- of New York/Australia- SPONSOR-
in collaboration with
-of Australia
2018 South France- CONFERENCE - June 8-12+ Beautiful Lake MONTBEL - South France- ( last years conference- also great films! - see:
BreakThru Technologies, Theraphi, Energy Technologies, and Biofeedback and
with Dan Winter, Roger Green, Paul Harris, Patrick Botte.. and more
More info and contacts- REGISTRATION/BOOKING: Roger Green <> , Dan Winter <> -
See also the Breakthru-Technologies web site for our conference:
Update June 13, 2018- Our (sold out again) conference was a fabulous success- with over 50 advanced researcherss and dedicated healing professionals from over 12 countries- the energy and enthusiasm and sheer group energy was off the charts!
- we will be updating these AMAZING videos below!! - check them out..
Conference photos library here- courtesy conference co-host Roger Green
. Dan Winter -lecture 1- "Longitudinal Secrets:Physics AND Spirituality" above in higher res.(sound glitch at end- so use other version> just below for the finish) - more on longitudinal science- - conjugate cause of gravity- |
Dan Winter - lecture 2- Hi res version (thanks to Roger- filming) Longitudinal field-THE Way Thru Lucid Dream, Bliss & Successful Death--Dan Winter - more on longitudinal science of spirit- |
Longitudinal - and phase conjugate- wave mechanics behind Theraphi and Priore (per Tom Bearden):
Dan Winter- lecture 1- original version (lower res- but has complete sound track)
Longitudinal Secrets:Physics AND Spirituality,Dan Winter- lecture 1 |
Dan Winter - lecture 2 - original version
Longitudinal field-THE Way Thru Lucid Dream, Bliss & Successful Death--Dan Winter - more on longitudinal science of spirit- |
Paul Harris- lecture 2
Patrick Botte - lecture 1
Patrick Botte: Physiology of Performance - creativity / Stress - |
Patrick Botte - lecture 2
Patrick Botte: , , - HRV/ Heart Breath / Biofeedback - includes Sacro Cranial and Chakra Measure -& EEG & BINAURAL Bliss Science ; Includes LIFE Force/Sacred Space & EKG Empathy Measure - Patrick Botte 2nd and 3rd lecture |
Glen Rein- lecture 1
Glen Rein: Imprinting and Storing Quantum Information in Water |
Glen Rein- lecture 2
Glen Rein: Measuring Healing Energy & Heart Coherence Effect on DNA Braid |
Cold Fusion: Physics/Applications/Measurement -
Dr Teresa Burns & Dan Winter
Deep History of Alchemy- Crusades--Cause AND Cure- Dr Teresa Burns & Dan Winter -Vincent Bridges (new book) John Dee and Kelley Story- lecture-( also see |
LVA Life Vibration Analysis- Stephane Cardinaux - , , - World leader in geobiology. new LIVE VIBRATION ANALYZER : See also Earth Grid Science- Stephane's special article- English : , Below lecture from the June 8 Conference:
Download PDF Visuals for this presentation (76meg) : LVAcardinaux2018.pdf |
(earlier) April 1 - 2018: Stephane Cardinaux presents- Advanced Geobiology and Earth Grids- at Here> a) Course FILM 2 hours-Learnitlive Version with Chat,- and YOUTUBE Version , CourseVISUALS> Confgeobiology.pdf , and Course NOTES> stephanecoursenotes.pdf |
StateOfTheArt- Fractal Science Online Education |
Rejuvenation Plasma Healing Conjugate Field/ (Priore): |
Worlds Most Powerful & Most Proven Growth Water Treatment: |
Our World Leading IOS Biofeedback Apps |
All Our BIOACTIVE Field Projects |
Dan Winter -YouTube Channel: Implosion Group recent FractalU courses |
Fractal Field / Implosion Group main blog site: |
Dan Winter's New Book: Fractal SpaceTime: Origin Negentropy |
Star Mother Kit: |
New Direct link to Shopping Cart- to order Fractal Space time- new book - color printed covers- from Dan Winter.
