Red Algae- Critical Health Problem- AND Ingenious Energy Solution:
Efficiently converts the dangerous algae bloom INTO Hydrogen Energy!

With unique catalyst and the right temperatures- the pyrolysis to HYDROGEN becomes almost... NEGENTROPIC! ( from Dan Winter - and EGG- Jay Dubinsky )
+BONUS - ocean plastic is ALSO transformed to energy!!

The 'Red Tide' red algae bloom documented cause of 300% cancer epidemic in affected India- NOW PRACTICALLY SURROUNDS FLORIDA..! and...


- -  
Mario added:"In Florida you come across a lot of communities that have retention and detention ponds. Most of these communities have Homeowners Associations (HOA). The HOA requires the homeowners to keep their landscape in excellent condition, not allowing even a brown spot to appear in some communities or else they, the homeowner(s) may be fined up to $1000+ in violation fees. If homeowners do not rectify the violation(s), liens are placed on their property. Due to these issues, homeowners are forced to fertilize their lawns, and the main ingredients in these fertilizers are Nitrogen and Phosphorous, which are then drained into the retention and detention ponds. Being that Florida climate is very humid during the Summertime, along with heavy rainfall combined with high temperature, these chemicals create an abundance of algae bloom and plankton in the ponds. Once this flows into the surrounding rivers and streams, which then flows into lakes, which is a more stagnated body of water, this in turn creates a breeding ground for Red Tide which eventually flows into the ocean. The best solution is to stop it at its source. This can be done by educating the folks in authority, HOA, and homeowners to use more green alternatives to rectify the problem. The solution(s) would be for another article.

Get a sense of how fast our oceans are dying from overfishing:

RedTide Update July 27,2021- from Jay Dubinsky

In one week our balearic water has turned into a green toilet

A beach I have been on for 10 years looks like it was moved to florida with green murky water!
and; women asked me about it in one day! -- No one has asked me anything in 10 years!

This is serious! Mallorca is going down- Red Tides have already wiped out the Algarves for the last 5 years- 2 seasons before covid even!
Same with Poland- 3 years-
On the 7th year- it works into the water systems of poland and Portugal above-
And Florida in 5.5 years from now Florida's caner rate will triple for colon, breast, and pancreas...just like india's did in 2018- with 33 blooms starting on the West Coast in 2011-

You realize they will empty out the Atlantic of all fish in 2.5 years at this rate!

Because the red tides grow at log (exponential ) rate when they get to a certial point and saturation- (green soup that we have in Mallorca Now)-

So, each 1º higher means another doubling of growth and it is early summer here and in Florida!

We are doomed. (it has spread to Davao and Red tide threat expands to Mindanao, Davao
Oriental under red tide alert
Jan 24, 2017
The red tide threat has spread to Mindanao, with waters in parts of Davao Oriental testing positive
for the red tide toxin, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources said.
In its Jan. 17 update, the BFAR said
Only EGG ALGAE TO H2 systems taking away the sargassum first will work - so the Red Tides don't have a home and substrate to grow from- it is about cross-sectional area- floating buoys to give red tide protozoa oxygen greatly creates the 10 million x¡s bigger disaster than the Biblical One
  RED SUN  Thermal Storage + EGG ALGAE TO H2 prototype in Cancun- when scaled-up will help Florida- because the Sargassum first comes by current thru seas directly to East & North of Cancun

PS- From Last year...(can't ignore the literature now..)
The projected incidence of patients with cancer in India among males was 679,421 (94.1 per 100,000) and among females 712,758 (103.6 per 100,000) for the year 2020. One in 68 males (lung cancer), 1 in 29 females (breast cancer), and 1 in 9 Indians will develop cancer during their lifetime (0-74 years of age; Table 2).Jul 16, 2020
CONCLUSIONS: Life & Protozoa  Can we life together? Probably not - especially since we are giving them super nutrient sources from fertilizer plants and modern ag- that sends 85% of the left-over pesticides and fertilizer into local rivers and streams- that are entirely encrusted in florida, Portugal, Spain, and even some plances in the Philippines (now- reaching Davao- even!)- more than 400 million years has gone by since we coexisted- going back to Pre-Cambrian Age 600 million years ago- due to the appearance of UV light then as our sun evolved (from red dwarf probably)- that caused genetic mutations to speed up at an ever-increasing Log (exponential ) rate and sped-up the evolutionary clock- while diversifying all life with new power sources- due to chromophore development first in bacteria and then in man that is powered solely by UV light-for the first time on Earth!) Protozoa and Man were in the past separated by a few hundred million years, for the most part. But, Now, we will soon find out if we can live on the same planet surface and air together. India was the canary in the cold mine, and it turns out that India is half dead already...with a tripling of cancer rates and dramatic increase across the board of diseases brought about by protozoa infiltrating the water and food systems, starting its major assault, and ignored by the government

EGG ALGAE TO H"- 600 tons per day Sargassum - High Temp 2 stage Pyrolysis with 95% dried Sargassum  (+red tide algae sometimes) gives 1 l of H2 gas per gm of bone-dry sargassum (with RED SUN Kilns/oven system) and gives 18 tons H2 per day that is converted by our gensets to elec onsite- to charge 32 MW RED SUn 32 MW batteries that are transferred by Rail from Cancun to Panama to get plugged into our 150 MW permanent thermal plant there- which will get $150 per MWh. with rail transport costing $12/MWh only! This is the power of the Molten Nickel RED SUN 29 tons battery- it goes everywhere you want it to create energy arbitrage between MEXICO and PANAMA!

still, This is also the policy of the US and the EU. The EGG ALGAE TO H2 Pyrolysis plant was first invented by EGG to suck up and dry through RED SUN Kilns (onboad a ship or on land) and belt presses used in the waste treatment plants throughout the world, to turn this algae and protozoa soup into a 95% biomass chip or pellet- and pyrolysize the pellet with 60% efficiency- and not have any by-products other than the target molecule H2-
Blame- ---17 times greater than anything in History in Tampa Bay- Florida.

Now andalucia spain: -So,It is happening faster and faster- faster than you can imagine even...We cant control it at this point- I'm afraid- only try and catch up- with 700 to 1200 EGG ALGAE TO H2 plants all over the world- like a roto-rooter Plumbing drain franchine! Ha Ha--but it is a war we are already losing general....(Moses would figure out a way - And I think RED SUN's got it!)

on a whole other level!
(Plus major corruption by Republican govt looking the other way for fertilizer and sugar cane industries)
Point is the health consequences of ignoring this! Not ruining vacations- although that has killed poland and Portugal vacations & soon Spain's economy...this is big $$ to tourism for sure,
But; compared to getting cancer- it's nothing!
(That's the giant boulder coming down the mtn that will smash everything soon!)


Critical Issues of Red Tides and Dead Zones-Research

Red Tide Measured to TRIPLE CANCER Rates-
Click here to download PDF> REDTIDEtriplescancerrate.pdf

Download PDF Research:> DeadzoneinGulf.pdf


NOAA forecasts very large ‘dead zone’ for Gulf of Mexico

High spring rainfall and river discharge into Gulf are major contributors to size


UPDATED: June 12, 2019. The words "land mass" were added in reference to Massachusetts in the first paragraph to more accurately describe the size of the forecasted dead zone. Photo updated.

June 10, 2019 NOAA scientists are forecasting this summer’s Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone or ‘dead zone’ – an area of low to no oxygen that can kill fish and other marine life – to be approximately 7,829 square miles or roughly the size of the land mass of Massachusetts. The annual prediction is based on U.S. Geological Survey river flow and nutrient data.


  The 2019 forecast is close to the record size of 8,776 square miles set in 2017 and larger than the 5-year average measured size of 5,770 square miles.

The annually recurring Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone is primarily caused by excess nutrient pollution from human activities, such as urbanization and agriculture, occurring throughout the Mississippi River watershed. Once the excess nutrients reach the Gulf they stimulate an overgrowth of algae, which eventually die, then sink and decompose in the water. The resulting low oxygen levels near the bottom are insufficient to support most marine life and have long-term impacts to living marine resources that are unable to leave the area. Considered one of the world’s largest, the Gulf of Mexico dead zone occurs every summer.

A major factor contributing to the large dead zone this year is the abnormally high amount of spring rainfall in many parts of the Mississippi River watershed, which led to record high river flows and much larger nutrient loading to the Gulf of Mexico. This past May, discharge in the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers was about 67% above the long-term average between 1980 and 2018. USGS estimates that this larger-than average river discharge carried 156,000 metric tons of nitrate and 25,300 metric tons of phosphorus into the Gulf of Mexico in May alone. These nitrate loads were about 18% above the long-term average, and phosphorus loads were about 49% above the long-term average.

NOAA issues a dead zone forecast each year, and refines the modelsoffsite link used by the Hypoxia Task Force to set nutrient reduction targets and better understand the link between hypoxia and nutrients. The forecast assumes typical coastal weather conditions, but the measured dead zone size could be disrupted and its size could change by major wind events, hurricanes and tropical storms which mix ocean waters, as occurred in 2018. A NOAA-supported monitoring survey will confirm the size of the 2019 Gulf dead zone in early August, a key test of the accuracy of the models.

“The models help predict how hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico is linked to nutrient inputs coming from throughout the Mississippi River Basin,” said Steve Thur, Ph.D., director of NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science. “This year's historic and sustained river flows will test the accuracy of these models in extreme conditions, which are likely to occur more frequently in the future according to the latest National Climate Assessment. The assessment predicts an increase in the frequency of very heavy precipitation events in the Midwest, Great Plains, and Southeast regions, which would impact nutrient input to the northern Gulf of Mexico and the size of the hypoxic zone.”

The Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force, a group working to reduce the Gulf dead zone through nutrient reductions within the Mississippi River watershed, has set a 5-year average measured size target of 1,900 square miles.

While nutrient inputs to the Gulf of Mexico vary from year to year because of natural swings in precipitation and discharge, USGS also tracks longer-term gradual changes in nitrate and phosphorus loading into the Gulf of Mexico from the Mississippi River.

“Long-term monitoring of the country's streams and rivers by the USGS has shown that while nitrogen loading into some other coastal estuaries has been decreasing, that is not the case in the Gulf of Mexico," said Don Cline, associate director for the USGS Water Resources Mission Area. "USGS monitoring and real-time sensors, coupled with watershed modeling, will continue to improve our understanding of the causes of these changes and the role they play in the Gulf and other coastal areas.”  

USGS operates more than 3,000 real-time stream gauges, 50 real-time nitrate sensors, and 35 long-term monitoring sites throughout the Mississippi-Atchafalaya watershed, which drains all rivers and streams in parts or all of 31 states and 2 Canadian provinces into the Gulf of Mexico.

This is the second year NOAA is producing its own independent forecast product, the culmination of a multi-year academic-federal partnership to develop a suite of NOAA-supported hypoxia forecast models. The partnership included teams of researchers at the University of Michiganoffsite link, Louisiana State Universityoffsite link, William & Mary’s Virginia Institute of Marine Scienceoffsite link, North Carolina State Universityoffsite link, Dalhousie Universityoffsite link and USGS. The NOAA forecast integrates the results of these multiple independent models into a separate average forecast and is released in coordination with these external groups, some of which are also developing independent forecasts.

NOAA and its partners continue to develop additional hypoxia forecast capabilities to understand impacts on living marine resources, better evaluate the role of phosphorus on the dead zone sizeoffsite link, and understand the relationship between hypoxia volume and areaoffsite link.


Table of Contents below - after Introduction



The role of life in regulating Earth Systems

If we take a step back and view Earth Systems over the longer temporal scale, it is once again stability which is notable. It is now widely accepted that life itself plays an important role in maintaining this stability. In the 1920’s Russian Mineralogist Vladimir Vernadsky (1863- 1945) published his work “The Biosphere” (Vernadsky, 1998 (1926)), which explored and illucidated the role of life in changing the mineral composition of the Earth’s crust and in determining the components and composition of the atmosphere- with oxygen made by algae starting 550 million years ago made for the explosion of all types of species starting 500 million years ago.


The Biosphere is now synonyms with the part of the Earth capable of supporting life. Half a Century after Vernadsky’s Biosphere, scientist James Lovelock gave us Gaia Theory (Named after the Greek Goddess of the Earth)- about an integral role of biological life in sustaining the Earth as an environment fit for living things (Lovelock, 1987), creating what Dan Winter (EGG Chief Electrical Engineer) calls creating “negentropy”. Lovelock chose the name Gaia after the greek goddess of the Earth. Baia theory offers a holistic view of the Earth as a single interconnected system. The term Holism is used to denote the view that the whole is (a lot) more than the sum of its parts, and the parts cannot be understood without reference to the whole. In this view, to understand Earth processes we would not examine just the independent “components”, such as ecosystems and their material environments.


Like any system, Lovelock argues, the Earth system has emergent properties that cannot be understood by examining the individual parts in isolation. An understanding of how they interact is needed- and necessary. As an example, we are still learning the consequences environmentally of the Deep Horizon spill, where most of the oil is sitting on the ocean floor, and expanded into algae blooms as big as the State Wisconsin - after ten years - 54,000 km2!- And Fueling the second biggest anoxic dead zone in the world in the Gulf along the Southern States, with the largest along the coast of Dubai in the Arabian Sea. Seven (7) years of continuous red tides with the cysts from the this dead zone contaminating the West Coast of India water bodies due to the Easterly Trade Winds (without any response from the government, despite the study done by the Goa University) causes them to fly hundreds of km and settles into all lakes, streams and rivers and works into the food and water systems ....INDIA is the test case- and the canary has died- the plagues and cancer and heart, colon and endocrine problems in India emerged. Normally, it takes 7 - 8 years for the red tide neurotoxins, saxitoxins, brevetoxins, ichthyotoxins, etc to work into the water tables and get inside each river, working their way into underground through the sand. And, they are very pernicious- You can’t boil these neurotoxins, they need 300ºC- they are so strong, and designed to last for decades in the sea! They must be filtered, or heated beyond 300ºC


This is a job for EGG. We will be the rotor-ROOTERS of the sea!

We have to, if you want to save Portugal! (RED TIDES ALL SUMMER ALL So beaches)

You have to - If you want to save Greece!

You have to - If you want to Save Poland )All 50 beaches closed all Summer!)

The Problems Of The Red Tide Environmental & Affects on Mariculture & Us & Causing Cancer Rates in India to go upo 324% in one year- (7 years after massive 33 HAB blooms on each coast)

INDIA 2011 HAB's (33 on the East Coast) started appearing so obnoxiously- they actually did a study at the university- in Goa- - so they measured on the East 33 in 2011- and 7 years to the day- Cancer shoots up 324% in one year- Bingo.


Now the clock is ticking in Greece, from 2014 and Portugal from 2018; and the Philippines, where there are 20 red tide algal blooms each year due to untreated sewage and mining tailings. The anaerobic zones are giant breeder reactors for anaerobes, that cause most of the disease and plagues in the world, causing increasing heart and endocrine diseases and cancer of pancreas, colon and liver because of the 39 different neurotoxins, and Blevetoxins, saxitoxins, which are stronger than anything man has invented in medicine- and have 550 millions of years of evolution of getting stronger and more effective in attacking liver, kidney and pancreas, or internal organs,. So, inn India. colon cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer have jumped up 324% from 2017 to 2018. So, exactly 7 years as I determined.  - You owe me a beer!


Mother Nature is Here to Collect on the debt of Modern Agriculture- making the sea a glyphosate sewer, and Cities who only grow houses, and never infrastructure.- As the Karma is here in spades with 1.3 Billion Indians- proving my point--

Also, An important consequence of eutrophication is the increased prevalence of harmful algal blooms that affect transitional and coastal waters, and ecosystems in open seas. In this work, data on phytoplankton biomass, presence of harmful/toxic algal blooms and bottom dissolved oxygen were analyzed as indicators of overall eutrophic condition in the Cie… Thus, the Earth’s water Purifiers- Sargassum Sea weed is being over produced to combat the war we are waging with out agriculture and cities against the Atlantic- Each year over 22 million metric tons of the seaweed inundate the Caribbean, clogging coral reefs, affecting the ecosystem, impeding the fishery community and becoming increasingly irksome to the tourism sector. ... In 2018 sargassum cleanup reportedly cost the Caribbean approximately US$120 million.


Earth is responding to the humongous amount of Nitrogen- Based Fertilizers that mostly wash off the land each year into rivers, streams and lakes and dump into the sea as free toilet for the Big Ag Industries. In addition, deforestation due to agriculture creates unprecedented sediments to flow into the Atlantic and our oceans and seas creating with nondecayable pesticides, and mutation-causing Glyphosate pesticides. Since 1974 in the U.S., over 1.6 billion kilograms of glyphosate active ... in the U.S. from 1974 to 2014 has been sprayed in just the last 10 years, which is mostly now in the Gulf of Mexico:

Bayer To Pay More Than $10 Billion To Resolve Cancer ... › 2020/06/24 › bayer-to-pay-more-than-10...

Jun 24, 2020 — Roundup's active ingredient is glyphosate, which thousands of plaintiffs ... Bayer says a settlement worth more than $10 billion will resolve most of the ... this year when a jury ordered Bayer and its codefendant, BASF, to pay


Bayer also sells Agent Orange cut into two different pesticides - 2-4- D:


Eyeless shrimp and mutant fish raise concerns over BP Deep Horizon spill effects + toxic Glyphosate soup + Heavy Metals

As there are no native enzymes to break down these pesticides and fungicides to dispose of them naturally, they just collect in these dead zones, and make them grow. Killing all the good and beneficial bacteria and plankton, while encouraging only anaerobes- Protozoa and metazoa and disease causing bacteria to flourish and send out billions of wind and tide-swept cysts to go airborne, which can settle as much as 2,000 km away- riding the trade winds.


Thus, the Earth Adjusts - as part of a homeostatic effect (Watson and Lovelock, 1983), it creates 20 million tons of Sargassum Seaweed to try and filter these toxins and excess Nitrogen and phosphorus and sediments from, for the most part, unregulated agriculture, forestry and industry, that do not pay for any damage they have created, which is already at country sized (UAE Dead Zone is as big as Scotland- 65.000 km2) the scale that it may already be unfixable! Yet, both the US and UAE are keeping deadly silent on the issue to prevent any PR repercussions, but on June 21st, 2019, as I was sitting down to breakfast in Dubai on one trip, the University of UAE announced in the local paper that their underwater drone had made a  big discovery! Finding the world’s largest anoxic dead zone 200 km off shore from Dubai.The oxygen-saturated waters of the Arabian Gulf sink to intermediate depths (200‐300m) ventilating the world’s thickest Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ). Becoming more buoyant, the warmer Gulf waters are less prone to do so.


