FusionInTheHeart.com (Film just below- 2 hour)
How centripetal forces in the body- create life force and bliss..
and how they climax in biologic transmutation - and ulimately the actual lo energy nuclear FUSION IN THE BLOOD.
Updated note: May 7, 2014- This article is completed updated, and expanded- further discussing the evolution of the chemistry of the blood- to produce fusion- (including the Chemistry of Alien Blood section) - at the new April 2014- article ORIGINS OF BIOLOGIC NEGENTROPY: www.fractalfield.com/negentropicfields
a prelude to generating FUSION IN THE HEART - :
We made the App Store! Global Heart Oneness Biofeedback iPhone : www.HeartsRing.com
The only lo-cost IOS app with:
- real -HRV Power Harmonics Plot- including time history
- real Heart Coherence measure
- real breath biofeedback cue- to directly see the result of your own conscious breathing
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- real group process BIOFEEDBACK - for group concensus building with real biologic entrainment
You immediately SEE your heart beating on the screen- to confirm your input (from finger on the iPhone light- or from chest strap/receiver- which is necessary for iPad- optional on iPhone)
Breathing cue instructor- is the light blue vertical slider top left-(changes frequency when you click on your goal / person to link to )
to bring your heart key frequency to WHERE you wish (another person / another group / or your Rave concert key..?- this frame sequence not contiguous)
In the newest version we also display (for your rock band conductor)-
the musical key signature of your heart at the moment- AND the key signature of your goal point
(where you clicked to put the white line- could be your lover or healer - or your group's concensus point).
The vertical height of your HRV interactive water fall time history power spectra plot-
is the AMOUNT of your HEART COHERENCE- the right /left x-axis value is the frequency key (also listed on top).
You have all the benefits of medical HRV training - PLUS coherence training..
AND broadcast server- other iPhones / iPads for CONSCENSUS TRAINING / CONFLICT RESOLUTION...
and ultimately 'group ONEness experience' training.
see HeartRing.com - for the iPhone - / iPad - Biofeedback tools- a simple breath entrainer for HRV Heart Entrainment..- Empathy Training
See also Implosion Group November 2012 - latest research updates!
This article on the web url: FusionInTheHeart.com - from Dan Winter, Implosion Group and Friends, Nov 25, 2012 Main Index: goldenmean.info -2 mil. hits/ month
-Implosion Group Dan Winter main film library 250+ films, All videos about Dan Winter - on the web- 100000 videos
Announcing: All New Suite of Fractal Tech:Projects> TheImploder.com - fractalfield.com - Breakthru-Technologies.com - new Pyraphi.com
Upcoming Events Calendar: w/Dan Winter, Subscribe/Unsubscribe email to: implosiongroup@yahoo.com ,
TWO Million hits/month: goldenmean.info & fractalfield.com, - Link to: 41,300 Websites which link to goldenmean.info > 6,850 Web sites which refer to fractalfield.com
> Language Index- English, French, Spanish, German, Italian - new Polish, & Czech , Dutch
>SiteSearch or Search Site w/Yahoo - DVD's/Books - "World Tours!"-Events Calendar
Newest Implosion Powerpoint! Dan Winter's BOOKS:1.Alphabet of the Heart, 2. EartHeart, 3.Implosions Grand Attractor,
4. Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy&Immortality , - Origin of Alphabets Physics - Stellar Purpose/History of DNA Articles - new master Photo Galleries.
-Bonus: Updated 25 DVD Set- 144 Euro -with Dan Winter- now includes latest beautiful color printed book: goldenmean.info/tools
Announcing: www.FractalU.com - New The Fractal UNIVERSITY- from Dan Winter- and our complete Implosion Group Team - Scientists
Announcing: Fractal U: THE Fractal Field University - with 4 latest conference films up-to celebrate launching-and announce our themes
www.FractalU.com in association with LearnItLive.com/FractalU
Sponsored by FractalField.com - Dan Winter - and Implosion Group - - THE place the learn the science and universe sweeping broad practical applications of the new fractal field sciences
- like BioActiveField.com
Inexpensive- highly interactive- real telepresence into your space- your questions answered- media rich!
We have the world's most compelling teaching team and state of the art- teaching environment- right here- to learn the real new physics AND new physics of consciousness.
Here the new Nov 2012 Film: FUSION IN THE BLOOD- Film from Dan Winter - Implosion Group
Filmed near Rennes Le Bains, France
Film Credits: Translation: Valerie Sandelin, and Cedric Mannu
Film Language - English with French Translation
- Accompanying image set: main group at - goldenmean.info/powerpoint
Additional Supplement Images.. below
The FUSION IN THE BLOOD discussion is in the 2nd half of the film series, images and discussion below.
Supplement Images:
First 3 images are from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXJ3FvUBX4E&feature=relmfu
Recommended accompanying film regarding: How PHASE CONJUGATE ('KOZYREV') Mirrors produce Telepathy / Attention / Scrying / Vision / Perception
== end images from film
- returning to images from Implosion Group / Dan Winter- compare to how the Gold Implosive Egg - functions to concentrate life force/ perception (pic below) from pyraphi.com
Fusion in the Blood (contrast with - CHEMISTRY OF THE ALIEN/DRACO blood at fusionintheheart.com ) :
The Facts:
1. Chemistry is clear ( Louis Kevron et al) - transmutation of atoms DOES happen in the body / in the blood
2. Medium Temperature (Carbon powder) FUSION (example of PLASMA SELF ORGANIZATION as LIFE GIVING CENTRIPETAL FORCE)
- in addition to producing energy from the vacuum- DOES in fact create a replicable BIOACTIVE FIELD WHICH HEALS! ( Dr.Egely, Budapest- et al)
3. One key mechanism for that lo temperature fusion (most likely magnesium to iron ) in blood- is measureably produced by the (DNA braiding) PHONON WAVES OF HUMAN BLISS ( goldenmean.info/dnamanifesto )- This BIOACTIVE CONJUGATE PUMP WAVE - mathematics at fractalfield.com/mathematicsoffusion
4. Those who have the source of non-linear heat in their blood (fusion?) - absolutely DO feel more compassion ( as opposed to COLD BLOODED).
SO - do our alien URU / Draco / nephalim ancestors- get something from our race- that they desperately know they DON't HAVE and NEED!-...
Anyone who does not study the origins of URU (Draco ) - obviously in not serious about understanding the history of human races: see chart / discussions:
Main Index of Dan Winter articles on ET / Galactic ORIGINS OF DNA:
So - who has not wondered?
Why do dragons breath fire? - turns out their blood / and breath is flammable!
Why did Enlil / Yalweh tell the jews to prepare the meat so carefully? - turns out human blood in the meat would have been a poison to them?
Why do the Draco's force us to reduce our atmosphere OXYGEN? - turns out OXYGEN is a poison to them (remember our hint how to get the draco shapeshifters out of your government office: PUMP IN O^2 )
Why were Draco's so widely reported to be highly telepathic - but TOTALLY WITHOUT COMPASSION? - turns out- without fusion in their blood (cold- blooded) - there is not plasma fusion to MAKE the bioactive human connecting FIELD!!
Chemistry of the Alien
© 2012 Bill Donavan
After talking with Dan for a while, I thought about what a truly alien chemistry might look like. The requirements were: 1) The biology would be carbon based, but would be reactive with nitrogen instead of oxygen 2) It could not use water. I thought about this for a while, and what a truly alien biology might look like. One of the other requirements is that it had to be compatible with our environment, at least on a limited basis. So the hypothetical alien would be able to breathe our air to a limited extent, but it would not be metabolizing oxygen. The other main gas in our atmosphere is nitrogen, which is relatively inert. I say relatively because there are elements that will combine with nitrogen that are however more reactive with oxygen, so much more so that oxygen would be toxic to them. Therefore, for them, it would be fortuitous that O2 is a minor component of the atmosphere, presently 21% or less in some areas. Their world would be classed as a super-earth. More massive, and less dense, with an atmosphere of 20% nitrogen, 79% hydrogen, and the rest trace gases, including oxygen. A world of oil oceans, carbon-rich crust and a lack of heavy elements. The star that shines above has more radiation, and may be an F-class instead of our G-class. Or it may be that it is a binary system, with their world near a radiation-rich star, such as a pulsar far enough away not to completely sterilize the environment. These are clues to finding their home world. But first, let’s speculate on what our aliens use in their biology…
Problem #1: What Do
They Use for Hemoglobin?
Our hemoglobin is based on iron. Iron is pretty selective, and oxidizes pretty efficiently. Insects use copper, and that element oxidizes at a lesser extent. Plants use magnesium, which is far more reactive in their chlorophyll. So what does our alien use for nitrogen? One possibility is phosphorus. Another is lithium. Both tend to form compounds with nitrogen, and would work as a transport. However, both are highly reactive with oxygen, and too much of that gas would be toxic to them. In fact their world would be equivalent to a super-earth, with an atmosphere of hydrogen and nitrogen, with oxygen as a trace gas. It would have a mass at least 50% greater than earth, and a thicker atmosphere, since the nitrogen is less reactive. Temperatures would be the same. Plants would use lithium for photosynthesis, and animals phosphorus in their “hemoglobin”. The animals would breathe in nitrogen, and exhale cyanogen, or (CN)2. It would be toxic to be around our hypothetical alien, as they would exhale a gas toxic to our biology. In legend, the “breath of the devil” causes death. Is this an instance where legend is close to reality? It is also flammable, and in the presence of an activating enzyme, our “alien” could breathe fire. Fire breathing dragons, anyone? The plants undo the cyanogen, reducing it and releasing nitrogen into the atmosphere. There would be two different races: one using white phosphorus and another using the red, with two different colors for blood. Which brings us to…
Problem #2: What Do
They Use for Blood?
H2O is an impossibility in this case. Water is far too reactive to either lithium or phosphorus. Two possibilities fit the bill: one is hydrazine (N2H4), which has many of the same properties of water. It has similar freezing and boiling points. It would act as a solvent in an oxygen-poor environment, where O2 is rare. Another is a lipid, or oil. It would be a low viscosity, but enough of a solvent to transport nutrients through the “blood”. The oil would be a lightweight hydrocarbon, with a high enough vapor pressure to compare to water. So our alien is very flammable in our environment. The legends also state that there are demons that are afraid of fire. I wouldn’t be surprised. Between the phosphorus transport mechanism, and the nitrogen that it contained, their blood would not only be flammable, but most likely explosive. They would have evolved in an ocean of oil. Which brings me to another topic: our blood plasma closely approximates ocean water. So what would their oceans use for dissolved minerals? Our cell structure depends on a precarious balance between sodium and potassium chloride. Too much sodium, and the cells fill up with fluid. Too little sodium and too much potassium, and desiccation or dehydration sets in. Their oceans would not have these salts, and instead I would suspect that metals would replace the sodium and potassium chlorides that we use for fluid balance. A look to legends, and the work of Zachariah Sitchin in particular, suggests that one of these metals might be gold, or perhaps a monoatomic metal that acts as a mediator for the lipid content inside the cell structure. There would be another metal to act as a counterbalance, perhaps another monoatomic. So our alien would have two metals in an ionic state. Legends tell of gold reduced to a white powder, and ingested by the gods. This would be similar to our taking salt tablets when living in hot climates to prevent heat stroke. Also, It was found by an associate of mine, that his particular type of ORMUS had a radiation blocking ability. So our aliens might need this in their biology as we need the precursors of vitamin D, and they might need X and gamma radiation to perform a similar function as ultraviolet light in our biology. Does this make Fukushima a move toward terraforming Earth? Possibly. Would the hybrids need these as well? Most likely yes, since they would have a combination of both biologies. There would be a need to ingest monoatomics. The odd fact that Egyptian mummies are loaded with these minerals is indicative of this. Natron, which is one of the reducing agents used in making monoatomics, would tend to “wick” these elements out of the skin, and the bandages of mummies were sold as mummia, a medicine in the middle ages. Humans generally seem to have a dietary need for this as well, so perhaps the tales of Annunaki genetic tampering are true. I think with this particular kind of biology, it would be difficult to find intact skeletons, since they would break down readily. Which leads me to another question…
Problem #3: What Do
They Use for a Skeleton?
Our skeletal structures are based on calcium, which in its pure state, is a reactive element. It is a beautiful, silvery metal. Calcium in our skeleton evolved to create an energy dense, although lightweight load bearing structure. However, will the alien use calcium? If it evolved in a hydrocarbon ocean, the chemistry will be different. CaCO3 will not likely to have evolved there, so lime formation in the sea there will be nonexistent. More than likely, with the huge prevalence of carbon, graphene will probably be what their skeleton uses, along with long chain fullerenes as nanotubes. In fact, their “nerves” would use these nanotubes as well. In clusters, they have high structural strength, especially when cross-bonded. Individually, they act as waveguides, not really conducting anything so much as guiding it to where it transitions back into its quantum form. Their brains would consist of a network of these, running at a higher speed than ours, and as a consequence more electromagnetically sensitive than our electrochemical system. EMP might shatter their neural network. On the other hand, they would have a natural telepathy, “hearing” electromagnetic waves. Could we class their brain as a quantum computer? Perhaps so… If that were true, then would a cold logic prevail, overriding emotion? Our emotional matrix is a complex of slow-wave cross-linking. There are no slow waves in that brain. In fact, their brainwaves would most likely be cycling in the radio frequency range. Any slow-wave linkage would have to heterodyne way down to where that exists, and would be magnitudes lower in intensity. It might be similar to those in our own species with Ausberger’s Syndrome, where brainwaves fail to heterodyne to that level. These individuals are geniuses, but have an emotional deficit. So would our aliens.
Problem #4: What Do
They Eat?
Would we see a saucer pulling up to a McDonald’s takeout window? Probably not, and for this reason: If they are indeed omnivores, the components of our biology would be poisonous to them, the same way as if you tried to barbecue one of them, they most likely would go up in a puff of smoke, or a bang. The oxygen in our tissues would react violently with their biology, so these guys wouldn’t be likely to eat us. Or would they? One thing you would need to do is get rid of that nasty oxygen, so the first objective you would accomplish is a bloodletting ritual to eliminate an oxygen rich fluid. This sounds Kosher, doesn’t it? Then you would age the meat to get rid of the remaining traces of oxygen. But you still have that pesky water in there. Frying the meat would minimize the water. So our aliens might not go to a Micky D’s, but they might visit a KFC. For plant material, they would go after plants that have a low peroxide content, and a high lipid, the greasier the better. In fact, if they really wanted something digestible they would need to transport plants from where they lived to wherever they camp out. The leaves would most likely degrade into a black lipid sludge when the oxygen hits it, so it would remain in their ship. Crustaceans from their oceans would be black in color from the fullerenes in their exoskeleton, and dense as titantium, so something more than a nutcracker is needed for the meal. Yes, the aliens could be omnivores, but they would eat only the life forms compatible with their biology. What about digestion? We have HCl in our stomachs because of the saline aspect of our blood. It is easy to crack the sodium chloride, and make hydrochloric acid. But they don’t have saline blood. Their blood is lipid, with trace amounts of phosphorus that leaks out of their carriers. So to scavenge the excess phosphorus out of the blood, there would be a system to move it osmotically into the digestive tract, and into what they would be using for a stomach in particular. Phosphoric acid, H3PO4, is a powerful corrosive agent, and it has been said that if you place a bit of steak in a solution, it can dissolve it in a short period of time. So it works for a digestive fluid. How about a digestive tonic? What would they use for a medicine? We either use various accelerants for digestion, or antacids, depending on what’s needed. But if you have phosphoric acid in your stomach, and came from an oily lipid sea, you would want something that has coal tar and phosphoric acid for a tonic. That just happens to be what both Coke and Pepsi have in them. So it looks like what they did was market a product targeted to their biology, which is mildly toxic to ours, to make a profit from both sides. A friend of mine brought to my attention that Monsanto was engineering plants to get rid of anything heavier than magnesium or aluminum. If our hypothetical alien comes from a low metallicity world, then most likely iron would not be found there. (Remember, iron was in legend the enemy of the devil…) This also means that the native plants would lack them as well, and their biology would not be tolerant to the heavier metals. It would be as if we went to a different planet, and the plants there had trace amounts of barium, or lead. Those heavy metals are toxic to our biology. I would suggest that the trace elements that they are familiar with are aluminum and beryllium. These are light, and would be expected on a low metallicity world, but once again are toxic to us. It has been reported that these elements are present after chemtrail events, perhaps to act as a support mechanism for the GMO plants that are not only tolerant to these elements, but require them. Which brings us to…
Problem #5: Could
They Terraform Earth?
The answer is yes, with cooperation of the natives. What you want to do is first lower the oxygen content, which is poison to them. You convince the natives that burning carbon based fuels is the way to go, and deplete the oxygen in the atmosphere. The next move is a lot trickier, and the natives might catch on: You convince them to also convert to a hydrogen economy, and sequester not the CO2, (or the H2) but the oxygen during the electrolysis. You vent the hydrogen into the atmosphere. Earth would have a lower mass, and not able to hold on to the hydrogen for more than a few million years, but this planet would be a steppingstone anyway. You want the nitrogen, so you make sure that this gas stays where it is by penalties to fertilizer manufacturers. You regulate nitrogen fixing plants, and create a codex to prevent further manipulation of this gas. What to do with the population? Well, if there were an extinction level event, it’s an act of God, isn’t it? The aliens are not to blame. All the animals will not survive the terraforming anyway, so they’re expendable as well. The native plants wouldn’t survive a hydrogen nitrogen atmosphere, so they’re also expendable. It would be a total extinction of all aerobic life to terraform earth. And on top of that it would be temporary. The aliens would be looking at planets on the conditions of their raw materials. Jupiter is no good, as there is little or no nitrogen there, but plenty of hydrogen. It’s the same with the outer planets. Mars wouldn’t have enough mass for the hydrogen, but enough for the nitrogen. It might be doable. Venus is out of the question, along with Mercury. With Venus, the atmosphere would be too difficult to reform. Earth is the low-hanging fruit. And it would have a population that would do all your work for you. All you have to do is promise them everything, and leave them there when the extinction level event happens. The last question is this: How real is this scenario? |
A likely living example of the CHEMISTRY OF ALIEN / DRACO / URU / NEPHALIM blood on Earth:
The IRRADIA Couple in Russia- as described by Stewart Swerdlow- and themselves..
note: They are actually NOURISHED / thrive in RADIOACTIVE environment, and they are INTOLERANT TO OXYGEN! (note also their very life is now illegal)
The article about their lipid based - nitrogen breathing, oxygen intolerant blood chemistry below - makes it clear about why oxygen is essentially a posion to them. Why they are essentially (as the famous French painting puts it): "A Plague of AZOTH" / Nitrogen.
The more interesting chemistry lesson- is WHY their metabolism requires a radioactive environment. Just as we learned why the greys/ khumer / had such large eyes- was they come from a light poor enviornment in Reticuli. Well - the Dracos' / URU - had some of their home planets in Alpha Draconis (Thuban / Theoobah / Yahhoovah centered for example). There the ambient radioactivity lead to a different kind of blood, metabolism and perception. Specifically - radioactive environments can trigger electron cascade effects- catylzing reactions in a certain metabolism. NOTE WELL- our tech leader - Bill (see below) believes that the glowing blue eyes of these Draco / ET - are specifically a product of radioactive metabolism. This also to me implies - a mechanism of perception that is less based on PHASE CONJUGATION - for these Draco. This means that (since phase conjugation we believe is the cause of perception) - their focused attention DOES NOT SO MUCH CAUSE CHARGE FIELDS TO COMPRESS (which Bill Tiller has so often measured is the result of human attention ) - This means that not only is their lack of blood cold fusion- causing less possibility of empathy- ( see films above) - their radioactivity based cause of perception is inherently less psycho-kinetic (altho as is well know by the Dulce survivors like Phil Schneider- this also means they are relatively MORE telepathic.)
