Make your plans now- this is going to be our best yet! ... hosts Paul and Callie .
-Previous year- conferences / films- and more: , ,
Registration and logistics info contact > Paul:
More info/ contact >
Our 2019 conference was a huge success- and sold out!--- FILMS BELOW- ... - - - -
International South France - Conference 2019
with Dan Winter, Paul Harris, Patrick Botte
Sept 27 - Oct 2, 2019
( serious FUN! - come and play with us- our FAVORITE people are came...)
Sponsors include FlameinMind - Belgium, Theraphi- Australia- and Roger Green -
Arrival/Welcome Party- Friday afternoon Sept 27- Conference Days- Sat 28, Sun 29, Mon 30, Optional Biofeedback EEG/ Practice day- or informal Q&A- or Play day- Tues Oct 1, Departures by Wed Oct 2
Latest from Dan Winter, Patrick Botte (new LOVE TUNER EKG COHERENCE) - and Paul Harris-
Major new features and options and results presented for Theraphi- and ALL our biofeedback apps-like FLAMEINMIND - and our technology developments and more.
Including Dan Winter's newest curricula: WHY The (Plasma) Physics of Vision and BLISS- is ONLY Comprehensible - IF.. you know why objects fall to the ground!
Dan Winter- lecture 1 Last years conference -longitudinal wave science of spirituality videos with dan: , original article: , conjugation vs compression and vision lecture/ powerpoint: |
Dan Winter: lecture 2
Tufan Guven- Fractal Sacred Geometry Intro-East/West
| from our recent conference- more at |
Paul Harris- Plasma and the Creation of the Universe | Sacred Water Microscopy and Primary Water with Georg Gaupp |
Alan Rohde and John Cappelletti present TESLATRON - from Guy Obolensky a Theraphi Antecedent |
Occitane Music from the conference with Beatriz and Claire |
Patrick Botte- and with Dan Winter | Arturo and Lydia |
Pascal Radic - on Hynagogic Light Therapies | | Empathy Training , Patrick Botte Lecture- See
| Empathy Hearts Link Up example 1, | Empathy Hearts Link Up example 2
| Empathy Hearts Link Up example 3 | Brainwave Meditation Biofeedback w/ Patrick Botte and Dan
| Demonstration Meditation Brainwave with Patrick Botte and Pam-
| Tufan Guven distributes our learning tools - Photo Library (Thanks to Roger Green)
Brand NEW - Venue: AlterEtgo - (Map to venue below here) - Stunningly beautiful- Breathtaking View- Brand new Vacation / Gites village- Marquixanes, France ( about 25 min from Perpignan, 10 min. from Prades)
Let us know and we will pick you up from Prades (66500) bus station - also with advance notice we will schedule pick ups (probably around 2 and 6pm) at Perpignan train station- on Sept 27
Link to 2017 and 2018 conference pictures
Notes about our NEW conference center- we just came back from seeing the brand new buildings again- the dining and meeting rooms are beautiful with view- we will also have nice space for Theraphi and biofeedback.
The new bedroom and gites- are LARGE- lots of space - and gorgeous- all looking out on nature. The ensuite- and adjacent bathrooms also HUGE- (the benefit of being in bio architecture facility built also for handicapped.)
SO- at our main venue- we have 9 large bedrooms with 2 beds- and 9 even larger bedrooms with 3 beds. These will be assigned on first come first served basis.
Plus each of the 3 gites (6 bedrooms each) has its own TWO large included lodge kitchens/living rooms.
(In other words- this is a space to relax- spread out and enjoy!)
The Gites village setting.![]() |
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We plan every day or 2- depending on weather- to wander just 5 min. down the hill
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More pictures of the venue- layout - living rooms and bedrooms- here.
Also see here pictures of our beautiful 5 bedroom gite for optional - overflow accomodation -8 min. up the hill in ARBOUSSOLS:
Note we can also recommend luxury accomodation at our close friends-very gorgeous 'chateau like' gites 8 min- away in Prades-
if you care to book your own lodging: and
Also - not to be missed-the incredible is just 14 min- up the hill..
Conference Program.. Preliminary:
Main speakers
Dan Winter, - to be announced
Patrick Botte - NEW Biofeedback capabilities... - details to be announced - see also!>
Patrick Botte is a biologist and electro-physiologist.- He began his professional career as a researcher in the biophysics department of the VUB and plant physiology department of the ULB at the UniversitÈ Libre de BRUXELLES. His original research was concerned with the study of membrane potentials of photosynthetic bacteria. After his academic career, he improved his knowledge in computer science and electronics by working as technical support in a computer company. He then headed for 17 years a nursing home dedicated in accompanying people at the end of their lives and in welcoming people with Alzheimer's disease and various types of dementia. In this institution, he has implemented alternative therapies allowing to reduce or even eliminate any medicinal intake related to these types of pathologies: SNOEZELEN therapy, Validation TherapyÆ, Clown therapy and "Cantou" environment..His research in the field of alternative therapies, led him to follow the formation of osteopathy at CREDO. This school pays special attention to the techniques of soft manipulations, centered on cranio-sacral therapy, on the rhythms of the cranio-sacral system and on energy care.
He is currently an independent scientific researcher on everything that can "promote communication, connection, relationships, convergence with oneself, with others and with nature". He organizes individual interviews and facilitates seminars and conferences. His constant interest in research led him to reflect on the relationship that could exist between physiological rhythms, the rhythms of nature, the rhythms that could be extracted from the cardiac system and brain waves. As he moves forward in his research, he is more and more convinced that our body is like a sacred symphony linked to our fractal universe. His various skills have allowed him to develop applications allowing the detection of the craniosacral wave from the cardiac signal.
He is the inventor along with Dan Winter of bio-feedback applications, available on iPhone and iPad (itHVRe & FlameinMind) allowing:
The real-time detection of the craniosacral wave and cardiac coherence;
Analysis of the quality of deep sleep; and - The modulation of the brain waves making it possible to return more easily in deep meditation and to reach the state of bliss.
Paul Harris - Theraphi, Plasma - Alchemy and more: Paul's new lecture subtitles:
Kundalini and the Theraphi
Plasma's role in the creation of the Universe
Aquaphi test results
Surprise Announcement
also- Callie Roang- Paul's partner will be doing Kriya Yoga in the mornings.Kriya Yoga "Yoga of Action"-- An ancient Yoga system revived in modern times by Mahavatar Babaji through his disciple Lahiri Mahasaya. Kriya Yoga was brought to international awareness by Paramahansa Yogananda's introduction of the practice to the west in 1920. -- The essential concepts of the ancient Vedic practice of Kriya Yoga were explicitly tied to the intake of extra oxygen for transmutation into life currents, as expressed in the clear scientific language of adept practitioner Paramahansa Yogananda, in his 'Autobiography of a Yogi' (1946):
Kriya Yoga is a simple, psychophysiological method by which the human blood is decarbonized and recharged with oxygen. The atoms of this extra oxygen are transmuted into life current to rejuvenate the brain and spinal centers. By stopping the accumulation of venous blood, the yogi is able to lessen or prevent decay of tissues; the advanced yogi transmutes his cells into pure energy. Elijah, Jesus, Kabir and other prophets were past masters in the use of Kriya or a similar technique, by which they caused their bodies to dematerialize at will.Kriya is an ancient science. Lahiri Mahasaya received it from his guru, Babaji, who rediscovered and clarified the technique after it had been lost in the Dark Ages. "The Kriya Yoga which I am giving to the world through you in this nineteenth century," Babaji told Lahiri Mahasaya, "is a revival of the same science which Krishna gave, millenniums ago, to Arjuna, and which was later known to Patanjali, and to Christ, St. John, St. Paul, and other disciples."
-Guest Speakers - (Surprise speakers planned) - announced in advance:
"The Sacred Science of Ancient Temples: a Journey into Sacred Geometry and Earth´s Fields" -
by Lydia Giannoulopoulou Ph.D, , ,
and & Arturo Ponce de Leon, Arch, Psych. - , , ,
From the ancient past to the modern times, humans have been experimenting with various architectural approaches, according to the era, the specific functions and his own level of Consciousness. Nowadays, in spite of all the technological evolution and tools in our hands, there are still so many unanswered questions regarding the use and purpose of ancient temples and megalithic monuments:
1) How where they built, why were they built at locations with specific properties and with the use of particular material?
2)What is sacred geometry and why was it incorporated in the design of ancient temples?
3)Why did the ancient people and later mystics and masons spend so much time, energy and resources to build these structures?
4) Was it merely for divine worship or were there other functions more complex in nature?
We will go through the various geophysical location parameter of earth radiation, discover the scientific properties for choosing a sacred place, explore various ancient monuments such as mounds, megaliths, pyramids, stone circles, ancient greek temple and attempt explaining the possible function of building such incredible structures all around the world.
Joachim Gerlach:
We (Vitalis-foundation) find it necessary to raise awareness on following topics, hopefully without spreading too much negativity, but in order to incentivize the process of developing solutions:
1. Food chain - Depletion of essential nutrients - Very questionable substances present in all foods. - Especially Glyphosate
Stephanie Seneff - re Glysophate issue- from MIT may come in for a Tele-Skype Live Presentation?!) with Q&A - She is a wonderful, brilliant lady
What can we do?- Glyphosate out of our organisms. (Remedies and clever solutions )
Missing essential nutrients. , Amino Acids , Macro-minerals , Ionic Sea trace minerals , Probiotics , enzymes ..
-Organic Microfarming, at home or in the community., Use of Ormus and sea minerals
2. How to address Emf radiation?- Simple survival guide - 5G?
3. Air pollution - What’s going on in the skies? (persistent contrail induced cirrus cloud formation)
Particulate density growing rapidly in the atmosphere.- Particles sizes and composition?
Low-cost Solutions - examples - Detox protocols (Klinghardt)
4. Complementary effects of all these influences on all organisms and how to adress all these quite unsettling developments in a positive and constructive way.
Tufan Guven: , , ,
Universal Frequency Cascade, Charge Embed-ability and Implosion in Islamic Symbolism.
Spiritual hygiene, having a bigger aura or living in a bioactive field all depends on the quality of the fractality of the space that we live in. Once we agree on what is sustainable and shareable in all wave systems which is another definition of perfect compression solved, than we can consider rearranging our priorities based on a very simple and revolutionary fractal field science. Fractal fields, science of implosion and plasma domains constitute the foundation of all aspects of reality that we experience.
This presentation aims to give a fundamental understanding about golden ratio perfected fractal fields.