If a someone is to help you understand FRACTAL FIELDS- centripetal life force and biologic rejuvenation ( commercial proof it works: you will definitely need a scientist who knows why an object falls to the ground (thus excluding Einstein and Stephen Hawkins). Gravity is a centripetal electrical force. Golden ratio perfected fractality/recursion/embedding called phase conjugation- is proven to be negentropic/ self-organizing - 'self aware'. This LIFE PRINCIPLE allows charge waves to add and multiply (heterodyne) recursively constructively not just their wave lengths- but also their phase VELOCITY. This converts a part of the charge COMPRESSION toward center into charge ACCELERATION toward center - named THE GRAVITY - and the ORIGIN OF ALL BIOLOGIC NEGENTROPY (book). The new equations: Dan Winter
Einstein:the solution to infinite non-destructive (charge)compression IS the unified field. ..So- if perfect compression is the solution to virtually every science problem in history: gravity, alchemy, fusion, urban design, computers.. the physics of human (peak)perception/bliss.. the list goes on - THEN what does it mean that we have just proven the (fractality perfected) wave mechanics showing that golden ratio IS the solution to perfect (charge) compression? Fractal Space Time: Origin of Negentropy - by Daniel Winter- 212p. Edition 2, Dec 2015- Scientific Abstract: Originally Dan Winter's team ( , ) wave equations proved golden ratio wave mechanics optimizes constructive wave interference, compression and therefore phase conjugation ( ). Then Dan Winter discovered that integer exponents of golden ratio phase conjugation ( perfect fractality )- times planck length and time (musical 'key signature' of matter) - dramatically predicted: 1. Hydrogen Radii ( ) , 2. Exact frequencies of photosynthesis ( ) , 3. Exact duration of the Earth year and venus year ( ) , 4. Virtually exact frequencies of the SCHUMANN HARMONICS and (peak perception) BRAINWAVE HARMONICS ( ) , 5. Exact frequencies of ADP (/ATP), 6. Exact frequencies of MAYER WAVE of Blood Pressure/ HRV LF and HF , and Spine liquid pump. Dan Winter calls this phenomenon: Perfected PHASE CONJUGATE NEGENTROPIC CHARGE COLLAPSE - and thus presents evidence this perfected 3D wave fractality- is the electrical CAUSE of LIFE FORCE/Rejuvenation and a) Negentropy, b) Gravity, c) Perception, d) Color and e) All Centripetal (Implosive) Forces. Winter's original successful water implosion for growth - invention - used his Hydrogen geometry equations- ( for hydrolysis : ) and more recently - Dan Winter built exactly these frequencies into Perfected Negentropy Rejuvenation Plasma System ( aka Priore )- in - which is now rapidly proving his negentropy for biology hypothesis. |
Poster many thanks to Martin Heyam Bielecki
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2018 South France- CONFERENCE - June 8-12+
Main Conference Event- Arrive Friday June 8 - 7pm - Welcome Party
Friday evening after dinner- guest speaker: Stephane Cardinaux - , , -We are so excited Stephane is back with us- We often refer to him as a world leader in geobiology. His clairvoyant ability to see and map geomagnetic lines with astounding precision- evolved after some kundalini like experiences. Since then he has turned this into his worlds most advanced school on scientific geobiology/ geomantics. His talents have also become breakthru's for many archeology projects- needing to 'see' in advance what's underground! He will also tell us about his latest tech including - his new LIVE VIBRATION ANALYZER : >>See also Earth Grid Science- Stephane's special article- English :
Full Conference Agenda- Sat-Sun-Mon June 9-11
Main Conference ends with departure - after Breakfast - Tues- June 12 - (main conference language: English- some optional follow up events in French)
Optional Post Conference Events June 13- 23 - including- TOUR OF SOUTH FRANCE GRAIL COUNTRY - coordinated by Roger Green - and Eva..-details published very soon.
Conference Agenda- Preliminary outline- see below
Main Conference VENUE - -All Conference Events:
including private beach right on Beautiful Lake Montbel
Breakthru Tech- South france schedule (this is still adjustable to suggestions of course- per telecon with Roger and Dan)
Main Venue- Borde Blanque ---
(please note important housekeeping requests for our guests below)
-note if you want to join lovely advance event lunch with magic friends June 8, Puivert- 12:30 pm, nice 3 course lunch 25 euro- do advise Dan )
June 8:
7pm- Welcome Buffet Dinner-
8:30- 9:45pm - Main Yoga Hall ( no shoes please- slippers / socks only
Stephane Cardinaux - New Life Force Measure / Advanced Geobiology -
June 9- Sat.
8-9 am breakfast at various gites/ venue
9:15 am- convene in main hall- warm up - welcome
9:30-10:30 am- Paul Harris- Theraphi and the history of energy medicine-
10:30- 11:30 am - Dan Winter - Longitudinal Science of Energy Medicine and Theraphi: Fractal/ Conjugate Wave Principles
11:30 - 12 - BREAK
12 - 1pm Patrick Botte: Physiology of Performance - creativity / Stress -Relationship with Biofeedback devices ,
1pm - Lunch
3:00-3:45pm Alan Rhodes: Tesla Tron Healing machine, Super-luminosity and the legacy of Guy Obolensky
4:00-4:45pm Glen Rein: Imprinting and Storing Quantum Information in Water
5:00- 5:45 Dr Sandra Rose Michael (USA): Applied integrative biophysics: Bioscalar EESystem
7:00 Dinner
8:30pm - 9:30pm - Musical Magical evening with Ani Williams and her harp.
June 10- Sunday
8-9 am breakfast at various gites/ venue
9:15 am- convene in main hall- warm up - welcome
9:30-10:30 am- Paul Harris- Alchemy- Ancient Wisdom - Becomes Practical- Modern Science--
10:30- 11:30 am - Dan Winter - 'Alchemic' Longitudinal Fractal Science- key to Bliss/ Lucid Dreaming & Successful Death
11:30 - 12 - BREAK
12 - 1pm Patrick Botte: - HRV/ Heart Breath / Biofeedback - includes Sacro Cranial and Chakra Measure EEG & BINAURAL Bliss Science ; Includes LIFE Force/Sacred Space & EKG Empathy Measure
1pm - Lunch
3:00-3:45pm Sacha Stone and Carla Bate- The amazing Klotho Longevity Hormone
4:00-4:45pm Christine and Mederic Degoy: Theraphi Practice with Medical Clairvoyance (AND healing artwork)
5:00- 5:45 Dr Theresa Burns : Deep History of Alchemy & Vincent Bridges (new book) John Dee and Kelley Story
7:00 Dinner
8:30pm - 9:30pm - Musical Magical evening with Alan Moore and his harp...&Theresa Burns-'Angelic Science"
June 11, Monday
8-9 am breakfast at various gites/ venue
9:15 am- convene in main hall- warm up - welcome
9:30-10:30 am- Paul Harris & Dan Winter: Reports on latest NEW BREAKTHRU ENERGY PROJECTS
10:30- 11:30 am - Jean Paul Biberian: Cold Fusion Physics update-
11:30 - 12 - BREAK
12 - 1pm Glen Rein: Measuring Heart Coherence Effect on DNA Braid
1pm - Lunch
3:00-4:00pm Patrick Botte and Dan Winter: hands on trials with HRV/Heart/EKG and EEG Brainwave experience
AND > opportunity to TRY potent BLISS BINAURAL sound - INSIDE Breakthru Tuned Copper Pyramids (Patrick)
4:30-6:15 pm THERAPHI PANEL DISCUSSION (includes Claire, Paul, Dan, Roger) experiences/results/next steps with THERAPHI
7:00 Farewell Dinner- AND Celebration
June 12 Tues.