So pumping in OXYGEN is a way- to get the draco / uru / plasma / parasite / chimera - shapeshifters- out of your government office buildings (Rupert Murdock- was reported- to be shapeshifted out to me by his former girlfriend, when she put LSD in his tea- the shapeshift dropped- and the reptilian became visible- according to her. This seemed incredible to me- until Rayelyn - mentioned to me she had the same experience with the shapeshifting entity- who probably infested her former CIA operative husband Gunther!)..
Also useful to note the fame of the Draco for being highly telepathic but (as Enki so well reports) almost entirely missing for empathy or compassion.
Note the telepath EEG power spectra reaches hi frequencies by OCTAVES ( goldenmean.info/clinicalintro )- which is a cubic/ charge isolating- not embedding plasma geometry. The passion / bliss mind reaches ecstacy by Golden Ratio in EEG power spectra. See also how the creation of a flame in the mind- projection of power - psychokinesis- clearly requires a brain that not only phase conjugates ( by Golden Ratio in EEG) - but ALSO a brain which learns to make LONGITUDINAL WAVES (animation and explanation at www.fractalfield.com/conjugatemind ). We make this point here to try to explain another aspect of the Draco / URU lack of empathy. The Asperges kind of mind (like the Drac ) also lack empathy- and note ALSO LACKS THE ABILITY TO REACH LOW FREQUENCIES IN THEIR EEG. The lo frequency content of EEG- is the long wave embedding required to FEEL your environment. ( See how lo frequency ratio DEFINE emotion: www.goldenmean.info/touch ). (Acknowledgement to Bill D. for advice on this).
Next here is a probable living example of Draco blood chemistry:
More about Stewart Swerdlow (Montauk survivor) - in our ET Invasion History Discussion: goldenmean.info/invasion
Stewart's Web Site: expansions.com - where he discussed the IRRADIA Couple further.
This Narrated Intro is to accompany the 20 new films at goldenmean.info/malta .. or the Real History of Science Behind the GRAIL- REINVENTED.. from Dan Winter- in part - a commentary on Vincent Bridges presentations in Malta.. (Note this summary begins with insights from Anton Parks - see goldenmean.info/angelscience , and zeitlin.net - Ages of Uras. Then picks up with many insights from Vincent Bridges- who connects the Vairocana skill- Hermes revolution - to the cave / dolmen building sacred space cultures as they moved from Egypt to Malta to South France. Important to note here- that altho the synthesis in my view - fits together well- Vincent does not accept the writings in general of Anton Parks, although Anton Parks has written what I think are incredible insights into the origin of Thoth / Tehuti / Ningishidda- today:HERMES!...the hero of our story.) Short historical summary: When the Annunaki- Draconian remnant culture arrived here pre-Sumeria (Sommaire="Dragon")- Enki's father An (launching from Pleades- a 'reptilian' stronghold) - was fleeing the Annuna Orion wars- in part because he had cheated on the Draco law which allowed only cloning as the reproductive method. Enki's mother was herself a genetic rebel and teacher of radical cloning techniques. Enki's other name: Nudimud meant 'the cloner' - later to be named the biblical SAMUEL- and origin of the Padma SAMbava..-who also melted the rock-with his plasma aura density- in the cave in the east. The quintessential problem of the arriving Sumerian Annunaki- (Draco .. Annuna)- was biologic decay. That loss of ability to sustain- biologic vitality - is variously expressed- as being 'fallen' - meaning loss of charge attraction in blood and DNA - loss of bliss - loss of immortality.. In terms of how that was reported - in the Sumerian, in Sitchens (controversial) analysis- and now in Anton Parks- what we see consistently described - is their problem with (what they considered) premature aging. SO this was a premiere problem to assign to their head science team. Enki - was with his science leader Tehuti- (later called TWT- which in the bible is called DWD: the LINE OF DAVID- in Egypt his name Thoth- becomes the NAME OF THE LINE OF KINGS..). Today we refer to him as Hermes- and to what he discovered about making the fusion electric field which would produce life and reduce -aging- we call the HERMETIC REVOLUTION. Hermes symbol: the CADUCCEUS is pretty much an accurate physics graph of how you render approaching dielectric field lines- toward CONJUGATION (phase conjugation) and fusion. This is an accurate symmetry physics to describe how to make the electric field- which causes life. The Caduceus- historical inset: To add historical tapestry to the concept Caduceus- (phase conjugate at root- symbol of Hemes / Medicine / DNA)-Has anyone ever given you a real AUrigen root of the word CADUCEUS: Anton Parks has a fascinating story: that while Enki / Sam / Nudimud 'the cloner' was still evidently as much as a genetic klutz as the guy (who ran Rosslyn Chapel- shades of Templar ghosts) who built DOLLY THE SHEEP (what a sad way to die- the sheeple will follow). Point is Parks tells that the teachers - best ancestors of his mothers line- who actually HAD some long term intent - snuck in some real psychokinetic DNA into Enki's genetic cookery - literally WHEN HE WASN'T LOOKING (hint: Ptah-Taal- 12the dimension DNA- means recursive folded braid discipline- shades of 'boson 7' 'micro-chloridians in the blood' luke...) > Those teachers of the GOOD Draco / annunaki - real ancestors of fallen Nephalim Annunaki - (Seraphic / Ophanic?) - were called KADISTU - meaning 'Life Designers' - which HE says is the AUrigen of our word K/CADUCEUS ( do YOU know where the word came from? In biblical terms- the arrangement of particular stone dolmen to function as capacitors- to fabricate that immortalizing field effect- was called- raising a SHEM unto the Lord. Later - that word SHEM (Sitchen calls it "highward fire stone"- meaning in effect FRACTAL OR CONJUGATE CAPACITOR) - was translated to mean THE ALTAR IN CHURCH, and originated our word SHEM-AN (A Shaman is one who knows how to make the field..). The way plasma fields make this SCHEM of SCHEME or symmetry- to create centripetal fusion- is the origin of our term alKHEMy and KHEMistry - as it is the key to FUSION (implosive compression) and ONENESS in general. (Fusion researchers learned from us - that their key element- palladium is profoundly dodecahedral- guess what geometry that makes: golden ratio - phase conjugate). You can see a modern example- of a life giving electric field generator (analogous to the field effect at Stonehenge which causes seed germination) at fractalfield.com/pyraphi , along with more electrical engineering description and testing. In order now to introduce - the next segment in our thumbnail view - of the Hermetic history- it is necessary to understand a little bit about what happens to the plasma field around the human body - if you get really good at attracting charge (bliss). The