ever teach you WHY your blood chemistry turns to poison if you are long enough detached from ground (fractal charge distribution- phase lock to conjugate embedding) ? (credit to David Wolfe here) In fact thick insulating shoe soles on electrosmog sidewalks are de-sole-ing the species! See also and - For the same reason the Draco / big pharma powered medical cartel is never going to admit the disastrous health statistics from simply living above the 2nd floor or so in any building! (no biological access to ground). -
And yet- we also inherit important and even critical- genetics BECAUSE of Draco / URU biologic ancestry. It should also be noted here- that there is for example- reason to be grateful to the Draco for the potential to develop psychokinetic Kundalini - and intense bliss- which exists for humans - who do undertake the hygiene discipline. - We would not have the dense glandular potential- to achieve such charge implosion biologically- were it not for the fierce survival skills learned by the Draco. We are reminded - of the myth which says- why were the damned warlike Draco dumped in our galaxy neighborhood? The answer was- that such a fierce survival skilled group -not only could survive here- but from the DUNE like environments- such powerful golden genetics could flower. The DRAGON blood like potential of the reptilian brain stem to make bliss/kundalini - is something which indirectly is only possible because of the very evolved reptilian brain stem we inherit from our Dragon ancestors.
When historians found the origin of insurance and banking on planet Earth- was essentially Templar- they failed to look far enough. The Draco have colonized hundreds of inhabitable planets- and they are the origin of insurance and banking here. Does that make all insurance and banking parasitic? No - it just means- if you don't understand the history - you are condemned...
The actual biologic energy of efficient charge distribution - which money should symbolize- can acheive immortality (sustainability is defined by the perfectly shareable wave). So if we understood that component of our body (the immortal aura/ plasma field - KA- the only real meaning of KA tho-lic)- which actually HAS value (can be sustained thru death)- then we can properly symbolize exchange (money) based on real value - namely that which 'feeds the aura' (Fa-Atun- word root of 'to fatten'). (see our upcoming article- fractal economics) - Our survival requires that we properly defined what has value. For example Politics is a word based on body polis- meaning that part of collective aura which is projectable- as in - caused by the plasma radiance of BLISS. SO- politics actually exists to create the possibility of (immortalizing) collective bliss experience. No other actual definition of value- has long term biologic meaning. This then means that laws about what to do in school and what to eat- actually would be defined by long term measurements (as in GDV for example) of successful aura radiance- the truly immortal part of biology.
Of course since bliss is mostly a lo frequency phase conjugate phonon induced collectivizing pump wave- therefore bliss is electrically contagious and has critical mass. SO not understanding that bliss is the only way out of being a charge parasite- and only way to get immortal- the irony is that bliss is effectively made illegal by almost all politics on Earth. When in fact- bliss is the only functional way to get and sustain an immune system- and the only reason for body POLIS (collectively projectable bio-plasma) - and therefore the only real excuse for politics to exist! I can still recall warmly the day in the old church in Italy- the standing ovation I received when I just explained that the only definition of CULTURE was not the color of your wine or your bread or your scarf or your shoe polish- culture was defined by your cultural ability to TEACH your young people HOW to have a bliss process (something most western cultures are clearly TOTALLY incapable of doing).
Religion on Earth- does seem to have one unifying component- most all of them are rooted in interventionist Draco ET's. These DRACO / URU / Nephalim - ET's intervenors- not only feared women in general- but particularly feared the psychokinetic power of human bliss- which creates individual charge self empowerment - which generally is the diametric OPPOSITE of what most (enslave the sheep) religion is. Not only was human bliss exactly the psychokinesis which would allow the humans to kick out parasites like the fallen Draco- but also human bliss was precisely the blood chemistry they could not make- but desparately knew was the only way to get back to ensoulment.
This is for example primary to why the Drac's used the Grey's to do human abductions- about 90% of which involved indigenous LUCID DREAMING type blood!
This illustrates further the symptoms of being Nephalim / FALLEN- genetically: loss of long term memory, loss of lucid dreaming, loss of ability to take memory thru death.. etc - loss of phase coherent recursive braiding in DNA - Boson 7 - or 'microchloridians in the blood'. Our culture is in the process of doing ground hog day- for the Draco soul-less mistakes: for them ONLY cloning was legal (transliterate Enki's other name Nudimud: the CLONER) - and their age prevention electric field technology (SHEM) actually- took them into metal housing which de-souled- the very Schumann like conjugation required to phonon pump DNA - to make a soul.
The Mormon Seraphim god (Moroni) is a (reptile like) 'white salamander' (see white draco above). The Muslim's, the Mormon's and the Christain's all have one Draco genetic interventionist 'angel' founder- Gabriel.
Gabriel- The "Seraphim" or winged Drac ancestors - were among the more pyschokinetic and plasma projective- connected to the Ciakar, Archon- legends. A part of the complex Draco family- like the 'DOMA' - they are reminiscent of the Innana Returns story. There we hear they apologized after hacking up our human bloodline DNA- then they created BOTH the Christian and Muslim religion - and then allowed such a blood bath to result- see - It is instructive to see the Draco women doing crowd control at FATIMA- leaving a chemically analyzed deposit VIBHUTI / 'sacred ash' - which has the same chemistry- gold powder remnant- as Sai Baba's- whom clairvoyants always saw as a serpent/ plasma worm. It is almost enough to make you want to study physics using the DUNE series..the Spice / Manna- must flow..
ref 1: "Also, residues are sometimes left behind by plasma activity. These residues include “angel hair,” ectoplasm, and similar weird materials sometimes found after UFO encounters. Usually these dissipate before reaching the ground but if the UFO lands or flies very low, angel hair is sometimes left behind and also, a smell like bitter almond oil is present."
also: 2. "Plasma Aliens From a Parallel Earth - -Apparitions, in Chinese history as dragons and UFO sightings. ..... During the Marian apparitions at Fatima, several observers noted “a light .... Falling Residues. When the ... been described as “angel hair,” ectoplasm or other simi- lar material ..."
Even the very word religion (see Anton Parks) means essentially- enslavement of the sheep by crowd control. This comprises about 99 percent of religion on this planet. The 1 percent or so of religous wisdom on this planet which is useful -hygiene instructions on how to propagate and propel your plasma / aura into immortality (the fractal charge distribution of bio- plasma into bliss) - that part definitely must be replaced by (self empowering) science.
Just like the choice of eating fried food- drinking Coca Cola in lo oxygen - hi radioactive - versus - drinking fresh squeezed living juice- in hi oxygen pristine nature- is how you choose which blood line to evolve back into... The politics of choosing reversion to Drac (blood) - also particularly includes the choice of genetic diversity - versus monoculture.
You see- in Drac culture- with required ambient radioactive triggering- the tendancy to mutation was high. This then is part of the reason for the famous Draco- religion- which says - that DNA which changes is defective. This fundamental emphasis on avoiding genetic change AND genetic diversity- is at the heart of the CASTE SYSTEM, ABORIGINAL MARRIAGE LAW- and MONSANTO (an obviously Draco run company-) . See below- how Hi oxygen and other techniques could get the Draco plasma shapeshifters- like Rupert Murdoch- out of corporate boardrooms- like Monsanto. This would also be useful in US government buildings..- particularly the Pentagon. Rupert Murdoch's then girlfriend- like Rayelan Russbacher & Gunther of the CIA- originally discovered their mates had been taken over by a Draco / reptilian shape shift- plasma entity usurper- by slipping LSD in their tea. The failed- war on drugs in part is related to the struggle of the Draco - to control our planet by preventing humans from becoming truly psychokinetic (particularly in ways they will never be- for chemical reasons).
