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WARNING: The components of 'Bloom the Desert' - when taken together represent a completely revolutionary approach to bringing WATER-SOIL-GREEN-COMMUNITY back to even the most arid areas of Mother Earth.
WARNING: We can feed the world, re-green arid land and rejuvenate under-performing farms with an optimum mix of eco-friendly low cost agriculture technologies-anywhere in the world.
WARNING: You might see the vision…..
- Finding Deep Primary Water- anywhere on the planet (proven)
- Re-Energizing and purifying water (proven)
- Make drinking and agricultural water available for all communities on this planet (proven)
- Apply Revitalize the Soil Techniques (proven)
- Increase productivity in agriculture (proven)
- Remedial solutions for polluted lakes, soil, oceans (proven)
- Desalination and sewage treatment technologies (on its way)
- Bring food and cash crops to regions where they currently do not exist (lets do it)
- Generate electricity and transport fuel where needed (lets do it)
Technology and Business Description
Mission: Promote and deliver capital investment into BLOOM THE DESERT.
To market, produce, license and develop globally the location of primary water, agriculture technologies, soil rejuvenation processes, remedial solutions for polluted lakes, soil and oceans, low cost desalination and sewage technologies, electricity and energy production for communities, business and governments.
We specialize in areas where business and governments wish to develop a thriving sustainable agricultural community and reduce living stress to peoples where there is not enough water, food and electricity.
It is also for those who simply wish to transform existing farms lands using sustainable, organic approaches along with natural pest control and at the same time, radically increase agricultural yields by using low cost methods.
Your participation in BTD programs will give you the ability to drive your passion for helping you and others into tangible practical projects, which will help nourish the world, bring economic development to third world communities, bring together capitalism and heart centered intentions and at the same time protecting our common ground- Mother Earth.
This is what I want to happen:
That our earth mother may be clothed in ground corn four times over
That frost flowers cover her over entirely
That the mountain pines far away over there may stand close to each other in the cold;
That the weight of snow cracks some branches!
In order that the country may be this way
I have made my prayer sticks into something alive.
-Zuni Tribe
Water location and drilling
Locating primary water where water is greatly needed.
The Earth does not have a crisis in water availability; it has a crisis in science and understanding about origins and dynamics of water energies. With proper understanding of deep primary water- abundant water is available in the Desert. By combining sensitive cutting edge magnetic mapping along with traditional methods, we are able to locate deep water- called 'primary water', even in very desert like conditions. There is a documented track record: Water has been discovered, and drilled successfully so far in Africa, India, Greece, New Zealand and Australia.
Watch a great clip here about bringing water to an African village as part of the Bloom the Desert project.
Once the water is located- it is combined with a mix of sustainable technologies below, depending on local conditions, budget and vision.
Water treatment
Enhancing the energetic bioactive quality of water incorporating The Imploder Water Treatment Device to increase seed germination and crop yields. Also used desalination, water purifying and sewage treatment
Revitalizing the soil and crops production
Using a selected mix of technologies such as Bio-Char, carefully researched mix of microorganism to match soil quality, natural pest control techniques, low cost ormes trace minerals, compost and magnetic lines management. We promote environmentally and socially friendly agriculture.
Serious Remediation CleanUp for damaged lands, oceans and waterways
We supply the very highest quality in organic bio-remediation designed for many oil-contaminated areas such as wetlands, oceans and landmass. A proven track record.
Electricity Generation and sustainable renewable Energy production
Generating electricity using economical, sustainable, renewable, carbon neutral technologies. Improved hydroelectric power generation and harnessing voltage generated from water vortexes with minimal environmental impact. Also energy generated from water on demand. Scalable for small and large applications.
Bio – Active Fractal Field systems
Unique to our approach, unlike many others in the sustainable agriculture movement, is a deep understanding of what makes life possible in the first place, a unified field theory we refer to as the “Fractal Field”, the phase conjugate electrical and magnetic life designs that nature has adapted
Total Design and Integration. Permaculture is a design system based on ecology and ethics for the production of food, housing and community development. It is a proven method to develop rich, productive and resilient farms and gardens. It offers a practical, creative approach to the problems of diminishing resources and threatened life support systems now facing the world.
Resource Exploration: Gas Oil Water Minerals
We utilize state-of-the-art proven surveying and scanning techniques, which are capable of rapidly and precisely analyzing deep into the earth. High Grade analysis to discover where to drill, it has the capacity to discover minerals, oil, gas and underground water reserves. Its costs are ½ of conventional surveying and ½ of the processing time. It also has the capacity to scan for underground anomalies.
Eco materials. Sacred Geometry. Building with the FULL spectrums of LIFE.
Bio-Architecture is a new science of LIFE FORCE in buildings, based on how a building makes and generates the required Life-force Bio-Energy fields. It is a revolution in urban design and community planning. In its larger application, it is used for Education, Peace making and the creation of Flourishing Cities, or as we like to call them “Light Cities” which are Ultra Designed Urban Environments –a “Fractal Attractor” to attract life force, health, commerce, tourists, and money.
Ex Summary
Name of Technology: Bloom the Desert
Company name and registered offices: Breakthru-Technologies PTY LTD, Sydney Australia and New York City USA
Brief description of technology: Brings together many cutting edge technologies and Earth friendly approaches. Promotes and delivers capital investments into BLOOM THE DESERT JOINT VENTURES, and to market, produce, license and develop globally the location of primary water, the development of agriculture products and crops, soil rejuvenation processes, mineral resources detection, the adaption of cost effective technologies, sustainable electricity production, remediation of polluted lands and water, all in conjunction and partnership with local companies, landowners and Governments.
Benefits and features: Rejuvenation of arid land, under performing farms, damaged and polluted land (from the over use of chemicals, fertilizers and oil spills and toxin dumping). We specialize in areas where business and governments wish to develop a thriving sustainable agricultural community and reduce living stress to peoples where there is not enough water, food and electricity. For those who wish to transform existing farms into more sustainable, organic approaches along with natural pest control and at the same time, radically increase agricultural yields by using low cost methods.
Market place entry: Anywhere, anytime.
Stage of development: Research completed. All systems go. Proven track record. Pilot programs in place
Investment opportunity: Long term investment in crops and eco projects. Your participation in BTD programs will give you the ability to drive your passion for helping others into tangible practical projects, which will help nourish the world, bring economic development to third world communities, bring together capitalism and heart centered intentions and at the same time protecting our common ground- Mother Earth.
Extra Info: A point of collaboration for visionaries, business, scientists and pioneers.
Contact: Roger Green.
Read more information about our management of arid lands and other projects