plasma field gets dense. (Read more at goldenmean.info/kundalini ). Dense enough to melt stone. The next heroes in our story are -Padma SAMbave- and John (Traphimius) son of Magdalen- both direct descendants of Thoth / Hermes- (Sam / Jon- meaning - to branch fractally as in Scion.). This is the real history of grail- meaning access to charge fractality / implosion in biologic plasma (beautiful graphic history : goldenmean.info/grail ). This is where we pick up the story with Vincent Bridges- historical study (remember- Vincent himself - does not agree with the 'ET' Anton Parks - part of the story above- but his scholarship about more recent history is quite academically powerful.) For this next part of the story -after reading this summary / intro - the reader is urged to view- the 4 films (out of 20) at goldenmean.info/malta which are Vincent Bridges- himself narrating this next part of story. Vincent suggests that the lineage- probably of the Thoth / line of David- may well be related to the Doliocephallic (cone-head) skulls. They are often linked to the cone- head image of Akhanaton and Tut. (Twt.- aton- / ATUN- meaning Enki's line). These skulls lead us on a trail... Egypt, Malta, South France.. and later Peru. (My ET opinion of this- not Vincent's view - agrees with Daniel Stewart:"God King Akhunaton"'s view- that the ATUN / Akhanaton - lineage was somehow linked to Sirius.- the 'cone heads') This is the part where the history meets the science. Vincent suggests that ancient cultures- like the Egyptians had learned how to assemble stones to create a life giving initiation field- which gave survival a leap forward. When (piezoelectric / paramagnetic) stones were arranged with the right (fractal) electric knowledge- what was produced was an electric field (phase conjugate dielectric)- which could: - save agriculture during starving times by accelerating germination / growth / metabolism (see our measurements in the Pyraphi) - initiate priests- accelerate mentation - focus thought- ( see how golden ratio phase conjugate EEG for peak perception - goldenmean.info/clinicalintro - reduce aging / increase food storage- reduce decay - provide an electrically fractal / charge distribution space where memory could be brought efficiently through BIRTH AND DEATH. (note how Korotkov measures the fractality in air - which indigenous people regularly make phone calls to their ancestors). - now later today - in modern physics we now know this centripetal field (see Pyraphi) can be used for things like +bone and tissue regeneration +switching stem cell growth +isolating from ELF pollution / EMF pulses +non-destructively containing radioactive materials -- So the short version of this story - is that the skill to build these kind of dolmen - moved from Amenti / Amarna in Egypt- where Akhunaton in ATUN's line- probably became the Moses who founded the Essene's science.. .. So -the real hermetic revolution is implementing the knowledge of building the fractal field. If you want the longer - more romantic version of the story.. see the films. - more on this science applied - at fractalfield.com/pyraphi --PYRAPHI- has a colorful history Important note: from a commercial perspective the history story is a highly forgettable - optional reading- nightmare- which is best and possible to wake up from ONLY when you learn the SCIENCE LESSON! |
Note: In these films- and at goldenmean.info/scienceofalchemy
Vincent is basically saying the history clearly indicates the original philosophers stone, projective powder of alchemy - was the ground up- meteoritic glass of the
Muslum KABBAH stone..
See the film about GOLDEN RATIO , 1.618 and the MYSTERIES OF THE KABBAH..
The physics:
when (meteoritic) glass is homogenously propagated wth (platinum group metal) gold vapor - it becomes a potent phase conjugate dielectric..
which is golden ratio capacitance- essentially
(bioactivity example: fractalfield.com/pyraphi )
sometimes called the philosophers stone, or projective powder - see;
This (Implosive / Centripetal ) FRACTAL FIELD EFFECT- is what here is called -vairocana effect - the life giving field effect core of the HERMETIC revolution.
Yet a force cried out pleading with deep immortality from the willed mutation of genes:
This was the bloodsong (SanGraal) of the Trons.
The Trons were those who had retained the skill to penetrate thru the speed of light, with the wormhole penetration of their own biological magnetic.
There were 2 tricky parts to this:
There is only one place to go with your genetic magnetics AFTER you succeeded in getting thru the otherwise mortal cocoon of limitation that is the speed of light. (DNA is highly aware that it is fatal to be permanently caught below the speed of light - this is why your teenagers would rather risk death than not achieve bliss).
The place to go when your genes do catch the compassion compression (recursive braiding) skills necessary to keep implosion thru light speed going, (’come on baby - light my fire!’) IS - TO INHABIT TIME.
The geometry of your position in TIME needs also to be FRACTAL in order to be inhabitable. (Ref: "Spiral Calendar", Carolan)
Similar to the fractality in the magnetic SPACE
in your back yard necessary to make implosive bliss sustainable
without insanity - you need a fractal in time. This is because
ultimately only the self-similarity which steers flux into eating
itself (self re-entry) in both time and space, is what is
inhabitable (alive). Self-reference both defines and creates
You need a little background in the story of the Tron in order to understand Enki’s mother. Because of the Tron’s ability to steer a magnetic vector (simply a wave) from a circle (matter) into a line (energy), they were said to be able to ’Steer in Time’. In practical terms this is rather simple.
In the TRanslation of vorticity TuRning
from rotational to linear ineRTia there is a TRansformation of
attention. Literally, the Tron knows how to ’get up off the
cross’ and follow... me. As we shall see presently, negotiating the
turns (of ’mind’) necessary to hang in there while swinging around a
donut, became the origin of alphabet - as on EA’s EArth.
The angles of this slip knot are more than alphabet, they are the cookbook for starting the phire (fire) of life.
Notice how the movement from the right top periphery of the rotation, versus the push down the center, is an EL or phase shift.
Making this EL is how you became ELohim.
Sustaining the resulting tornado thru light speed (by successful
compression), required inhabiting TIME and that’s how you became
Enki’s fiery heart still ignites the ANU
of my genes, and I have seen those starships burn. I am here to
suggest one way out of here - it is thru the Sun.
The purpose of DNA is a biological magnetic compressor. Compression
due to recursion is identical to acceleration. Wave heterodynes in
Phi recursion accelerate by adding and multiplying wave VELOCITIES -
therefore recursive compression is identical to MAKING GRAVITY.