In order to prevent DNA from changing- the DNA symmetry sequences were engraved on copper / gold foil. This is the origin of Moroni (Mormon )- the 'white salamander' reptile.Those symmetry sets of the toroid domains controlling DNA sequencing is the physics origin of Hebrew and Sanskrit. Physics is clear- if you take the tetra shadows of the electromagnetic fields to sequence DNA codons- you get Hebrew/ Sanskrit. If you take the optical waveguides necessary to get subcellular organelles - (George Merkel's Sumerian Elixir's)- you get Sumerian. (See Sumerian in the Draco language table below). This was clearly a (Drac) culture based deeply in biologic intervention (too bad they were clueless on how to get a soul).n
The human race- was originally called TAK (Orion)- Adama (borg/donkey/slave/ doppelganger). The word ADAM (adamic race) in addition to meaning donkey or slave- was a play on words in the Draco / Jewish root language - ADOM meaning RED. The Adamic race is the RED race. This came fundamentally from Enki/ Sam's fascination for how iron had replaced - magnesium in blood chemistry - which substitued the photosynthesis molecularly splitting- (chlorophyl) - to hemoglobin.
So we were the 'red race' to Enki- because of the unusual role of iron in our blood. The way oxygen is bonded to the iron is the key to our strong blood. Not so - for the Draco- oily- lipid based - nitrogen breathers. (Or as the French call them the so called: Plague of Azoth.. Plague of NITROGEN). It may be helpful to remember in the old TV series- INVADERS- how the Draco's needed special crystals to take the oxygen OUT of the air.
In the Draco- it is Phosphorus that serves this role- 2 allotropic forms (explaning white vs red Draco).
For us Carbon Monoxide is the same kind of poison - while for them Oxygen is a similar kind of chemical poison. To recover from too much oxygen - they require pure nitrogen.
In humans- part of what makes our blood - warm- (hot blooded) is magnanese to iron- (biological cold fusion- isotope collapse). Our ability to do cold fusion- is part of what makes our metabolism - unusually heat generating- AND the same fusion process- puts the fire of EMPATHY / EMOTION- in our blood. This is ability to make wide - long range (phase conjugate) bonds.- literally- FIRE IN THE BLOOD. The lo frequency EKG/EEG phase conjugate phonon pump waves- we have identified correlate to deep human emotion- account for the physics of cold fusion in blood. In the Draco / URU / Nephalim (Yalweh / Enlil- origins of Kosher ) blood chemistry- this kind of fusion is not chemically possible - nor can their silicon nerves support the (Shumann conjugate) lo frequencies- since they have faster electrical wave velocities. This gives our term COLD BLOODED- additional meaning- both chemically and emotionally - to describe them. So while telepathy is MORE possible for them, ability to feel the pain of others (empathy) is less possible.
Humans- you were not meant to be just 'spawn / slaves of the Nephalim / Draco' - but in order to make the choice to be more than parasite food- only self empowerment will do. Enki / and his science officer Hermes / Thoth / Tehuti -(the so called DWD - real LINE OF DAVID - the THOTH - MOSES- sons of Thoth- royal line of Egypt)- bemoaned that his beloved genetic prize experiment- (human / Takadama) - were nothing but slaves and snack food- for his Draco family- ANU and ENLIL.
Otherwise humans will never see that their aura is STILL just snack food for Draco's as they enter most plasma parasite ridden- so called CH-UR - CH s (where UR blood enters CH- black hole). It is not that all religion teachers are evil- but those who prevent the kids from learning the real physics behind religion- they are precisely EVIL. (EL - EYE PHI- LIFE - - means to enter charge embedding / immortality- whereas EVIL- is the exact mirror opposite- to exit charge embedding - therefore exit immortality).
The physics behind spirituality sets you free from God worship, personality worship- and miracle worship. These were the domain originally of the childish - but now are the domain mostly of parasites. (The fastest way to find a priest in the newspaper involves keyword searching on pedophile- precisely because the parasite religions were rooted in fear of sex instead of the plasma projection sexuality/ tantra / kundalini COULD produce - something todays priests STILL remain clueless about). Even the word DOMINUS- GOD - is simply ONLY an introduction to the bio-electric negentropic PHYSICS of what makes an electric DOMAIN possible- namely a centripetal force!
This article is also to introduce you to the biological root of why human glands can experience bliss emotions (plasma projective / immortalizing)- in a distinctly higher leverage way- than is even possible for our nitrogen breathing, oily blood, cyanogen exhaling, mostly parasite- and un-ensouled - ancestors- Draco/ Nephalim/ Annunaki/ URU. When you do not have glands which CAN implode electrically- you cannot make your own charge. So until you have an electrical source of bliss- you are by physics definition- a parasite (lacking your own source of charge).
Originally CHURCH structures were legitimate physics attempt to build phase conjugate and therefore bioactive - immortality electric fields. This is exactly how 'raising a SHEM unto the Lord ' should have been translated. Unfortuneately- since the translators were clueless in physics- they translated SHEM to mean ALTAR in the CHURCH. Which then became the required electrical BLACK HOLE MAKING SHEM- (SCHEM-atic) of CHEMistry and alCHEMy. How are we going to show the kids- their electrically conjugate and fractal path to immortalizing bioactive fields (the ELEUSIAN field- the so called physics of HE- AVE - heaven)? If we cannot get the kids weaned off their disempowering addictive RELIGION- into thinking about the biologically immortalizing electrical wave mechanics of the PERFECTLY SHAREABLE WAVE. ( , )
Ecstacy and Immortality: intro book for the young- full pdf at
This is why it is so important we get the kids to understand the physics behind probably the ultimate (phase conjugate) healing fields- like the PRIORE technology (above- film and links).
Compare the draco / URU youthing ritual which involved eating a live human pineal gland - to the well documented Trepanization- of skulls in Aztec culture.
Techniques for ousting plasma parasites:
Charge Density
Underwater.. (immersion in live water after deep breathing is particularly effective- Christian baptism for example was invented by a Hermes (Enki) cult which knew of Draco plasma parasites.
Below-- intro discussion about the tragedy which resulted in the Draco / Annuna / URU history- from the fear of (psychokinetic) women. It became law the men versus women must have a different language! This was then dutifully enacted in Aboriginal law- and had it's shadow in the (Enlil / male dominated) origin of the Jews (Rabbi's only get to learn Quabbalah.)
Note in the graphic below- (from Anton Parks) the male language of Draco became Sumerian, the female language became Akaddian - root of Hebrew..
Spiral strips identifying toroid charge field symmetry angles point clearly to the origin of.. (hebrew/ sanskrit / ophanim and that thus projecting the plasma residue of that symmetry sequence from your optical cortex- function well in ritual to fabricate psychokinetic (flame projected without..) centripetal / negentropic plasma wind spaces (many were dizzy with charge spin who sat in the center of the hebrew letters thrown in ophanic ritual in turin meaning that the real psychokinesis of language (ability to project field symmetries.. with discipline.. had to be behind the telepathic and psychokinetic skills.. (perhaps more descriptive of the female emanating language than the male sumerian..? even quechua language is now well known (like hebrew in principle) to be a sequence of the 'shadows of SLIP KNOTS in rope' - yet if dr merkel is right (google: sumerian elixir the sumerian glyph structure was closer to the optical wave guides necessary to fabricate subcellular organelles rightly fitting more the male interventionist mentality (sumerian / emenita?.. joseph smith - was seemingly explicit- his breakthru in decoding the (seraphim / hi draco? ) alphabet of the tablet letters was during his study of ancient akkaldan (akadian.. primary purpose: record the symmetry sequence of genetics.. -- point being the roots of psychokinesis may have lain more with the female language roots? -- we may even know why telepathy WITHOUT compassion- was more the province of the males.. ( see chemistry of alien / draco / uru blood regarding venus you wisely show that the venus orbit is embedded enough to be the incarnating plasma matrix for the return of enki /osiris as it landed from the original mulge how would you explain- that of all the planets only venus and earth orbit times (and geometrics) are virtually precisely phase conjugate (life embedding ) to planck (planck time / length times whole number exponents of golden ratio which is obviously the reason for the two exact frequencies of photosynthesis.. -- -- someone knew about life embedding essence (hermes/thoth symbol -caducceus in physics is called phase conjugation... |
Above- the particular principle to learn about the wave mechanics of alphabets - they are extracts or pieces of votex symmetries- from particular 3D angle views.
