Eco Global Fuels

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This unique technology produces 100% renewable, carbon neutral transportation fuels. It harnesses the power of water and sunlight for the manufacture of hydrogen in the most efficient, inexpensive and ecologically sound manner ever created. When combined with carbon dioxide this hydrogen is immediately converted into liquid fuels such as Ethanol for safe and reliable transport using existing infrstructure.

EGF production of Ethanol is unique because:

It is the only process that converts the sun’s energy into a liquid transportation fuel

EGF addresses two significant problems:

  • The need to manufacture renewable carbon neutral Ethanol/transportation fuels.
  • The global environmental need to deal with waste CO2 greenhouse emissions

Unique features of Eco Global Fuels:

  • Carbon neutral, safe renewable, sustainable
  • 24 hour baseload energy producer (electricity and fuel)
  • Uses existing infrastructure
  • Win-win for all industries (gov.coal.oil)
  • Major environmental/public/planetary benefits
  • Achievable and scalable
  • The time is right
  • Produces an exceptional ROI

Executive Summary

Name of Technology:
Eco Global Fuels

Company name and registered offices:
Eco Global Fuels LLC USA (New York / Delaware) and Eco Global Fuels PTY LTD Sydney, Australia

Brief description of technology:
This unique method produces hydrogen and oxygen from water that is 60% more efficient and cost effective than other methods, and is completely environmentally friendly. Removes CO2 from atmosphere and combines it with a catalyst to produce Ethanol.

Benefits and features:
Uses existing infra-structure. Producer of cost efficient carbon neutral renewable hydrogen, oxygen and ethanol. A win-win for oil, gas and coal industry as we are a major carbon footprint reducer. The cheapest know production of hydrogen, which makes many industrial processes now possible.

Market place entry:
Transport fuel ethanol. Mining industry. Licensing to coal and gas industry. Many other applications.

Stage of development:
Early stage development. Capital required for prototype. Independent Validation report completed ($100,000)

Investment opportunity:
Be part of the required 20 M for scale up prototype construction and be involved with all future developments of Eco Global Fuels

Extra Information:
Powered by solar, wind renewable source of DC. Can bolt onto all existing coal/gas/ geothermal/wind solar farms.

Roger Green Email: Phone 1-848 702 3779

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