The CONJUGATE MIND: Longitudinal Wave Solution to Consciousness, Compression, and the PERFECT FLAME
from Dan Winter - -----
This article was continued- July 27, 2015 at: Phase Conjugate Wave
Mechanics as THE CAUSE of Perception:
Our world leading powerful Meditation/ Bliss - EEG biofeedback app environment - based on phase conjugation charge implosive MIND:
People often ask for the physics: why plasma and notably have so many detailed reports of successful ACTION (rejuvenation / negentropy) AT A DISTANCE
The answer is COHERENCE LONGITUDINAL EMF INTERFEROMETRY - as explained in detail below ( and also at )..
Essentially - broad spectra phase conjugation ( in the case of Theraphi / Quantaphi- from optical to RF to Infrasound) - by imploding down the perfect 'pine cone vortex'
coherently embeds the more organized and far propagating LONGITUDINAL EMF (sometimes incorrectly called scalar or torsional).
These longitudinal / compressional emf waves feature oscillating compression of charge PARALLEL TO THE DIRECTION OF PROGATION (instead of perpendicular to - in the case of transverse emf).
This accounts for heat containment at a distance (aka Ingo Swan making a FLAMEINMIND.COM ) -and is the holy grail of fusion energy heat containment-
>Successful death is >* SPECIFICALLY determined by coherent plasma aura propagation and embedding of a (conjugate) longitudinal EMF array (see> Bliss and peak perception (see ) in the human aura is >* " " " > Successful healing as in (and 'scalar') is >* " " " > Successful Lucid dreaming / action at a distance / remote viewing / stargates portals are >* " " " > Propagating fertility as in AGNI HOTRA - is >* " " " > Power projection at a distance ( Tesla's almost- and how pyramids works) / and direct electric gravity propulsion are >* " " " > The electric mechanism which causes FOCUSED HUMAN ATTENTiON to be centripetal to charge (Tiller's measures) is >* " " " |
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-Bonus: Updated 25 DVD Set- 144 Euro -with Dan Winter- now includes latest beautiful color printed book:
The below 3 lecture series on the Real Physics of Alchemy- are best viewed in context- the original 2 articles/ films in this series- Real Science of Alchemy: &
--Series originally from Turin,Italy July 27-28, 2013 2 Day Special Conference with Dan Winter
"Flame in the Mind"- Whether Bon Po- or Cherokee- your initiation moment is when you can make flame with your mind- rather like Luke Skywalker learning to move 'the force'! The kind of wave - longitudinal (more accurate term than 'scalar' or 'torsional') which measureably allows mind to make flame at a distance- contains deep lessons-not only in how to focus your mind- (phase conjugation produces the right compressional wave)- but ALSO has the real holy grail key to plasma fusion- and alchemy. On day one- we do the psychology- using biofeedback tools - and the BlissTuner. On day two- we look at the physics- how zero point and cohere the vacuum energies- ALL rely specifically on the implosive compression which only this 'long wave' produces. When we can 'restore centripetal forces'- self organization in wave understanding holds keys to energy physics, alchemy, the psychology of psychokinesis - and so much more. Intro animations to the new wave mechanics:
Also see - new study- documenting HOW Longitudinal EMF EMBEDDING entrains DNA - with coherent / recursive (phonon induced?) braiding - :
Longitudinal EMF Physics from Dan Winter- exerpt from our International Conference
Dan Winter- lecture 1 Last years conference -longitudinal wave science of spirituality videos with dan: , original article: , conjugation vs compression and vision lecture/ powerpoint: |
Dan Winter: lecture 2
Below next 2 lectures exerpted from our 2018 International Breakthru Tech conference June 8-12,2018 - see
. Dan Winter -lecture 1- "Longitudinal Secrets:Physics AND Spirituality" above in higher res.(sound glitch at end- so use other version> just below for the finish) - more on longitudinal science- - conjugate cause of gravity- |
Dan Winter - lecture 2- Hi res version (thanks to Roger- filming) Longitudinal field-THE Way Thru Lucid Dream, Bliss & Successful Death--Dan Winter - more on longitudinal science of spirit- |
Longitudinal Embedding: Fractal Conjugate Fire at the Core of Physics and Spiritual Mysteries- with Dan Winter, June 1,2018- Alchemy & Reunification of Religions - Conference- Izmir Turkey- |