The warming of the Arabian Gulf is predicted to continue in the future, causing the intensification of the dead zone due to its lack of ventilation. Humans can take part in reducing the ocean’s

When my children were small we enjoyed camping holidays both in this country and abroad. The Mediterranean was a turquoise joy - warm, sensuous, and clear. or so we thought, until we saw raw sewage running over the beaches in Spain. The Sign of this ruined many holidays. It was obvious that if nothing was done about it conditions would get even worse.

Now the mediterranean has become a cesspool. Factories pur their their waste into it. Carpets of red algae, the produce of sewage, fertilizer and effluent from cows, pigs, dogs, and industrial waste, plus glyphosate and pesticides, are at times visible along certain parts of the coast, while the dead fish and molluscs, starved by these algae of oxygen, are washed up onto the shore. In 1987, a French scientist described this former dream of poets and painters as "one immense broth of bacteria".

Elsewhere, things are just as bad, if not worse.

Oil pollution—petroleum hydrocarbons—can enter the marine environment from a wide range of sources including transport (e.g. tanker operations or accidents, bilge and fuel oil, non-tanker accidents and atmospheric emissions), from fixed installations (coastal refineries, offshore production, marine terminals) and from other sources (e.g. municipal or industrial waste, urban or river run-off), together with natural inputs (Clark, 2001 ). Contamination by oil fractions may persist in the marine environment for many years after an oil spill, depending on characteristics of oil such as type, spill size and location (Tansel, 2014 ). In areas such as salt marshes and mangrove swamps, the environment may recover fairly quickly (within 2–10 years) (Kingston, 2002 ). However, where a spill is not dealt with through the physical removal of oil, it can persist for more than 25 years (Kingston, 2002 ).

Oil pollution in the North Sea: the impact of governance measures on oil pollution over several decades

A range of biological effects can result from chronic oil inputs such as repeated small spillages in coastal waters, with those effects ranging from localised and subtle to several hundred per year today!

globally around 4.63 million tonnes per year entered the marine environment from transportation

The volumes of oil entering the marine environment each year are unclear. Clark (2001 ), for example, suggests that globally around 4.63 million tonnes per year entered the marine environment from transportation (including 0.163 million tonnes from tanker operations and 0.162 million tonnes from tanker accidents) and 0.18 million tonnes from fixed installations including offshore oil production, the main sources discussed in this paper. A 2007 estimate by the European Environment Agency (EEA, 2007 , p. 232) indicates that between 1 and 3 million tonnes per year of oil enters the global marine environment, of which 24% is from marine transport (18% from operational ship discharges and 6% from accidental spills) and 3% from offshore extraction.

4.63 million tons will make approximately 46 million tons of algae blooms per year if not cleaned up! 200 spills/yr


   200 spills/yr

deoxygenation and halt the expansion of the dead zone through working to reduce CO2 emissions.

l  The massive dead zone in the Arabian Sea is found to be the largest in the world

l  The study shows that the warming of the Arabian Gulf could result in the intensification of the dead zone

l  Oxygen Minimum Zone refers to naturally occurring, persistent oceanic oxygen deficiency at mid-water depths

As marginal seas like the Arabian Gulf are not well represented in global climate models, the study is the first to show that local temperature changes in a semi-enclosed sea, like the Arabian Gulf, can have important consequences for oxygen and marine habitats not only locally but also for ecosystems thousands of kilometers away.

The findings, therefore, imply that temperature changes can lead to biases in global climate models at a scale much larger than the scale of the semi-enclosed seas themselves.

Graphic illustrates the expansion of the oxygen deficient zone (dead zone) at depth under surface warming (right panel) in comparison to the no warming case (left panel). The larger dead zone causes a compression of fish habitat and an increase in denitrification in the core of oxygen minimum zone, with consequences for nitrate budget and photosynthesis rates near surface


EGG ALGAE TO H2 Solutions Introduction


Three months after I found the Dead Zone announcement in the Dubai paper, I was doing basic research on Algae, since I am the Proverbial Mr Algae- and co-founder with Nick Eckelberry (Featuring Quantum Fractionation to strip oil from algae ultrasonically and separate them with sound waves: ) - that was top 10 BioTech Company for 2009 - 2010 in the US.- that I found a clue that lead to the present EGG Catalyst- that is a piezo-electric conductor at 700ºC to 950ºC and collapses from one Nested platonic solid to another through a low-entropy scissors action- giving off an electron and heat. What is unusual about this terrific catalyst is that it can be regenerated to the higher order platonic shape by 2000ºC heat- popping it back to reuse the catalyst like popcorn thousands of times- making the cost pennies per kg! Moreover; the synergy with the RED SUN Thermal Electric molten metal batteries Platform that features the RED SUN 2000ºC oven and 1000ºC steam kilns is breathtaking! The RED SUN 1.3 MW to 32 MW Thermal Molten Nickel batteries (designed and backed by Thyssenkrupp with 10 year warranty) recharge with electric induction at 98%, and since my work with Mazda & Toyota Racing Teams on Hydrogen systems, engines and generators (with Nick Eckelberry and Sr Engineer Jim Murray which I hired to send to Japan) in  2005, under MAG POWER, I have become a world expert in H2 production and water plasma, collecting 5 separate ultrasonic and ultrasonic transduction patents- the heart of the MAG GAS generator.


Each Tank filters 3.5 Million Gal/day down to 2 microns, using 95% gravity- super Energy. This is just one Cancer cases in India spike by over 300% in 1 year, new govt data shows

3example of the arsenal of specialized algae equipment and tools I bring to the venture after 20yr in Algae biz!


EGG Proprietary PURI-STAT Water and Algae Filtering System- Each Tank filters 3.5 Million Gal/day down to 2 microns, using 95% gravity- super Energy. This is just one Cancer cases in India spike by over 300% in 1 year, new govt data shows

3 Nov, 2019 08:14 / Updated 11 months agoexample of the arsenal of specialized algae equipment and tools I bring to the venture after 20yr in Algae biz!

















Cancer cases in India spike by over 300% in 1 year, new govt data shows 3 Nov, 2019

The number of Indians diagnosed with cancer more than tripled between 2017 and 2018, according to a new government report. The increase is attributed to a rise in unhealthy lifestyles, as well as better detection. Of the 65 million patients who visited state-run NCD (non-communicable disease) clinics in 2018, 160,000 were treated for common cancer – including cervical, oral, and breast cancer. Revealed in India’s 2019 National Health Profile, the figure represents a nearly 324-percent increase from the previous year.

The number of people who used the government-run facilities nearly doubled from 2017-18, suggesting that cancer detection improved significantly over the two-year period.

India’s Health Ministry attributed the worrying uptick to poor diet and tobacco and alcohol use. India currently finds itself near the top of the list for overall number of cancer cases. India’s cancer rate in proportion to its population is considerably lower than much of the developed world. However, poor data reporting and a shortage of oncologists in the country means that many cancer cases go undetected.

The report also had some positive news. The Health Ministry found that average life expectancy in India increased from 49.7 years in 1970-75 to 68.7 years in 2012-16


=== end Intro



Preface: Natural gas is a much ÔdirtierÕ energy source than we thought                       

pg 1                   Summary of EGG Algae to H2 Process & Synergistic RED SUN 2000¼C Thermoelectric Platform -Power +1000¼CSteam to pyrolyize Sargassum Seaweed to Bio-H2       

pg 9 HOTEL ¼ size & 1/8th Size Pyrolysis pay for themselves in 1 year: For Hotel Chains along Spanish Riviera, Caribbean; -Colombia:2-10 MW turbine in 20Õ container pg 9

Introduction:  Life Water and Water Pollution

Organic Matter                                                                                                                     

pg 10

Living Organisms                                                                                                                  

pg 11

Plant Nutrients                                                                                                                      

pg 12

Pesticides and other Toxic Chemicals                                                                                 

pg 13


pg 14

Chapter 1 ~ What are algae blooms and why are they bad?                                            

pg 22 CONCLUSIONS: Life & Protozoa                                                                              


pg 37

The Incidence of Marine Toxins and the Associated Seafood Poisoning Episodes                           in the African Countries of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea                                

pg 39

 Chapter 2 ~ EGG Solutions ~ Staged gasification (steam Pyrolysis)                              

pg 44 Chapter 3  - Biomass gasification for large-scale electricity generation                  

pg 55 Chapter 4 ~ Feasibility Study ~ Algae to Hydrogen WTO Pyrolysis System to                  remediate Florida, Cancun, Latvia, Poland & Hawaii Algae                                    

pg 55                                                   The cancer causers: Pfiesteria Piscida, Gonyaulax & Dinoflagettes create                        brevetoxins & AA analogs (Also See page 39)                                                             

pg 60 Dead zone conditions being reported in Gulf due to red tide-results are alarming

pg 84 Afterword                                                                                                                        pg 87


















Natural gas is a much ÔdirtierÕ energy source than we thought

Coal, oil, and gas are responsible for much more atmospheric methane, the super-potent warming gas, than previously known.

In the thick of a Greenland summer of field work in 2015, Benjamin Hmiel and his team drilled into the massive ice sheetÕs frozen innards, periodically hauling up a motorcycle-engine-sized chunk of crystalline ice. The ice held part of the answer to a question that had vexed scientists for years: How much of the methane in the atmosphere, one of the most potent sources of global warming, comes from the oil and gas industry?

Previously, geologic sources like volcanic seeps and gassy mud pots were thought to spit out about 10 percent of the methane that ended up in the atmosphere each year. But new research, published this week in Nature, suggests that natural geologic sources make up a much smaller fraction of the methane in todayÕs atmosphere. Instead, the researchers say, that methane is most likely attributable to industry. Added up, the results indicate weÕve underestimated the methane impacts of fossil fuel extraction by up to 40 percent.

ThatÕs both bad news for climate change and good, says Hmiel, the lead author of the study and a researcher at the University of Rochester. Bad, because it means that oil and gas production has had a messier, bigger impact on the greenhouse gas budget than scientists knew. But Hmiel finds the result encouraging for almost the same reason: The more of the methane emissions that can be pinpointed to human activity like oil and gas extraction, the more control it means policymakers, businesses, and regulators have to fix the problem.

ÒIf we think of the total methane in the atmosphere as slices of a pie—one slice is from ruminants, this other is from wetlands. The slice is we used to think was from geologic methane was too big,Ó says Hmiel. ÒSo what weÕre saying is that the fossil fuel pie slice is larger than what we thought, and we can have a bigger influence on the size of the slice, because itÕs something we can control.Ó

Methane, the ÒbridgeÓ fuel—but a bridge to where?

A Above: This shows EPA Greenhouse Gas Inventory leakage estimates. Below )pg 6): This shows results from recent experimental studies. Studies either focus on specific industry segments, or use broad atmospheric data to estimate emissions from multiple segments or the entire industry. Studies have generally found either higher emissions than expected from EPA inventory methods, or found mixed results (some sources higher and others lower). Credit: Stanford University School of Earth Sciences potent greenhouse gas, methaneÕs carbon core and hydrogen arms are arranged in a configuration that makes it exceptional at absorbing heat. On a 20-year timescale, a methane molecule is roughly 90 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than a molecule of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas that wields the most control over EarthÕs future warming in the long-term.

MethaneÕs atmospheric concentrations have increased by at least 150 percent since the Industrial Revolution. Because of its potency, the more of it there is in the air the harder it will be to keep the planetÕs temperatures from soaring past global climate goals.                                                                        

Methane is also the protagonist in a planet-wide, decades-long scientific mystery: Where, exactly, does all the extra methane heating up the atmosphere today all come from? Is it cow burps or rice paddies? Leaks from oil and gas production? Burbling gassy mud volcanoes or seeps along the Earths shifting seams?

Over the past few decades, as calls to reduce carbon dioxide emissions have grown louder and natural gas collection technologies like fracking have gotten cheaper, many coal-fired power plants across the United States and abroad have retired. In the U.S. over 500 coal-fired power plants have closed since 2010. In many cases they are replaced by natural gas (which is made up primarily of methane gas) plants, which now produce nearly 40 percent of the U.S.Õs energy needs.The ice has answers

Methane burns more efficiently than coal, making it a better option, carbon-cost-wise and air-pollution-wise, than coal. It also sticks around in the atmosphere for much less time than CO2—an average of nine years, compared to CO2Õs hundreds.

Because of its characteristics, natural gas has been often been touted as a Òbridge fuelÓ to help smooth the transition to a carbon-neutral energy future. Natural gas plants fill energy needs today while renewable or carbon-negative technologies develop.

ÒThe question is: Is this a bridge fuel, or is it going to be around for a very long time?Ó says Sheila Olmstead, an environmental economist at the University of Texas at Austin. ÒThe market is telling us itÕs probably going to be around for a long time.Ó

However, the climate cost of natural gas has relied on a basic assumption: There are less total carbon emissions from natural gas than from other sources. But in recent years a flotilla of scientific studies have brought that assumption into question, primarily by looking at how much gas is lost during the production process.

If there are very few leaks or losses along tThe ice has answershe way—less than a few percent of the total amount of gas recovered—the math breaks even or comes out ahead. But if that Òleakage rateÓ climbs over more than about 1 percent of the total gas recovered, the budget gets fuzzy, says Robert Howarth, a climate scientist at Cornell.

One recent study found that the widely used Òleakage rateÓ of gas in the U.S. natural gas production process could be over 2 percent. Others, looking at specific Òsuper emittersÓ in major drilling regions of the US, have found even more leakage.

ÒOver the past few years of research IÕd say the whole argument for methane for a bridge fuel is really gone,Ó says Howarth. ÒBut if we go back and say we really do need natural gas for a while, that calculation depends on methaneÕs break-even point. And weÕre not sure weÕre close to that.Ó

ItÕs critical to phase out CO2 emissions, stresses Jessika Trancik, an energy expert at MIT, because thatÕs the stuff that will keep the planet locked in for long-term warming. But for the climate goals the world is scrambling to hit right now—keeping air temperatures from soaring the 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius) temperature goals from the 2015 Paris Agreement—itÕs also critical to keep any extra methane from leaking into the atmosphere.

ÒItÕs impossible to hit those climate targets with methane in the mix,Ó says Lena Hšglund Isaksson, a greenhouse gas expert at AustriaÕs International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.

(See methane flowing from a leak at a natural gas storage field near Los Angeles).










The ice has answers

ItÕs remarkably difficult to figure out how much of the methane in the atmosphere comes from human sources, like oil and gas drilling or burning, how much comes from other human-influenced source like agriculture, and how much comes from natural sources like volcanic seeps.

Where it comes from determines what humans can do about it. If itÕs oil and gas, we can fix the systems to produce less. If itÕs volcanoes, we might be less able to manage the emissions.

ÒItÕs like a detective story,Ó says Hšglund Isaksson.

In the past, scientists made estimates of how much so-called natural methane comes from geologic sources by trekking to a particular seep or muddy volcano and very carefully measuring its emissions. Then the scientists would scale up those observations to make an estimate for the entire planet. Using that strategy, most estimates put the annual contribution of natural geology-sourced methane at about 50 teragrams per year, around 10 percent of the total annual amount of methane emitted. Recent estimates put the total annual methane contribution from acquiring and burning fossil fuels at just under 200 teragrams.

HmielÕs team suspected that the geologic sources might actually be even smaller—and they had a place to test that suspicion: the wide, flat Greenland ice sheet. The ice there, buried over 100 meters below the surface, dated from before the Industrial Revolution got underway in the 1800s, and so it had pre-industrial methane trapped inside tiny air bubbles in its frozen lattice.

They dug up over 2,000 pounds of ice. Then they sucked the methane-containing air out of the bubbles trapped in the ice.

Methane from natural geologic sources has a slightly different chemical makeup than methane from other sources, like wetlands. The methane sucked out of the 250-year-old ice contained traces of only a tiny amount of geologic methane. And because the samples were from before the start of the Industrial Revolution and the concurrent increase in methane from coal and oil, there were no traces of methane from fossil fuels.

In contrast, samples from after the Industrial Revolution started showed a telltale fingerprint of fossil fuels.

But the key finding was about how little methane from geologic sources there was in the ice: the equivalent of no more than about 5 teragrams of methane released to the atmosphere per year, in those pre-fossil-fuel-dependent days. ItÕs unlikely that the geology has changed in that short a time, so that estimate is, Hmiel says, a good assumption for what geology is contributing today, as well.

Crucially, that contribution is 10 times smaller than other estimates—including those used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change—used to make scientific assessments and policy decisions.

Overall, scientists have long known exactly how much methane there is in the atmosphere. That number hasnÕt changed: ThereÕs still about 570 teragrams of methane collecting in the atmosphere each year. But if thereÕs a lot less from the natural geologic sources, some other source must make up the difference. The team could also demonstrate that the most likely source is oil and gas operations.

If oil and gas operations have had a much bigger footprint on methane emissions than previously known, Hmiel thought, that also means they can clean up those emissions—both by reducing the amount of gas used and by cleaning up the leaks, flares, and other wasted gas from the process.

ÒPower utilities that are currently choosing whether to focus on wind and solar or gas—if they choose gas, itÕs crucial to understand that that plant is going to be around for decades,Ó says Olmstead.

ÒThey have real staying power well beyond what the nameplate expiration date is. Knowing that, does that change the decisions we make today? That weÕll have effects on methane emissions 10, 20, 30, 40 years into the future?Ó

Several other studies have used airplanes and towers to measure actual methane in the air, so as to test total estimated emissions. The new analysis, which is authored by researchers from seven universities, several national laboratories and federal government bodies, and other organizations, found these atmospheric studies covering very large areas consistently indicate total U.S. methane emissions of about 25 to 75 percent higher than the EPA estimate.

Methane Leaks Erase Some of the Climate Benefits of Natural Gas The switch from coal to gas has driven down CO2 emissions, but leaks negate much of those gains in the short term

AmericaÕs carbon dioxide emissions have fallen consistently over the last 15 years in large part because power companies have swapped coal for natural gas. Now it appears that those CO2 reductions might be smaller than previously thought.

A recent study by the Environmental Defense Fund found that 3.7% of natural gas produced in the Permian Basin leaked into the atmosphere. ThatÕs enough to erase the greenhouse gas benefits of quitting coal for gas in the near term.

