Bio-Architecture is a concept promoted by Roger Green's International Sacred Geometry and Ecology conferences, held in several locations over the last 12 years. It was a term created by Dan Winter, who has inspired many eco-architects to follow the ways of nature and integrate her principles into LIFE forming Architecture. These concepts are also incorporated into Bloom the Desert projects. We call it the healing architecture of the future.
Beautiful examples of its practical applications can be found at Michael Rice’s websites. Michael Rice is an award winning architect and member of the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland. His 'Full Spectrum Architecture' is starting the Irish Renaissance in the relationship of the built space, humanity and the environment.
As an architect, he takes a holistic approach to design, based on the understanding that everything is connected, alive and conscious. His company, Holistic House Plans, is the world's largest online resource for building and space designs based on the natural harmonic principles of biological architecture, sacred geometry and feng shui. Each design is unique, and has emerged from an expression of natural patterns, symmetries, shapes, universal symbols and ratios.
Spiritual geometry is a universal language of truth, harmony, beauty, proportion, rhythm and order. Architects and designers draw upon concepts of sacred geometry when they choose particular geometric forms to create pleasing, harmonious, and spiritually uplifting spaces.
Visit his websites:
A revolution in urban design and community planning - which can be scientifically proven by measurement. Understanding the geometrical patterns, fractality and mathematical proportions that create life in order to build and design with, has been largely forgotten in the world. We how have dead and sick buildings, that block our potentials.
Recent conferences were held in Budapest (2007) and the BIO-ARCHITECTURE CONFERENCES in SOUTH AMERICA with Sacred Geometry Seminars faculty members Dan Winter, Michael Rice (Ireland) and Oldrich Hozman (Czech Republic). In Mexico it made front-page news, and attracted over 250 people from 12 countries, and the government sent heads of the department of the environment.
Bio-Architecture is a new science of LIFE FORCE in buildings, based on the science of how a building makes and generates the required FRACTAL FIELD.
Re creating our built environment
- Design of architecture and living systems, so that space is fractal and phase conjugate - and therefore life enhancing.
- Learn to design working places where you reduce absenteeism to almost zero, such as the Nederlandsche Bank in Amsterdam
- Make layouts that reduce Elektro-smog.
- Learn how to build and design spaces that generate Life Force.
- Use natural geometries, shapes, forms, ratios and growth patterns to design our spaces in order to create life and truly sustainable systems. This is 'Full Spectrum Architecture' - not just 'green architecture'!
- How to include patterns of paramagnetic stones in buildings, such as Dolmens, Geometrical layouts, labyrinths.
- Learn how life has the ability to attract and auto-organize electromagnetic charge fields. 'The more harmonic inclusiveness, the more fractality. The more fractality, the more life.'
- Fundamentally - the CONCEPT of how living growth force is brought to ANY space- is defined, measured and achieved by bringing FRACTALITY to that space
If your aura has a place to unpack- THEN you feel the tingling wonder - which defines sacred space. In the same way - this - non-destructive space in which to unpack and distribute charge exquisitely and measurably predicts- where you can lucid dream successfully and where you can die successfully.
One of our favorites professors who discovered a key to this story is Professor Phil Callahan. Stationed on the UK coast during the war, he noticed the people living in the straw and clay ancient homes near the sea - were invariably surviving to over 100 years old. He began doing electrical tests ... to see WHY!
To make a long story very short- the reason those structures keep everything ALIVE is they are a FRACTAL CAPACITOR. In electrical terms it means they are a phase conjugate dielectric. This means they create CONSTRUCTIVE or FRACTAL electrical wave interference in the center - and the entire DNA inside goes... Ahhhhhhhhhh..(feel good..). Where the slight but important CHARGE field of biology can BREATHE and distribute efficiently (inside a FRACTAL) there you get HEALTH HUMAN POTENTIAL and BLISS!!
The physics is explained in heart research for example. The heartbeat that is FRACTAL measurably resists virtually ALL CHRONIC DISEASE. The way this electrical FRACTALITY that predicts the survival sustainability of ALL LIVING THINGS - is measured is called HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS. If the harmonics are ALL there (inclusively) - then you are healthy. Well - essentially- the same is true of EVERY LIVING THING. Harmonic inclusiveness (how many DIFFERENT frequencies can live together) is the same as fractality - perfected compression - just like genetic diversity as the same as DNA's collective survival wisdom.
Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry is the study and practice of the pure principle set of operations that underpin all natural expressions and processes. In ancient times, this knowledge was considered vital, (quite literally) if one wished to create a truly sacred life within a sustainable community- health and harmony.
Applying it to Architecture
By studying and understanding the symmetry of electric fields causing health versus disease we rediscover that an overwhelming simple and yet compelling rule or pattern emerges. Applying this beautiful algorithm to architecture - we now see exactly why the design of living space must be exactly that - an electrically living space. An electrically alive space (sometimes called 'sacred') is simply the space where charge/chi can breathe efficiently and thus achieve the multiply connected / holographic and fractal-distributed resonance called awareness - the thrust of all living systems.