Here depicted from (with Vincent Bridges and Darlene) - however this shape origin of alphabets as exerpt or vortex spiral strip off of a donut- from particular symmetry angles- especially applies to origin of Hebrew (ibi-URU /Draco) - and Sanskrit. animations at
The point we wished to make here- was that when you look at which (Hebrew) letters for example are used in the experientially psychokinetic - Ophanim-calls ritual- the four directions of Hebrew letter calls (visualizations) - would be precisely the 4 opposing directions to make a PHASE CONJUGATE (IMPLOSIVE) PUMP WAVE. Hence the origin of 'cast a spell'.
Here the new Nov 2012 Film: FUSION IN THE BLOOD- Film from Dan Winter - Implosion Group
Filmed near Rennes Le Bains, France
Film Credits: Translation: Valerie Sandelin, and Cedric Mannu
Film Language - English with French Translation
- Accompanying image set: main group at -
Additional Supplement Images.. below
The FUSION IN THE BLOOD discussion is in the 2nd half of the film series, images and discussion below.
Part ONE:
Part TWO:
Part FOUR:
Part FIVE:
Supplement Images:
First 3 images are from
Recommended accompanying film regarding: How PHASE CONJUGATE ('KOZYREV') Mirrors produce Telepathy / Attention / Scrying / Vision / Perception
== end images from film
- returning to images from Implosion Group / Dan Winter- compare to how the Gold Implosive Egg - functions to concentrate life force/ perception (pic below) from
Fusion in the Blood (contrast with - CHEMISTRY OF THE ALIEN/DRACO blood at ) :
The Facts:
1. Chemistry is clear ( Louis Kevron et al) - transmutation of atoms DOES happen in the body / in the blood
2. Medium Temperature (Carbon powder) FUSION (example of PLASMA SELF ORGANIZATION as LIFE GIVING CENTRIPETAL FORCE)
- in addition to producing energy from the vacuum- DOES in fact create a replicable BIOACTIVE FIELD WHICH HEALS! ( Dr.Egely, Budapest- et al)
3. One key mechanism for that lo temperature fusion (most likely magnesium to iron ) in blood- is measureably produced by the (DNA braiding) PHONON WAVES OF HUMAN BLISS ( )- This BIOACTIVE CONJUGATE PUMP WAVE - mathematics at
4. Those who have the source of non-linear heat in their blood (fusion?) - absolutely DO feel more compassion ( as opposed to COLD BLOODED).
SO - do our alien URU / Draco / nephalim ancestors- get something from our race- that they desperately know they DON't HAVE and NEED!-...
Anyone who does not study the origins of URU (Draco ) - obviously in not serious about understanding the history of human races: see chart / discussions:
Main Index of Dan Winter articles on ET / Galactic ORIGINS OF DNA:
Here is a chart to suggest- the linguistic root of URU: Whose blood line began as draco? see URU in this chart.
So - who has not wondered?
Why do dragons breath fire? - turns out their blood / and breath is flammable!
Why did Enlil / Yalweh tell the jews to prepare the meat so carefully? - turns out human blood in the meat would have been a poison to them?
Why do the Draco's force us to reduce our atmosphere OXYGEN? - turns out OXYGEN is a poison to them (remember our hint how to get the draco shapeshifters out of your government office: PUMP IN O^2 )
Why were Draco's so widely reported to be highly telepathic - but TOTALLY WITHOUT COMPASSION? - turns out- without fusion in their blood (cold- blooded) - there is not plasma fusion to MAKE the bioactive human connecting FIELD!!
Chemistry of the Alien
© 2012 Bill Donavan
After talking with Dan for a while, I thought about what a truly alien chemistry might look like. The requirements were: 1) The biology would be carbon based, but would be reactive with nitrogen instead of oxygen 2) It could not use water. I thought about this for a while, and what a truly alien biology might look like. One of the other requirements is that it had to be compatible with our environment, at least on a limited basis. So the hypothetical alien would be able to breathe our air to a limited extent, but it would not be metabolizing oxygen. The other main gas in our atmosphere is nitrogen, which is relatively inert. I say relatively because there are elements that will combine with nitrogen that are however more reactive with oxygen, so much more so that oxygen would be toxic to them. Therefore, for them, it would be fortuitous that O2 is a minor component of the atmosphere, presently 21% or less in some areas. Their world would be classed as a super-earth. More massive, and less dense, with an atmosphere of 20% nitrogen, 79% hydrogen, and the rest trace gases, including oxygen. A world of oil oceans, carbon-rich crust and a lack of heavy elements. The star that shines above has more radiation, and may be an F-class instead of our G-class. Or it may be that it is a binary system, with their world near a radiation-rich star, such as a pulsar far enough away not to completely sterilize the environment. These are clues to finding their home world. But first, let’s speculate on what our aliens use in their biology…
Problem #1: What Do
They Use for Hemoglobin?
Our hemoglobin is based on iron. Iron is pretty selective, and oxidizes pretty efficiently. Insects use copper, and that element oxidizes at a lesser extent. Plants use magnesium, which is far more reactive in their chlorophyll. So what does our alien use for nitrogen? One possibility is phosphorus. Another is lithium. Both tend to form compounds with nitrogen, and would work as a transport. However, both are highly reactive with oxygen, and too much of that gas would be toxic to them. In fact their world would be equivalent to a super-earth, with an atmosphere of hydrogen and nitrogen, with oxygen as a trace gas. It would have a mass at least 50% greater than earth, and a thicker atmosphere, since the nitrogen is less reactive. Temperatures would be the same. Plants would use lithium for photosynthesis, and animals phosphorus in their “hemoglobin”. The animals would breathe in nitrogen, and exhale cyanogen, or (CN)2. It would be toxic to be around our hypothetical alien, as they would exhale a gas toxic to our biology. In legend, the “breath of the devil” causes death. Is this an instance where legend is close to reality? It is also flammable, and in the presence of an activating enzyme, our “alien” could breathe fire. Fire breathing dragons, anyone? The plants undo the cyanogen, reducing it and releasing nitrogen into the atmosphere. There would be two different races: one using white phosphorus and another using the red, with two different colors for blood. Which brings us to…
Problem #2: What Do
They Use for Blood?
H2O is an impossibility in this case. Water is far too reactive to either lithium or phosphorus. Two possibilities fit the bill: one is hydrazine (N2H4), which has many of the same properties of water. It has similar freezing and boiling points. It would act as a solvent in an oxygen-poor environment, where O2 is rare. Another is a lipid, or oil. It would be a low viscosity, but enough of a solvent to transport nutrients through the “blood”. The oil would be a lightweight hydrocarbon, with a high enough vapor pressure to compare to water. So our alien is very flammable in our environment. The legends also state that there are demons that are afraid of fire. I wouldn’t be surprised. Between the phosphorus transport mechanism, and the nitrogen that it contained, their blood would not only be flammable, but most likely explosive. They would have evolved in an ocean of oil. Which brings me to another topic: our blood plasma closely approximates ocean water. So what would their oceans use for dissolved minerals? Our cell structure depends on a precarious balance between sodium and potassium chloride. Too much sodium, and the cells fill up with fluid. Too little sodium and too much potassium, and desiccation or dehydration sets in. Their oceans would not have these salts, and instead I would suspect that metals would replace the sodium and potassium chlorides that we use for fluid balance. A look to legends, and the work of Zachariah Sitchin in particular, suggests that one of these metals might be gold, or perhaps a monoatomic metal that acts as a mediator for the lipid content inside the cell structure. There would be another metal to act as a counterbalance, perhaps another monoatomic. So our alien would have two metals in an ionic state. Legends tell of gold reduced to a white powder, and ingested by the gods. This would be similar to our taking salt tablets when living in hot climates to prevent heat stroke. Also, It was found by an associate of mine, that his particular type of ORMUS had a radiation blocking ability. So our aliens might need this in their biology as we need the precursors of vitamin D, and they might need X and gamma radiation to perform a similar function as ultraviolet light in our biology. Does this make Fukushima a move toward terraforming Earth? Possibly. Would the hybrids need these as well? Most likely yes, since they would have a combination of both biologies. There would be a need to ingest monoatomics. The odd fact that Egyptian mummies are loaded with these minerals is indicative of this. Natron, which is one of the reducing agents used in making monoatomics, would tend to “wick” these elements out of the skin, and the bandages of mummies were sold as mummia, a medicine in the middle ages. Humans generally seem to have a dietary need for this as well, so perhaps the tales of Annunaki genetic tampering are true. I think with this particular kind of biology, it would be difficult to find intact skeletons, since they would break down readily. Which leads me to another question…
Problem #3: What Do
They Use for a Skeleton?