ÒThe first thing to say is the 3.7% number really jumps off the page,Ó said Daniel Raimi, a researcher at Resources for the Future. ÒIt is a really high emission rate. It is yet another indicator that the U.S. oil and gas system emits more than current EPA estimates would suggest.ÓThe study by EDF is significant on several fronts. Methane, the primary component of natural gas, produces about half the emissions of coal when burned, but itÕs a much more powerful greenhouse gas when leaked into the atmosphere- But while it sticks around, methane is more than 80 times as effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide, which has a lower capacity for heat storage but can linger in earth's atmosphere for hundreds of years. Methane leaks go hand in hand with our processes for extracting, storing, and burning natural gas

Summary of EGG Algae to H2 Process & Synergistic RED SUN 2000¼C Thermoelectric Platform – Electric Power +1000¼C Steam to drive Pyrolysis at 950¼C

Full Size – 18 t h2/day -One Quarter Size 4.5 tons H2/day

1st Algae throughput process to pyrolyze seaweed and red algae cleanly in continuous process all the way to hydrogen (99%) at extremely high temperatures using brand new catalyst that is recycled from waste -red mud- from the aluminum processing business (30 million tons/yr) – to produce hydrogen from seaweed algae and microalgae- with full prod= 350 tons/day.

2nd- RED SUN thermal Electric Platform goes from 1,400-2,000¼C, to heat kilns, ovens, and make 1000¼C steam for 0,5 cents per kWh using bio-hydrogen & thermal battery induction charging that charges battery at 98.6% efficiency (and keeps for years as back-up) vs. 5c-7c/kWh for steam power under coal/fuel.

3rd EGG Algae to H2 Process has a regenerating (EGG proprietary designed CATALYST) -Regenerating catalyst that recharges at 2000¼C, to allow thousands of cycles, making the catalyst 2 or 3 orders of magnitude cheaper at 2-5 cents (depending on Delivery) per kg for Recharged (EGG proprietary designed CATALYST).


This replaces very expensive platinum heavy metals at $2.4+ USD/kg. The Synergetic RED SUN Oven heats tons of the catalyst at a time to 2,000ºC;

4th, The footprint of the EGG Algae to H2 plant is two orders of magnitude smaller, at 200 m2, vs 200,000 m2 for a small oil refinery cracker, that uses CH4 to make H2. This cuts both operating costs and labor costs by 70% also! (¼ Hotel Size units 50 m2)

5th The process makes bio-hydrogen with no CO2, GHGs, or secondary byproducts (phenols) as it operates at 950ºC- which removes everything from the gas, and transforms phenols and CO2/NOx at 950ºC, so that absolutely nothing comes out to pollute the air or harm workers; vs Refinery made H2 in gas stations now produces 12 Mol of CO2, or 268 liters of CO2 for every 22.4 liters of H2 made! Currently H2 processes are very unsustainable.

6th The 1/8th Size unit for Gas Stations can run electric charging for electric cars, provide bio-hydrogen at the station, as well as run the entire gas station, mini-mart, car wash, and restaurant-with 25,000 MWh/year, and sell to the grid electricity, plus provide 50 tons of ice/y,

HOTEL ¼ size & 1/8th Size Pyrolysis pay for themselves in 1 year: For Hotel Chains along Spanish Riviera, Caribbean; to Colombia: (2 to 10 MW turbine in 20 foot container):

One Quarter Size for $3.0 mln with collection & RED SUN oven/kilns + Turbine + RED SUN Thermal Battery to run the hotel and charge-up with bio-hydrogen made from ¼ size of Full scale pyrolysis plant that can co-locate into the hotel parking with 4 -5 parking spaces, in Modular shipping containers, plus seaweed hoppers.  Power plant with continuous operation, processes 90 tons of sea weed per day in sealed high temp catalytic pyrolysis unit that works continuous on small pad of 50 m2, with lease available $18,500 per month for 120 months at 6% interest, so that electricity sales pay for the unit (and the hotels can refinance by getting rid of their utility bills- so it is like a refinance for them (they save $100k per month, and instead pay lease of $18,500/mo) win-win-win!), while it nets 105,000 MWh, which in Mexico (Mexico pays $150/MWh)nets $120/MWh EGG after $30/MWh service Contract to run the Electricity/HVAC/Ice and EGG Algae Collection & Drying Service Contract for 10 years to run all operations turnkey for the hotel or client.

Can Be Joint Venture where we sell excess Electricity and ice and water and split revenue 50%-50%;

Gets Ice Free

10 Year Warranty on all equipment

Ice sales at $330 per ton can be ramped-up to pay for entire unit

Client gets half the revenue on excess electricity sold to the grid and discounted electricity, hot water and HVAC services that save them 40% of current costs, or more, plus free ice. And; they are guaranteed clean beaches within one mile of their establishment in the service contract.  The seaweed is collected and pyrolyzed without dumping at sea or on land, thereby saving the coral reefs of the gulf and biota of the region, that will be suffocated under millions of tons of sea weed dumped annually now by Mexican Military/Govt on behalf of the hotels now, which will create another environmental catastrophe and set-off more red tide algae blooms in the Gulf of Mexico close to Cancun (and increase the second biggest algae bloom and dead zone currently along the coast of the US),

Life Water and Water Pollution Introduction

Organic Matter                                                                                               

Waste of most common pollutants of surface waters is organic material which enters rivers and lakes as human waste and some other industrial or ag waste, animal waste , other farm effluents, food processing waste and some other industrial wastewater. In a scientific context, the terms organic and inorganic have a specific meaning, In the context of water pollution organic material or organic matter means anything of animal or plant origin The derivation of the word is from having NATURAL organic material in aquatic and terrestrial environments (e.g. animal wastes, leaf litter, dead organisms) in biodegradable processes between bacteria, fungi, algae synergetically with the planet- meaning it can be broken down by bacteria (that has evolved for over 550 million years to do just that!) and other microorganisms into relatively harmless end products (no benzene ring compounds or cancer causing agents left -UNLIKE with man-made organics and organic pesticides- which create quite toxic cancer-causing soup that only dangerous anoxic protozoa can survive in- and those are the most likely to have brevetoxins, saxitoxins (see appendixes), and other cancer-causing microtoxins in them, giving them the reddish color in many cases, and we know them as red tides).

Thus the chemistry is completely different when man enters his organics- Night and Day-

No bacteria has yet evolved to breakdown these new organics, and it takes hundreds of million of years for these full-fledged synergies between microorganisms and us to work carefully and cleanly. Not anymore.

Living Organisms

Inorganic substances  such as sand and silt, or other hand, have a mineral inert affect, meaning they do not react chemically or biologically, and therefore do not degrade. In chem organic chemicals were originally limited to those substances  found only in living organisms that contain carbon atoms linked to hydrogen (hydrocarbons), and their derivatives.


Subsequently, many useful artificial hydrocarbon compounds have been developed that are also called organic because of their similar properties. Organic chemistry is the study of these hydrocarbon compounds and inorganic chemistry is the study of compounds that do not contain hydrocarbons.


Yet man-made organic substances for the most part are not biodegradable- and therefore create permanent pollution, and are the key downfall of our entire waste management policy to date. We are literally trapped in our non-degrading wastes and plastics (470 million tons of plastic

made per year, with 10%- 47 million tons winding up in our waterways and oceans each year!). This problem magnified over 5 decades has created giant dead zones in our oceans as big as countries that are cancer-causing anaerobic breeder-reactors that synthesize what red tides make and amplify the red tide effects to the extent that trillions of cysts from protozoa and dangerous mezozoa species of red tide are infecting countries to the east of their proximity- which is india and south florida currently, The cancer causing toxins work into the waterways, and into the ag systems and food processing withing 7 years, and this will mean a tripling of cancer in South Florida in 2025, identical to India’s cancer rate that tripled between 2027- and 2018. (See appendix for full details on US Dead Zone as big as Wis,- 55,000 sq km2 !)


The promise that bacteria would biodegrade the deepwater Hoizon Spill was a hoax, or outright lie, as bacteria have not degraded or broken down even 1% of the oil, where 11 million barrels spilled into the gulf of Mexico, and caused $100 million per year in lost fishing and recreation along the US southern Coastal states every year since then. Since the spill the giant anoxic hole in the ocean started to grow dramatically, and now is bigger than Wis, growing 7% per year!”


Again, most naturally occurring organic substances are biodegradable, but some artificially produced organic substances are not, and bioaccumulate to the detriment of later generations. For example, the group known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Which includes polyclorinated biphenyls (PCBs): Industrially produced chemicals have become an essential ingredient in virtually all of our lives. Our kitchens are filled with detergents; household sprays are made from a variety of solvents; our walls and floors are made of ‘vinyl’; our foods are packaged in wrappings made of clear plastics; our vegetables are grown with synthetic fertilizers and covered with pesticides; our computers, desks, and mechanical devices are filled with synthetic materials. It is not surprising that chemicals are in our bodies as well, where literally hundreds of chemicals have been identified.

Scientists barely understand what long-term dangers these substances may present to human health and the environment. Some of these chemicals are especially worrisome: bisphenol a (BPA) used as a plasticizer in hundreds of proLiving Organismsducts from the lining of canned food to the receipts we receive for our credit card payments, is a known endocrine disruptor. Formaldehyde, a colorless chemical used in mortuaries as a preservative, can also be found as a fungicide, germicide, and disinfectant in, for example, plywood, particle board, hardwood paneling, and the “medium density fiberboard” commonly used for the fronts of drawers and cabinets or the tops of furniture [1].

As these materials age, formaldehyde evaporates into the home releasing a cancer-producing vapor, that slowly accumulates in our bodies. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) at the United States (US) National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggests that homeowners “purchasing pressed-wood products, including building material, cabinetry, and furniture… should ask about the formaldehyde content of these products.” Flame retardants commonly used in sofas, chairs, carpets, love seats, curtains, baby products, and even TVs, which sounded like a good idea when widely introduced in the 1970s, turn out to pose hidden dangers that we’re only now beginning to grasp [2]. Researchers have, for instance, linked one of the most common flame retardants—polybrominated diphenyl ethers—to a wide variety of potentially undesirable health effects, including thyroid disruption, memory and learning problems, delayed mental and physical development, lower IQ, and the early onset of puberty. (This introduction is drawn from: Gerald Markowitz and David Rosner, “Your Body is a Corporate Test Tube,” Tom Dispatch, April 28, 2013, available at:

Of special concern are a variety of chlorinated hydrocarbons, including DDT and other pesticides that were once spread freely across the United States. Despite being banned decades ago, they have accumulated in the bones, brains, and fatty tissue of virtually all of us. Their close chemical carcinogenic cousins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), were found in innumerable household and consumer products—like carbonless copy paper, adhesives, paints, and electrical equipment—from the 1950s through the 1970s. We are still paying the price for that industrial binge today, as these odorless, tasteless compounds have become persistent pollutants in the natural environment and, as a result, in all of us.

And; now Glyphosate, as 10 Billion lbs per year are sprayed in the US and an equal amount in Europe and Since the 1990s, glyphosate usage has increased globally from 123 million pounds ... seeds and crops that are unaffected when sprayed with Roundup invented and developed by Monsanto, the makers of Agent Orange for the US Govt.military efforts in Viet Nam and elsewhere, 10 billion pounds were sprayed in the US last year, yet it stays in the soil 20 years and makes it sterile, while most runs off into our lakes and streams and does what?


Well, first the molecule is patented as an antibiotic, and all antibiotics have been found to encourage, if not create cancer later in life. But; the lethal part of glyphosate is its ability to trick the body into thinking it is glycine, and therefore incorporating glyphosate into all its new proteins instead of glycine, therefore inactivating the cell, or creating mutations that ultimately can lead to cancer in combination with cyst - building nature of glyphosate. As glyphosate is a very strong ligand, and it is just like Epoxy when it binds with minerals and metals in the soil or body, or in the plant- therefore- creating EPOXY A- Ligand, and it starves weeds by binding with Na+, S- Sox. Ca++, or other minerals in solid. Whereas, GMO corn only grows on 6 minerals, where weeds need 21. This is how Glyphosate has been used in combination to prevent the need to weed or till the crops after planting- and even the following year. It is also used commonly to desciccate cane sugar 2 weeks before harvest- as it has an extreme drying action that actually blackens the cane before harvest- so the farmer does not need to do expensive drying either.


However, all these benefits to the farmer have made it very popular, but no testing or follow-up research has ever been done, or was quashed, when rat tests showed it created tumours after 90 days. They Re-arranged with the FDA to only do 90 day tests to get US approval- after their Monsanto lawyer was made head of the FDA, and USDA. So, this is in the bottom of our holes in the ocean where nothing grows, and animals are already showing up with mutations, like shrimp with no eyes in the Gulf, due to no light coming in through the silt and pollution and algae overgrowth, blooms, and what is politely called toxic soup- (it is a disgrace to Americans and Mexicans alike)


Glyphosate mimics glycine – one of the 21 amino acids that constitute the building blocks of all life forms. ... As glyphosate takes over the places intended for glycine, this synthetic compound has the ability to disrupt the functioning of the protein and cause genetic mutations.


Most of the glyphosate runs into the lakes, streams, and our seas and oceans creating environmental damage and genetic mutations, as the molecule is designed to mimic glycine and quatic animals and mammals incorporate glyphosate into their proteins, causing structural and chemical mutation of the cell, or in the best case, disablement of the purpose of the protein, as it will not act correctly- fold, or straighten and activate, damaging the cell, if not setting off cancer and mutations within it. In the best case it will create inactivity of the cells infected by the glyphosate- as the proteins unfold and can not function normally, To think this is in all our children’s breakfast cereal and virtually all processed food, tobacco and animal feed means we have built a cancer tree-  But; it is our water bodies that pay the ultimate price, as they become anoxic dead zones.


Plastics also contain hydrocarbons and are thus organic but most plastics are non-biodegradable.The first synthetic plastic — Bakelite — was produced in 1907, marking the ... Of the 5800 million tonnes of primary plastic no longer in use, only 9 percent has been recycled.


Biodegradation in surface waters is principally an aerobic process, meaning it needs a supply of oxygen. Aerobic bacteria (oxygen dependent bacteria) living in water feed on organic material and break it down into simpler, generally harmless substances. In the process the bacteria use oxygen dissolved in the water for respiration. Oxygen enters water from two sources : In mixing with air at the surface and from photosynthesis by green aquatic plants. Dissolved oxygen is essential to maintain freshwater ecosystems, Fish, amphibians and many invertebrates depend on oxygen dissolved in the water to survive.

When organic matter is released into a river the result is an increase in the number of aerobic bacterial responsible for its breakdown. The increased bacteria population consume more oxygen from the water. If large amounts of organic materials are discharged into a body of water, the oxygen demands of the bacteria feeding on it can exceed the rate at which the oxygen can be replenished and so the dissolved oxygen concentration of the water falls. This brings about a reduction in aquatic life; many animals in the water will die as the oxygen concentration decreases and few plants thrive when organic materials are discharged into a body of water, the oxygen demands of the bacteria feeding on it can exceed the rate which oxygen can be replenished and so the dissolved oxygen concentration of the water falls. This brings about a reduction in aquatic life, many animals in the water will die as the oxygen concentration decreases, and few plants will thrive when organic pollution is severe. If the quantity of organic pollution is very high, then all the oxygen from the water may be used, leading to anaerobic (without Oxygen) conditions in which aerobic bacteria cannot live and a different set of bacteria, anaerobic bacteria (which are responsible for most of your diseases, take over the breakdown of organic matter, giving rise to a different set of end products, including foul-smelling gases, This is unlikely in most rivers where the water is moving, but can happen in lakes or slow-flowing channels.  The oxygen demand exerted by the breakdown of organic matter is used to measure the degree of organic water pollution is Biochemical Oxygen Demand, or BOD(5), test is a standard techniqueLiving Organisms for assessing contamination of water by organic substances.


Living Organisms


Some aquatic organisms are less desirable than others. Several human diseases are caused or transmitted by pathogenic bacteria and also by specific types of protozoa (single -celled organisms), worms and snails. The most common route for these living pollutants to enter water supplies is by contamination with human faeces, either directly or by discharge of raw or partially treated sewage. They may also be picked up when water passes through soil that is polluted with human and animal wastes, and organic pesticides like glyphosate.


As well as the bacteria that break down organic matter, there are many other types that are commonly present in fresh water. One of these Escherihia coli (E. coli), has a particular value as an indicator of microbiological contamination. The species E Coli , one of the large group of faecal coliform bacteria, has many different strains (variants). Most strains are harmless, in fact many are beneficial, but some are pathogenic. For example, the strain E Coli O157:H7 is a known cause of food poisoning. E coli is useful as an indicator species because it is relatively easy to detect in freshwater samples. All humans and other warm blooded animals have millions of E Coli (Billions sometimes) in their intestines and, consequently in their faeces. If lab analysis of river water detects the presence of E coli (or ocean), this indicates recent faecal pollution. Because most strains are harmless, the presence of E coli is not in itself a problem but the presence of faecal pollution suggests that other pathogenic, microorganisms could be a problem.


Plant Nutrients


Plant nutrients are inorganic substances, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, which are essential for normal plant growth. Nitrogen and Phosphorus enter fresh water from human and animal wastes, farming runoff, detergents and fertilizers. Eutrophication is the process that occurs when bodies of water become enriched with nutrients, thus stimulating plant growth. Eutrophication can cause the sudden increase in the population of microscopic algae, a phenomenon known as an algae bloom. The main problem with algae blooms is that the increased population of aquatic plants can die off equally quickly if the supply of nutrients is exhausted. The subsequent decay of the plant material by bacteria can cause complete deoxygenation of the water, leading to anaerobic conditions. Plant nutrients can also lead to an increase in the growth of larger plants and may contribute to problems with invasive species.


Water hyacinth is considered invasive throughout the world because it grows rapidly and can form thick layers over the water.  These mats shade out the other aquatic plants. Eventually these shaded plants die and decay. The decaying process depletes the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. As oxygen levels decline, many fish are unable to survive. Often the waters below water hyacinth masses become devoid of life.

After establishing in Africa’s Lake Victoria in 1989, water hyacinth eventually grew to cover approximately 77 square miles of the water body.

Dense plant mats also interfere with boat navigation and prevent fishing, swimming, and other recreational activities. Water hyacinth may also clog intake pipes used for drinking water, hydro power, or irrigation. Because the large plants have ample surface area, lake water levels may decrease due to evapo-transpiration, when water evaporates from the lake surface and is lost through plant leaves as vapor. Globally, water hyacinth is considered a serious threat to biodiversity and human health, creating prime habitat for mosquitoes which carry a variety of infectious diseases including Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus (“triple E”) and West Nile Virus.

Pesticides and other Toxic Chemicals


Pesticides can be subdivided into insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides, molluscicides, and so on, according to the organisms they are targeting. These are innumerable different pesticides in use, many of them possible causes of water pollution, and some, as we have seen with glyphosate, causing tumours and cancer. There are innumerable different pesticides in use, many of them possible causes of water pollution. Some well-known examples are DDT (dichlorodiphenylktrichloroethane-The Monsanto Company was an American agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology ... Monsanto began manufacturing DDT in 1944, along with some 15 other companies), malathion and parathion. DDT has been used since the 1930’s to control insects, especially the mosquitoes which are the vector of malaria, dengue, yellow fever and Chickagungu. Other toxic chemicals may be released into tenvironment in wastewater from industrial processes; for example, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a by-product of the plastics industry. DDT and PCBs are classic examples of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). These are stable compounds that are not biodegradable and therefore they can accumulate in water and in living organisms. Glyphosate degrades slowly, but is also incorporated in cell proteins in a unique and unstudied way, which we have no precedent for, and the effects will be multiplied by the cross contamination of other pollutants mixing to make a toxic soup with thousands of different phenols and benzine ring compounds combining unhindered by any bacteria or fungi that can break them down. Other non-biodegradable pollutants include compounds of heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead and chromium. And; from our secret weather modification planes spray Aluminum, Barium and Strontium is the sky to create artificial clouds and rain when hit with microwaves from our radar stations, to heat them up and create condensation  ... engineering the climate to make Artificial Rain. Well, over the last 30 years we have been sprinkling this into all our water bodies and oceans globally to top off all the other pollutants the Earth is already fighting!


Sediments and Suspended Solids


Sediments can be organic like the cut up harvested sargassum sea weed being dumped in the millions of tons by the Mexican Government each year, as they clean their beaches of the sargassum seaweed overgrowth, using ships to harvest and transport the seaweed 600 miles into the center of the Gulf; and inorganic- and include the particles of soil, mud, silt or sand. When moving along in flowing water they are referred to as suspended solids. Suspended solids can be washed into a stream or river as a result of land cultivation, in run-off from roads and hard surfaces, and also from construction, demolition and mining operations (Vale, Rio Brazil). Solid particles from inorganic origins are inert, meaning they are unreactive and non-biodegradable. Large quantities of suspended solids may reduce light penetration into the water- killing corals, and affecting the growth of plants.. Sediments may smother organisms and coral on the riverbed and oceans and seas when they settle.



Mexican Riviera has not yet recovered from the Sargassum Invasion a 22 million ton super bloom of brown algae caused by nutrients, sewage and AG waste- Ag Nitrogen and AG Phosphorus run-off into the Atlantic Ocean starting from coast of West Africa and going all the way to Cancun.

Repeat observations over the Kochi and Mangalore shelves of the southeastern Arabian Sea (SEAS) during April to December 2012 revealed substantial accumulation of methane (CH4) in the nearshore waters (48.6 ± 34.4 nM) compared to the outer shelf (2.9 ± 0.7 nM). Sediment methanogenesis and estuarine discharge appear to be the major sources of CH4 in the nearshore regions during non-upwelling period. But under oxygen deficient conditions that prevail during the upwelling period, extremely low concentrations of CH4 in the nearshore anoxic region of Mangalore (14 ± 2 nM) compared to similar region of hypoxic Kochi shelf (35.5 ± 15.4 nM) have been observed. We propose that this is mainly due to its greater loss through anaerobic oxidation and in part by the reduced sedimentary inputs by weak bioturbation over Mangalore relative to Kochi. On an annual basis, SEAS is found to be a net source of CH4 to the atmosphere with its efflux ranging from 0.03 to 170 μmol m–2 d–1 (21.9 ± 36.7 μmol m–2 d–1). Following a zonal extrapolation approach, the estimated CH4 efflux from the SEAS (7–14°N; 3.2 Gg y–1) accounts for up to ∼16% of the total CH4 emission from the Arabian Sea.




























Chapter 1 ~ What are algae blooms and why are they bad?


Not all blooms pose the same threats—but all 50 states encounter some kind of harmful algae.

I n July, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted a large bloom of harmful algae would coat western Lake Eerie this year.NOAA

In early July, a bloom of toxic blue-green algae forced Mississippi officials to close 25 beaches and warn any would-be swimmers from making contact with water along affected stretches of its Gulf Coast.

Around that time, researchers in Ohio predicted Lake Erie would be coated by a significant plume of harmful algae this summer while researchers from Florida used satellite images to document the world's largest macroalgae bloom—a swath of brown seaweed so large it's visible from space. Also in July, Vermont officials attributed the death of two dogs to the ingestion of harmful algal bloom toxins.

Suffice it to say: Parts of the country have entered peak algal bloom season.

Innumerable microscopic algae help anchor aquatic ecosystems; they turn sunlight into food, and themselves serve as food for water-dwelling frogs, fish, snails, and insects.

But under the wrong conditions—warm water, too much sunlight, and excess nutrients from agricultural or sewage runoff—some species of algae can multiply uncontrollably, forming green, red, blue-green, or brown masses that smother the surface of waters and can produce potentially dangerous toxins.

A fish kill in Texas caused by a bloom of golden alga. USGS

Just as tiny droplets collect into cloud, microscopic algae congregate into blooms that can be seen from space. Every year, harmful algal blooms (or HABs) force beach closures, contaminate drinking water, and sicken people and their pets.

As climate change progresses, scientists expect harmful algae blooms to become more frequent and severe, according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Already, reports of HABs in waters around the U.S. and across the globe have risen in the past four decades.

“The problem has expanded dramatically,” says Don Anderson, director of the U.S. National Office for Harmful Algal Blooms and a senior scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Part of that expansion is due to advances in our understanding of toxic algal species, as well as our grasp on their ecological and economic cost; today, we know a diversity of harmful algae blooms occur in every state and across all seasons. “It’s spread out all over the country,” he says.

Not all algal blooms are created equal. Some just stink up lakes and ponds, but others pose a health risk or have cost coastal economies millions of dollars, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Tens of thousands of algal species float across the planet's waters (with the highest estimates suggesting the existence of one million species of algae). Of those, several hundred species are reported to form large blooms—and nearly one-fourth of those are known to produce harmful toxins, according to the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.

“There are many that cause harm—but it’s a small fraction of what’s out there. They’re not the only algae in the water,” Anderson says. “It would be like looking at a big city and saying you want to study the health of people who are Swedish.”

Here’s your guide to North America’s most common harmful algal blooms.

Who poured green paint in Ukraine’s Dnieper River? Oh wait, that’s just a massive cyanobacteria bloom. Ew.Deposit Photos

What causes algae blooms?

Calm conditions, warm waters and high nutrient levels all feed algae blooms, says Wurtsbaugh.

Algae thrive in warm, nutrient-rich water. When farmers apply fertilizers to their fields, those nutrient-rich fertilizers aren’t all absorbed by crops. A lot of it runs off, ending up in rivers or streams and eventually larger bodies of water like lakes or oceans.

Blue-green algae

What is it?

In freshwater lakes and rivers, harmful algal blooms often consist of cyanobacteria, which can produce toxins that pose a health risk to humans and wildlife.

Where is it?

File source: Harmful algae blooms happen “when colonies of algae — simple plants that live in the sea and freshwater — grow out of control while producing toxic or harmful effects on people, fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and birds,” according to the National Ocean Service.

“There’s good algae, and there’s bad algae,” says Wurtsbaugh. “In fresh waters, the real bad algae aren’t really algae at all. They’re cyanobacteria, and they’re the ones that produce toxins.”

Many types of toxic algae exist, but the most commonly reported are cyanobacteria (in freshwater) and dinoflagellates (in saltwater). When these algae bloom, or multiply, and release toxins, we have trouble.

What's the harm?

Cyanobacteria’s impact is far-ranging.

They are primarily a public health concern, as they can produce hazardous toxins—notably the neurotoxin microcystin, which destroys mammalian nerve tissue.

In 2014, a harmful blue-green algae on Lake Erie, near Toledo, Ohio led to microcystin levels in high enough concentration that officials advised half a million residents not to drink tap water for three days. In 2018, officials in Iowa found microcystin in the raw water supplies of 15 out of 26 public water systems tested.

Cyanobacteria blooms—which form thick, green mats—can also wage ecological harm by making it difficult for aquatic life to thrive. For one, they can block sunlight for creatures below the water’s surface. They can also use up the oxygen needed by other life forms, creating oxygen-depleted “dead zones.”

And its economic costs are well-documented: Local governments need to treat cyanobacteria-contaminated drinking water, and regional tourism often takes a hit when people are kept from fishing, swimming, boating, and beaching.

In Ohio, a state plagued by cyanobacteria blooms for years, blooms near Toledo and Columbus led to $152 million in lost property value over six years, according to a 2017 economic study from Ohio State. Another study from Ohio State estimated that severe blooms could cost the Lake Erie fishing industry up to $5.58 million in lost revenue and expenditures by anglers.

A bloom of Karenia brevis along the coast of Texas.NOAA

Global warming is transforming the ecosystem of the Arabian Sea, new research has found. Scientists have linked snow melting in the Himalayas to the loss of important plankton more than 1,000 miles away, which is affecting fish populations and the fisheries and coastal people that depend on them.

As snow and ice melt in the Himalayan mountains, the winter winds that blow down from them are becoming warmer and more humid, the researchers say. This alters the currents of the Arabian Sea and distribution of nutrients – and in turn the marine food chain, with fish struggling in the new conditions. This is happening at a much faster rate than that predicted by global models, the study says.

Red tide

Above- Algal Blooms in the Arabian Sea

What is it?

There are several species of microscopic algae that fall under the umbrella term of "red tide." Most often, the term "red tide" refers to Karenia brevis, an algal species which has bloomed and caused issues since 1971, when it cost an estimated $116 million in beach cleanup costs and losses to the tourism and fishing industries in the Gulf of Mexico.

Where is it?

From Poland to The Gulf of Mexico, along the Atlantic coast from Canada to southern New England, and along the Pacific coast from Alaska to California. And; from UAE to Turkey, all the way to Cambodia and Borakay Island in the Philippines. It is a world Wide and fast growing plague!

What's the harm?

Red tides also pose a danger to humans and marine life. In people, red tide can cause respiratory illness and irritate the eyes. It can be lethal for marine life.

Red tides made up of diatoms, a common group of algae, like Pseudonitzschia can produce the neurotoxin domoic acid, which can cause seizures in birds and some other vertebrates. Domoic acid can also accumulate in shellfish, sardines and anchovies and can cause serious injury or death in sea lions, otters, birds, and humans that eat them (in the summer of 2015, officials in Washington, Oregon, and California closed shellfish fisheries due to high concentrations of domoic acid—costing coastal communities and fisheries tens of millions of dollars).

In 2013, a red tide of Karenia brevis killed an estimated 277 Florida manatees, which are a threatened species. Two years earlier, Texas officials banned oyster harvesting for half the industry's 6-month season—dropping landings by $10.3 million compared to the previous year—due to a Karenia brevis tide.

Above- the US dead zone covers 4 states and is 55,000 km2, and creates trillions of protozoa and anaerobic bacterial cysts that become airborne and travel with the trade winds up to 2500 miles away, infecting other water bodies, and in this case South Florida and the Caribbean.

Three other dinoflagellates—Alexandrium fundyense, Alexandrium monilatum, and Alexandrium catanella—are known to disrupt fisheries from the Gulf of Maine to the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and eastern Pacific Ocean.

A fish kill in Texas caused by a bloom of golden alga.USGS

Golden algae

What is it?

Golden alga (Prymnesium parvum) is a single-celled organism that lives in water. IThe future of algal bloomst occurs worldwide, primarily in coastal waters, but it's also found in rivers and lakes.

Where is it?

Across 23 states, from Washington state down to the Gulf Coast and along the Eastern Seaboard up to Maine.

What's the harm?

The toxins produced by blooms of golden algae affect organisms with gills—so while humans can breathe easy, it is a potential danger to fish, mussels, clams, and some juvenile amphibians, according to Texas Parks and Wildlife. Cattle, predators, scavengers, and birds have been observed drinking water during a bloom—and some people have eaten dead fish from associated fish kills—with no apparent effects.

Still, it can take years for a water body to recover from a major fish kill caused by a toxic golden alga bloom, according to TPW.Brown tides

What is it?

Brown tides are caused by one of two algae species—Aureococcus anophagefferens and Aureoumbra lagunensis—give rise to brown tides. Each species, when they accumulate in high enough densities, turn water dark brown.  Where is it?

Long Island and the Gulf of Mexico (Cuba, Florida, and Texas). All of Baltics, UAE and SE Asia Coast Lines; Philippines, Malaysia, Turkey, Qatar, Persian Gulf, Hawaii, New York, New Jersey,

South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama and especially bad in Florida, to name a few places.

What's the harm?

While brown tides don't produce harmful toxins, they do cause ecological harm by blocking sunlight and killing seagrass (along with the juvenile shellfish that live there).

Local workers cleaning the beach of seaweed at Playa del Carmen

On some beaches, stinky piles of washed-up sargassum have driven away tourists.Deposit Photos

Macroalgae blooms

What is it?

Unlike microscopic algae that only become visible to the eye when amassed like a giant carpet, macroalgae are much larger and more like seaweed. They're also a natural feature of freshwater and marine bodies.

Where is it?

Coastlines along the U.S., Asia and Middle East and Baltic Sea, just to name key areas.

What's the harm?

Again, most differ from toxic phytoplankton blooms because they are not chemically dangerous (an exception: exposure to Lynbya majesculacan lead to skin rashes among other health issues for humans or animals).

Mostly, though, their impact is ecological.

Blooms of red, brown, and green macroalgae outcompete seagrasses and coral reef habitats and reduce the amount of light available to the bottom of bodies of water.

Earlier this summer, new satellite data revealed that expanse of "great Atlantic Sargassum belt" spans hundreds of miles, forming a massive mat of brown seaweed from the west coast of Africa to the Gulf of Mexico. It threatens to coat 180 miles of beaches along the Caribbean coast of Mexico, where it has spoiled beachgoing. A recent study reported that 78 species of mostly fish and crustaceans died during a 2018 Sargassum tide in Mexico.

Some new research, including a paper published this month by researchers from Saudi Arabia, suggest one unexplored benefit of macroalgae: carbon sequestration. According to the paper, a majority of drifting, carbon dioxide-capturing seaweed sinks to ocean depths, "meaning that this captured carbon is unlikely to return to the atmosphere."

The future of algal blooms

Human-caused climate change will shape harmful algal blooms of the future—possibly by increasing their prevalence and expanding their spread. But scientists can’t say for sure exactly how extreme weather events, warming waters, ocean acidification, and eutrophication will change the phytoplankton communities of our marine and fresh waters.

"Scientists are left mostly to 'informed' speculation," wrote a group of researchers from Sweden, Canada, Japan, South Africa and the U.S. in a 2015 paper on the unknowns of climate change and harmful algal blooms.

There have been plenty of obstacles to HABs research, says Anderson, who has been studying them for more than 40 years. For one, analyzing their distribution can be difficult: while blooms can stretch hundreds or thousands of miles, Anderson says, they don’t always appear in the same place at the same time year after year. It’s also taken decades to develop technology to identify specific algal species, models to predict potential blooms and bobbing robotic biosensors to form a network of aquatic observation stations.

So while it’s too soon to predict their future, Anderson says, “we can start to expect much, much better monitoring and detection.”














CONCLUSIONS: Life & Protozoa  Can we life together? Probably not! Protozoa and Man were in the past separated by a few hundred million years, for the most part. But, Now, we will soon find out if we can live on the same planet surface and air together. India was the canary in the cold mine, and it turns out that India is half dead already...with a tripling of cancer rates and dramatic increase across the board of diseases brought about by protozoa infiltrating the water and food systems, starting its major assault, and ignored by the government

still, This is also the policy of the US and the EU. The EGG ALGAE TO H2 Pyrolysis plant was first invented by EGG to suck up and dry through RED SUN Kilns (onboad a ship or on land) and belt presses used in the waste treatment plants throughout the world, to turn this algae and protozoa soup into a 95% biomass chip or pellet- and pyrolysize the pellet with 60% efficiency- and not have any by-products other than the target molecule H2-

This is exactly what the brand new catalyst (EGG proprietary designed CATALYST) does, at 950ºC- only H2 comes out- everything -including the brevetoxins and saxitoxins break down at 200ºC..

Phenols, and plastic pollution – 350- 450ºC

Biomass- 350ºC

The hardest part is drying (and most expensive)- although EGG is the master of heat with RED SUN and can run the kilns at 0.5 cents per kWh, so we have the competitive business advantage by an order of magnitude over copy cats, because drying biomass typically costs 5 c(kWh if you have to pay for fuel to run kilns, boilers, ovens. Instead, RED SUN Ovens go to 2,000 ºC to regenerate the catalyst- making the costs for catalysts go down to pennies per kg- two orders of magnitude less than typical pyrolysis catalysts! So, we become the kings of heat- and create the world’s biggest Biohydrogen franchise making algae and blue green invasive algae, or even invasive Hyacinth into valuable fuel with the EGG ALGAE TO H2 system with brand new catalyst that makes 18 tons/day.

Thus, at even 10 cents per kWh, for the electricity generated by EGG selection of generators that run 100% on hydrogen- we can finance the clean-up of the Gulf of Mexico privately. And; we can run a fleet of ships to put all the operations 2 miles off-shore immediately- so as not to wait for building permits.  We can re-purpose the Philippine Navy Ships they want us to retrofit with RED SUN: Otherwise, right now you are running two of the largest anaerobic feeder -breeder reactors- that are pumping out deadly cysts by the trillions every day, that are sprayed out with methane bubbling that is currently spraying out enough in the Arabian Sea to run a small country- which is attacking the ozone layer with the methane leaks that are 100x’s worse than reported in North America and world -wide including Australia, and the fertilizer factories are also leaking methane 100x’s worse than has been reported over the last 30 years….So (they have been lying to us for decades, and now they are going to come clean?), is there any point in waiting for governments to act (no- not at all- that is the point of the invention).

So, with two anaerobic black holes, one as big as Scotland, acting as breeder reactors, and with billions of methane bubbles launching the anaerobes into the air, along with normal tidal and wave action, these protozoan cysts can take down countries and spread plague 2000 miles in radius, but; mostly follow the jet stream East- which means South Florida will be wiped out with cancer and debilitating diseases starting now, and will see a tripling of the cancer rate by 2025- identical to India (2017-2018 cancer rates triple for India), and, other Caribbean Nations will not fare much better to the East- in the path of the Jet Stream.

These black holes were created both by giant oil dumping and leaks, - 11 million barrels from Saddam in 1993 into the Arabian Sea, and 22 million Barrels by Deep Water Horizon in 2011. The people were told about bacteria that would break-down the oil in a few years (which was a lie) and now we find out- that not even 1% of the oil has broken down, and the problem has gotten 100x’s worse with this anoxic hole in the ocean as big as Wis. - 54,000 km2! Almost unsolvable! And_ all the oil is still there- where they left it...ditto for the Arabian Sea. So, the truth is it will take a few million, or few dozen million years for bacteria to even start on these spills where there is now no oxygen. Since the bacteria they talk about are respiratory algae- they break down the oil with O2- they can’t live at all where the oil is.

dramatic increase across the board of diseases brought about by protozoa infiltrating the water and food systems, starting its major assault, and ignored by the government still, This is also the policy of the US and the EU. The EGG ALGAE TO H2 Pyrolysis plant was first invented by EGG’s President to suck up and dry through RED SUN Kilns (onboard a ship or on land) and belt presses used in the waste. Far easier to deal with are the blue green algae, which are swamping our lakes, rivers, and oceans, which give endless fuel and unlimited bio-hydrogen safely, and in two orders of magnitude more than commercial hydrogen refineries now in operation, that are the biggest CO2 polluters and spend $300 per tons bottling the hydrogen. At the moment, this grey hydrogen can be produced for as little as €1.5/kg – a benchmark the EU wants to achieve with green hydrogen, in order to attain price parity. The plan also specifies that the EU will not use any grey hydrogen.

Afterword for the RED SUN Cebu Philippines bus Plan:

Not in the business plan:

Evidence for linking glyphosate to human disease has been accumulating for some time now. For example, Samsel and Seneff (2013) extensively documents the known cellular effects of glyphosate and demonstrates its link to the pathology of celiac disease. Schinasi and Leon (2014) found that exposure to glyphosate increased the risk for developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Eriksson et. al. (2008) found that exposure to glyphosate  increases the risk of a person developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma. McDuffie (2001) linked exposure to glyphosate to non-Hodgkins lymphoma. In addition, glyphosate was marketed as only affecting an enzyme found in plants. Yet, Prasad et. al. (2008) demonstrated that glyphosate was not only caused genotoxicity in mice, but increased the number of chromosomal aberrations found in the mice. This of course, is of concern in oncology, as many types of cancer are the result of chromosome translocations.

However, whether or not glyphosate goes down in history as an etiology of human disease, may be a moot point. The clinical laboratory is often expected to respond to clinician and patient demands. With the pending litigation against Monsanto, I would expect that such a test would be desired.

See- even black and white becomes controversial and so, I would rather keep the research EGG does private, rather than publish articles related to this,. But; we mush inform Dutarte and others who truly care about their countries.

The red tide algae can be roto-rootered by EGG, and when I invented the EGG algae to H2 after coming back from Dubai on the day the university discovered the 65,000 km2 dead zone in the Arabian sea with their drone on June 21 2019- I was thinking (in the back of my mind for 6 mo)  of an invention that can suck all the contents of the dead zone wholesale and pyrolysize it- getting rid of it cleanly without offgassing, and only producing hydrogen- which makes it safe for the workers.

This is the only way to remediate these dead zones- but it is getting too big! It is an Atlas rocket  methane breeder-reactor bigger than a state - compared to a little Gemeni capsule of the CFC problem my Chemistry Professor Sir Sherwin Roland discovered and chemically worked out all the steps that CFCs degrade the atmosphere and determined, with the 12 steps that CFCs turn into ozone killing monsters, for which he won a Noble Prize in 1983. My professor Sherwin Roland estimated in the 1970s that a single molecule of CFC-11 can damage about 100,000 ozone molecules. In response, 193 UN-member states, three non-member states and the European Union agreed on the Montreal Protocol in 1987, according to which they would all cease producing CFCs by 2010. As a result, since the mid-1990s, scientists have recorded a continuous He discovered as a graduate student the whole in the ozone layer over over N Alaska in 1963. Of course, the US government denied there was a hole until 1983- That was 20 years, and then they said: Dont worry- it will go away on its own! Of course it did diminish to 1/3rd the size of the USA after the Russian American Arms Treaty under Regan- Because nuclear bombs were mostly the cause of the hole; and worked to get the Montreal Protocols established and passed. Sherwin won the Noble Prize in 1995, and helped shine a spotlight on the ozone hole to get the public to see the link of CFCs and Methane directly causing ozone depletion.

Most of the ozone damage was done by nuclear bombs from the US military testing programs. The emission of ozone-depleting gases impacted the earth’s ozone layer – a layer that absorbs most of the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Emissions were increasing rapidly until the 1980s. The hole in the atmosphere was mainly due to US & Russian Nuclear bomb testing above ground and to some extent underground testing. The Russians had tested about 235 bombs, and the United States conducted around 1,054 nuclear tests (by official count) between 1945 and 1992, including 216 atmospheric, underwater, and space tests- making two holes in the ozone layer- one in the south pole 40,000 km2.

However, these anoxic zones are totally out of control growing by 7% per year- with one already bigger than Scotland- 65,000 km2. The difference now with these anoxic breeder reactors is they are putting out methane in hellacious amounts :Massive Methane Loss During Seasonal Hypoxia/Anoxia in the Nearshore Waters of Southeastern Arabian Sea, with this Atlas Rocket fueling and steering itself! And- growing by 7% year- that will double in 10.2 years!

And, the US black hole covering the coasts of 4 states, will be 110,000 km2 in 10 years- and if the US government can ignore it in 20 years it is 176,500 km2, if it just grows by 7%; but; because of global warming, everything is growing by exponential amounts, so there is a real worry that even in 10 years- this dead zone will be bigger than the US and take over the entire Gulf of Mexico and all the Caribbean! On an annual basis, SEAS is found to be a net source of CH4 to the atmosphere with its efflux ranging from 0.03 to 170 μmol m–2 d–1 (21.9 ± 36.7 μmol m–2 d–1). Following a zonal extrapolation approach, the estimated CH4 efflux from the SEAS (7–14°N; 3.2 Gg y–1) accounts for up to ∼16% of the total CH4 emission from the Arabian Sea. 170 μmol m–2 d–1 x 65,000,000,000 m2 = 11.05 million mol/m2-day. 1 mole = 22.4 liters; So, that is 11,050,000 x 22.4 liters = 247.5 million liters per day in the Arabian Sea – just from their black hole in the sea! (Taking this as a guide- the US Dead Zone in the Gulf could now be spewing 55,000km2/65,000 km x 248 million Liters CH4/day = 209.5 million Liters of Methane per day into the atmosphere, and growing by 7% per year on its own.

However, these anoxic zones are totally out of control growing by 7% per year- with one already bigger than Scotland- 65,000 km2. The difference now with these anoxic breeder reactors is they are putting out methane in hellacious amounts :Massive Methane Loss During Seasonal Hypoxia/Anoxia in the Nearshore Waters of Southeastern Arabian Sea, with this Atlas Rocket fueling and steering itself! And- growing by 7% year- that will double in 10.2 years!


And, the US black hole covering the coasts of 4 states, will be 110,000 km2 in 10 years- and if the US government can ignore it in 20 years it is 176,500 km2, if it just grows by 7%; but; because of global warming, everything is growing by exponential amounts, so there is a real worry that even in 10 years- this dead zone will be bigger than the US and take over the entire Gulf of Mexico and all the Caribbean! On an annual basis, SEAS is found to be a net source of CH4 to the atmosphere with its efflux ranging from 0.03 to 170 μmol m–2 d–1 (21.9 ± 36.7 μmol m–2 d–1). Following a zonal extrapolation approach, the estimated CH4 efflux from the SEAS (7–14°N; 3.2 Gg y–1) accounts for up to ∼16% of the total CH4 emission from the Arabian Sea. 170 μmol m–2 d–1 x 65,000,000,000 m2 = 11.05 million mol/m2-day. 1 mole = 22.4 liters; So, that is 11,050,000 x 22.4 liters = 247.5 million liters per day in the Arabian Sea – just from their black hole in the sea! (Taking this as a guide- the US Dead Zone in the Gulf could now be spewing 55,000km2/65,000 km x 248 million Liters CH4/day = 209.5 million Liters of Methane per day into the atmosphere, and growing by 7% per year on its own.

V. Sudheesh1, G. V. M. Gupta1* and S. W. A. Naqvi2†

1Centre for Marine Living Resources and Ecology, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Kochi, India

2National Institute of Oceanography, Panaji, India

Repeat observations over the Kochi and Mangalore shelves of the southeastern Arabian Sea (SEAS) during April to December 2012 revealed substantial accumulation of methane (CH4) in the nearshore waters (48.6 ± 34.4 nM) compared to the outer shelf (2.9 ± 0.7 nM). Sediment methanogenesis and estuarine discharge appear to be the major sources of CH4 in the nearshore regions during non-upwelling period. But under oxygen deficient conditions that prevail during the upwelling period, extremely low concentrations of CH4 in the nearshore anoxic region of Mangalore (14 ± 2 nM) compared to similar region of hypoxic Kochi shelf (35.5 ± 15.4 nM) have been observed. We propose that this is mainly due to its greater loss through anaerobic oxidation and in part by the reduced sedimentary inputs by weak bioturbation over Mangalore relative to Kochi. On an annual basis, SEAS is found to be a net source of CH4 to the atmosphere with its efflux ranging from 0.03 to 170 μmol m–2 d–1 (21.9 ± 36.7 μmol m–2 d–1). Following a zonal extrapolation approach, the estimated CH4 efflux from the SEAS (7–14°N; 3.2 Gg y–1) accounts for up to ∼16% of the total CH4 emission from the Arabian Sea. 170 μmol m–2 d–1 x 65,000,000,000 m2 = 11.05 million mol/m2-day. 1 mole = 22.4 liters; So, that is 11,050,000 x 22.4 liters = 247.5 million liters per day in the Arabian Sea – just from their black hole in the sea!

The combination with the US Anoxic Zone gives a total of 460 million liters of methane per day!

Massive Methane Loss During Seasonal Hypoxia/Anoxia in the Nearshore Waters of Southeastern Arabian Sea

V. Sudheesh1, G. V. M. Gupta1* and S. W. A. Naqvi2†

·    1Centre for Marine Living Resources and Ecology, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Kochi, India

·    2National Institute of Oceanography, Panaji, India

Repeat observations over the Kochi and Mangalore shelves of the southeastern Arabian Sea (SEAS) during April to December 20170 μmol m–2 d–1 x 55,000,00012 revealed substantial accumulation of methane (CH4) in the nearshore waters (48.6 ± 34.4 nM) compared to the outer shelf (2.9 ± 0.7 nM). Sediment methanogenesis and estuarine discharge appear to be the major sources of CH4 in the nearshore regions during non-upwelling period. But under oxygen deficient conditions that prevail during the upwelling period, extremely low concentrations of CH4 in the nearshore anoxic region of Mangalore (14 ± 2 nM) compared to similar region of hypoxic Kochi shelf (35.5 ± 15.4 nM) have been observed. We propose that this is mainly due to its greater loss through anaerobic oxidation and in part by the reduced sedimentary inputs by weak bioturbation over Mangalore relative to Kochi. On an annual basis, SEAS is found to be a net source of CH4 to the atmosphere with its efflux ranging from 0.03 to170 μmol m–2 d–1 (21.9 ± 36.7 μmol m–2 d–1). Following a zonal extrapolation approach, the estimated CH4 efflux from the SEAS (7–14°N; 3.2 Gg y–1) accounts for up to ∼16% of the total CH4 emission from the Arabian Sea. decline in CFCs emissions into the atmosphere. With the US and UAE Black holes providing 460,000,000 liters of methane per day!

The Incidence of Marine Toxins and the Associated Seafood Poisoning Episodes in the African Countries of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea

Isidro José Tamele,1,2,3 Marisa Silva,1,4 and Vitor Vasconcelos1,4,*

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The occurrence of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and bacteria can be one of the great threats to public health due to their ability to produce marine toxins (MTs). The most reported MTs include paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs), amnesic shellfish toxins (ASTs), diarrheic shellfish toxins (DSTs), cyclic imines (CIs), ciguatoxins (CTXs), azaspiracids (AZTs), palytoxin (PlTXs), tetrodotoxins (TTXs) and their analogs, some of them leading to fatal outcomes. MTs have been reported in several marine organisms causing human poisoning incidents since these organisms constitute the food basis of coastal human populations. In African countries of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea, to date, only South Africa has a specific monitoring program for MTs and some other countries count only with respect to centers of seafood poisoning control. Therefore, the aim of this review is to evaluate the occurrence of MTs and associated poisoning episodes as a contribution to public health and monitoring programs as an MT risk assessment tool for this geographic region.


The occurrence of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in marine ecosystems can be one of the great threats to public health due to their capacity to produce marine toxins (MTs) as secondary metabolites [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1314]. MTs can be accumulated by distinct marine organisms such as fish, mollusks and crustaceans [15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,2420,21,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,3233,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,4243,44,45,46,47,48]. The occurrence of episodes of human poisoning occurs via ingestion of contaminated marine food due to the lack of monitoring programs in some countries or violations of national health authorities’ regulations imposing the closure of harvesting areas and seafoodcommercialization [18,20,26,35,39,45,47,49]. Despite the ideal environmental conditions for theformation of blooms in this geographical area, there are insufficient data related to their occurrence and toxin production [50]. This review analyses the occurrence of MTs and their producers along the African Indian and the Red Sea coasts (from Egypt to South Africa) and associated human poisoning episodes. The existence of monitoring programs of MTs will be also highlighted and finally, some suggestions for the control and prevention of marine toxins in this area will be presented.

Marine Toxins and Their Producers

Chemically, toxins can be grouped according to their polarity, lipophilic and hydrophilic. Concerning MT monitoring, analysis and quantification methods in seafood are described in Table 1, including bioassays, immunoassays, and analytical chemistry methods. The bioassay methods (Mouse Bioassay (MBA), Rat Bioassay (RBA)) are no longer in use due to ethical reasons according to Directive 86/609/EEC [51] and procedural variation [52] (e.g., use of different extraction solvents and consequently shortcomings). Chemical methods, mainly liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, are considered as the most promising since they are fully validated and standardized to replace bioassays in many organizations worldwide. Further information related to each toxin group such as syndromes, producers, common vectors, symptoms, detections methods in seafood, limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) and permitted limit used in some parts of the world is also described in Table 1.

Table 1

Marine toxins and their symptoms, producers, permitted limit, detection methods, limit of detection/limit of quantification [LOD/LOQ] and toxicity equivalency factors [TEF] according to the European Food Safety Authority [EFSA].

Toxin (Syndrome)



Permitted Limit

Toxin (TEF)




LOD, μgKg−1

LOQ, μgKg−1


OA and analogs (DSP)

diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and tumor formation in the digestive system [50]

BA [180,181]



0.16mg OA equivalents/Kg shellfish meat in EU region [182]


Dinoflagellates: Prorocentrum spp. [8], Dinophysis spp. [2,6,9,10,15,53,54] and Phalacroma rotundatum [55]



EIA [183,184,185,186]



DTX2 [0.6]

LC-MS [183], -UVD [187]



DTX3 [1.0; 1; 0.6]


CTXs and analogs (CFP)

vomiting, diarrhea, nausea,
tingling, itching, hypotension, bradycardia. In extreme cases, death through respiratory failure in 30 min and 48 h after fish consumption [50]

BA [188,189]

0.16–0.560 P-CTX [190]


0.01 μg P-CTX-1 equivalents/kg of fish in USA [191]


Dinoflagellates: Gambierdiscus toxicus, Ostreopsis siamensis and Prorocentrum lima [59]


CTA [192,193,194]

~106 - 0.039 C-CTX




2,3-dihydroxy P-CTX-3C[1.0]

EIA [72,189,195,196,197,198,199]

-0.032 P-CTX



[67,70,71,74,200], -UVD [62,201,202]






non-specific symptoms such as gastric distress and tachycardia in humans [82]


5.6–77 PnTXE


Not regulated

13-desmethyl SPX C[1.0]

Dinoflagellates: SPXs: Alexandrium spp. [1,76], GYMs: Gymnodium spp. [77], PnTXs: Vulcanodinium rugosum [78] and PtTXs: biotransformation from PnTXs via metabolic and hydrolytic transformation in shellfish [1,5,77,78,79]


FPA [203]

80–85 13-SPXC



LC-MS/MS [79,204], - UVD [205]

0.8–20 13-SPXC/GYMA



PbTxs and analogs (NSP)

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, paresthesia, cramps, bronchoconstriction, paralysis, seizures in 30 min to 3 h [87]

BA [206]



800 μg BTX-2 equivalents/kg shellfish in USA [98], New Zealand, and Australia [99,100]

BTX-2, BTX-3, BTX2-B2 and S-deoxy-BTX-B2 [same TEF]

Dinoflagellate: Karenia spp. [4,16,87]


CTA [192]

250 BTX-1



RB [108]




EIA [207,208]

1 BTXs and

25 BTXs


LC – MS/MS [209]

0.2 – 2 BTXs



PTX and analogs

No specific symptoms




160 µg OA equivalents./kg shellfish meat in EU region [210]

PTX [1,2,3,4,6 and 11][1.0]

Dinoflagellate: Dinophysis acuta [101]


EIA [207]



PTX [7,8,9 and 2SA] and 7-epiPTX2 SA [<<10]

LC – MS/MS [211,212]




YTX and analogs

No specific symptoms




3.75 mg YTX equivalents/Kg shellfish meat in EU region [124]


Dinoflagellate: Protoceratium reticuatum [4,109], Lingulodinium polyedrum [4] and Gonyaulax polyhedral [4]


EIA [213]






LC-MS/MS [111]





AZA and analogs (AZP)

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and decreased reaction to stomach cramps, deep pain, dizziness, hallucinations, confusion, short-term memory loss, seizure [214]

BA [181]



0.16 mg AZA1equivalents/Kg shellfish in EU region [210]


Dinoflagellates: Azadinium spinosum [117] and Protoperidinum crassipes [118]










STX and analogs (PSP)

Numbness in the face and neck; headache,
dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscular paralysis; pronounced respiratory difficulty;
death through respiratory paralysis [215]

BA [216,217]



0.8 mg STX equivalent/Kg shellfish in EU region [210]


Dinoflagellates: Alexandrium spp. [2,3,7], Gymnodinium catenatum [3], Pyrodinium bahamense [3] and cyanobacteria Trichodesmium erythraeum [131]




SBA [218]









CTA [192,219]







Antibodies Assay [220,221,222,223,224]







Eletrophoresis [225]







LC-MS/MS [226,227,228,229]

23–42 STX










DA and analogs (ASP)

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal cramps] within 24 h of consuming DA contaminated shellfish and/or neurological symptoms or signs [confusion, loss of memory or other serious signs such as seizure or coma] occurring within 48 h

BA [230]



20 mg DA equivalents/Kg shellfish in EU region [210]


Diatoms: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. [126] and red algae: Chondria armata [127].