Breakfast and Depart
(some guests are staying longer for local fun- ...
added note here we are considering an option for those who want fun on 12th:
possible Puivert castle tour mid morn- Angela or Carl may be there to guide a bit... (about 15 min from Montbel lake))
informal lunch arranged with friends Puivert- Angela and Carl- let us know if you want...
after lunch possible tour of the absolutely magic fairy forest just outside Puivert- with magic Guitar and harp(s)
-housekeeping requests for our guests- while in Borde Blanque
our main meeting room- is a sacred yoga space- so please- NO SHOES please- use slippers/ socks
--also driveway parking limited to the 8-10 vehicles- so unless you have some specific reason to need the driveway- please park at the road- pleasant 2 min walk in.-
- also after 10pm- very quiet conversations only - of courtesy to our hosts at all times- thank you! dan and roger-
--if you need to reach me - dan winter, skype danwinter will be with me , or US line rings that way 3100 651 8123,
Dan Winter. Theraphi and stem cell research and longevity-Dan Winter- a highly visual - Physics review -and intro to the latest Breakthru's: "Waves of constructive electric charge compression/rarefaction in the ether are the only reason to study sacred geometry and quantum mechanics (because this is why they exist). The boundary between what we call mass and energy -is only a 'matter' of how much charge is compressed (by fractality/conjugation)- this is WHY: E = MC^2. This charge fractality (successful compression) is the only cause of both mass and gravity: Charge in rotation -SPIN- is the only cause of inertia- the only definition of mass- AND simultaneously the only cause of the PERIOD of charge rotation- the only definition of time. Once you see how the 'pine cone kissing' waves of golden fractal conjugation- CAUSE the possibility of implosive charge collapse- (the only wave mechanic of fusion / alchemy / and ultimately LIFE) - you then understand for yourself- (unlike Einstein, Stephen Hawkings and NASA) - why objects fall to the ground- BECAUSE you will understand HOW (conjugate fractality) - causes charge to be ACCELERATED toward center ( named THE gravity /recursive constructive phase velocity heterodynes perfected by golden ratio conjugation). Gravity doesn't 'bend space time'- charge fractality nearby in space merely deflects charge waves and accelerates the SPIN rate CALLED time. Once you see what happens to waves necessarily SELF SORTED IN TO PHASE as they approach this conjugate fractal fusion center ( origin of PROTON and ELECTRON mass/radii - NEXT weeks subject with Mark R.) - THEN you will understand for yourself WHY - CONSCIOUSNESS - LIFE FORCE and NEGENTROPY (self-organization) exist. This is why this fractal / conjugate /embeddable charge coupling (generally capacitive - because this supports the lo wattage and superluminal) is the only physics and instruction set- for what we call synchronicity ( ). THEN unlike conventional physicists you will be relieved of the profoundly dangerous fatalistic schizophrenia which believes (not only wrongly that charge and gravity - are somehow made of different stuff)- that the UNIVERSE is somehow condemned to running down to ENTROPY / DISORDER. While- in fact - this fractal physics - wave mechanics is absolute proof- that the electrical power (to become centripetal) - of your CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF- to EMBED in this NEG-ENTROPY - and CREATE- is most basic PROOF that they are wrong. Negentropy is not only possible and sustainable- it is WHY you exist. This introduces the conjugate EEG power spectra ( ) which measures and teaches this Peak Perception/ Bliss physics - the only (electric) POWER of consciousness: 'Get Centripetal or Get Dead' - We conclude with comparing the brainwaves which allowed Ingo Swann to repeatedly light that flame (thermistor-heating) - with his mind - thru a faraday cage- in laboratory measure. We introduce the (superluminal by golden ratio x C) conjugate produced longitudinal wave mechanics - which are the ONLY mechanism for this action at a distance (which Einstein incorrectly labelled spooky - because he could not conceive of the superluminal physics phase conjugation produces ). Walking thru this basic / we see that this fundamental faster than light / able to return to transverse FROM longitudinal - (Egyptian KA from the BA) charge wave mechanics- (heat containment at a distance/ holy grail of fusion physics) is also the ONLY mechanism and reason for:
-the existence of gravity waves
-the existence of collective unconscious/ communion of saints / 'akashic records'
-the existence of 'Sacred Geometry' in the Earth Grid (and beyond) - and 'sacred sites'
- in fact this embedability (and resultant negentropy / sustainability) is virtually the only wave mechanic in general behind what we CALL Sacred - even the very concept CULTURE (ritual is embedabilty/entanglement perfected- what conjugation IS) only exists to point to this - the only door not only to long term survival- but literally electrical immortality : a
Paul Harris. Theraphi - Rejuvenation - Alchemy - now and in the future-Paul Harris : plasma implosion- treatment- is already successful in about 20 countries. In addition to being hardware director, and co-inventor- Paul has a lifetime of experience doing and teaching practical alchemy. He is famous for deeply exploring the connection between the ancient mystical practices and wisdoms of alchemy-- precisely to modern - implosive fusion, isotope transition physics, and non-destructive charge collapse- the core of our fractal field conjugate physics curriculum. Let's see what is on Paul's mind- as he returns from his LA and Mexico lectures- preparing for his tour of our summer conference series- - including Prague, Turkey and South France! The latest in plasma rejuvenation science, and our work with Theraphi- and more. Course :Update from Paul Harris: Longevity Technologies: From Ancient Times to Our Near Future-Human life span has been getting longer for some time, but did you know that for our next generation, some predict it to grow shorter? Join us for an overview of Longevity Technologies, from the Ancient Taoists and Alchemists to the latest in Nano-Tech. What's next? What are some of the social, political, economic ramifications and how will they effect you personally? While some see many of these so called "Disruptive Technologies" as a potential threat, Paul sees them as change that's well over due, come and discover the answers to some of these riveting questions.. How did the Taoists and Alchemists manage to live for so long? Is your lifespan really hard coded in your DNA?
Is it true that stem-cells no longer have to be extracted from placentas or bone marrow? In fact one simple cosmetic procedure unknowingly throws tons of them away each year.
What does diet have to do with aging?
Has there been any discoveries in nano-technologies that will help us live longer?
Can the earth support such a large population with longer lifespans?
Paul has a lifetime of experience practicing and teaching practical alchemy. He is famous for deeply exploring the connection between the ancient mystical practices and wisdom of alchemy from ancient to modern implosive fusion, isotope transition physics, and non-destructive charge collapse- the core of our fractal field conjugate physics curriculum. Let's see what is on Paul's mind- as he returns from his LA and Mexico lectures- preparing for his tour of our summer conference series including Prague, Turkey and South France! The latest in plasma rejuvenation science, and our work with Theraphi- and more. ----Paul Harris is an inventor and hands-on entrepreneur of 27 years founding and working with various successful start ups in energy, medical and information technology sectors, he's also an eclectic researcher and educator. He has taken a multidisciplinary approach to life and has developed a deep knowledge-base in a wide area of studies including Alternative Fuels, Energy Production and Storage, Electronics, Chemistry, Plasma Physics, Water Technologies, Herbology and Permaculture. Paul's inventions include various electro-medical devices, water processing, petrochemical refining, waste to energy, oil sands extraction, alternative fuels and energy scavenging systems. Paul has found this diversity necessary in understanding the fundamental principles behind the true workings of nature.
Evening talk and entertainment with Teresa and Alan Burns
The western mystery traditions ‘History of Alchemy and Physics’ -Dan Winter - with Teresa Burns and Alan Moore. "The Plasma Projection Physics / ALCHEMY - behind ancient origins of ALPHABETS" - When Dan Winter discovered the golden spiral in 3D was the origin of Hebrew and Sanskrit letterforms- it was just the beginning. Now we know that liquid and / or magnetic flux inertia projected along that precise golden spiral on a torus- is precisely how to MAKE gravity - and how the Vimana and Nazi Bell flew. By placing your attention in the plasma of your holographic brain- in exactly those cookie cutter 'shadows on the wall of the cave' - you produce literally an impulse- which controls the direction your aura is pushed. This is not only the origin of your ONLY way to effectively steer- in lucid dream/ death- (when you are 'just' a ball of plasma) - but ALSO the deep physics of OPHANIM ENOCHIAN- ( ) angel alphbets and Moore... Cue here Teresa Burns and Alan Moore - Teresa ( leader of our Alchemy Ophanim FACEBOOK GROUP) is in our view a world leading academic on the history of John Dee, Kelley and... Alchemy science, Alan - is our most powerful local practitioner of the real spiritual sciences of magic. Together, they can share why they consider a properly-set-up Enochian Temple to be itself a breakthrough technology. In the tradition of Vincent Bridges, they view the Enochian or Ophanic work of John Dee and Edward Kelley as a kind of “cosmic” alchemy,” a literal intervention from outside. This transformative system can best described in energetic states, where even the letters themselves function as waveguides. Like Dan and Vincent, they view Enochian as a nested system of multidimensional geometries, a bioenergetic machine provided to humans from the outside to help jump-start our own evolution
Teresa Burns adds here- History of ALCHEMY as centripetal plasma science: "Alchemy as practiced in ancient Egypt might well be considered an “ancient” breakthrough technology using the sacred geometry of the Temple itself as the container. If one considers the soul purpose of alchemy is to create a plasma body, in effect to make one’s consciousness phase-coherent enough that it passes through death into the next life, then several other esoteric subjects phase-lock with this as well. Vincent Bridge’s explanation of the timeline of western alchemy—from ancient Egypt forward to Fulcanelli—can be used to illustrate this point, as can his and Dan Winter’s ideas about the Enochian alphabet, when that alphabet is placed in a correctly constructed Temple space, which is what Alan and I have spent the last several years of our life learning how to build and keep running.
How are these things similar? Well, consider that Andre Vandenbroek, in Al-Kemi, noted that R.A. Schwaller De Lubicz’s ideas of the symbolique in the Temple of Luxor/Temple in Man connected directly to alchemy. Further, Schwaller claimed that Fulcanelli had “borrowed” his (Schwaller’s) idea of the symbolique in Egyptian Temples to write about so-called initiatory “green language/ langue verte” and the explosion of cathedral-building across Europe just after the Crusades. Fulcanelli wrote about this in Mysteries of the Cathedrals; in Schwaller’s monumental work The Temple in Man, Schwaller had in effect considered the Temple of Luxor in Egypt a structure designed to jump-start an expansion of consciousness through the energetics of that container (the Temple) plus what he called the symbolique: initiatory symbols which could not even be understood until a certain level of consciousness was attained, and which became more meaningful as change (in the form of healing, understanding and expansion of consciousness) occurred. In short, the Temple was a vessel designed to help its (human) contents evolve, and those humans did so in part by becoming more phase coherent with the technology- the Temple—which allowed them greater ability to understand the symbolique inscribed upon the walls. As we have partly learned and partly discovered, in a correctly designed Enochian Temple, you also have a “container” (again, the Temple itself, but also in this case the geometric shapes evoked by its construction) embodying a rather spectacular embedded sacred geometry principle and “charging” those inside of it. Instead of the symbolique, you instead have the ideas of the letters themselves, arranged in particular patterns, as waveguides.
Vincent Bridges was convinced that the history of western alchemy was inextricable linked to both ancient Egypt and the mystery of cathedral building after the Crusades. He also viewed the Enochian or Ophanic work of John Dee and Edward Kelley as a kind of “cosmic” alchemy,” one he connected much more to ancient Egypt and non-human “guides” than to the western mystery tradition. Like him, we see the Enochian corpus as a literal “breakthrough technology” that is an intervention from outside, a transformative system best described in energetic states, where even the letters themselves are functioning as waveguides. Like Dan and Vincent, we view Enochian as a nested system of multidimensional geometries. When an Enochian installation is set up correctly and charged correctly, it works almost automatically. Just as the nucleus of human cells put out light or photon emissions that are automatically received by other cells, Bridges believed the "alchemy of light" generated by a correctly set-up Enochian Temple worked as a bio-energetic machine provided to humans from the outside to help jump-start our own evolution. These objects that are formed work automatically by their shape or function as they exist physically in higher dimensions; they sing "Evolve!" to those parts of us that already exist in higher realms. - - In Dan Winter’s terms, if you consider human alchemy the quest for or development of the ability to recreate our coherent plasma bodies, then the vessel partially facilitating that may be a TheraPhi device, some other breakthrough technology, or a cathedral or temple as alchemical vessel. The process will not fire without the right intent and fires faster as consciousness expands. But the same abstract principles apply."
Patrick Botte and Dan Winter. “Biofeedback, HRV, EEG and the iThrive device- , , , , -Patrick (our lead app- programmer and sacro-cranial scientist)- is back- with Dan Winter- to tell us more about the HRV/ Breath/ Heart Coherence / Brainwave sciences behind our stunning array of the world's best IOS biofeedback apps. Patrick will include stories like- his cutting edge sacro-cranial professional partners- measuring how - when you simply listen to our worlds most powerful BLISS - BINAURAL BEAT- ( -not expensive) with the phase accurate .1 hz - MAYER WAVE heterodyne (bodies MOST important frequency - in the blood) - how you actually MEASURE when you have success -putting that frequency IN to your spine liquid pump- which we KNOW is the absolute platform upon which all bliss and kundalini ( healing sacro-cranial) wave mechanics is based. Patrick will SHOW you the graphs- right from our apps!
Jean Paul. Testing and validation techniques for cold fusion -Jean Paul Biberian - , -"Fusion Physics: Review and Updates- BY MEASUREMENT". Jean Paul was already Europe's leading cold fusion physicist before he retired as Phyics professor, University of Marseilles. He sponsored most all the European based International Physics conferences on cold fusion. Since then he has developed his own fusion physics calorimetry lab- and become an international consultant / measurement expert on this. Jean Paul has been our consultant as well on numerous internationally supported technology projects. Jean Paul will bring the experienced eye of laboratory physics to our discussions of fusion / isotope collapse- the real roots of alchemy. Jean Paul- personally knows most every important physicist on the planet working on cold fusion; he is also speaking at our South France June conference series.
A diverse range of Breakthru-T is being presented, including Theraphi, Waste to Energy, Cold Fusion and Hydrogen Frequencies, Hypersonic Propulsion, Bio Feedback, Ormus agricultural, Implosion products and theories on how to tap into the Fractal Universe. Some already play a role in tackling the world’s most pressing challenges. As we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it is vital that we develop shared ideas and protocols to ensure that technology serves humanity and contributes to a prosperous and sustainable future. We will be highlighting some of the technological advances which we believe have the power to improve lives, transform industries and safeguard the planet.
Discover cutting-edge physics and breakthrough technologies.
Dan Winter is well known for being the first to announce Golden Ratio Fractality as the Electric Cause of Gravity. He presented & published his theory at the Budapest International Unified Field Conference in 2006. The Paper is supported by the mathematics of El Naschie, a world famous mathematician and an expert in the golden mean ratio. The Golden ratio, which appears in the geometry of a variety of creations in Nature, is found to arise right in the Bohr radius of the hydrogen atom due to the opposite charges of the electron and proton. The bond length of the hydrogen molecule is the diagonal of a square on the Bohr radius and hence also has two Golden sections, which form the cationic and anionic radii of hydrogen. It is shown that these radii account quantitatively for the bond lengths of many hydrides and can be used to demonstrate the atomic and golden ratio based ionic radii of many other atoms.