Below: pic from geometer of Deca Delta - How DNA braid angle into tetra-helix (un-ensouled Yahweh way of Gematria - Golem Making) original design for TAK-ADAMA (donkey Adam from Orion):
Hebrew letters are shadows of a self-organizing spiral ’letter element of symmetry/ flame ’ on the self-organizing donut of all fields - indexed by the symmetry of the tetrahedron - how to cook donut fields into a tetra helix - an non-imploding DNA/’golem’.
Yahweh's computer software/alphabet had no capacity for the hypercube dodec/Ophanim symmetry to ensoul DNA. ( ../orion )
Sumerian and Hebrew alphabets in their shape alone are overwhelming evidence that the ET origins of DNA on this planet is a sad story of genetic engineering gone awry.
Consider how "Fabre D’Olivet" felt when he discovered a radical retranslation of Genesis in the SHAPE ALONE of the Hebrew letters:
Below the symmetries of Yahweh and the origin of ANU (5 vs 7 spin of Ultimate Physical atom) as slip knot: Compare with the visual gematria of golem making in kaballah Fill the visual field optical cortex hologram with the SHAPE of one Hebrew letter at a time
Essentially the process of ensouling DNA is the same as lighting the fire of the Sun in human hearts. (as in the ANU pic above - same slip knot=hydrogen - human heart AND solar heart - fusion Eye-dent-eye-phied).
The symmetry of the solar fires
is re-enacted in the human heartbeat. (Shades of "Tutankhamen
Prophecies" with a good dose of solar physics). The message sent
from the beating heart is sonically re-CORD-ed in the piezoelectric
braid of DNA, particularly during passion and bliss. This is why the
loss of passion was so destructive to the fallen DNA of the
Nephilim. And THIS brings us nicely back to the story of Enki’s
And PHIAT LUX - you have LIFE itself. What was a
lightening bolt - now appears like a floating ball (really toroidal).
Scientists spent lifetimes studying the nature of ball lightning -
never imagining that the answer required understanding the origin of
life itself as a symmetry turn inside out.
But the origin of quantum mechanics (which is simply that
no wave stands unless it’s length divides evenly into its rotational
circumference) forgets that no wave stands even then unless there is
the centering force charge implosion thru light-speed caused by wave
recursion - to create (in a widening gyre) a center that can hold.
This is the G ray of vita: gravity.
The knitting of waves into each other with such permanence that they cohere the vacuum in a sweeping motion thru the speed of light - is a PINING affair...
(click above image)
It is both a sucking that happens thru the drain hole of a tornado, as well as providing a space to leak out, for inertia which previously had been trapped below the speed of light.
This is gravity. It happens because, the perfect way to
COHERE the vacuum, is the perfect maintenance of COHERENCE. This is
measurable with embedding, and we - in the spirit of ENKI have
discovered this studying the FIRE IN THE HEART.
But if you put the pieces together - Thoth was the son of Enki.
Enki’s bloodline was called Ptah Taal - which means 11th dimensional or simply Bird Tribe. The academic scholarship ("Out of Egypt" & "House of the Messiah") presents relatively overwhelming evidence that Jesus never existed per se, the Rabbi’s merely needed to lie to cover up that THEIR royal family was from Enki (Adonai) and NOT Enlil (Yahweh) - who had not a clue how to ensoul DNA.
That is why they changed Tutankhamen's name to Jesus, and Akhenaton's (the Ptah lineage) name to Moses (=moshe/’son of’) - since Earth history has been traditionally fabricated by the most skilled murderers. Tutankhamen's mate Aksenpahton is displayed with the telling alabaster jars icons of Magdalen on the Egpytian cartouche.
This also explains the sexual attraction to Sara (Assa-Uru from UR -u) by Pharaoh which became the Joseph & Benjamin bloodline source of the core warring religions on EArth today.
How is the Orion core culture (Rigel and the TAK’s - MinTAKa, AlniTAK, Mag z TAK) linked to Sirius which Sitchin suggests is a platform for Anunnaki.
Morningsky suggests the uprising led by AN (’Leto’ father
of Enki AND Enlil) from Sirius was a direct rebellion to the rule by
terror from the Orion cyborg cultures.
Blue blood there was rich in
copper to hold the oxygen. Using only iron (red) to hold oxygen in
blood presented less possibility for the genetic braid implosion
ignition required to steer time wormholes into star gravity making
(direct from the field effects created by fiery blood) required of
the Tron.
This presented an un-interrupted flow of hive telepathy
data to the ruling Orion (MAG) syndicate. (Properly described as
reverend mother’s regulating blood lines in ’Dune’s trading houses).
This is why teachers in oriental dragon cults never encourage students to surpass their teacher. This is why Michael has it in for the fire MAGnetic breath of Dragons. (Only Enki had that for mother - he had no access to Dragon blood and the skills to ensoul DNA).
Whereas Enki - catching the torch of
a mysterious Ptah Taal DNA -clearly decides to ’slip a mickey’, ’put
a bullet in the furnace’ in all the family rules about risking
bloodlines. This is what I believe is rebellion in the Orion wars. -
Go Enki!!! The down side of this story is that by falling in love
with the results of his own genetic experiments (you and me), his
bloodline gets stuck here till the redemption of our DNA. (Reabsorption
into star coeurs).
The details seem to be in the early ’angelic’ roots of the
The 2 groups have had various names thru history:
The side of the family which decided that the best way to shepard DNA into galaxies was by cyborg merging with machine intelligences, later miscalculated and ’fell’.
In Christianity this is referred to as Michael being locked away with the Dragon kingdom. Michael is Enlil, and his side of the family were relegated to a rather politically embarrassing quarantine from time travel called EArth. (EA’s rth- EA was ENKI not Enlil.)
reason was simple: Forcing the self-aware DNA worm to abide so
closely to machine metallic structures deprived it’s emerging field
effect from the fractality of environment (harmonic inclusiveness)
so essential to learning implosion and thus self-aware evolution.
(Ashtar from the Bible and the ’New Age’ "Ashtar Command" for example is the acronym of the central hive computer of a machine intelligence from the Orion politics).
When the Orion Empire paid for Nibiru’s genetic experiments we later called Adam and Eve, there were VERY strict rules about fractionating soul groups.
The male Anunnaki were not allowed to give seed, only the female Anunnaki (Ninhursaag/Innana ) were allowed to receive seed (the sperm of the Cro Magnon etc.). This rule about branching and not crossing is very closely allied to the simple difference in the geometry of the X versus Y chromosome. A branch could allow further unpacking, an ill advised CROSS could weaken the whole line.
Matriliny was understood much
better in Orion than here.
The Orion Queen hive telepaths were matriarchical for very fractal reasons, yet their rule by terror eventually came about because of the loss of compassion produced by such politically manipulated telepathy.
Imagine a young son of Elizabeth like Bacon
(of Shakes-sphere fame) realizing the reason all the royal sons
English (ANglish) upper lips had to quiver (and grow stiff) was
because when you are FROM LIZARD BORN (E -LIZ -A - BETH descended
from MAGdalen in ’Holy Grail’) mother’s lack of compassion prohibits
The Orion
syndicate which installed the soul groups of DNA templates here
(what Egyptian Ptah parlance would be Netirs), used the same recipe
they had on many planets they parasited. What they did not count on
was Enki’s little contribution (read: Tut/Jesus/and Sun King
Something so implosive came into Enki’s bloodline, that Orion stars might eventually feel the sting. DNA so skilled in becoming self-similar, that it’s imploding UV cocoons might make enough gravity to steer the products of galactic commerce thru star wormholes. (Truly a ’bullet in the furnace’).
The reverend mother queens of Orion were quite aware that who got the ability to dream into shape the song line star wormholes from DNA’s secretions, got the big bucks. (Guild Navigators if you will.) The skills necessary to steer in time travel were jealously guarded. Only the privileged planets got to contribute to genepools in training to steer stars with the gravity making force of their genes and glands.
The Hopi’s called the gravity wormhole produced by the recursive conic alignment of masses in a cone, from Sirius-Orion and Pleaides: The Peshmehten - meaning One Less Than Ten or more figuratively ’The Way of the Nine’ (more on the 60 degree implosion cone which lines nested dodeca at ../peshmehen ).
This kind of gravity wind
created by properly aligned stellar masses, had a great economic
import because it was used to motorize galactic commerce exactly the
way trade winds were used in Earth ocean commerce. (It probably had
much to do with the symbiotic trajectory of the artificial
gene-splicing commercial planetoid Nibiru).
It was well revealed in one of those TV episodes where the captain finds out that the wormhole itself does more than squirt masses of commerce thru itself. In that particular scene, being chased as his craft entered the gravity well (a dimpling into charge recursion) - it turns out the wormhole is so self-aware, that it makes conscious decisions about who to swallow and who to spit out. (Very much like most tornadoes appear to be self-aware enough to steer themselves around to avoid killing people.)
In the television version, the wormhole becomes an active
character in the chase scene, deciding of it’s own volition - which
’bad’ guys to spit out. It is more than just mere romance to think
of intergalactic tornadoes as self-aware - we shall later see that
they become literally the MAGnetic blood of what religions have
inadequately described as angelic beings. And these are precisely
part of the ingredients of Enki’s blood ancestry. (Olphanic vs.
Saraphic etc.)
Star inhabiting uses the symmetry of steerable magnetics as ’songline dreaming’ for Aboriginals. The steps begin with learning to steer the bioplasmic streamers which glands create in the process of CHOOSING TO FEEL. Once glands are triggered, the combination of their ductless doping of psychoactive piezoelectrics, combined with the sonic cascade (EKG Coherence associated with bliss) etc. becomes sufficient to trigger the genes in the blood to braid implode.
The DNA field effect becomes
increasingly coherent first in the ultraviolet and microwave, and
later as the cocoon of light learns implosion (by self
similarity/recursive turning inside out) the tornado at center pushes
it’s way
THRU the speed of light by PHI ratio heterodyning of wave
By creating what could literally be seen as a ’burning fountain’ (Wheelwright’s book on the origin of language - shafts of ’flame letter’ as flaming font=alphabet), for waves, a spigot or penetrant hole sustains a coherent connection THRU THE SPEED OF LIGHT.
The speed of light is like a semi-permeable barrier that only self-awareness is able to make the squirt gun thru. It is like a self protecting membrane which says, since stars and biology most both metabolize gravity into charge - only the worthy should succeed.
And the worthy are those who by maintaining in internal
symmetry of self-similarity (fractality/embedability), demonstrate
a commitment to RESPONSIBLY feeding the wormholes of gravity
(superluminal ’string vortex’ as it were). Sacred land will spit out
those who build a labyrinth, but cannot without heat (destructive
compression) enter the very wormhole dimple they create.
When Atlantis misused the connection of electromagnetics to gravity in the TUOAI stones or FIRE CRYSTALS, their continent’s gravity stability paid the appropriate price. In Western culture, the very fact that many continue to call ’scalar’ or ’torsional’ devices which connect the gravity field to make electrical power, FREE ENERGY DEVICES, is in itself evidence those are people who have no responsible understanding and should not be allowed to use them.
It is easy enough to arrange capacitors into more fractal symmetry than the Earth underneath them, and thus get wattage from gravity by implosion. (’Pod Mod’, Newman, and others, all used Phi based implosion unknowingly.)
What is much more challenging is to
understand the Earth only chooses to give the magnetic blood of her
gravity to those who create what is shareable.
There is no justification for the current ’our DNA is ONLY from here’ arrogance of the hu-man race... unless you have enough knowledge of the context of the genepool to see a possible outcome which is sustainable.
The word hu-man for example originates from a shortening of the original Sumerian LuLu from An. Lulu was the Anunnaki name for the less than bright half breeds they genetically modified to do the gold mining slave work. It is about as honorific as being called a mule.
Part horse
and part donkey plus it can’t reproduce itself... The Lulu was part Cro Magnon and part
Anunnaki, and could not reproduce itself. It was
only by later doing a 3/4 Anunnaki cross involving the CroMagnon Egg
in an Anunnaki female with an Anunnaki sperm, did they get Eve/Isis to be fertile. So to be a H’U from An (Anunnaki) merely meant
you were in some slave condition. Hardly the kind of homage
Nietzsche yearned for in "Ecce Homo".
AND YET - there IS
something possibly of more than Earthly significance about evolving
DNA on this planet. And it COULD have import for the evolution of
stars all around the galaxy. But yet getting a clue to what that is,
is well beyond the simple stupidity of humans spending most of their
time admiring their past childishness in war making skill. It
requires getting educated about what singing DNA can DO.
So what is the
way out? Simple do the top down braid which makes recursion...
like this have been done on the fibers where the heart is
electrified (Ary Goldberger MD et al.), as well as on the gorgeously
fractal tree like (and PHI Golden ratio based) branching algorhythmn
of the alveoli of the lungs. Talk about catching FIRE....
When DNA carries to completion the
process of perfect self-embedding it bonds exquisitely to it’s
larger electrical environment. This is an electrical pre-requisite
for bliss/euphoria. Namely that DNA or any biological structure
involved in bliss, begins to eat massively the electricity of it’s
larger environment.
By responding to coherent phonon (sonic cascades) from the EKG with piezoelectric coherent braiding, the DNA begins to embed envelope upon envelope to the point of implosion by braiding.