(a) ASP- EIA [184,231]




SPR [232]




RB [233,234,235]




Capillary electrophoresis [236,237,238]

0.15 -1



LC -MS/MS [211,239,240], UVD [241,242]




TLC [243]




TTX and analogs

Vomiting, strong headache, muscle weakness, respiratory failure, hypotension and even death in hours [244]

BA [144,245,246,247]

1.1 [247]


2 mg TTX equivalents/Kg shellfish in Japan [248]

S/R 11-norTTX-[6]-ol[0.19/0.17]

Bacteria: Serratia marcescens, Vibrio spp. [83], V. Aeromonas sp. [138], Microbacterium, arabinogalactanolyticum [139], Pseudomonas sp. [140], Shewanella putrefaciens [141], Alteromonas sp. [142], Pseudoalteromonas sp. [143], and Nocardiopsis dassonvillei [144]


RB [





Chapter 2 – EGG Solutions ~ Staged gasification (High Temperature Catalytic steam Pyrolysis - 950ºC)

A two-stage gasification process, biomass and residues are converted at low temperature in an organic vapour, and subsequently the vapour is catalytically reformed into a clean fuel gas. The low temperature stage is to a large extent based on EGGt's pyrolysis process

Fast pyrolysis

 Fast pyrolysis is a process in which organic materials are rapidly heated to 450 - 600 °C in the absence of air. Under these conditions, organic vapors, pyrolysis gases and charcoal are produced. The vapors are condensed to bio-oil. Typically, 60-75 wt.% of the feedstock is converted into oil. Pyrolysis offers the possibility of de-coupling (time, place and scale), easy handling of the liquids and a more consistent quality compared to any solid biomass. With fast pyrolysis a clean liquid is produced as an intermediate suitable for a wide variety of applications.

The rotating cone reactor

BTG’s fast pyrolysis process is based on the rotating cone reactor developed by the University of Twente. Biomass particles at room temperature and hot sand particles are introduced near the bottom of the cone where the solids are mixed and transported upwards by the rotating action of the cone. In this type of reactor, rapid heating and a short gas phase residence time can be realized.

The initial work of the University of Twente has been the basis for BTG to further develop the pyrolysis reactor and the overall process. Since 1993 BTG has been involved in numerous projects on fa


Biomass gasification systems are investigated and developed for a long period with some emphasis on tar and tar reduction. The presence of tar in the fuel gas hampers troublefree operation of prime movers. Additionally, it would be a significant advantage if systems can convert a wide range of possible feedstocks, i.e multi-fuel systems. Worldwide, huge amounts of biomass residues and waste streams are available like e.g. agricultural residues. Typically, these streams have a low bulk density and contain significant amounts of minerals. When used in conventional systems these minerals may cause ash melting problems or result in high emissions. For example, the gas phase concentrations of K and Cl significantly increase at temperatures above 700 °C .

In EGGt's two-stage gasification process biomass is “vaporized” at low temperatures, and in the second stage the vapours are reformed. In the second stage a catalyst may be applied. Typical features of the system are:

fig 1

·    Organic vapours do not contain minerals (i.e. catalyst poisons) and the use of catalysts becomes feasible;

·    Reforming of a vapor is much easier to control than gasificaion of solids;

·    Ammonia originating from fuel nitrogen will be converted to nitrogen and hydrogen in case a Ni catalyst is applied;

·    Due to the low temperature in the pyrolysis stage a high fuel flexibility is achieved

·    To some extend the system is self controlling with respect to the water content of the feedstock without affecting the gas quality of the fuel gas.

The charcoal produced in the pyrolysis stage is used to preheat the biomass and to evaporate the water. Charcoal is not used in the high temperature reforming stage. Minerals will not reach a high temperature in the process. Due to the application of a fast pyrolysis stage, the amount of charcoal is limited.

Fig. 2: Fixed bed gasifiers.

Chapter 3 - Biomass gasification for large-scale electricity generation

Electrical power generation can make use of several biomass processes, including direct combustion, combustion of gas derived from fermentation or gasification, and combustion of pyrolysis fuel. Thermal gasification and pyrolysis are seen as the most promising technologies for the generation of electricity from biomass.

Biofuels are fuels produced directly or indirectly from organic material or biomass which includes plant materials and animal and human waste. Production of electrical energy using biomass as a fuel involves accessing the hydrocarbon portion of the biomass that can be converted into heat. Biofuels are considered renewable as they use energy from sunlight to recycle the carbon in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide through a process, known as carbon fixation, that takes inorganic carbon (in the form of CO2) and converts it into organic compounds.

Much of the current biofuel production focuses on production of liquid fuels (by fermentation) for transportation. A comparative study of biomass electricity production and biomass ethanol production however, claims that it would be far more efficient to use the biofuels to generate electricity directly and power electric vehicles [1]. This study was conducted on biomass produced for energy generation and not just waste.

 Gasification stages

With the move to electric vehicles on everyone’s agenda, it would seem that development effort in biofuels should be focused on electricity production rather than liquid fuels. This option offers a useful platform for agriculture to move to electric vehicles, as many farms already use small-scale gasifiers to produce electricity from agricultural waste.

Electricity from biomass

Electricity can be produced from biomass in three ways:

·    Direct combustion: Direct combustion of biomass produces steam used to drive steam turbines. This is common in the co-generation field in the sugar and forestry industries.

·    Thermal gasification: Thermal gasification of biomass produces syngas that is used to run either internal combustion (IC) gas engines or gas turbines. Small scale gasification of biomass is very common especially in agriculture, and conventional IC engines are commonly used to drive generators.

·    Fast pyrolysis: Fast pyrolysis produces syngas and liquid fuels with properties similar to diesel fuel. The liquid fuel has the advantage that it can be stored and used later. Pyrolysis fuels can be used in IC engine or gas turbine applications.

Most current biomass electricity production plants are based on direct combustion of waste biomass, such as bagasse and sawmill waste, although fermentation to produce biogas is in common use. Gasification and pyrolysis of crops grown specially for electricity production is a new approach that needs development.

Usage of biomass gasification and pyrolyis is still small compared to other techniques for exploiting biomass energy, but is growing. Advances in technology and the construction of large-scale gasification plants have not provided a sufficient boost to increase the level of implementation of gasification despite its advantages in aspects such as greater efficiency and the reduction in CO2 emissions, as there are numerous other methods of biomass energy conversion which provide stiff competition [3]. There is an increasing interest in pyrolyis because of the disconnect that is possible between the production and consumption, both in time and space, as the fuel produced can be stored and can be consumed at a site remote from the site of production.

Direct combustion Direct combustion of biomass for electricity production is common in the forestry and timber industries. It has been estimated that 53% of the raw timber delivered to sawmills ends up as biomass in the form of woodchips, bark and sawdust [6].

Direct combustion of agricultural waste in co-generation plants has been used for many years in the sugar industries in South Africa, and co-firing of biomass with coal has been under investigation for some time. In the sugar industry the primary use of biomass is combustion for heating boilers to produce steam for sugar production process, and excess steam is used for electricity generation. The raw cane after crushing provides more biomass than is necessary to produce steam for sugar production, and this is used to produce steam for electricity generation, some of which is used in the sugar refinery. Co-generation plants often produce more energy than what is required and are able to feed surplus electricity into the grid. In some locations, such as Mauritius, the sugar production industry provides a significant proportion of the total electricity supply. Co-firing of raw biomass with coal has found limited application although it has been used successfully in some plants.

Biomass gasification is a thermal process which converts organic carbonaceous materials (such as wood waste, shells, pellets, agricultural waste, energy crops) into a combustible gas comprised of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H) and carbon dioxide (CO2). This is achieved by reacting the material at high temperatures, without fully combusting it, using a controlled oxygscale plant using largely waste, and has not yet advanced to large-scale, which may be due to unavailability of large volumes of energy crops suitable for gasification. However biomass gasification is expected to become increasingly important as a carbon neutral means of electricity generation in future.

Large-scale is defined as including gasifiers capable of using several tons of biomass per day with thermal outputs of 10 to 20 MWth or more. These gasifiers would typically provide fuel for commercial power generation, a source of heat and/or power to meet major industrial needs, or gases for production of fuels and chemicals.

There are four stages in involved in gasification process (see Fig. 1):

·    Drying: In the drying zone, moisture in the feedstock is evaporated by the heat from the lower zones at a temperature of between 150 and 200°C. Vapours move down and mix with vapours originating in the oxidation zone. A part of the vapour is converted into oxygen with the remainder being retained in the producer gas.

·    Pyrolysis: This is the thermal decomposition of biomass in low oxygen conditions at temperatures ranging from 200 to 600°C. For gasification to take place, there must always be such a zone of relatively low temperatures where condensable hydrocarbons are generated. Pyrolysis results in the production of solid char, liquid tar, and a mixture of gases. The proportions of these components are influenced by the chemical composition of the biomass and operating conditions of the gasifier, of which reactor temperature is critical. It is generally understood that pyrolysis involves the breakdown of large molecules (such as cellulose, hemi‐cellulose, and lignin) into medium‐size molecules and carbon (char). If medium‐size molecules remain in the hot zone long enough, they will break down into smaller molecules and, along with the char, form molecules like CO, CO2, H2, CH4, etc.


Fig 4

Fig. 4: Fluidised bed biomass gasifiers.

·    Combustion: Oxidation occurs in the presence of a reactive gas (air or pure oxygen) which affect the calorific value of the gas leaving the gasifier. The use of air as reactive gas is the more common. Oxidation is the phase that provides heat for the phases of the gasification process. Produces carbon dioxide and water. An oxidation zone follows at which air is introduced at less than stoichiometric oxygen (O2) conditions. The principal reactions are highly exothermic and thus result in much higher temperatures, leading to the breakdown of medium‐size molecules, such as tars and oils generated in the pyrolysis zone, into smaller molecules including CO, H2, CH4, etc. Oxidation takes place at temperatures ranging from 700 to 1000°C. In addition to O2 and water vapor, ambient air contains large amounts of N2 and small amounts of other inert gases, all of which are considered to be non‐reactive with fuel constituents at relatively low pressures and temperatures.

·    Reduction: The products of the oxidation zone, hot gases and glowing char, move into the reduction zone. Since there is insufficient O2 in this high‐temperature zone for continued oxidation, a number of reduction reactions take place between the hot gases (CO, H2O, CO2, and H2) and char. The principal reduction reactions are a carbon dioxide reaction,a water gas reaction,and a water‐gas shift reaction.The char produced reacts with water vapour and carbon dioxide, thereby forming hydrogen and carbon monoxide, principal constituents of the combustible gas.

Types of gasifier

Gasifiers have been built and operated using a wide variety of configurations. The main types are fixed bed gasifiers and fluidised bed gasifiers.

Fixed bed gasifier (FBG)

This is the simplest type of gasifier consisting of usually a cylindrical space for a fuel feeding unit, an ash removal unit and a gas exit. The FBG system consists of a reactor/gasifier with an optional gas cooling and cleaning system. The FBG has a bed of solid fuel particles through which the gasifying media and gas move either up or down. The fuel bed moves slowly down the cylinder as gasification occurs. FBG gasifiers are of simple construction and generally operate with high carbon conversion, long solid residence time, low gas velocity and low ash carry over. In FBG, tar removal used to be a major problem, however recent progress in thermal and catalytic conversion of tar has given credible options.  FBG can be of two types , updraft and downdraft as shown in Fig. 2.

In a typical fixed bed (updraft) gasifier, fuel is fed from the top, while the gasifying agent is fed through a grid at the bottom. As the gasifying medium enters the bottom of the bed, it meets hot ash and unconverted chars descending from the top and complete combustion takes place, producing H2O and CO2 while generating heat. This heats up the upward moving gas as well as descending solids. The combustion reaction rapidly consumes most of the available oxygen, while further up partial oxidation occurs, releasing CO and moderate amounts of heat. The mixture of CO, CO2 , and gasifying medium from the combustion zone, moves up into the gasification zone where the char from upper bed is gasified. The residual heat of the rising hot gas pyrolyses the dry biomass. The updraft gasifier is not appropriate for many advanced application, due to production of 10 to 20 wt% tar in the produced gas.

The reaction regions in downdraft gasifiers differ from the updraft gasifiers, as biomass fed from the top descends, while the gasifying agent is fed into a lower section of the reactor. The hot gas then moves downward over the remaining hot char, where the gasification happens. In the downdraft version air is supplied at the top or the middle of the gasifier and gas extracted at the bottom. Volatiles are cracked in the reduction stage and there is less tar in the output gas.

Fig. 4: Circulating fluidised bed gasifier.

In a FBG the biomass fuel is mixed with an inert bed material, and the bed is fluidised by the injection of oxidising gas, usually air or oxygen. Fuel at various stages of gasification bubbles in the gasifier bed of fine grained material into which air is introduced, fluidising the bed material and ensuring intimate mixing of the hot bed material, the hot combustion gas and the biomass feed. Two main types of FB gasifier are in use: Circulating fluidised bed and bubbling fluidised bed.

Bubbling FB gasifiers consist of a vessel with a grate at the bottom through which air is introduced (see Fig. 3). Above the grate is the bubbling bed of fine-grained material into which the prepared biomass feed is introduced. The biomass is pyrolysed in the hot bed to form a char with gaseous compounds, the high molecular weight compounds being cracked by contact with the hot bed material, giving a product gas with a low tar content.

In a circulating FBG, the bed material is circulated between the reaction vessel and a cyclone separator, where the ash is removed and the bed material and char returned to the reaction vessel (see Fig. 4). Circulating FB gasifiers are able to cope with high capacity throughputs and are used in the paper industry for the gasification of bark and other forestry residues. Gasifiers can be operated at elevated pressures, the advantage being for those end-use applications where the gas is required to be compressed afterwards, as in a gas turbine.

Fast pyrolysis (FP)

Fast pyrolysis is the rapid thermal decomposition of carbonaceous organic matter in the absence of oxygen. This process occurs at low pressure, moderate temperatures and in a very short amount of time. Fast pyrolysis produces three products: biochar, pyrolysis oil and non-condensable gases. Yields are dependent on many factors including process conditions (reactor temperature, pressure, residence time) and feedstock composition. Optimal biomass processing conditions include reaction temperatures around 500°C, high heating rates, and rapid cooling of the pyrolysis vapors after biochar has been sufficiently removed.

The main product of pyrolysis is fuel oil and the process is optimised to convert the maximum amount of carbon compound into oil. Yields of the order of 70% of the dry weight of the feedstock have been reported. Pyrolysis fuel oil has been successfully used with small gas turbines (1 MW) and with heavy fuel oil engines (diesel engines) for the production of energy. There is an increasing interest in pyrolysis because the fuel oil can be stored and transported, and does not need to be used at the same site as it is produced.en (O) inlet. The resulting gas mixture is called syngas. At temperatures of approximately 600 to 1000°C, solid biomass undergoes thermal decomposition to form gas-phase products which typically include CO, H, CH4, CO2, and H2O. In most cases, solid char plus tars that would be liquids under ambient conditions are also formed. The gas composition depends on many factors including the type of feedstock, gasification temperature and the reactor type.

Fig. 3: Fixed bed gasifiers.

Gasification The interest in small-scale gasifiers began over a century ago and has continued into the present.

Small-scale gasification can be used to power conventional IC engines and is very

ciguatera; ciguatoxins; neurotoxic shellfish poisoning; brevetoxins; acridinium ligand; chemiluminescent binding assay; synaptosome

Key Contribution: Chemiluminescent binding assay was developed as a facile and functional assay for detecting ciguatoxins in ciguatera and brevetoxins in neurotoxic shellfish poisoning. (Left-& Above - Pfiesteria piscicida) Toxic strains of Phesteria spp. produce toxin(s) that can cause finfish death, but much less is known about impacts of Phesteria on shellfish. Here we conducted 4 experiments to examine interactions between shellfish and toxic (actively toxic or TOX-A from finfish-killing cultures and potentially toxic or TOX-B from cultures without finfish). Pfiesteria piscicidacaused a reduction in motility and ATP content, and a change in the DNA content of the spermatozoa of Pacific oyster, C. gigas (Haberkorn et al., 2010b). ...



Chattonella is a genus of marine raphidophytes associated with red tides. ... It includes the species Chattonella antiqua, a bloom forming alga responsible for large scale fish deaths due to the synthesis of toxic compounds related to brevetoxin.

 Above Florida West Coast is totally blanketed from red tide algae++. Below-Chattonella antiqua,

Guanabara Bay's poor water quality and high pollution levels, especially due to high loads of untreated urban waste from its drainage basin is well-known and acknowledged as one of the main environmental issues in the highly populated metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro city (Paranhos et al., 1998; Fistarol et al., 2015). High chlorophyll levels normally found in the bay are evidence of its high primary productivity and the occurrence of algal blooms (Fistarol et al., 2015; Oliveira et al., 2016). During our survey of series B (five stations), chlorophyll concentrations in excess of 100 μgL−1 were registered several times. Remarkably, little is known of the identity of the causative microalgae blooming in the bay's waters. The nearby coastal area of the Atlantic Ocean and other estuarine systems north and southward from the Guanabara Bay entrance, notably the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon, characterized by high nutrient levels and very limited water exchange with the ocean, have recurrent blooms of harmful species, including the fish-killer raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo, with multiple records of massive fish-kills (Branco et al., 2014; Castro et al., 2016).