Our skeletal structures are based on calcium, which in its pure state, is a reactive element. It is a beautiful, silvery metal. Calcium in our skeleton evolved to create an energy dense, although lightweight load bearing structure. However, will the alien use calcium? If it evolved in a hydrocarbon ocean, the chemistry will be different. CaCO3 will not likely to have evolved there, so lime formation in the sea there will be nonexistent. More than likely, with the huge prevalence of carbon, graphene will probably be what their skeleton uses, along with long chain fullerenes as nanotubes. In fact, their “nerves” would use these nanotubes as well. In clusters, they have high structural strength, especially when cross-bonded. Individually, they act as waveguides, not really conducting anything so much as guiding it to where it transitions back into its quantum form. Their brains would consist of a network of these, running at a higher speed than ours, and as a consequence more electromagnetically sensitive than our electrochemical system. EMP might shatter their neural network. On the other hand, they would have a natural telepathy, “hearing” electromagnetic waves. Could we class their brain as a quantum computer? Perhaps so… If that were true, then would a cold logic prevail, overriding emotion? Our emotional matrix is a complex of slow-wave cross-linking. There are no slow waves in that brain. In fact, their brainwaves would most likely be cycling in the radio frequency range. Any slow-wave linkage would have to heterodyne way down to where that exists, and would be magnitudes lower in intensity. It might be similar to those in our own species with Ausberger’s Syndrome, where brainwaves fail to heterodyne to that level. These individuals are geniuses, but have an emotional deficit. So would our aliens.
Problem #4: What Do
They Eat?
Would we see a saucer pulling up to a McDonald’s takeout window? Probably not, and for this reason: If they are indeed omnivores, the components of our biology would be poisonous to them, the same way as if you tried to barbecue one of them, they most likely would go up in a puff of smoke, or a bang. The oxygen in our tissues would react violently with their biology, so these guys wouldn’t be likely to eat us. Or would they? One thing you would need to do is get rid of that nasty oxygen, so the first objective you would accomplish is a bloodletting ritual to eliminate an oxygen rich fluid. This sounds Kosher, doesn’t it? Then you would age the meat to get rid of the remaining traces of oxygen. But you still have that pesky water in there. Frying the meat would minimize the water. So our aliens might not go to a Micky D’s, but they might visit a KFC. For plant material, they would go after plants that have a low peroxide content, and a high lipid, the greasier the better. In fact, if they really wanted something digestible they would need to transport plants from where they lived to wherever they camp out. The leaves would most likely degrade into a black lipid sludge when the oxygen hits it, so it would remain in their ship. Crustaceans from their oceans would be black in color from the fullerenes in their exoskeleton, and dense as titantium, so something more than a nutcracker is needed for the meal. Yes, the aliens could be omnivores, but they would eat only the life forms compatible with their biology. What about digestion? We have HCl in our stomachs because of the saline aspect of our blood. It is easy to crack the sodium chloride, and make hydrochloric acid. But they don’t have saline blood. Their blood is lipid, with trace amounts of phosphorus that leaks out of their carriers. So to scavenge the excess phosphorus out of the blood, there would be a system to move it osmotically into the digestive tract, and into what they would be using for a stomach in particular. Phosphoric acid, H3PO4, is a powerful corrosive agent, and it has been said that if you place a bit of steak in a solution, it can dissolve it in a short period of time. So it works for a digestive fluid. How about a digestive tonic? What would they use for a medicine? We either use various accelerants for digestion, or antacids, depending on what’s needed. But if you have phosphoric acid in your stomach, and came from an oily lipid sea, you would want something that has coal tar and phosphoric acid for a tonic. That just happens to be what both Coke and Pepsi have in them. So it looks like what they did was market a product targeted to their biology, which is mildly toxic to ours, to make a profit from both sides. A friend of mine brought to my attention that Monsanto was engineering plants to get rid of anything heavier than magnesium or aluminum. If our hypothetical alien comes from a low metallicity world, then most likely iron would not be found there. (Remember, iron was in legend the enemy of the devil…) This also means that the native plants would lack them as well, and their biology would not be tolerant to the heavier metals. It would be as if we went to a different planet, and the plants there had trace amounts of barium, or lead. Those heavy metals are toxic to our biology. I would suggest that the trace elements that they are familiar with are aluminum and beryllium. These are light, and would be expected on a low metallicity world, but once again are toxic to us. It has been reported that these elements are present after chemtrail events, perhaps to act as a support mechanism for the GMO plants that are not only tolerant to these elements, but require them. Which brings us to…
Problem #5: Could
They Terraform Earth?
The answer is yes, with cooperation of the natives. What you want to do is first lower the oxygen content, which is poison to them. You convince the natives that burning carbon based fuels is the way to go, and deplete the oxygen in the atmosphere. The next move is a lot trickier, and the natives might catch on: You convince them to also convert to a hydrogen economy, and sequester not the CO2, (or the H2) but the oxygen during the electrolysis. You vent the hydrogen into the atmosphere. Earth would have a lower mass, and not able to hold on to the hydrogen for more than a few million years, but this planet would be a steppingstone anyway. You want the nitrogen, so you make sure that this gas stays where it is by penalties to fertilizer manufacturers. You regulate nitrogen fixing plants, and create a codex to prevent further manipulation of this gas. What to do with the population? Well, if there were an extinction level event, it’s an act of God, isn’t it? The aliens are not to blame. All the animals will not survive the terraforming anyway, so they’re expendable as well. The native plants wouldn’t survive a hydrogen nitrogen atmosphere, so they’re also expendable. It would be a total extinction of all aerobic life to terraform earth. And on top of that it would be temporary. The aliens would be looking at planets on the conditions of their raw materials. Jupiter is no good, as there is little or no nitrogen there, but plenty of hydrogen. It’s the same with the outer planets. Mars wouldn’t have enough mass for the hydrogen, but enough for the nitrogen. It might be doable. Venus is out of the question, along with Mercury. With Venus, the atmosphere would be too difficult to reform. Earth is the low-hanging fruit. And it would have a population that would do all your work for you. All you have to do is promise them everything, and leave them there when the extinction level event happens. The last question is this: How real is this scenario? |
A likely living example of the CHEMISTRY OF ALIEN / DRACO / URU / NEPHALIM blood on Earth:
The IRRADIA Couple in Russia- as described by Stewart Swerdlow- and themselves..!
note: They are actually NOURISHED / thrive in RADIOACTIVE environment, and they are INTOLERANT TO OXYGEN! (note also their very life is now illegal)
The article about their lipid based - nitrogen breathing, oxygen intolerant blood chemistry below - makes it clear about why oxygen is essentially a posion to them. Why they are essentially (as the famous French painting puts it): "A Plague of AZOTH" / Nitrogen.
The more interesting chemistry lesson- is WHY their metabolism requires a radioactive environment. Just as we learned why the greys/ khumer / had such large eyes- was they come from a light poor enviornment in Reticuli. Well - the Dracos' / URU - had some of their home planets in Alpha Draconis (Thuban / Theoobah / Yahhoovah centered for example). There the ambient radioactivity lead to a different kind of blood, metabolism and perception. Specifically - radioactive environments can trigger electron cascade effects- catylzing reactions in a certain metabolism. NOTE WELL- our tech leader - Bill (see below) believes that the glowing blue eyes of these Draco / ET - are specifically a product of radioactive metabolism. This also to me implies - a mechanism of perception that is less based on PHASE CONJUGATION - for these Draco. This means that (since phase conjugation we believe is the cause of perception) - their focused attention DOES NOT SO MUCH CAUSE CHARGE FIELDS TO COMPRESS (which Bill Tiller has so often measured is the result of human attention ) - This means that not only is their lack of blood cold fusion- causing less possibility of empathy- ( see films above) - their radioactivity based cause of perception is inherently less psycho-kinetic (altho as is well know by the Dulce survivors like Phil Schneider- this also means they are relatively MORE telepathic.)
So pumping in OXYGEN is a way- to get the draco / uru / plasma / parasite / chimera - shapeshifters- out of your government office buildings (Rupert Murdock- was reported- to be shapeshifted out to me by his former girlfriend, when she put LSD in his tea- the shapeshift dropped- and the reptilian became visible- according to her. This seemed incredible to me- until Rayelyn - mentioned to me she had the same experience with the shapeshifting entity- who probably infested her former CIA operative husband Gunther!)..
Also useful to note the fame of the Draco for being highly telepathic but (as Enki so well reports) almost entirely missing for empathy or compassion.
Note the telepath EEG power spectra reaches hi frequencies by OCTAVES ( )- which is a cubic/ charge isolating- not embedding plasma geometry. The passion / bliss mind reaches ecstacy by Golden Ratio in EEG power spectra. See also how the creation of a flame in the mind- projection of power - psychokinesis- clearly requires a brain that not only phase conjugates ( by Golden Ratio in EEG) - but ALSO a brain which learns to make LONGITUDINAL WAVES (animation and explanation at ). We make this point here to try to explain another aspect of the Draco / URU lack of empathy. The Asperges kind of mind (like the Drac ) also lack empathy- and note ALSO LACKS THE ABILITY TO REACH LOW FREQUENCIES IN THEIR EEG. The lo frequency content of EEG- is the long wave embedding required to FEEL your environment. ( See how lo frequency ratio DEFINE emotion: ). (Acknowledgement to Bill D. for advice on this).
Next here is a probable living example of Draco blood chemistry:
More about Stewart Swerdlow (Montauk survivor) - in our ET Invasion History Discussion:
Stewart's Web Site: - where he discussed the IRRADIA Couple further.
Origin of the concept - Raising a SHEM Unto the Lord.. This Narrated Intro is to accompany the 20 new films at .. or the Real History of Science Behind the GRAIL- REINVENTED.. from Dan Winter- in part - a commentary on Vincent Bridges presentations in Malta.. (Note this summary begins with insights from Anton Parks - see , and - Ages of Uras. Then picks up with many insights from Vincent Bridges- who connects the Vairocana skill- Hermes revolution - to the cave / dolmen building sacred space cultures as they moved from Egypt to Malta to South France. Important to note here- that altho the synthesis in my view - fits together well- Vincent does not accept the writings in general of Anton Parks, although Anton Parks has written what I think are incredible insights into the origin of Thoth / Tehuti / Ningishidda- today:HERMES!...the hero of our story.) Short historical summary: When the Annunaki- Draconian remnant culture arrived here pre-Sumeria (Sommaire="Dragon")- Enki's father An (launching from Pleades- a 'reptilian' stronghold) - was fleeing the Annuna Orion wars- in part because he had cheated on the Draco law which allowed only cloning as the reproductive method. Enki's mother was herself a genetic rebel and teacher of radical cloning techniques. Enki's other name: Nudimud meant 'the cloner' - later to be named the biblical SAMUEL- and origin of the Padma SAMbava..-who also melted the rock-with his plasma aura density- in the cave in the east. The quintessential problem of the arriving Sumerian Annunaki- (Draco .. Annuna)- was biologic decay. That loss of ability to sustain- biologic vitality - is variously expressed- as being 'fallen' - meaning loss of charge attraction in blood and DNA - loss of bliss - loss of immortality.. In terms of how that was reported - in the Sumerian, in Sitchens (controversial) analysis- and now in Anton Parks- what we see consistently described - is their problem with (what they considered) premature aging. SO this was a premiere problem to assign to their head science team. Enki - was with his science leader Tehuti- (later called TWT- which in the bible is called DWD: the LINE OF DAVID- in Egypt his name Thoth- becomes the NAME OF THE LINE OF KINGS..). Today we refer to him as Hermes- and to what he discovered about making the fusion electric field which would produce life and reduce -aging- we call the HERMETIC REVOLUTION. Hermes symbol: the CADUCCEUS is pretty much an accurate physics graph of how you render approaching dielectric field lines- toward CONJUGATION (phase conjugation) and fusion. This is an accurate symmetry physics to describe how to make the electric field- which causes life. The Caduceus- historical inset: To add historical tapestry to the concept Caduceus- (phase conjugate at root- symbol of Hemes / Medicine / DNA)-Has anyone ever given you a real AUrigen root of the word CADUCEUS: Anton Parks has a fascinating story: that while Enki / Sam / Nudimud 'the cloner' was still evidently as much as a genetic klutz as the guy (who ran Rosslyn Chapel- shades of Templar ghosts) who built DOLLY THE SHEEP (what a sad way to die- the sheeple will follow). Point is Parks tells that the teachers - best ancestors of his mothers line- who actually HAD some long term intent - snuck in some real psychokinetic DNA into Enki's genetic cookery - literally WHEN HE WASN'T LOOKING (hint: Ptah-Taal- 12the dimension DNA- means recursive folded braid discipline- shades of 'boson 7' 'micro-chloridians in the blood' luke...) > Those teachers of the GOOD Draco / annunaki - real ancestors of fallen Nephalim Annunaki - (Seraphic / Ophanic?) - were called KADISTU - meaning 'Life Designers' - which HE says is the AUrigen of our word K/CADUCEUS ( do YOU know where the word came from? In biblical terms- the arrangement of particular stone dolmen to function as capacitors- to fabricate that immortalizing field effect- was called- raising a SHEM unto the Lord. Later - that word SHEM (Sitchen calls it "highward fire stone"- meaning in effect FRACTAL OR CONJUGATE CAPACITOR) - was translated to mean THE ALTAR IN CHURCH, and originated our word SHEM-AN (A Shaman is one who knows how to make the field..). The way plasma fields make this SCHEM of SCHEME or symmetry- to create centripetal fusion- is the origin of our term alKHEMy and KHEMistry - as it is the key to FUSION (implosive compression) and ONENESS in general. (Fusion researchers learned from us - that their key element- palladium is profoundly dodecahedral- guess what geometry that makes: golden ratio - phase conjugate). You can see a modern example- of a life giving electric field generator (analogous to the field effect at Stonehenge which causes seed germination) at , along with more electrical engineering description and testing. In order now to introduce - the next segment in our thumbnail view - of the Hermetic history- it is necessary to understand a little bit about what happens to the plasma field around the human body - if you get really good at attracting charge (bliss). The plasma field gets dense. (Read more at ). Dense enough to melt stone. The next heroes in our story are -Padma SAMbave- and John (Traphimius) son of Magdalen- both direct descendants of Thoth / Hermes- (Sam / Jon- meaning - to branch fractally as in Scion.). This is the real history of grail- meaning access to charge fractality / implosion in biologic plasma (beautiful graphic history : ). This is where we pick up the story with Vincent Bridges- historical study (remember- Vincent himself - does not agree with the 'ET' Anton Parks - part of the story above- but his scholarship about more recent history is quite academically powerful.) For this next part of the story -after reading this summary / intro - the reader is urged to view- the 4 films (out of 20) at which are Vincent Bridges- himself narrating this next part of story. Vincent suggests that the lineage- probably of the Thoth / line of David- may well be related to the Doliocephallic (cone-head) skulls. They are often linked to the cone- head image of Akhanaton and Tut. (Twt.- aton- / ATUN- meaning Enki's line). These skulls lead us on a trail... Egypt, Malta, South France.. and later Peru. (My ET opinion of this- not Vincent's view - agrees with Daniel Stewart:"God King Akhunaton"'s view- that the ATUN / Akhanaton - lineage was somehow linked to Sirius.- the 'cone heads') This is the part where the history meets the science. Vincent suggests that ancient cultures- like the Egyptians had learned how to assemble stones to create a life giving initiation field- which gave survival a leap forward. When (piezoelectric / paramagnetic) stones were arranged with the right (fractal) electric knowledge- what was produced was an electric field (phase conjugate dielectric)- which could: - save agriculture during starving times by accelerating germination / growth / metabolism (see our measurements in the Pyraphi) - initiate priests- accelerate mentation - focus thought- ( see how golden ratio phase conjugate EEG for peak perception - - reduce aging / increase food storage- reduce decay - provide an electrically fractal / charge distribution space where memory could be brought efficiently through BIRTH AND DEATH. (note how Korotkov measures the fractality in air - which indigenous people regularly make phone calls to their ancestors). - now later today - in modern physics we now know this centripetal field (see Pyraphi) can be used for things like +bone and tissue regeneration +switching stem cell growth +isolating from ELF pollution / EMF pulses +non-destructively containing radioactive materials -- So the short version of this story - is that the skill to build these kind of dolmen - moved from Amenti / Amarna in Egypt- where Akhunaton in ATUN's line- probably became the Moses who founded the Essene's science.. .. So -the real hermetic revolution is implementing the knowledge of building the fractal field. If you want the longer - more romantic version of the story.. see the films. - more on this science applied - at --PYRAPHI- has a colorful history Important note: from a commercial perspective the history story is a highly forgettable - optional reading- nightmare- which is best and possible to wake up from ONLY when you learn the SCIENCE LESSON! |
Note: In these films- and at
Vincent is basically saying the history clearly indicates the original philosophers stone, projective powder of alchemy - was the ground up- meteoritic glass of the
Muslum KABBAH stone..
