Reinventing the Fashion Industry

The way to 'embed' completely into your environment and your "energy body".' Includes material, genetic diversity, biological capacitors, trace mineral recipes, shape, patterns, colors and of course 'Fractalilty'.

Wear LIVING Clothes! And FEEL More Alive!

Science now knows what creates LIFE FORCE. The essential principle is that electric fields, which are FRACTAL, allow the charge of biology to COMPRESS PERFECTLY - and therefore to DISTRIBUTE PERFECTLY.

It is now clear that the blissful feeling you get when you enter an ancient sacred cathedral, or a an ancient circle of sacred trees or sacred stone dolmen - is precisely due to the ABILITY FOR Life's electric field - to BREATHE and BE DISTRIBUTED - CAUSED BY FRACTALITY.

Don't let scientific words like fractality throw you here. To know what a fractal is, just visualize a rose or an onion or a fern. Notice that you can zoom in toward the center in your visualization - even infinitely zoom in - and ALWAYS continue seeing the same pattern- over and over - inside itself - inside itself.

In physics this is proven to mean that fractals solve the problem of infinite constructive compression.

If you want to feel this life-sustaining tingle of bliss, peak perception, and peak experience - it is important to place yourself inside FRACTALITY! This is where the profound communion of waves happen which fuse into DNA's magical heart, and connect you to that whispering song in the blood - which tunes you in to the radio station of everything alive in the UNIVERSE!

The way to put yourself in the spiritual and sacred fractality is... YOUR CLOTHING. In order to understand REINVENTING CLOTHING DESIGN - based on REAL life force.. lets take a very short look at the science.

You all know how you feel like a 'merd' (French for nerd) when you are in plastic clothes in a metal building with charge-depleted air? Then you step into biologic clothes, into a biologic home in the woods, with great fractal air and biologic materials - you feel GREAT!!!  In order to wear FRACTAL life giving clothing - our goal is to make the waves of charge from the MATERIAL, the COLOR, and the SHAPE.

In summary the principle behind life force in clothing is nicely summarized by fractality.. and phase conjugation.

How do we practically apply that?


The material, which was most phase conjugate, and fractal - which the good Professor found was unbleached hemp. We now know a lot more about the physics of that material. First - we start with VERY VITAL DNA - fibers- that has experienced millennia of GENETIC DIVERSITY- AND VERY LITTLE MONOCULTURE.

VITAL DNA in the biologic fibers is the perfect beginning to phase conjugate and fractal-healing environment. (Notice for example- how hemp and ancient cottons fibers ALLOWED fractal negative ion wind therapy to reduce infection / inflammation and heal).

The reason that genetic diversity in the recent history of the fiber produces efficient charge radiance electrically and therefore life and growth force - is the way recursive braiding re-CORDS in the DNA the fractal geometry of environment. This becomes a survival library in DNA's piezoelectric braid fractality to environment.

How the MATERIAL is treated.

The good professor noticed that the Hemp straw buildings, which most produced life extension, were the ones near the sea. We now understand the physics. By alternating a mist soaking in trace mineral which included a live enzyme sea spray- then with a bake in REAL sunlight - nature achieved a FABULOUS BIOLOGIC CAPACITOR. We impregnate the fibers with the rich trace mineral recipe nature used to make live ocean and live BLOOD! This mineral effects the dielectric quality - which turn them into an even BETTER biologic (+phase conjugate) capacitor!

The SHAPE of the material

Good living capacitors (like pine cones, onions, roses) - avoid sharp corners, the curvature is 'recursive', and they avoid metals and non-biologic materials. Knowing the physics of spiritual grace is recursive curvature - we can SHAPE your clothing based on the physics of life itself.

How the material is COLORED

We are VERY excited to offer a radically new and powerful physics to understand HOW color combination PRODUCES FRACTALITY and FUSION and HEALING. In essence- we have NEW dramatic evidence that COLOR is the 3D tilt of the photon as torus donut - AND that the WAY color is perceived is PRECISELY due to Golden Ratio FRACTALITY!

Our project team is leading the way in understanding the NEWEST physics of FRACTAL ORIGINS OF COLOR.

How do we apply this to the COLOR of your clothes?

Our new accurate 3D model of colors ORIGIN now allows us to know EXACTLY what color frequencies create which tilt or phase angles of the photon torus (donut).

By getting the PHASE ANGLE (which IS color) or tilt of the field- we produce the fusion at the core. This fusion effect is precisely the FRACTALITY of healing color. By choosing color frequency RATIOS with fusion accuracy - we REDEFINE beauty AND healing with COLOR! The implications for this new physics of color are just beginning to be explored. (Phase conjugate optics - here we come!!)

What PATTERN do we use to install the colors on your clothes???


Development Seed Capital needed to take this cutting edge concept further. Contact: Roger Green

Executive Summary

Name of Technology: Re-Inventing the Fashion Industry

Company name and registered offices: Breakthru Technologies, NYC, USA

Brief description of technology: Wear living Clothes and FEEL More Alive! The way to 'embed' completely into your environment and your "energy body".' Includes material, genetic diversity, biological capacitors, trace mineral recipes, shape, patterns, colors and of course 'Fractalilty’.

Benefits and features: It is now clear that the blissful feeling you get when you enter an ancient sacred cathedral, or a an ancient circle of sacred trees or sacred stone dolmen is precisely due to the ability for life’s electric field - to breathe and be distributed is caused by fractality

Market place entry: International clothing, design and fashion industry. Eco friendly clothing.

Stage of development: Early stage.

Investment opportunity: Development seed capital needed to take this cutting edge concept further.

Extra Info: We are very excited to offer a radically new and powerful physics to understand how color combination produces fractality and fusion and healing. We have new dramatic evidence that color is the 3D tilt of the photon as torus donut and that the way color is perceived is precisely due to Golden Ratio fractality!

Contact: Roger Green

Website: in development