Real Physics of Real Alchemy: Science And Spirit- with Dan Winter - |
Lecture 3 from Turkey conference Alchemy in the Aura- Longitudinal physics of Bliss/Lucid Dreaming & Successful Death -- w/Dan Winter- lecture 3 Turkey series- |
See also -top course film-Longitudinals Science |
In which Tom Bearden makes it clear: (16:00- 19:00) there is virtually no transmission of transverse EMF - thru the ether/ vacuum - in fact the only propagation is via longitudinal emf thru the vacuum ( Tesla was right) - Bearden describes in detail Anton Priore - systematically eliminating cancer in accurately studied populations of rats and more - (53:00-56:00) Bearden seems unaware of the necessary frequency signation to optimize phase conjugation (which I published just before his passing) - or that Tesla seemed unaware of the necessary fractal nodal geometry for sustainable longitudinal emf nodes. Bearden's term 'scalar interferometry' is more accurately 'longitudinal interferometry' |
Above lecture series from:
Part of our European confence series 2018:
Solution to Implosive / Non-destruct / Naturally CENTRIPETAL COMPRESSION- IS the Solution to Gravity, Mind , Life-Force , Color.
NOW to clearly visualize HOW the transverse wave CANNOT make compression / implosion / mind / life force / gravity work
Insert image here- this is Nicola Tesla agreeing LONGITUDINAL EMF (like sound waves in field effects)- is THE STUFF OF WHICH MIND- and nuclear penetration is made:
Note the next animations of the difference between TRANSVERSE vs LONGITUDINAL waves- is adapted from - and credited for the animation to:
Transverse waves (most electromagnetic communication, in Earthquakes called S waves): - consider how much of ocean waves / tsunami's are transverse-vs longitudinal -
cannot implosively compress.
Whereas below - LONGITUDINAL WAVES ( sound waves, conjugate heating at a distance, mind waves, naturally superluminal and penetrating most barriers transparently, Earthquake P waves):
These waves can implode - and acheive remote plasma containment ( the nature of MIND , and the holy grail of all plasma physics).
below- sound waves are also longitudinal
How longitudinal waves work- the nature of MIND as a plasma compressor - the true wave mechanics of consciousness - how 4 wave mixing in phase conjugate optics creates: time reversal self organization, etc. And - the solution to plasma compression control at a distance- how physics (clueless as to why objects fall to the ground, and clueless to why life and mind exist) wasted your money - by not understanding the very phase conjugate / longitudinal component of FUSION (all centripetal forces- based on implosive compression). -Mathematics - and film from Tom Bearden: |
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How you convert between LONGITUDINAL WAVES (shown here) vs TRANSVERSE WAVES (shown above).. see PINE CONES KISS NOSES (phase conjugation animation top). |
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Visualize the 2 hemispheres of the brain differentially focusing 2 LONGITUDINAL WAVES (here right vs left)- which when they cross at a distance- re emerge as TRANSVERSE and MAKE HEAT. - This is the way mind exists - and is the solution to plasma containment - which all governments desperately need. |
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Dan Winter: IF you know ‘why objects fall to the ground’ (thus excluding NASA, Einstein, Stephen Hawking) THEN you might understand the famous EM DRIVE microwave propulsion -This graph of the microwave path - in the famous EM propulsion drive would be more accurately called PHASE CONJUGATION. See HOW phase conjugation causes gravity (propulsion);
Multiple equation based examples of propulsion tech which results: , more on conjugate interferometry:
How to stabilize gravity: from Dan Winter - ON the occasion of the repeated Earthquakes in Italty- Oct 30, 2016 We don't often consider that human intervention can play a role in stabilizing gravity. However- when the conversation is extended to those who have discovered why objects fall to the ground (the cause of gravity)- then there are quite specific thing which can be done to stabilize gravity. Gravity is a centripetal force- and the central thesis of our IMPLOSIONGROUP.COM technology group - is precisely RESTORED CENTRIPETAL FORCES. Our phase conjugate theory of gravity below- is a variation on the theme- of what many physicists have come to agree- that fractality is in fact the cause of gravity. Even Einstein was clear- infinite non-destructive compression (of charge) is precisely how gravity is created. Of course Einstein never had the privelege of knowing that fractality is infinite compressibility- and now - we know what a fractal field is ( phase conjugation). There is extensive literature about using DOLMEN / standing stones- to stabilize gravity - see TWO THIRDS- and 'planet taming' at In short- by arranging strong paramagnetic dolmen at conjugate / fractal - nodal positions (grid cross points) on the Earth- gravity can be stabilized. What happens is that electrical charge implosion is invited where golden ratio / pent paramagnetics are aligned with the Earth grid. The reason this is called 'planet taming' is fascination - and deep. Basically- the ancient Annunaki knew that planets with too much gravity- could not support life, but too little gravity- cannot hold atmosphere. To dance that tightrope- gravity was modulated with dolmen (like our pyramids - at tetrahedral latitudes) which modulated the planet spin rate to better EMBED zodiacal spin. To understand how ZODIAC spin EMBEDS planetary spins- to create PHASE CONJUGATION and thus gravity - see this chart: particularly note how Earth orbit time, Venus, and Precession, and Galactic Year are all almost EXACT INTEGER GOLDEN RATIO (PHASE CONJUGATE) EXPONENTS of PLANCK TIME/LENGTH. This phase conjugate EMBEDABILITY is how gravity is stabilized. -and discussion from and In summary- pure phase conjugate charge collapse (THE GRAVITY) is created when rotations are INTEGER GOLDEN RATIO PHASE CONJUGATE MULTIPLE OF PLANCK LENGTH AND TIME. (see discussion below). Another way which can stabilize gravity- is retuning the Schumann harmonics to more correct values (phase conjugate charge collapse) -- Another way in which gravity is stabilized - see how restored pent/dodeca Earth magnetic lines- creates electricall measureable peace-making : ( from Prof. Callahan's work). |
---| This is really helpful- because having shown here that scale invariance in the vacuum replaces the ridiculous dark matter fantasy- they are very close to realizing that scale invariance ( compressibility - ) - perfected is precisely what phase conjugation of charge IS - which (fractality) causes The Gravity - Not knowing the cause of gravity (and excess unaccounted for gravity ) - is the embarassment they tried to hide by dreaming up 'dark matter' in the first place
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Feb 16, 2016 Comment regarding recent confirmation of GRAVITY WAVES- from Dan Winter: " the key experiment was not done - placing the heavy mass (or black hole) centers- at golden ratio / dodeca array ( as is KNOWN for the geometry of the universe) - and that placement will INCREASE the gravity- - thus proving phase conjugation causes gravity - and eliminating the need for the spurious unproven idea about dark matter- in the known dodeca geometry mass arranged universe ( see image) - dark matter was only imagined to account for the extra gravity created by that dodeca mass symmetry - . Also - the fact that -hodowanec and ramsey - proved that gravity waves move faster than light- is also evidence that phase conjugation causes gravity - in that phase conjugation is the known mechanism to produce longitudinal EMF (which is known faster than light)
- then later when prof raymond chao measured the faster than light velocity see Raymond Chiao - wikipedia: "CHIAO - has become well known in the field of quantum optics due to several important experiments. Based on former experiments carried out by Günter Nimtz in 1992[1] he measured the quantum tunnelling time, which was found to be between 1.5 and 1.7 times the speed of light. " ( 1.618 is golden ratio )
Phase conjugate gravity prediction (Dan Winter) which says that faster than light velocities produced will propagate primarily at integer golden ratio multiples times the speed of light -
- hodowanec and ramsey replace weber's and LIGO multi billion dollar gravity sensor with a 25 cent capacitor (russtrak recorder). These conjugate longitudinals- are the mechanism of gravity and biologic radio.
Above example on right- how faster than light gravity waves (longitudinal emf) are measured - Hodowanec and Ramsey- Gravity Wave Detection
Finally - the REAL science to properly respond to your lover when (he/she) demands: "Come on Baby: Light My Fire!"