The physics:
when (meteoritic) glass is homogenously propagated wth (platinum group metal) gold vapor - it becomes a potent phase conjugate dielectric..
which is golden ratio capacitance- essentially
(bioactivity example: )
sometimes called the philosophers stone, or projective powder - see;
This (Implosive / Centripetal ) FRACTAL FIELD EFFECT- is what here is called -vairocana effect - the life giving field effect core of the HERMETIC revolution.
Yet a force cried out pleading with deep immortality from the willed mutation of genes:
This was the bloodsong (SanGraal) of the Trons.
The Trons were those who had retained the skill to penetrate thru the speed of light, with the wormhole penetration of their own biological magnetic.
There were 2 tricky parts to this:
There is only one place to go with your genetic magnetics AFTER you succeeded in getting thru the otherwise mortal cocoon of limitation that is the speed of light. (DNA is highly aware that it is fatal to be permanently caught below the speed of light - this is why your teenagers would rather risk death than not achieve bliss).
The place to go when your genes do catch the compassion compression (recursive braiding) skills necessary to keep implosion thru light speed going, (’come on baby - light my fire!’) IS - TO INHABIT TIME.
The geometry of your position in TIME needs also to be FRACTAL in order to be inhabitable. (Ref: "Spiral Calendar", Carolan)
Similar to the fractality in the magnetic SPACE
in your back yard necessary to make implosive bliss sustainable
without insanity - you need a fractal in time. This is because
ultimately only the self-similarity which steers flux into eating
itself (self re-entry) in both time and space, is what is
inhabitable (alive). Self-reference both defines and creates
You need a little background in the story of the Tron in order to understand Enki’s mother. Because of the Tron’s ability to steer a magnetic vector (simply a wave) from a circle (matter) into a line (energy), they were said to be able to ’Steer in Time’. In practical terms this is rather simple.
In the TRanslation of vorticity TuRning
from rotational to linear ineRTia there is a TRansformation of
attention. Literally, the Tron knows how to ’get up off the
cross’ and follow... me. As we shall see presently, negotiating the
turns (of ’mind’) necessary to hang in there while swinging around a
donut, became the origin of alphabet - as on EA’s EArth.
The angles of this slip knot are more than alphabet, they are the cookbook for starting the phire (fire) of life.
Notice how the movement from the right top periphery of the rotation, versus the push down the center, is an EL or phase shift.
Making this EL is how you became ELohim.
Sustaining the resulting tornado thru light speed (by successful
compression), required inhabiting TIME and that’s how you became
Enki’s fiery heart still ignites the ANU
of my genes, and I have seen those starships burn. I am here to
suggest one way out of here - it is thru the Sun.
The purpose of DNA is a biological magnetic compressor. Compression
due to recursion is identical to acceleration. Wave heterodynes in
Phi recursion accelerate by adding and multiplying wave VELOCITIES -
therefore recursive compression is identical to MAKING GRAVITY.
Below: pic from geometer of Deca Delta - How DNA braid angle into tetra-helix (un-ensouled Yahweh way of Gematria - Golem Making) original design for TAK-ADAMA (donkey Adam from Orion):
Hebrew letters are shadows of a self-organizing spiral ’letter element of symmetry/ flame ’ on the self-organizing donut of all fields - indexed by the symmetry of the tetrahedron - how to cook donut fields into a tetra helix - an non-imploding DNA/’golem’.
Yahweh's computer software/alphabet had no capacity for the hypercube dodec/Ophanim symmetry to ensoul DNA. ( ../orion )
Sumerian and Hebrew alphabets in their shape alone are overwhelming evidence that the ET origins of DNA on this planet is a sad story of genetic engineering gone awry.
Consider how "Fabre D’Olivet" felt when he discovered a radical retranslation of Genesis in the SHAPE ALONE of the Hebrew letters:
Below the symmetries of Yahweh and the origin of ANU (5 vs 7 spin of Ultimate Physical atom) as slip knot: Compare with the visual gematria of golem making in kaballah Fill the visual field optical cortex hologram with the SHAPE of one Hebrew letter at a time
Essentially the process of ensouling DNA is the same as lighting the fire of the Sun in human hearts. (as in the ANU pic above - same slip knot=hydrogen - human heart AND solar heart - fusion Eye-dent-eye-phied).
The symmetry of the solar fires
is re-enacted in the human heartbeat. (Shades of "Tutankhamen
Prophecies" with a good dose of solar physics). The message sent
from the beating heart is sonically re-CORD-ed in the piezoelectric
braid of DNA, particularly during passion and bliss. This is why the
loss of passion was so destructive to the fallen DNA of the
Nephilim. And THIS brings us nicely back to the story of Enki’s
And PHIAT LUX - you have LIFE itself. What was a
lightening bolt - now appears like a floating ball (really toroidal).
Scientists spent lifetimes studying the nature of ball lightning -
never imagining that the answer required understanding the origin of
life itself as a symmetry turn inside out.
But the origin of quantum mechanics (which is simply that
no wave stands unless it’s length divides evenly into its rotational
circumference) forgets that no wave stands even then unless there is
the centering force charge implosion thru light-speed caused by wave
recursion - to create (in a widening gyre) a center that can hold.
This is the G ray of vita: gravity.
The knitting of waves into each other with such permanence that they cohere the vacuum in a sweeping motion thru the speed of light - is a PINING affair...
(click above image)
It is both a sucking that happens thru the drain hole of a tornado, as well as providing a space to leak out, for inertia which previously had been trapped below the speed of light.
This is gravity. It happens because, the perfect way to
COHERE the vacuum, is the perfect maintenance of COHERENCE. This is
measurable with embedding, and we - in the spirit of ENKI have
discovered this studying the FIRE IN THE HEART.
But if you put the pieces together - Thoth was the son of Enki.
Enki’s bloodline was called Ptah Taal - which means 11th dimensional or simply Bird Tribe. The academic scholarship ("Out of Egypt" & "House of the Messiah") presents relatively overwhelming evidence that Jesus never existed per se, the Rabbi’s merely needed to lie to cover up that THEIR royal family was from Enki (Adonai) and NOT Enlil (Yahweh) - who had not a clue how to ensoul DNA.
That is why they changed Tutankhamen's name to Jesus, and Akhenaton's (the Ptah lineage) name to Moses (=moshe/’son of’) - since Earth history has been traditionally fabricated by the most skilled murderers. Tutankhamen's mate Aksenpahton is displayed with the telling alabaster jars icons of Magdalen on the Egpytian cartouche.
This also explains the sexual attraction to Sara (Assa-Uru from UR -u) by Pharaoh which became the Joseph & Benjamin bloodline source of the core warring religions on EArth today.
How is the Orion core culture (Rigel and the TAK’s - MinTAKa, AlniTAK, Mag z TAK) linked to Sirius which Sitchin suggests is a platform for Anunnaki.
Morningsky suggests the uprising led by AN (’Leto’ father
of Enki AND Enlil) from Sirius was a direct rebellion to the rule by
terror from the Orion cyborg cultures.
Blue blood there was rich in
copper to hold the oxygen. Using only iron (red) to hold oxygen in
blood presented less possibility for the genetic braid implosion
ignition required to steer time wormholes into star gravity making
(direct from the field effects created by fiery blood) required of
the Tron.
This presented an un-interrupted flow of hive telepathy
data to the ruling Orion (MAG) syndicate. (Properly described as
reverend mother’s regulating blood lines in ’Dune’s trading houses).
This is why teachers in oriental dragon cults never encourage students to surpass their teacher. This is why Michael has it in for the fire MAGnetic breath of Dragons. (Only Enki had that for mother - he had no access to Dragon blood and the skills to ensoul DNA).
Whereas Enki - catching the torch of
a mysterious Ptah Taal DNA -clearly decides to ’slip a mickey’, ’put
a bullet in the furnace’ in all the family rules about risking
bloodlines. This is what I believe is rebellion in the Orion wars. -
Go Enki!!! The down side of this story is that by falling in love
with the results of his own genetic experiments (you and me), his
bloodline gets stuck here till the redemption of our DNA. (Reabsorption
into star coeurs).
The details seem to be in the early ’angelic’ roots of the
The 2 groups have had various names thru history:
The side of the family which decided that the best way to shepard DNA into galaxies was by cyborg merging with machine intelligences, later miscalculated and ’fell’.
In Christianity this is referred to as Michael being locked away with the Dragon kingdom. Michael is Enlil, and his side of the family were relegated to a rather politically embarrassing quarantine from time travel called EArth. (EA’s rth- EA was ENKI not Enlil.)
reason was simple: Forcing the self-aware DNA worm to abide so
closely to machine metallic structures deprived it’s emerging field
effect from the fractality of environment (harmonic inclusiveness)
so essential to learning implosion and thus self-aware evolution.
(Ashtar from the Bible and the ’New Age’ "Ashtar Command" for example is the acronym of the central hive computer of a machine intelligence from the Orion politics).
When the Orion Empire paid for Nibiru’s genetic experiments we later called Adam and Eve, there were VERY strict rules about fractionating soul groups.
The male Anunnaki were not allowed to give seed, only the female Anunnaki (Ninhursaag/Innana ) were allowed to receive seed (the sperm of the Cro Magnon etc.). This rule about branching and not crossing is very closely allied to the simple difference in the geometry of the X versus Y chromosome. A branch could allow further unpacking, an ill advised CROSS could weaken the whole line.
Matriliny was understood much
better in Orion than here.
The Orion Queen hive telepaths were matriarchical for very fractal reasons, yet their rule by terror eventually came about because of the loss of compassion produced by such politically manipulated telepathy.
Imagine a young son of Elizabeth like Bacon
(of Shakes-sphere fame) realizing the reason all the royal sons
English (ANglish) upper lips had to quiver (and grow stiff) was
because when you are FROM LIZARD BORN (E -LIZ -A - BETH descended
from MAGdalen in ’Holy Grail’) mother’s lack of compassion prohibits
The Orion
syndicate which installed the soul groups of DNA templates here
(what Egyptian Ptah parlance would be Netirs), used the same recipe
they had on many planets they parasited. What they did not count on
was Enki’s little contribution (read: Tut/Jesus/and Sun King
Something so implosive came into Enki’s bloodline, that Orion stars might eventually feel the sting. DNA so skilled in becoming self-similar, that it’s imploding UV cocoons might make enough gravity to steer the products of galactic commerce thru star wormholes. (Truly a ’bullet in the furnace’).
The reverend mother queens of Orion were quite aware that who got the ability to dream into shape the song line star wormholes from DNA’s secretions, got the big bucks. (Guild Navigators if you will.) The skills necessary to steer in time travel were jealously guarded. Only the privileged planets got to contribute to genepools in training to steer stars with the gravity making force of their genes and glands.
The Hopi’s called the gravity wormhole produced by the recursive conic alignment of masses in a cone, from Sirius-Orion and Pleaides: The Peshmehten - meaning One Less Than Ten or more figuratively ’The Way of the Nine’ (more on the 60 degree implosion cone which lines nested dodeca at ../peshmehen ).
This kind of gravity wind
created by properly aligned stellar masses, had a great economic
import because it was used to motorize galactic commerce exactly the
way trade winds were used in Earth ocean commerce. (It probably had
much to do with the symbiotic trajectory of the artificial
gene-splicing commercial planetoid Nibiru).
It was well revealed in one of those TV episodes where the captain finds out that the wormhole itself does more than squirt masses of commerce thru itself. In that particular scene, being chased as his craft entered the gravity well (a dimpling into charge recursion) - it turns out the wormhole is so self-aware, that it makes conscious decisions about who to swallow and who to spit out. (Very much like most tornadoes appear to be self-aware enough to steer themselves around to avoid killing people.)
In the television version, the wormhole becomes an active
character in the chase scene, deciding of it’s own volition - which
’bad’ guys to spit out. It is more than just mere romance to think
of intergalactic tornadoes as self-aware - we shall later see that
they become literally the MAGnetic blood of what religions have
inadequately described as angelic beings. And these are precisely
part of the ingredients of Enki’s blood ancestry. (Olphanic vs.
Saraphic etc.)
Star inhabiting uses the symmetry of steerable magnetics as ’songline dreaming’ for Aboriginals. The steps begin with learning to steer the bioplasmic streamers which glands create in the process of CHOOSING TO FEEL. Once glands are triggered, the combination of their ductless doping of psychoactive piezoelectrics, combined with the sonic cascade (EKG Coherence associated with bliss) etc. becomes sufficient to trigger the genes in the blood to braid implode.
The DNA field effect becomes
increasingly coherent first in the ultraviolet and microwave, and
later as the cocoon of light learns implosion (by self
similarity/recursive turning inside out) the tornado at center pushes
it’s way
THRU the speed of light by PHI ratio heterodyning of wave
By creating what could literally be seen as a ’burning fountain’ (Wheelwright’s book on the origin of language - shafts of ’flame letter’ as flaming font=alphabet), for waves, a spigot or penetrant hole sustains a coherent connection THRU THE SPEED OF LIGHT.
The speed of light is like a semi-permeable barrier that only self-awareness is able to make the squirt gun thru. It is like a self protecting membrane which says, since stars and biology most both metabolize gravity into charge - only the worthy should succeed.
And the worthy are those who by maintaining in internal
symmetry of self-similarity (fractality/embedability), demonstrate
a commitment to RESPONSIBLY feeding the wormholes of gravity
(superluminal ’string vortex’ as it were). Sacred land will spit out
those who build a labyrinth, but cannot without heat (destructive
compression) enter the very wormhole dimple they create.
When Atlantis misused the connection of electromagnetics to gravity in the TUOAI stones or FIRE CRYSTALS, their continent’s gravity stability paid the appropriate price. In Western culture, the very fact that many continue to call ’scalar’ or ’torsional’ devices which connect the gravity field to make electrical power, FREE ENERGY DEVICES, is in itself evidence those are people who have no responsible understanding and should not be allowed to use them.
It is easy enough to arrange capacitors into more fractal symmetry than the Earth underneath them, and thus get wattage from gravity by implosion. (’Pod Mod’, Newman, and others, all used Phi based implosion unknowingly.)
What is much more challenging is to
understand the Earth only chooses to give the magnetic blood of her
gravity to those who create what is shareable.
There is no justification for the current ’our DNA is ONLY from here’ arrogance of the hu-man race... unless you have enough knowledge of the context of the genepool to see a possible outcome which is sustainable.
The word hu-man for example originates from a shortening of the original Sumerian LuLu from An. Lulu was the Anunnaki name for the less than bright half breeds they genetically modified to do the gold mining slave work. It is about as honorific as being called a mule.