DNA perturbs the gravity field by providing a contiguous non-destructive spin path of phase coherent heterodyning THRU THE SPEED OF LIGHT.
Carl Jung once wrote
extensively about how intense human awareness cracked a huge tree
stump in his room. Any good kundalini aficionado like me or
could tell you of the gravity effects of intense human glandular
electromagnetic fields. Another example is the floating of meditators
in seeming zero G so well documented in the photos in the
TM schools.
Some results of this implosive cohesion of the background ’vacuum’ by genetic material is:
If Thoth, son of Enki is
correct, then her blood line must have been from the blue bloods in
Rigel near Orion. The soul penetrating and somewhat ruthless
character of the Rigelians is deeply reported among the true ’time
empaths’ at Montauk. (also personal conversations with
Michael Ash -
Montauk survivor.)
The fractality of eggs does not engender so much penetrating individuation.
This is something akin to the double scorpio sting
which I enjoy. The IEVE ’wet making’ female experience being so
egg fractal has less risk to loss of immortal memory, but less
access to separateness, which befalls the ADAMIC ’hard making
power’ of centripedal seed making male-ness.
It’s like Jesus (really Tut from Enki )
liking a wooden carved bird so much, he says PHIAT LUX (phi - at the
light) and it flies away.
However it WAS effective superficially. They found the mineral gold when subjected to compressed charge, (Orthomolecularly re-arranged are the words David Hudson uses of ORMES) became soluble in blood. This MANNA, SPICE, or ORMES {great worme..} Gold Powder, is like fractal atomic pop-corn in it’s mono-atomic state.
electrical result is a kind of forced catalyzed implosion at the sub
atomic quantum level in blood and thereby DNA. The net effect is the
enzymatic triggering of IMPLOSION in DNA. (The braid symmetry gets
chemically triggered into the wave mechanics of turn-myself-inside
out again..).
Like David Hudson’s ORMES subjects, they would here the ringing in their speeded up DNA approaching greater electrical superconductivity. The body would spit out most diseases, etc.
Unfortunately, as Thoth - Enki’s son was kind enough to narrate - the Gold Powder addiction in the absence of true self-empowering bliss psychological hygiene, PRODUCES INTERESTING FRACTIONATION OF THE PERSONALITY. It is like, succeeding in getting thousands of more radio stations working in the tuner of your DNA, but failing to evolve the electrical force of WILL (self-direction - internal generation of PHIRE/FIRE) to be able to SORT and TUNE to choose your own station.
The result was the evolution of Draco
Anunnaki fallen Nephalim would developed a machine maintained
mechanical form of immortality - with complete loss of long memory,
individuation - and ensoulment. They became a HIVE mind - with DNA
that buzzed with telepathy, but having lost individuation - lost
compassion and ensoulment.
Enki recommends you ask why current Earth physics found the liquid iron molten core of Earth to be ’jitterbugging’ in a phonon lo frequency sonic standing wave that gave it a dodecahedral shape.
Then notice
the fractal (60 degree dodec cascade cone) shaped alignment of the
solar system to the Pleaides-Orion-Sirius gravity wind. ("Peshmehten"
in Hopi - ref ../orion & ../peshmehten ). So Earth’s real estate
value IS location based (context rich/embedded). Moreover Earth
specifically is (Angelically? Ophanic?) DESIGNED to be a place where
you can raise DNA to the point of star embedding fractality!
This was done with great purpose:
Follow in Dad’s footsteps thru momma Enki, and become a Sun God. Otherwise, looking for a heart of gold, you will be growing old.
Here it is particularly important that we grow the importance of the star maps magnetically on the land, like Orion’s map located on the landscape at Giza. Soul groups use group bliss process, aligned with fractal ’sacred’ (meaning sustainable) events in time, to squirt their soul group back to the resonant morphic star group USING THE STAR MAP ON THE LAND AS A MAGNETIC LENS of the radiance (bliss) of their genes and glands. ( many pictures: ../orion , ../america )
When Enki emerged from the genetics lab
with his second wave of Mule Donkey "Lulu’s", Enlil gets really
jealous. Plus Enki has meantime fallen in love, particularly with
the females of his genetic machinations.
The SSSSA was the SSSSsound just before
paralyzing SSSSspit which meant POWER among the velociraptor origing
Drac’s. (The sound S means power or multiplication or plurality in
most Earth languages as a result).
The story of how the lie evolved to change Akhenaton’s name to
Moses, and Tutankhamon’s (ankaton) name to Jesus, makes fascinating
reading. Please pick up the books: "Out of Egypt" and "House of the
Messiah". How could 2000 years of historians have lied to you? When
Enlil/Yahweh/"God" tells you the lie, then the Rabbi liars say
Some even say that the picture of the chaos evident in the star picture of OUR (Orion neighborhood) spiral arm of this galactic nebula being far more fractionated (scrambled) visibly than the rest of our rather orderly galactic embedding, is a direct result of the gravity perturbations resulting from this Orion genetic wars.
So when the Bible (mistranslated Sumerian for the most part) says that Michael was booted out of heaven along with the fallen dragons, we must read deeply.
Enlil calling himself ’Mich-a-EL’ the Dragon
slayer (MICH-a-bo means God in many native tribes also) was a
campaign against the bloodline of his half brother Enki/Adonai.
The splitting of the Draco heart marked the end of the possibility of true turning inside out centrally, of their heart field effect. This meant the end of the possibility of true compassion. Centuries of cyborg splicing their genetics to sources of machine intelligence, as well as such intense telepathic machinations that the individuation necessary to fertilize compassion, created a cultural taboo.
Compassion was no longer valued or understood.
Replacing it with telepathy created such fierce mechanical survivalism along with hive mind conditions, that remnant humanoids like the delicate marriage of AN to Lady Aide which produced Enki, in the royal house in Sirius, were a galactic rarity.
Usually the Orion requisite that the royal families of the
vassal trading house planets like Sirius intermarry with the Orion
queen hive telepath matriarchs line, produced only rubber stamp
telepath planetary reports to the Orion sector galactic ruling body.
Whether this is an accurate description of when the Draco line developed the split into 2 hearts each is uncertain. The reports of the effect of that split however are multiple. In essence, the Drac line at that point FELL.
They lost the ability to:
The issue of how SOUL GROUPS get
fractionated, and get re-assembled into star navigating fractality
becomes central to the description of the galactic politics of
genepool fertilizing.
This antics of cavalier genetic
exploitation we later chose to call ’Adam and Eve’ or ’Isis and
Osiris’ depending on who mistranslated the Sumerian.
also see related index- on Dan Winter reprint films: |