The occurrence of Chattonella species in coastal waters is a nuisance mostly due to their high fish-killing potential (Marshall et al., 2003). C. subsalsa strains isolated from Guanabara Bay were lethally toxic to brine shrimp nauplia at cell concentrations of 7.4 × 106 cells L−1 which is less than the highest natural levels found in this environment. Harmful effects of Chattonella on fish can be elicited at cell densities as low as 0.1 x106 cells L−1 (Imai et al., 2006). Mortality to brine shrimp, although not a direct measure of ichthyotoxicity, demonstrates a toxic potential by Guanabara Bay's C. subsalsa cultures. Brine shrimp is commonly used as test organism to screen the toxic potential of microalgae and cyanobacteria (Lincoln et al., 2008) and also respond to the presence of ichthyotoxic species as shown during blooms of Prymnesium parvum in a brackish lake in Finland (Lindholm et al., 1999). The toxic potential of our strains, added to repeated reports of fish-kills during the period when C. subsalsa blooms were more frequent and intense in the bay, highlight thethreat posed by this microalga to the bay's fish communities. Brevoortia aurea, known as Brazilian menhaden, is the main fish species affected during mass mortalities observed in the bay (Fistarol et al., 2015). A more robust causal relationship between the occurrence of C. subsalsa blooms and fish-kills in this environment awaits further investigation as the occurrence of harmful algae during fish kills does not necessarily reflect a cause-and-effect relationship (Lewitus et al., 2003). Water samples might be collected too long after fish kills to assess whether mortality is associated with phycotoxins, or a more general effect e.g. oxygen depletion and suffocation. The scale of sampling might also be inadequate to register the exact conditions of the bloom at the onset or during fish-kills. Also, it is important to notice that this hypereutrophic estuary harbors other potential fish-killing microalga e.g., the dinoflagellate Karlodinium venificum and the raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo (Fistarol et al., 2015; Higashi et al., 2017). However, during the four-year monitoring neither genera were found as a major phytoplankter in our samples. Likewise, Chattonella cell morphology detected throughout our monitoring was consistent with C. subsalsa (Throndsen, 1997; Tomas et al., 2002) across sampling points and over time. Moreover, our molecular characterization corroborates the morphology of the raphidophyte as C. subsalsa. We thus conclude that although other raphidophytes do occur in Guanabara Bay (Higashi et al., 2017) it seems that the dominant member of the group in this estuary is C. subsalsa.

A recent and exhaustive review on the occurrence of HABs along the Brazilian coast from 2006 to 2016 (Castro et al., 2016) did not report blooms in Guanabara Bay, despite the extremely high chlorophyll biomass normally found in its waters (Mayr et al., 1989; Kjerfve et al., 1997; Oliveira et al., 2016). Our monitoring focusing on a single HAB species unveiled several blooms over a relatively short period of time. Recurrent, massive HAB events seem to be a neglected subject in Guanabara Bay research programs. Potentially toxic blooms of C. subsalsa in Guanabara Bay are nourished by a heavy load of nutrients of riverine origin. Global climatic drivers such as the ENSO and its influence on regional climate result in periods of more favorable conditions for bloom formation. As seen in other coastal areas worldwide (e.g., Imai et al., 2006) reducing organic matter and inorganic nutrient inputs to Guanabara Bay is paramount to mitigate C. subsalsa blooms and its harmful effects.

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Handy, S. M., Coyne, K. J., Portune, K. J., Demir, E., Doblin, M. E., Hare, C. E., et al. (2005). Evaluating vertical migration behavior of harmful raphidophytes in the Delaware Inland Bays utilizing quantitative real-time PCR. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 40, 121–132. doi: 10.3354/ame040121

CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar

Heisler, J., Glibert, P. M., Burkholder, J. M., Anderson, D. M., Cochlan, W., Dennison, W. C., et al. (2008). Eutrophication and harmful algal blooms: a scientific consensus. Harmful Algae 8, 3–13. doi: 10.1016/j.hal.2008.08.006

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Higashi, A., Nagai, S., Salomon, P. S., and Ueki, S. (2017). A unique, highly variable mitochondrial gene with coding capacity of Heterosigma

















Pfiesteria is a genus of heterotrophic dinofla gellates that has been associated with harmful algal blooms and fish kills. Pfiesteria complex organisms were claimed to be responsible for large fish kills in the 1980s and 1990s on the coast of North Carolina and in tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay. Pfiesteria piscicida (right and above right)  is a dinoflagellate species of the genus Pfiesteria that some researchers claim is responsible for many harmful algal blooms in the 1980s and 1990s on the coast of North Carolina and Maryland. Piscicida mean s "fish-killer".


The toxicity of Pfiesteria species depends on the stage of their life cycle. Organisms   often temporarily lose                toxicity when there is an absence of fish. It has been suggested there are at least 24 stages to the life cycle. These include flagellated, amoeboid, and encysted stages. Twenty of the stages are harmless, four are toxic. Cysts are dormant, where flagellate and amoeboid Pfiestieria can be toxic. However, in 2002, controversy surrounding this hypothesis emerged. Studies published in that year challanged the methods, findings, and objectivity of Burkholder and other researchers who claimed this complex life cycle existed. For example, in research conducted by Dr. Wayne Litaker, an amoeboid stage was not found. Although these organisms are still known to be toxic, new research suggests a simpler life cycle that is more representative of dinoflagellates.

Dinoflagellates are not only important marine primary producers and grazers, but also the major causative agents of harmful algal blooms. It has been reported that many dinoflagellate species can produce various natural toxins. These toxins can be extremely toxic and many of them are effective at far lower dosages than conventional chemical agents. Consumption of seafood contaminated by algal toxins results in various seafood poisoning syndromes: paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP), amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP), ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) and azaspiracid shellfish poisoning (ASP). Most of these poisonings are caused by neurotoxins which present themselves with highly specific effects on the nervous system of animals, including humans, by interfering with nerve impulse transmission. Neurotoxins are a varied group of compounds, both chemically and pharmacologically. They vary in both chemical structure and mechanism of action, and produce very distinct biological effects, which provides a potential application of these toxins in pharmacology and toxicology. This review summarizes the origin, structure and clinical symptoms of PSP, NSP, CFP, AZP, yessotoxin and palytoxin produced by marine dinoflagellates, as well as their molecular mechanisms of action on voltage-gated ion channels.

Many of the so-called red tides are caused by excessive blooms of dinoflagellates. Out of about 1200 species of dinoflagellates only a few (8 or 10) are known to produce poisonous substances that cause shellfish and fish to become poisonous or cause fish to die. When persons eat shellfish that have consumed the poisonous dinoflagellates Gonyaulax oatenella or Gonyaulax tamarensis, a disease known as shellfish poisoning results which is often fatal. Although shellfish poisonings have been reported as long as medical records have been kept, the relationship between a poisonous dinoflagellate and shellfish poisoning was not known before D. Hermann Sommer and his colleagues at the University of California reported it in 1937. Japanese investigators have recent evidence that a dinoflagellate found in the South Pacific produces the poison found in certain fish that causes the disease in humans known as ciguatera. Another, Exuviaella marie-lebouriae occurring in areas around Japan has caused short-necked clams to become poisonous. People eating them came down with a disease resulting in fatty degeneration of liver and kidney tissue. Other dinoflagellates, Gyrrmodinium breve and Gonyaulax monilata, found in the Gulf of Mexico produce poisons that kill fish and cause severe environmental problems due to decaying fish and polluted waters in these areas.

The chemical structure of the paralytic poisons produced by G. catenella and G. tamarensis have been worked out by investigators at the University of Wisconsin. Saxitoxin is the major poison produced by G. catenella and is found in California sea mussels and Alaska butter clams, and 11-hydroxysaxitoxin sulfate is the major poison produced by G. tamarensis and found in clams and scallops along the New England coast and the Bay of Fundy. These extremely poisonous substances cause paralysis by blocking sodium channels in nerve and muscle cell membranes. They are water soluble, slightly soluble in methanol and ethanol but insoluble in lipid sol-vents. They are quite heat stable at ordinary cooking temperatures, making the food poisoning problem more acute. Some of the other dinoflagellate poisons have been partially characterized by several investigators in Japan, Hawaii and the continental United States.

Gonyaulax is a genus of dinoflagellates that are aquatic organisms with two separate flagella: one extends backward and the other wraps around the cell in a lateral groove helping to keep the organism afloat by rotational motility.

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Hiroishi, S., Okada, H., Imai, I., and Yoshida, T. (2005). High toxicity of the novel bloom-forming species Chattonella ovata (Raphidophyceae) to cultured fish. Harmful Algae 4, 783–787. doi: 10.1016/j.hal.2004.12.008

The uptake of brevetoxin into both humans and animals occurs primarily through inhalation and ingestion.[9] Dermal contact, such as through swimming in the red tides, is a suspected method of uptake, although direct contact with the toxin in the water is not well studied. In the case of inhalation, aerosolized toxins carried onshore in sea spray can cause respiratory irritation that can escalate, in more extreme cases, to more severe airway constriction, an effect observed at pM concentrations. More significant are the cases of ingestion, whether by direct swallowing of seawater during blooms of K. brevis or digestion of contaminated filter-feeding animals. After feeding upon K. brevis, aquatic invertebrates and shellfish in particular can accumulate brevetoxins, resulting in neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP).[10] In humans, the characteristic symptoms of NSP include parasthesia (tingling), reversal of hot-cold temperature sensation, myalgia (muscle pain), vertigo, ataxia (loss of coordination), abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, headache, bradycardia (slow heart rate), dilated pupils and as respiratory distress, as previously mentioned. The bioaccumulation effect has been observed for this toxin in the food web, and it has been noted that this accumulation is not restricted to times when K. brevis is present.

In marine mammals, a clear vector is difficult to identify due to confounding variables such as inability to confirm exposure and complicated pathological testing measures. One way to suggest a pathway into the marine mammal food web, is to examine what their primary food source is. A 2009 study examines a possible avenue of exposure though fish in cetaceans, mostly bottlenose dolphins, and sea grass in manatees. In this study, scientists also examine by what category they were exposed, by aerosols or ingestion, which is analyzed by measuring the levels of brevetoxin in the lungs versus in the stomach contents. They found that the majority of stomach contents in manatees were seagrass, and of those seagrass, the brevetoxin accumulation in the epiphytes was as high as 87%. In dolphins, the vector was more challenging to test for, because it was thought that fish die off before they can be eaten by larger animals, but this study also showed that fish can bioaccumulate brevetoxin and survive long enough to poison cetaceans. This is important because while a bloom might not be currently occurring, wildlife still could potentially die from exposure due to brevetoxin moving through the food web.[11] Another way of assessing a pathway for exposure is the location of lesions and hemorrhaging, for example lesions in the lungs from inhalation.[12]

Another study investigates differing concentrations of brevetoxin in different organs between avian, cetacean, and sirenian species, specifically a cormorant, bottlenose dolphin, and the Florida manatee. These organs include the liver, kidneys, brain, lungs, and stomach contents of all of these animals, and compared them to see where in the food web they were exposed, and to what extent. Manatees had the highest concentrations of brevetoxin in their livers, dolphins in their stomach contents, and cormorants in their brain and lungs. The kidney analysis showed that manatees and cormorants had equally high levels. Over all animals, the concentrations were highest in the liver, then kidneys, then lungs, and finally the brain, perhaps indicating a pathway for metabolizing brevetoxin. Dolphins in this study didn't show much tissue damage compared to the other two, indicating that brevetoxin has a more profound lethal impact at lower concentrations. Some symptoms of brevetoxicosis on the central nervous system include behavioral changes, muscular impairments, and disorientation. In manatees this is expressed in difficulty breathing difficulties, balance issues, and flexing of the back. In cormorants, they demonstrate difficulties flying. Another study showed that lemon sharks have similar issues with disorientation associated with brevetoxin exposure. [12] In addition to brevetoxicosis, manatees also have impaired immune system function, making them unable to fight off the exposure and more susceptible to other diseases. This happens due to decreased lymphocyte response to exposure and inflammation in the affected areas, this study was done on sublethal exposed manatees.[13]

The FWC marine mammal pathobiology lab collects, and tests manatee carcasses for brevetoxin exposure. In 2015 alone, there were 170 positive carcasses and 107 suspected cases, resulting in a total of 277 manatees.[14] In 2004 there were 107 dolphin deaths in just two months around the Florida panhandle, due to brevetoxicosis. Both cormorants and manatees have been rehabbed for brevetoxicosis, but no dolphins have survived it.[12]

Public health and economy

The range and degree of human health effects seems to vary annually and temporally in coastal regions, depending on the red tide density as well as variation in toxicity differences among dinoflagellate strains and their subsequent consumers.[8] The Gulf of Mexico, and in particular the west coast of Florida, is the most heavily impacted by the adverse health and environmental effects of nearly annual K. brevis blooms. This region has suffered significant economic losses in local communities that rely on tourism and recreational fishing along with bad publicity over the years. Shellfish poisonings have been known about in Florida since the 1880s, although the cause was not identified as K. brevis until 1960.

The fishing industry loses around 18 million dollars annually due to brevetoxin exposure and the resulting fish kills. Also, around one million dollars has been spent annually on public health due to shellfish poisoning from 1987 to 1992. A major obstacle for these industries and public health is inability to contain a bloom, and it is undetectable in taste and smell, only chemically. One major concern for exposure isn't just illness, but brevetoxin can alter human DNA in lymphocytes, impacting our immune function.[15]

The metabolism of brevetoxins in shellfish is particularly concerning, as certain derivatives have been shown to remain in the animal over extended periods of time. It has been shown that the main toxin produced by K. brevis, PbTx-2, is rapidly metabolized, resulting in the production of metabolites that endure in the animal's system for a significantly longer period of time. This stands in contrast to PbTx-3, which is typically eliminated from the shellfish in more or less its original form within a few weeks.[9]

Brevetoxin concentrations in seafood and the regulation of toxic substance monitoring in the animals is concerning. In Florida, only oysters and clams are monitored for NSP. Scallops are not monitored, although scallop-related NSP does not normally occur because in most cases, the muscle which does not accumulate brevetoxin to dangerous levels is consumed. Additionally, scallops are less tolerant to brevetoxins as compared to other bivalves and die off quickly after exposure to K. brevis red tides. However, smaller bivalves such as chione clams and coquinas can accumulate extremely high levels of brevetoxins and are not monitored, which could potentially impact both human and wildlife health in negative ways. According to evidence from Poli et al., whelks are implicated in an NSP event in 1996.

With respect to ichthyotoxicity, reports of massive fish kills have been reported in the Gulf of Mexico as far back as 1844.[9] Originally, fish bioassay-guided fractionation was used to isolate the toxins, but accumulation in or food-web transfer by fish has not been regarded as a threat. Steidinger hypothesized that the presence of brevetoxin found in dolphin mortalities and prey mortalities in 1987-1988 were in part due to brevetoxin transfer through fish. While dangerous levels of brevetoxins have not been found in the muscles of live fish to date, the internal organs of fish are highly susceptible to dangerous levels of toxicity and should not be eaten. It is conjectured that chronic low-level exposure to brevetoxin metabolites can occur through shellfish and fish, although the effects of this have not been studied in detail and remain largely unknown.

Nitrogen and phosphorus availability vs toxicity level

Nitrogen and Phosphorus grow Karenia brevis red tide.[16] Although K. brevis is initiated off shore, it will grow from nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) found in shore. Along the southwest coast of Florida, when surface summer south winds blow phosphorus, nitrogen, green algae, and cyanobacteria into K. brevis that has come close to shore, there is a massive growth in the K. brevis red tide. The waves crashing break the cells open aerosolizing the subsequent brevetoxins which cause respiratory illnesses in humans. In 2018, MOTE Marine in Sarasota, FL updated their frequently asked questions to make it more clear that nutrients (nitrogen is a nutrient found in fertilizer) can grow K. brevis.[17]

Along the west coast of Florida, the early phase of K. brevis blooms are initiated by northerly winds, resulting in upwelling events that cause nutrients to rise towards the surface of the water and transport multiple Karenia cell species towards the shore. Here they concentrate and either continue to grow or are taken up by onshore winds that spread the cells over beaches and near shore communities. It has been shown that K. brevis blooms are limited by available nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P), but until recently it was not clear what sources K. brevis was utilizing for these key developmental nutrients. The most likely proposition is some combination of the upwelling of subsurface nutrients, land runoff (agricultural and sugar plantations, cattle ranches, golf courses, theme parks, septic systems, etc.) N2-fixation, drainage from phosphate mines and atmospheric deposition provides the necessary support for the blooms.

In addition to the breaking of the cells by waves, K. brevis cells can die because N-limitation directly affects the growth potential of blooms and the toxicity of K. brevis cells that comprise them. When N-limitation is present, intracellular brevetoxin concentrations (fg/µm3) increased up to 2.5-fold in laboratory cultures, implying that during periods of N-limitation of algal growth, there is a higher chance of brevetoxin influx into the marine food web.[10] The toxin content per cell increases when algal growth becomes P-limited. Various field measurements collected in the Gulf of Mexico have shown that the brevetoxin content of K. brevis cells is between 1 and 68 pg/cell; however, Hardison et al. discovered that during periods of transient P- and N-limitation, there is a 2- to 5-fold increase in brevetoxins per mole of cell carbon or unit of cell volume. Hardison concluded that this data suggest that the exposure of marine ecosystems to significantly different toxin levels depends on the nutrient status of the K. brevis cells. While brevetoxins remain intracellular during early stages of bloom development, the triggering of apoptosis and cell lysis with age release the toxins into the surrounding waters, implying that greater P-limitation that results in more cell death ultimately elevates brevetoxin levels. These high levels may persist in a food chain long after a bloom has subsided due to brevetoxin’s high affinity for adsorbing to biological surfaces like sea grass fronds, and thereby accumulating in consuming organisms.[18]

Overall, brevetoxins seem to increase under N- and P-limitation, however, the concentration of brevetoxins per cell under P-limitation has been reported to be roughly twice that under N-limitation. One major concern of this is that management of shellfish bed closures operating under the assumption that brevetoxin concentrations per cell do not vary may compromise public safety if a bloom became nutrient limited.[10]  (Right- Tetrotoxin) Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent neurotoxin. Its name derives from Tetraodontiformes, an order that includes pufferfish, porcupinefish, ocean sunfish, and triggerfish; several of these species carry the toxin. Although tetrodotoxin was discovered in these fish and found in several other animals (e.g., in blue-ringed octopus, rough-skinned newts, and moon snails), it is actually produced by certain infecting or symbiotic bacteria like Pseudoalteromonas, Pseudomonas, and Vibrio as well as other species found in animals

Cyanobacterial (Blue-Green Algae) Toxins

In freshwaters, saxitoxins are produced by cyanobacteria in the genera Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Planktothrix, Cylindrospermopsis, Lyngbya, and Scytonema (Smith et al., 2012; Wiese et al., 2012).

Saxitoxin is a neurotoxin naturally produced by certain species of marine dinoflagellates (Alexandrium sp., Gymnodinium sp., Pyrodinium sp.) and freshwater cyanobacteria (Anabaena sp., some Aphanizomenon spp., Cylindrospermopsis sp., Lyngbya sp., Planktothrix sp.)[1] [2] Saxitoxin accumulates particularly in bivalve filter feeders.

Saxitoxin has also been found in at least 12 marine puffer fish species in Asia and one freshwater fish tilapia in Brazil.[3] However, the ultimate source of STX is often still uncertain. The dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense is the source of STX found in Florida.[4] [5] Recent research shows the detection of STX in the skin, muscle, viscera, and gonads of “Indian River Lagoon” southern puffer fish, with the highest concentration (22,104 μg STX eq/100 g tissue) measured in the ovaries. Even after a year of captivity, the skin mucus remained highly toxic.[6] The concentrations in puffer fish from the United States are similar to those found in the Philippines, Thailand,[5] Japan,[5] [7] and South American countries.[8] Puffer fish also accumulate a structurally distinct toxin, tetrodotoxin. Saxitoxin



How Protozoa Toxins Target Na and Ca++ Channels to disrupt nerve function:

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Keywords: Chattonella subsalsa, Guanabara Bay, eutrophication, harmful algae, climate, MEI

Citation: Viana TV, Fistarol GO, Amario M, Menezes RB, Carneiro BLR, Chaves DM, Hargreaves PI, Silva-Lima AW, Valentin JL, Tenenbaum DR, Arruda EF, Paranhos R and Salomon PS (2019) Massive Blooms of Chattonella subsalsa Biecheler (Raphidophyceae) in a Hypereutrophic, Tropical Estuary—Guanabara Bay, Brazil. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:85. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00085




Ichthyotoxicity of the Dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum in Response to Changes in Seawater pH

Marius N. Müller, Juan José Dorantes-Aranda, Andreas Seger, Marina T. Botana, Frederico P. Brandini and Gustaaf M. Hallegraeff

A Review on the Biodiversity and Biogeography of Toxigenic Benthic Marine Dinoflagellates of the Coasts of Latin America

Lorena María Durán-Riveroll, Allan D. Cembella and Yuri B. Okolodkov

Spatio-Temporal Pattern of Dinoflagellates Along the Tropical Eastern Pacific Coast (Ecuador)

Gladys Torres, Olga Carnicer, Antonio Canepa, Patricia De La Fuente, Sonia Recalde, Richard Narea, Edwin Pinto and Mercy J. Borbor-Córdova

Paralytic Toxin Producing Dinoflagellates in Latin America: Ecology and Physiology

Christine J. Band-Schmidt, Lorena M. Durán-Riveroll, José J. Bustillos-Guzmán, Ignacio Leyva-Valencia, David J. López-Cortés, Erick J. Núñez-Vázquez, Francisco E. Hernández-Sandoval and Dulce V. Ramírez-Rodríguez

Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms on the Ecuadorian Coast (1997–2017): Integrating Remote Sensing and Biological Data
















Dead zone conditions being reported in Gulf due to red tide

The results of the study are alarming

And with the dead zone still growing, the research letter says that unless this situation is addressed it could have drastic consequences for life both in and out of the sea.

“The take-home message is that standing on the beach looking out, the sea will look identical. You’re not going to notice the impact straight away, but things are changing incredibly rapidly and dangerously,” Dr. Queste told The National.

"It's a real environmental problem, with dire consequences for humans, too, who rely on the oceans for food and employment," Dr. Queste added.


Chad Gillis Naples

Updated 8:40 AM EST Dec 16, 2019


Local diver Kevin Lollar holds up a dead crab found at the Edison Reef, where there is a dead zone due to the red tide.

A combination of rotting fish and algae blanketing the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico is creating a dead zone off Southwest Florida, two scientists say. 

"Nothing is what we saw," said Florida Gulf Coast University researcher and professor Bob Wasno, who dove in the Gulf recently. "We went out to Edison reef and everything was dead. For the hour dive we did, we saw three snapper and three porkfish, and quite frankly they looked pretty lost."

Wasno said everything from sand dollars to sea urchins and coral are now dead offshore. 

Red tide has enveloped the area since October but has been particularly bad this summer. 

Millions of pounds of fish and sea life have been collected from Lee County beaches and shorelines in the past several weeks. 

Hundreds of sea turtles, dozens of manatees and dolphins and even a whale shark have been recovered from local beaches this summer. 

The dead animals are starting to pile up on the sea floor. 

"The whole floor of the reef site was covered in a rose-colored flocculate, it just looks like snot across the bottom," Wasno said. 

More: After months of stinky fish, Collier to start canal cleanups

More: Unusual marine mammal event prompts federal agency to open investigation over red tide dolphin deaths

More: Third species of algae, fueled by decomposing fish, is found blooming in SWFL waters

A dead zone is an area of water with oxygen levels too low to support most marine life. It's basically an area where the marine food chain has stopped working. 

"There are some pockets of hypoxic (or anoxic) conditions out there," Wasno said. "The algae dies and the fish die and the process of decomposition takes up a lot of oxygen. That’s most likely the reason behind these hypoxic zones. They get you coming and going. First comes the red tide and then the hypoxia." Hypoxia refers to very low oxygen and apoxia to the absence of oxygen.

Although local beaches have at times been blanketed with dead wildlife, that's only a fraction of what is actually being killed by the massive red tide.

The rest is either floating at the surface offshore or is at the bottom of the Gulf.

The dead zone is an area in the Gulf of Oman that is completely depleted of oxygen, as a result of which it does not support marine life. It is the world's largest-known dead zone with an area larger than that of Scotland.

Surface area: 3,862,000 km2 (1,491,000 sq mi)

Basin countries: Iran, Pakistan, India, Maldives, ...

And the dead sea life, along with the algae, is causing even more death. 

"The bloom is killing things and as they decompose on the bottom they're taking up oxygen," said Rick Bartleson, a water quality scientist with the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation. "That's typical dead zone conditions." 

Bartleson said he and others measured an area about 25 square miles in size that showed hypoxic, or dead zone conditions. 

"Thursday we were Southwest of Sanibel and we found anoxia from 30 feet to about 20 feet, so that's 10 feet of depth with no oxygen on the bottom," Bartleson said. 

More: What's the difference between red tide and blue-green algae?

Typically water from the bottom would mix with the upper layers, which oxygenates that water. 

But heavy releases from Lake Okeechobee and runoff after events like Tropical Storm Gordon are keeping the layers from separating because fresh and saltwater don't mix well. 

'The surface water is fresher," Bartleson said. "A lot of freshwater goes out into the Gulf and that's increasing the stratification of the water, so there's not a lot mixing." 

Counts along the Southwest Florida coast have ranged from natural, background conditions to 1 million cells per liter and higher. 

More: Red tide has mixed impact on Estero, Bonita kayak businesses

Fish kills and breathing irritation in humans can start when levels reach 10,000 cells per liter, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 

Wasno said although local beaches are much cleaner than they've been in recent weeks, the red tide is still lurking offshore. 

A change in the weather could push the red tide back onshore, and the dead wildlife with it. 

'Eight to 20 miles offshore it was just dead fish littering the surface, of all kinds of makes and models," Wasno said. "So with the weather we’ve had the last couple of days, we’re not seeing the dead fish (on the beaches) but that doesn’t mean they're not out there."




POWERSOURCE 300 kW doubles the range of Honda Elite Jet from 1650 to 3300 miles = energy costs of 25%

POWERSOURCE 65 kW quintuples the range of Eviation’s Plane

Combining Thermal Pneumatics with PowerSource & Mag Gas Charging will open new paradigm for small craft

& Economics of Flying with 1/15th the Cost of Fuel!

No Expensive Fuel Cell Needed!

POWERSOURCE RANGE EXTENDERS lower the lithium and other heavy & bulky batteries needed

EGG will bring a suite of Green Power & Propulsion Technology licenses and know-how with a world-class team in material sciences, physics, electronics and composite chemistry

Featuring Ortronics Electronics components, MAG GAS (MAG GAS) Brown’s Gas, MAG GAS 200 Bar Brown’s Gas Storage, hydrogen plasma Phi resonance frequency cracking systems, equipment & Science with the top scientists in hydrogen

MAG POWER division of EGG Features H2 Charging systems using the knowledge lost in the crystalization and electrical nature of Hydrogen, which in ancient times ran the entire city of Cairo, near the Great Pyramid, with a population of 1 million people! MAG Gas is made with ultrasonics that reach 1042 GHz to crack hydrogen from water under implosion transduction technology, which this author has collected 6 separate patents on, starting with Quantum Fractionation- to summarize very technical aspects- the force is in- so that it creates a huge implosive inversion of energy under electrical conditions and 300 V MAG GAS 22 kW generators now run elevators all over Japan where the inventor lives, and EGG’s JV with the patent holder, since 2005, called MAG POWER; where we brought in Master EE Jim Murray, an engineer that worked in Yule Brown’s lab, and made over 5,000 electrical prototypes of his own inventions; and; together Professor Ohmasa and Murray crafted the present invention.


The last mile that is missing in the energy equation is storage, and this is especially true for the transportation industry and power plants. For example, the Tesla 100 MW power battery station is one city block in size!! Compare this with RED SUN 32 MW in 20 foot shipping container – 160 ft2.The average city block is 69,696 ft2, so that is a 435 x’s smaller footprint for RED SUN! In fact RED SUN is incomparable- RED SUN is over 2 orders of magnitude stronger and givers over 1 million cycles vs 12,000 to Li - and is the final missing piece to the Universal Battery Charger that can be plugged into any renewable source, and charge with H2 through EGG’s 3 systems-( 2 proprietary) and also unmatched for safety, ease of charging, and elegant design that mimics the Sun and Earth in thermal electric platform that launches the H2 business without tanks, gas stations, or gas delivery trucks, or H2 leaks, or methane leaks (as industrial hydrogen is make with methane, which has leaks at all the mines and drill sites that are 100’s more than reported! So, anyone who thinks methane is clean has been tricked! And; to top it all off- methane destroys the Ozone layer 30x’s more than CO2!!  The Refinery made hydrogen is very inefficient energy-wize, so H2 is €15 per kg in Germany, for example now! Also, removing over 50% of the wasted energy of bottling, refrigeration, storage, and recovery, plus another 7% savings in delivery, as most energy in electrical form can be transmitted on the wires, or by transshipping 32 MW thermal batteries by truck, ship, or train.


The most exciting thing to happen to Hydrogen since the Great Pyramid was built is EGG’s EGG  Algae to H2 high temperature 2 stage pyrolysis systems for industrial hydrogen, putting out 1,000 time more that the best refineries per day, at a small fraction of the cost, and without any CO2 being released at all! A relatively inexpensive plant puts out 18 tons per day, taking in 350 tons of seaweed, algae, or red tide algae and protozoa sucked into ballast tanks and pre-processed into cakes onboard various ferries, freighters, frigates, and cargo ships, that can be easily refitted with vacuum hoses and systems, drying kilns, and belt presses, to draw out water, and all the normal algae processing equipment found in your average waste treatment plant- to provide turnkey pellets for delivery to the pyrolysis plant(s). Each plant produces 420,000 Mwh/yr of electricity at 80% efficiency, including ice production from waste heat. Plus, unlimited fuel for the RED SUN thermal electric platform: In the Philippines currently, there are 20 red tide blooms that need to be sucked up, and pyrolysized on a daily basis, to prevent contamination of the water wells, and food systems on the various islands.


To show you how inefficient the present hydrogen system of the oil industry is now:

“More energy is needed to isolate hydrogen from natural compounds than can ever be recovered from its use,” Bossel explains to “Therefore, making the new chemical energy carrier form natural gas would not make sense, as it would increase the gas consumption and the emission of CO2. Instead, the dwindling fossil fuel reserves must be replaced by energy from renewable sources.”

Plus, 12 CO2 molecules are released for every 1 H2 molecule created from Methane! Does that sound stupid, or what? (These co’s make you to lose all hope in H2 being the future!!) Plus half the hydrogen leaks out of the car or truck in 2 days, since metal cant contain it and A half-full tank will almost completely “boil off” in nine days. So you only have 11 days to use your fuel or lose it!


What’s more- The oil industry is damaging the Earth severely, and creating a Methane Crisis- where we may create so much methane with melting Arctic that we make too big a hole in the ozone layer, and then it goes away and we are cooked by cosmic rays. This is the unsustainable energy industry we have created today that is under reporting methane leaks by 100x’s!

See Cornell Study Here:


Luckily, there is the RED SUN total solution and Thermal Electric Platform. No Methane is needed at all with RED SUN H2 charging systems- it is all BIOHYDROGEN!!!

And; lastly with the spats of costly H2 gas station fires recently in Norway and other places, insurance will become very expensive to provide the hydrogen economy. Since we are saving over 57% of the energy off-the top by not bottling and transporting the hydrogen we can offer 5 cent charging for electric cars- which is the answer to universalize and incentivize the electric car industry, so the universal charger can retrofit to any car charging platform to provide the energy to offer 5c/kWh everywhere on the globe- charging with biohydrogen and MAG GAS.


Palm oil plantation

Since EGG makes biohydrogen from the sea or rivers and lakes, the land is not utilized in this totally sustainable biomass system for energy. This is highly relevant and critical now, that food has been skyrocketing in price as food now has to compete with fuel for price and land. As a result of our stubborn, but stupid idea that we should fill our cars with biofuels grown from agriculture has led to biofuels land acquisitions of 3x’s that of food crops between 2,000 and 2010! (Anseeuw et all 2012, pg 24, Fig 5). And; food price change and subsequent change in land acquisition created the 2007-8 and 2012-13 food crisis (Beiping, 2009), with the Guardian claiming biofuel has pushed food prices up 75%!!


Secret report: biofuel caused food crisis

Internal World Bank study delivers blow to plant energy drive


A handful of corn before it is processed.

Biofuels have forced global food prices up by 75% - far more than previously estimated - according to a confidential World Bank report obtained by the Guardian.

The damning unpublished assessment is based on the most detailed analysis of the crisis so far, carried out by an internationally-respected economist at global financial body.

The figure emphatically contradicts the US government's claims that plant-derived fuels contribute less than 3% to food-price rises. It will add to pressure on governments in Washington and across Europe, which have turned to plant-derived fuels to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and reduce their dependence on imported oil. Senior development sources believe the report, completed in April, has not been published to avoid embarrassing President George Bush.

"It would put the World Bank in a political hot-spot with the White House," said one yesterday.

The news comes at a critical point in the world's negotiations on biofuels policy. Leaders of the G8 industrialised countries meet next week in Hokkaido, Japan, where they will discuss the food crisis and come under intense lobbying from campaigners calling for a moratorium on the use of plant-derived fuels.

It will also put pressure on the British government, which is due to release its own report on the impact of biofuels, the Gallagher Report. The Guardian has previously reported that the British study will state that plant fuels have played a "significant" part in pushing up food prices to record levels. Although it was expected last week, the report has still not been released.Secret report: biofuel caused food crisis

Internal World Bank study delivers blow to plant energy drive

"Political leaders seem intent on suppressing and ignoring the strong evidence that biofuels are a major factor in recent food price rises," said Robert Bailey, policy adviser at Oxfam. "It is imperative that we have the full picture. While politicians concentrate on keeping industry lobbies happy, people in poor countries cannot afford enough to eat."

Rising food prices have pushed 100m people worldwide below the poverty line, estimates the World Bank, and have sparked riots from Bangladesh to Egypt. Government ministers here have described higher food and fuel prices as "the first real economic crisis of globalisation".

President Bush has linked higher food prices to higher demand from India and China, but the leaked World Bank study disputes that: "Rapid income growth in developing countries has not led to large increases in global grain consumption and was not a major factor responsible for the large price increases."

Even successive droughts in Australia, calculates the report, have had a marginal impact. Instead, it argues that the EU and US drive for biofuels has had by far the biggest impact on food supply and prices.

Since April, all petrol and diesel in Britain has had to include 2.5% from biofuels. The EU has been considering raising that target to 10% by 2020, but is faced with mounting evidence that that will only push food prices higher.

"Without the increase in biofuels, global wheat and maize stocks would not have declined appreciably and price increases due to other factors would have been moderate," says the report. The basket of food prices examined in the study rose by 140% between 2002 and this February. The report estimates that higher energy and fertiliser prices accounted for an increase of only 15%, while biofuels have been responsible for a 75% jump over that period.

EGG argues that production of biofuels has distorted food markets in three main ways. First, it has diverted grain away from food for fuel, with over a third of US corn now used to produce ethanol and about half of vegetable oils in the EU going towards the production of biodiesel. Second, farmers have been encouraged to set land aside for biofuel production. Third, it has sparked financial speculation in grains, driving prices up higher.

Other reviews of the food crisis looked at it over a much longer period, or have not linked these three factors, and so arrived at smaller estimates of the impact from biofuels. But the report author, Don Mitchell, is a senior economist at the Bank and has done a detailed, month-by-month analysis of the surge in food prices, which allows much closer examination of the link between biofuels and food supply.

The report points out biofuels derived from sugarcane, which Brazil specializes in, have not had such a dramatic impact.

Supporters of biofuels argue that they are a greener alternative to relying on oil and other fossil fuels, but even that claim has been disputed by some experts, who argue that it does not apply to US production of ethanol from plants.

"It is clear that some biofuels have huge impacts on food prices," said Dr David King, the government's former chief scientific adviser, last night. "All we are doing by supporting these is subsidising higher food prices, while doing nothing to tackle climate change."