Part horse
and part donkey plus it can’t reproduce itself... The Lulu was part Cro Magnon and part
Anunnaki, and could not reproduce itself. It was
only by later doing a 3/4 Anunnaki cross involving the CroMagnon Egg
in an Anunnaki female with an Anunnaki sperm, did they get Eve/Isis to be fertile. So to be a H’U from An (Anunnaki) merely meant
you were in some slave condition. Hardly the kind of homage
Nietzsche yearned for in "Ecce Homo".
AND YET - there IS
something possibly of more than Earthly significance about evolving
DNA on this planet. And it COULD have import for the evolution of
stars all around the galaxy. But yet getting a clue to what that is,
is well beyond the simple stupidity of humans spending most of their
time admiring their past childishness in war making skill. It
requires getting educated about what singing DNA can DO.
So what is the
way out? Simple do the top down braid which makes recursion...
like this have been done on the fibers where the heart is
electrified (Ary Goldberger MD et al.), as well as on the gorgeously
fractal tree like (and PHI Golden ratio based) branching algorhythmn
of the alveoli of the lungs. Talk about catching FIRE....
When DNA carries to completion the
process of perfect self-embedding it bonds exquisitely to it’s
larger electrical environment. This is an electrical pre-requisite
for bliss/euphoria. Namely that DNA or any biological structure
involved in bliss, begins to eat massively the electricity of it’s
larger environment.
By responding to coherent phonon (sonic cascades) from the EKG with piezoelectric coherent braiding, the DNA begins to embed envelope upon envelope to the point of implosion by braiding.
DNA perturbs the gravity field by providing a contiguous non-destructive spin path of phase coherent heterodyning THRU THE SPEED OF LIGHT.
Carl Jung once wrote
extensively about how intense human awareness cracked a huge tree
stump in his room. Any good kundalini aficionado like me or
could tell you of the gravity effects of intense human glandular
electromagnetic fields. Another example is the floating of meditators
in seeming zero G so well documented in the photos in the
TM schools.
Some results of this implosive cohesion of the background ’vacuum’ by genetic material is:
If Thoth, son of Enki is
correct, then her blood line must have been from the blue bloods in
Rigel near Orion. The soul penetrating and somewhat ruthless
character of the Rigelians is deeply reported among the true ’time
empaths’ at Montauk. (also personal conversations with
Michael Ash -
Montauk survivor.)
The fractality of eggs does not engender so much penetrating individuation.
This is something akin to the double scorpio sting
which I enjoy. The IEVE ’wet making’ female experience being so
egg fractal has less risk to loss of immortal memory, but less
access to separateness, which befalls the ADAMIC ’hard making
power’ of centripedal seed making male-ness.
It’s like Jesus (really Tut from Enki )
liking a wooden carved bird so much, he says PHIAT LUX (phi - at the
light) and it flies away.
However it WAS effective superficially. They found the mineral gold when subjected to compressed charge, (Orthomolecularly re-arranged are the words David Hudson uses of ORMES) became soluble in blood. This MANNA, SPICE, or ORMES {great worme..} Gold Powder, is like fractal atomic pop-corn in it’s mono-atomic state.
electrical result is a kind of forced catalyzed implosion at the sub
atomic quantum level in blood and thereby DNA. The net effect is the
enzymatic triggering of IMPLOSION in DNA. (The braid symmetry gets
chemically triggered into the wave mechanics of turn-myself-inside
out again..).
Like David Hudson’s ORMES subjects, they would here the ringing in their speeded up DNA approaching greater electrical superconductivity. The body would spit out most diseases, etc.
Unfortunately, as Thoth - Enki’s son was kind enough to narrate - the Gold Powder addiction in the absence of true self-empowering bliss psychological hygiene, PRODUCES INTERESTING FRACTIONATION OF THE PERSONALITY. It is like, succeeding in getting thousands of more radio stations working in the tuner of your DNA, but failing to evolve the electrical force of WILL (self-direction - internal generation of PHIRE/FIRE) to be able to SORT and TUNE to choose your own station.
The result was the evolution of Draco
Anunnaki fallen Nephalim would developed a machine maintained
mechanical form of immortality - with complete loss of long memory,
individuation - and ensoulment. They became a HIVE mind - with DNA
that buzzed with telepathy, but having lost individuation - lost
compassion and ensoulment.
Enki recommends you ask why current Earth physics found the liquid iron molten core of Earth to be ’jitterbugging’ in a phonon lo frequency sonic standing wave that gave it a dodecahedral shape.
Then notice
the fractal (60 degree dodec cascade cone) shaped alignment of the
solar system to the Pleaides-Orion-Sirius gravity wind. ("Peshmehten"
in Hopi - ref ../orion & ../peshmehten ). So Earth’s real estate
value IS location based (context rich/embedded). Moreover Earth
specifically is (Angelically? Ophanic?) DESIGNED to be a place where
you can raise DNA to the point of star embedding fractality!
This was done with great purpose:
Follow in Dad’s footsteps thru momma Enki, and become a Sun God. Otherwise, looking for a heart of gold, you will be growing old.
Here it is particularly important that we grow the importance of the star maps magnetically on the land, like Orion’s map located on the landscape at Giza. Soul groups use group bliss process, aligned with fractal ’sacred’ (meaning sustainable) events in time, to squirt their soul group back to the resonant morphic star group USING THE STAR MAP ON THE LAND AS A MAGNETIC LENS of the radiance (bliss) of their genes and glands. ( many pictures: ../orion , ../america )
When Enki emerged from the genetics lab
with his second wave of Mule Donkey "Lulu’s", Enlil gets really
jealous. Plus Enki has meantime fallen in love, particularly with
the females of his genetic machinations.
The SSSSA was the SSSSsound just before
paralyzing SSSSspit which meant POWER among the velociraptor origing
Drac’s. (The sound S means power or multiplication or plurality in
most Earth languages as a result).
The story of how the lie evolved to change Akhenaton’s name to
Moses, and Tutankhamon’s (ankaton) name to Jesus, makes fascinating
reading. Please pick up the books: "Out of Egypt" and "House of the
Messiah". How could 2000 years of historians have lied to you? When
Enlil/Yahweh/"God" tells you the lie, then the Rabbi liars say
Some even say that the picture of the chaos evident in the star picture of OUR (Orion neighborhood) spiral arm of this galactic nebula being far more fractionated (scrambled) visibly than the rest of our rather orderly galactic embedding, is a direct result of the gravity perturbations resulting from this Orion genetic wars.
So when the Bible (mistranslated Sumerian for the most part) says that Michael was booted out of heaven along with the fallen dragons, we must read deeply.
Enlil calling himself ’Mich-a-EL’ the Dragon
slayer (MICH-a-bo means God in many native tribes also) was a
campaign against the bloodline of his half brother Enki/Adonai.
The splitting of the Draco heart marked the end of the possibility of true turning inside out centrally, of their heart field effect. This meant the end of the possibility of true compassion. Centuries of cyborg splicing their genetics to sources of machine intelligence, as well as such intense telepathic machinations that the individuation necessary to fertilize compassion, created a cultural taboo.
Compassion was no longer valued or understood.
Replacing it with telepathy created such fierce mechanical survivalism along with hive mind conditions, that remnant humanoids like the delicate marriage of AN to Lady Aide which produced Enki, in the royal house in Sirius, were a galactic rarity.
Usually the Orion requisite that the royal families of the
vassal trading house planets like Sirius intermarry with the Orion
queen hive telepath matriarchs line, produced only rubber stamp
telepath planetary reports to the Orion sector galactic ruling body.
Whether this is an accurate description of when the Draco line developed the split into 2 hearts each is uncertain. The reports of the effect of that split however are multiple. In essence, the Drac line at that point FELL.
They lost the ability to:
The issue of how SOUL GROUPS get
fractionated, and get re-assembled into star navigating fractality
becomes central to the description of the galactic politics of
genepool fertilizing.
This antics of cavalier genetic
exploitation we later chose to call ’Adam and Eve’ or ’Isis and
Osiris’ depending on who mistranslated the Sumerian.
also see related index- on Dan Winter reprint films: |