'As nature uses shape to hold charge or life force, it makes complete sense to use nature's shapes and proportions for the shape of our spaces and buildings. In terms of architecture and design of space, I believe that by creating spaces that are based on the pure principles of natural design we provide a sacred environment that can nurture our bodies, minds and spirits. We can literally design to raise the vibration of the inhabitants. We can use our quantum consciousness to create the space, and to clear it of any stresses that do not serve life.' - Michael Rice
If these rules are followed in playful conjunction with live food, happy DNA diet, movement, exercise and coherent emotional awareness -biology will be healed from the pain it now experiences in so many ways, and bliss will erupt spontaneously. Biology invented death as a way of sorting out what waves are shareable, and pain as a beautifully efficient biofeedback to show us where to place our attention. So not only does the charge field of your (bliss) DNA - look like a rose but so also does the resulting charge field of your heart, your brain, your home, your office, and your city and your indeed your life!
The beehive and the pinecone are excellent examples of sacred architecture because as biological capacitors they implode charge, making life and bliss possible and sustainable. They are made of biologic di-electric (self-similar at atomic and molecular symmetry levels), what Reich used to call orgone material, really names for fractal capacitive di-electric. The reason a beehive or a Celtic straw hut in sea spray makes things live so long is because they are good capacitors. Ancient dolmen sites, fresh eggs and even cathedrals hold life in bliss in the spell of their charge, because they are 'in charge' - that is - FULL OF CHARGE. Life occurs when biological structures learn to gather charge in enough different wavelengths to cause them to compress or 'implode'. When enough different waves gather in one place in the Golden Mean ratio they begin to suck in an infinite number of other waves - but always in Golden Mean ratio. This is the only way the universe has of arranging an infinite (in-PHI-knit) number of waves to gather at ONE point without hurting each other.
The Goal
The premise behind Bio-Architecture is that all life responds well to design that is in accordance with nature and avoids harmful materials and sharp corners, which literally bleed (hemorrhage) capacitive charge (for example-ancient feng shui principles have a scientific basis and make sense). The ultimate goal of bio-architecture is to create fractal charge fields that are implosive in nature and encourage life, positive DNA resonance and charge implosion (the electrical principle of life itself).
"The only definition of sacred (sustainable) architecture is the skill to fabricate a biological capacitor. The way success is measured in a building (or anything) is harmonic inclusiveness of charge density (life)." -Dan Winter
You will learn and understand a deep new vocabulary:
- Charge
- Fractal
- Implosion
- Life Force
- Embedding
- Recursion
- Sustainable
- Wave Environment
- Symmetry
- Sacred Geometry
Understanding the geometrical patterns, fractality and mathematical proportions that create life in order to build and design with.
- What is a "Biological Capacitor" how it works, and how it's designed.
- The essence of the patterns of symmetry.
- Application of these principles in designing and remodeling houses, offices and buildings.
- Understanding and creating "Implosion Points", (a specific place where a number of waves converge)
- How to create an environment that facilitates our concentration and our focus?
- Learn how life has the ability to attract and auto-organize electromagnetic charge fields. "The more harmonic inclusiveness, the more fractality. The more fractality, the more life." Dan Winter
- Understanding the "fractal field" in architecture, agriculture and urban design.
- Learn how to build and design spaces that generate Life Force.
- Learn about the structures and patterns that help reduce A.D.D.
- Learn to design working places where you reduce absenteeism to almost zero, such as the Nederlandsche Bank.
- Understanding the use of the electrical symmetry of biology.
- Designing places that are " electrically healthy " for the human biology.
- Make layouts that reduce Elektrosmog.
- How to include patterns of paramagnetic stones in buildings, such as Dolmens, Geometrical layouts, labyrinths.
Executive Summary
Name of Technology: Bio-Architecture
Company name and registered offices: NYC and Ireland with Michael Rice
Brief description of technology: Featuring Bio-architect Michael Rice, Bio-Architecture is the pure principle set of rules for design, construction and land use, which utilizes the necessary 'fractal' symmetry / shape of electric fields which allow all living systems to thrive. It is a revolution in urban design and community planning which can be scientifically proven by measurement. Understanding the geometrical patterns, fractality and mathematical proportions that create life in order to build and design with, has been largely forgotten in the world. We how have dead and sick buildings, that block our potentials.
Benefits and features: Spiritual geometry is a universal language of truth, harmony, beauty, proportion, rhythm and order. Architects and designers draw upon concepts of sacred geometry when they choose particular geometric forms to create pleasing, harmonious, and spiritually uplifting spaces. The shapes and patterns of sacred geometry contain the laws of creation and give evidence of a profound order and sublime beauty that exists on the archetypal planes.
Market place entry: Design, building, Bloom the Desert projects and education
Stage of development: Online resource for building and space designs based on the natural harmonic principles of biological architecture, sacred geometry and feng shui.
Investment opportunity: Bio-Architecture is a concept promoted by Roger Green's International Sacred Geometry and Ecology conferences, held in several locations over the last 12 years. It was a term created by Dan Winter, who has inspired many eco-architects to follow the ways of nature and integrate her principles into LIFE forming Architecture. These concepts are also incorporated into Bloom the Desert projects. We call it the healing architecture of the future.
Extra Info: The ultimate goal of biologic architecture is to create fractal charge fields that are implosive in nature and encourage life, positive DNA resonance and charge implosion (the electrical principle of life itself).
Contact: Roger Green