Video Series Flame in the Mind- from Barcelona Cognos Conference- with Dan Winter- to accompany this article:
This article is a sequal to the original PERFECT FLAME - lecture from Dan Winter:
Consistently voted 'the best of Dan Winter videos'- Starseed Gardens Presentations:
How to know when you have gotten CENTRIPETAL: BLISS- We know the exact brainwave power spectra> (how to measure it) - which produces peak consciousness /centripetal force- (image here) AND WHY! -
we know the exact plasma physics (this frequency signature/conjugate symmetry) which produces negentropy and therefore awareness - and that plasma peak consciousness tech (exact power spectra) is working successfully in about 20 countries. Conjugate charge implosion / electrical centripetal force -from the body- ANSWERS -the most fundamental question- WHY does focused human attention cause electric fields to compress (well proven ) .
Clearly this is THE origin of spiritual empowerment / psychokinesis. God was called 'Dominus' - because DOMAIN refers to what inhabits / steers- electrical centripetal fields.
to teach and correlate to peak perception / bliss / ecstasy.
I used that as new evidence for my hypothesis that PERCEPTION is caused by phase conjugation optimized by Golden Ratio.
We noted there a separate developed hypothesis that PHASE CONJUGATION is the mechanism of perception- from Steve Lehar:
Also see: Matt Pitkanen: Bio-Systems as Conscious Holograms
M. Pitk¨anen, January 29, 2011, refers to PHASE CONJUGATION as mechanism of consciousness- 71 times.
We needed to account for the data- that focused consciousness causes electric fields to COMPRESS:
Clearly (below) the CENTRIPETAL hemisphere of the brain (right) - is measureably linked to creativity:
we think we know what makes it centripetal (phase conjugate / golden ratio EEG?)
New June 2012: Mathematics Completed- Systematic Wave Equations- Golden Ratio / Phase Conjugation - SOLVES PURE CONSTRUCTIVE COMPRESSION / FUSION (and therefore the nature of self-organization in consciousness):
Who has provided a meaningful description of the nature of consciousness? - Here is the raw data that needs to be accounted for: 1. Focused attention causes electric fields to compress (Bill Tiller's extensive measures "Conscious Acts of Creation"), 2. Focused attention reduces radioactivity measureably (Geller measured). - If you look at ISSEM or What the Bleep- or Gary Schwartz and Stuart Hameroff- gathering of hundreds of scientists on consciousness - do they have an answer as to the electric nature of consciousness to explain the measurements? No - nothing close. - Dan Winter has proposed a simple and compelling and MEASUREABLE explanation: Focused attention is a centripetal and golden ratio / 'implosive' - phase conjugate (donut shaped) plasma or charge field - (Golden Ratio in EEG as he has pioneered). COULD ANYTHING BE MORE SIMPLE- LIFE HAPPENS WHEN YOU GET CENTRIPETAL ELECTRICALLY. Death happens when you don't! This is more than a real electrical engineers phase conjugate phenomenology of perception- it is a recipe for how to create life.
New Film Series: Restoring Centripetal Forces- to Restore LIFE FORCE:
But Bill Donavan pointed out that there was more to the wave mechanics of perception / consiousness:
It is standard initiation testing for both the CHEROKEE and the BON PO Tibetans-
that before they are recognized initiates- they must be able to START A FLAME WITH THEIR MIND. (the so called 'BON' FIRE)
When the well documented Ingo Swann heated a thermistor at a distance..
it is clearly reported there was a shield and a ground placed between his brain and the heated thermistor ('flame' he made with his mind).
The ONLY kind of electromagnetic wave which could penetrate from his mind to the heat he created at a distance- is a LONGITUDINAL WAVE.
-So this gives us an opportunity to understand controlled plasma heating at a distance. (Listen up you governments who wasted enough money to feed Africa for decades on TOKAMAK)..
When psychotronic / alternative energy people refer to SCALAR waves- they generally mean LONGITUDINAL waves. (The use of the term scalar in physics is altogether different).
It is critical we understand how longitudinal waves are created in the brain (the so called PERFECT FLAME- or FLAME THAT DOES NOT CONSUME!)
