News & Announcements

Golden Mathematics of Fusion / Implosion: Restoring Centripetal Forces

Major Update- Strong Mathematic Evidence- the Physics of Implosion in the Golden Ratio Wave Shape of our Unique Nozzle "This way of turning compression into (charge) acceleration is hypothesized to be the core wave mechanism of phase conjugation (apparent self-organization) and the centripetal forces of gravity, life force, color, and perception." Also compare 15 years ago Dan Winter- predicted a new...

Super Imploder Upgraded Design

  The Super Imploder received some great upgrades, the improvements are as follows... There are Stronger and more Attractive End Caps that improve press fit Thread adapters. New internal Steel Mounting Alignment Brackets which provide... Increased Focus Magnetic Flux Lines into the water up from 3000 to 4000 gauss. Drmatically focuses the flux into the pipe Recirculates the flux on the outside...

Dramatic Improvement in Redox Potential Super Imploder Tests

Lismore Australia, Southern Cross University - lab test trials "Brief interpretation: in the first trials The Superimploder magnet array- produced a (1) - modest movement of ph/ acidity in the alkaline direction, modest/slight increase in conductivity and dissolved sates (2), (3) However a probably signficant -useful increase in dissolved oxygen (4), and possibly most important a fairly dramatic move of Redox...

Magnetic Water Treatment Reduces Scaling

Experimental Evidence for Effects of Magnetic Fields on Moving Water by Dr. Klaus J. Kronenberg, The full article appeared in the 1984 Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Conference transactions: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. Mag-21, No. 5, September 1985, pages 2059-2061. This article corresponds to the presentation by Dr. Kronenberg at the IEEE's International Conference on Magnetism...

New Higher Capacity Commercial Imploder Coming Soon

The new 1.5 inch bore large size volume Imploder is currently available for strong magnetic water treatment- without nozzle. We have developed a preliminary design for the 1.5 inch bore- commercial (high volume) Imploder: It will begin as a magnet array on a larger bore pipe for high volume. This alone should reduce soap requirements , produce wetter aligned water, and reduce in pipe build up- with growth effect....

Magnetic Water Treatment IS Proven Effective

Magnetic treatment of irrigation water: Its effects on vegetable crop yield and water productivity Basant L. Maheshwari *, Harsharn Singh Grewal 1 School of Natural Science, CRC for Irrigation Futures, Building H3 – Hawkesbury Campus, University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith South DC NSW 1797, Australia: "The analysis of the data collected during the study suggests that the effects...

Introducing the New Super Imploder

As with most radically new technologies- the best learning period is shortly AFTER you start shipping a new product. The concept we introduced with the "Schauberger's Dream" corrected equation based implosive NOZZLE- has proven both powerful and popular. The shower nozzle alone- has exceeded all our dreams about helping people with a new appreciation of the self aware nature of water (see the self...

Other Developments by Imploder Tech

We are involved in many other exciting projects & actively apply the principles of Sacred Geometry & Fractal Field Technology and our other Cutting Edge Tech for a wide range of industries and purposes. Eco Global Fuels The Super Imploder Fractal Field Technologies Bloom the Desert Bio-Active Systems Transport Fuel Enhancer Hypersonic propulsions Pain Relief Tech...

The Imploder Reducing CHLORINE in Water

We had multiple suggestive but subjective reports- that in fact The Imploder does eliminate chlorine smell - and chlorine poison to growth: Rui, our Imploder representative in Portugal, wrote in detail about how The Imploder eliminated the chlorine smell in his water, and improved the problem with plant growth which is normally inhibited by chlorine. Yvan in Cambodia is doing detailed tests with The Imploder. He...

Imploder Road Trip

We visit one of the largest potato growers in Colorado, USA & some Greenhouses on an Imploder Road Trip.
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