Biodynamic Shrimp Production- Aug 2019

Healthier Shrimp- Reduce or eliminate added chemicals in the water


This is a private web site- exclusively for the partners of Imploder, and Energime

The pictures and films here are just for private use for direct project partners

Biodynamic Shrimp Triploder- set up specially for Thailand application- working successfully there (much dirtier water than successful trials in EU)

Installed in Jan 2020, in the first week trial - it totally eliminated the need for massive chemicals they normally add to the water,
reduced food required by at least half, and doubled shrimp size ( and eliminated daily need to replace much of the water)! - Kudos to Laurent!



The BIODYNAMIC Shrimp Project - begins with a specially modifed version of the Biodynamic Triploder- which has been especially configured and charged for Shrimp farming.

See the original Biodynamic Triploder - image here - also see the original Triploder info here.

See our website about the electrical science behind Biodynamics / Steiner

The specially charged biodynamic triploder for shrimp - is then set up for higher pressures- and commercial use - as depicted below- by our specialist biodynamic scientist:

- download Shrimp project - intro pdf here


Of course more pictures of before / after and with / without comparisons must wait til later in the season- Earlier trials in Asia were very successful.

The below films are private- for use of our Biodynamic Shrimp Project partners only


The key to maintaining happy shrimp without chemicals - is charge in the water..

The core physics concept - is the proven implosive fractality of the hydrogen bond in the heart of water-

is key to charge absorption- but most particularly at the moment of max spin

(the center of the vortex- in this case our triploder

The other key - is the natural biodynamic preparations-

along with the natural hardness /mineral in the water-

make the vortex piezoelectric- thus charge implosive.

(Why we are famous for dramatic solubility/ bioavailability solutions- especially in hard water).

So - Laurent has taken the time tested science of biodynamics-

'imprinting charge into water' -which we know is implosive capacitive coupling optimized

-and added specific frequencies which allow us to

add the bioactive charge effect- of any specific missing nutrient - for example ( phosphorus  / magnesium).

In effect - Laurent is certain - by experience - that we can commercially

replace ANY needed agri chemical or nutrient-

by that specific charge signature added powerfully to the water- in our precise vortex..


Eventually - we will be able to introduce you

to sites where he has accomplished this- altho many French farmers are shy to become public.


information about the effective flow rate- and thus volume calculations

of our vortex nozzle

generally 30-65 psi- we  approach 30-65 liters per minute.

- it is easy to parallel these units for higher volume.

(3/4 inch standard thread connections


translation from Laurent below

The use of the dynamiser (specific triploder) for shrimp farming water is twofold:

1 °) Obtain a structured water by optimizing the negative and positive polarity of the water, which can thus fulfill its role of universal solvent, whatever the polarity of the elements present in the water.
 Thus assimilation and elimination are effective, as well as all biological processes of the living (growthh, reproduction ...). The continuous circulation of water in the dynamizer allows to keep a structured water permanently.

2 °) The transfer on the water of information playing the role of biological catalyst, allows the best expression of the physiology of the individuals present in this environment.
Increasing the energy, vibration and water levels helps to keep the environment as healthy as possible. Because the shrimp live on the bottom of the water, the device at the bottom of the basin acts as a resonator with the dynamizer, ensuring a good dissemination of information.

For every living being, the first moments of life determine the good development of the organism thereafter. The use of specific Artemia, energized ensures this good development from the first days. Artemia is frozen to meet sanitary requirements and facilitate storage.

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Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2019 17:58:39 +0200
To: <>

L’utilisation du dynamiseur ( triploder spécifique ) pour l’eau d’élevage de crevettes est double :

1°) Obtenir une eau structurée en optimisant la polarité négative et positive de l’eau, qui peut ainsi remplir pleinement son rôle de solvant universel, quelque soit la polarité des éléments présents dans l’eau.
Ainsi l’assimilation et l’élimination sont performants, ainsi que tous les processus biologiques du vivant ( croissance, reproduction…). La circulation en continu de l’eau dans le dynamiseur permet de garder une eau structurée en permanence.

2°) Le transfert sur l’eau d’information jouant le rôle de catalyseur biologique, permet la meilleure expression de la physiologie des individus présents dans cet environnement.
L’augmentation du niveau énergétique, vibratoire, de l’eau contribue à garder un milieu, le plus sain possible. Du fait que les crevettes vivent au fond de l’eau, le dispositif présent au fond du bassin agit comme un résonateur avec le dynamiseur, assurant une bonne diffusion des informations.

Pour tout être vivant, les premiers moments de la vie déterminent le bon développement de l’organisme par la suite. L’utilisation d’artémia spécifique, énergétisé garantit ce bon développement dès les premiers jours. Les artémias sont congelés pour répondre aux exigences sanitaires et faciliter le stockage.

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