First we know that the 2 brain hemispheres by making golden ratio in EEG are setting up the
"2 pine cones kissing noses' of PHASE CONJUGATION (next animation down).
NOW we know- that in order for the phase conjugation to complete the production of LONGITUDINAL WAVES-
in the brain - it is simple:
during peak perception / bliss / psychokinesis (ala Ingo Swann)-
the 2 brain hemispheres altho clearly phase locked- MUST BE PHASE LOCKED 180 DEGREES OUT OF PHASE!
- This means it is simple- if neuroscientists measure the 2 opposing hemispheres of the brain at 180 degrees out of phase-
during peak brain power- then our LONGITUDINAL WAVE THEORY OF CONSCIOUSNESS- is proven!
Now the animations from our article
Inset note here- Feb 10,2013: Here is an exerpt to what we think is one of the best animations of the (wave mechanics of collapse) idealized DODECA- ICOSA 'implosion morph'-
definite credit here to the source: Morphing Platonic Solids (Sacred Geometry by ieoie) -!
Golden Ratio optimized conjugation of phases (wave fronts and wave phase velocities add and multiply or heterodyne- recursively and constructively)...
In summary- this PHASE CONJUGATION optimized by golden ratio is the CAUSE and MECHANISM of: - HYDROGEN (+ all atoms have gravity/'implosive collapse' only because their nuclear geometry is golden ratio fractal to their electrons) -the GRAVITY - all FUSION / black holes / all centripetal forces / all self organization - all LIFE / PERCEPTION / BLISS / - and the CAUSE of color / and photosynthesis ( Note also - in line with how Bill Tiller- measured consciousness essentially as how much your focused attention CAUSES electric fields to compress- how John McGovern- discovered how the origin of all SHAMAN ALPHABETS- petro-glyphs are generally PLASMA RESIDUE- with a universal translation. He started after finding Hebrew on Australian Aboriginal cave petroglyphs - finding that he could essentially read any rock petroglyph carved by a shaman anywhere in the world - based only on PLASMA RESIDUE symmetry. Note how - now this has been embraced by TONY PERATT- Los Alamos PLASMA PHYSICS- who now publish this work. Discussion - literature examples- pictures - (lower part of): A shadow of a plasma residue / phosphene flare / or spiral on the donut IS alphabet - because putting these in symmetry (sequence) called ALPHABET- is how you MAKE the plasma of your mind implosive and charge compressing (golem making) - which IS (the only definition of ) consciousness! Phase Conjugation- How Double Cones (Pine Cones Kissing Noses)- Fractal/Golden Ratio Origin of Alphabets.. (continued here - with exerpt from ORIGIN OF SLAVIC / CYRILLIC / RUSSIAN Because the centripetal plasma force this creates in your aura- is the cause and mechanism of consciousness. This animation is an exerpt of which makes reference to: Here we see that the two spiral cone pairs (PHASE CONJUGATION) is also the origin also of Slavic / Cyrillic / Russian (we show elsewhere the same vortex pair origin - HEBREW / SANSKRIT / OPHANIM Note the REASON opposing vortex as PLASMA RESIDUE / PHOSPHENE FLARE geometry- are alphabet - because only assembling the elements of that symmetry- initiates the cone implosion compression (of charge) which is the cause and definition of how consciousness is created by the plasma bending hemispheres of the brain!
In closing here- we would like to point out - that our associate Dr George Egely - is clear about his carbon nano powder fusion:
in addition to being a net energy gain reaction:
Dr Egely documents that-
1. Primarily carbon NANO-TUBES (aka FULLERENES / Dodeca/icos symmetry) are active in the FUSION.
2. the reaction (perfected collapse) - plasma field is PROFOUNDLY BIOACTIVE- heals people nearby - heals infection etc.
Fusion reactions properly contained- with these skills- will not only solve energy problems-
but (like the BALL LIGHTNING he also documents on his site)-
produce self organizing , bioactive fields.
These plasma fields- of fusion- will REDUCE RADIOACTIVITY / FISSION nearby and increase the local binding energy (presence of Mind / God / the Divine).
(Like the workers whose bones stop falling apart - binding energy loss- only when they move away from the nuclear plant they work at).
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- Feb 2013: Upcoming Programs: