Pictorial review - of the evolution of The Imploder -

from Dan Winter- theimploder.com , fractalfield.com , theraphi.net , flameinmind.com , fractalu.com

- in Collaboration with Jason Matozzo - FractalWater.com

.................................THE Principle: IMPLOSION: To GAIN Energy DURING Charge Collapse- Physics Proven: Planckphire.com
The CORE MOTOR for : Gravity, Life Force, Consciousness


For the purpose of development historical context - inventing the perfect IMPLOSION cone vortex geometry.

Jan 10, 2024

All images unless otherwise mentioned are from Dan Winter

Dan's 5th book- on the pure physics of (implosive) CHARGE COLLAPSE - cause of negentropy, consciousness, life force & gravity: planckphire.com (links to all 5 books)


Our story with the evolution of the pure vortex geometry of IMPLOSION and NEGENTROPY

begins in the 80's and 90's.

At that time I had just finished about a decade of work topologically superposing the self - organizing golden spiral, on the self organizing torus / 7 color,
to animate the origins of Sacred Alphabets (Hebrew) & Symbol: goldenmean.info/dnaring

Still before the 21st century then- knowing that non destructive compression ( and/ or self- re-entry) defined the origins of consciousness and life-
I began mapping the same perfect golden mean spiral into 3d on the perfect cone - for vortex implosion (only later did I apply these designs to water implosion).

So the first group of images here- WHICH VORTEX GEOMETRY LATER BECAME THE IMPLODER NOZZLE- originate more than 25-30 years ago.

Only much later did we do the physics to PROVE this implosion was PRECISELY the geometry of hydrogen, and THE SOLUTION TO CONSTRUCTIVE COMPRESSION -
and therefore CAUSE of negentropy and gravity (our physics publications in- fractalfield.com/conjugategravity , and planckphire.com ).



We had a (golden mean based) 7 fold flow form (pics below) - at my Crystal Hill Farm- in the 80's.
(ex .newsletter for 1980's : fractalfield.com/crystalhillnews

When I started develop the IMPLODER NOZZLE- my specific intent was to make the proven benefits to water (seed germination / life force)
of the golden mean 7 fold flow form into a more compressed and effective nozzle.

(above in the Spa I hand built)



So- we soon came to believe we understood the precise (5 golden spiral, 60 degree cone) geometry of PERFECT IMPLOSION:

Our world famous 3d model - infinite fractal stellated doded/ icos - as above- to teach perfect vortex implosion / charge collapse STAR MOTHER KIT: goldenmean.info/kit

Note the STAR MOTHER MODEL - showing IMPLODER NOZZLE on the cover of my book ORIGIN OF NEGENTROPY

Fractal SpaceTime - Dan Winter's compelling new book - more info or BITCOIN: info@fractalfield.com -
*1: PDF Full Color Online, *2: Amazon Kindle Color Online, *3. Printed 212 Page Softbound -Color Covers -Full A4 Size
New Direct link to Shopping Cart- to order this new book - color printed covers- from Dan Winter.

1. Order the Full Color 212 Page PDF
-for immediate reading online: 10 Euros ( = approx $13.00 USD)

Paypal 10 Euros to www.paypal.me/implosiongroup

2 Order the Full Color Amazon Kindle Edition - for immediate reading online: www.amazon.com/dp/B00OP4IFN6

Above- Available- Winter's- Accurate geometric model of the NEGENTROPY FIELD -
Star Mother Kit- available to order: www.goldenmean.info/kit



This LATER- much more recently- this became our model for the longitudinal / scalar physics of negentropy in general (like theraphi.net commercially successful negentropic plasma in 25+ countries )

and here is how my PlanckPhire.com power spectra IS the heart of implosion in Theraphi.net








SuperImploder - NEW 2024


WHAT IS THE IMPLODER?: The Superimploder is the worlds most powerful and most proven
magnetic and vortex water treatment for agriculture and for growth.
Very high density magnetics combine with a profoundly optimized charging
vortex nozzle- to produce a growth stimulating (and health solution)
 solubility hydration effect.

What it can Do for you?: The superimploder's world leading solubility hydration effect has the following benefits:
-in agriculture growth benefits often range between 15 and 40 percent - and more.
And with certain crops - including hydroponics, hemp,and sprouting the growth increase is often even greater
-significantly less water is needed with 'wetter water' - 30% saving in amount
of water needed for irrigation is common- also dramatically less soap is usually needed
for washing - important for car/truck/clothes wash- and more.
- for animals and people- since hydration is THE issue in a huge number of health issues-
wetter water helps with numerous problems. Wetter water is stimulating, and energizing.
-for the same reason that solubility helps 'clean the pipes' for people in circulation- magnetic
water treatment for solubility - like Superimploder is famous for eliminating calcium
and mineral build up inside pipe.
-for this same reason- very frequently the Superimploder will eliminate
the need for water softeners.
- 2 laboratory tests proved the Superimploder is very effective at eliminating
chlorine in water - (and the smell) - for drinking and for showering.

WHY ? The reason the Superimploder  is the world's most effective solubiity water treatment
is 2 fold, 1: The accuracy of the nozzle vortex "Schauberger's Dream for Implosion"-
Water wants to be centripetal- the new nozzle design for Superimploder - is precisely
based on new equations for the fractality of hydrogen- and Implosion for restored
centripetal forces-  see  www.FractalField.com
When conductive water (we do great with hard water)- flows thru the dense vortex-
it becomes so piezoelectrically charged - the it emerges not just with mechanic spin
density- but also with ION spin density- directly into..

2. The worlds most powerful and aligned magnetic array (4500 gauss- huge surface).
The magnets are flux line calibrated to precisely opposing 'phase conjugate magnetics'-
polarized intentionally for max RESTORED CENTRIPETAL FORCE.

The result is the water molecular cluster size is drastically reduced- as the spin
density - and solubility are radically increased.

Why its the first of its kind?: Schauberger's famous dream of Implosion to  restored negentropy and self organization
has been translated into accurate new practical physics by Implosion Group (see also : bioactivefield.com    
The Superimploder represents a breakthru in water science- directly from the new understanding of fractal physics and life force.



HOW the SUPERIMPLODER NOZZLE WORKS (perfect golden spirals on the perfect vortex cone):

nozzleaimation more 'piezo', more charged, more implosive.
(also why BioDynamic Preparations- with their rock powder- are 'dynamized' so powerfully by our nozzle - both in Triploder & SuperImploder)

Our original study: How centripetal force - with hydrogen- optimizes hydrolysis: www.fractalfield.com/hydrogen

Below- The Perfected Vortex of TheIMPLODER Nozzle- in action:

"Everything Centripetal, Negentropic, Gravity Producing, or ALIVE
- becomes so - by BEING a (perfect wave fractal) PHASE CONJUGATE PUMP WAVE!"

The physics of Dan Winter's original IMPLOSION EQUATION Mathematics he used for the IMPLODER NOZZLE- animated!>-

Read about this pure fractal implosion geometry - as the holy grail- of myth AND physics.



Click here- to see short film clip of Nozzle Printing IN the 3D Printer!



chlorine reduction