The Golden Ratio presence is seen in both the biological and astronomical realms and recently in the quantum mechanical and physical realms. In the biological realm, the number Phi can be seen in both Phyllotaxis and DNA. In the astronomical realm, its presence is found in the spiral structures of galaxies. In physics, Phi can now be related to the g-factors of the electron, proton and neutron.
Dan Winter has developed the first equations, which accurately explain and predict both the geometry and frequency of hydrogen based on the pure principle that matter is a standing wave unpacked directly by constructive golden ratio charge compression, using Planck length and time.
He took the known sputtering frequency of Palladium - 13.56 Mhz. He found out that this radically reduced the power needed to split hydrogen from water. Winter’s theory has the physics necessary to precisely prove this phenomenon.
Winter has written two equations, which for the first time, elegantly pins both hydrogen radius and frequency to golden ratio times Planck length (physics universal solvent of length and time). He shows that this fractal structure of hydrogen is precisely the proof that golden ratio constructive 'implosive' charge collapse is the key to matter creation- and energy from it.
Winter proposes to use this theory to precisely tune cylindrical capacitors (like the JOE CELL, Anton Cell, NuTech Cell) to implode with very efficient fractal or 'phase conjugate' effects - which focus on the hydrogen bond in water. He has proven and measured the exact same frequency signature in using his unique bioactive capacitors, which have measured 40-50% increase in growth field effects.
You will learn and understand a deep new vocabulary:
Discover The Revolutionary Theraphi System: Plasma Rejuvenation
Witness one of the latest experimental wellness devices in action. Is it capable of promoting wellness, longevity and restoring vitality? Come and find out during this cutting edge presentations with Inventor Paul Harris where he will share the methods and results of this amazing device.
The Theraphi is currently in use globally by researchers gathering anicdotal evidence. Utilizing natures golden mean phi ratio and two fractal plasma tubes with opposing spin, it produces a phase conjugate broad spectral bio-active field.
The Theraphi process that restores the cells of the body to an optimal state of health. It activates the body’s healing regeneration system by producing a powerful bio-active field. Precise frequencies of hydrogen and phi-ratio harmonics are modulated and pass through a unique mixture of noble gases. The highly-charged plasma waveforms pass through your body resulting in a recharging of cells, DNA and spirit
100 years of development
Regenerative electromagnetic therapy has evolved with pioneers Nikola Tesla, Royal Raymond Rife, Alexander Gurwitsch, George Lakhovsky and Andrea Priore. The Theraphi Device represents cutting edge applications of Bio-active field production, unique ‘phase conjugation’ longitudinal waveforms, Negentropy (being the opposite of entropy/decay) and cell memory reversal - getting cells back
to a healthy condition.
• Restores the cells of the body to an optimal state of health
• Activates the body’s healing regeneration system by producing a powerful bio-active field.
• Precise frequencies of hydrogen and phi-ratio harmonics
• Highly-charged plasma waveforms pass through your body resulting in a recharging of cells, DNA and spirit.
The Theraphi device activates the body’s own cellular regeneration system by using longitudinal electromagnetic waves. It produces a powerful plasma bio-active field.
The key healing and longevity (including stem cell switching) aspect to this technology is referred to as ‘negentropy’ and this is the key to understanding the powerful electromagnetic phase conjugation (adding and multiply waves / frequencies using natures golden mean ratio - the theory of nature’s fractals and all of its biology) so that it effects every cell and DNA of our body. There is a significant amount of scientific evidence that this works.
Effects of the Theraphi Device:
The resulting wave field restores order to the body’s cellular regenerative system:
Negentropy - centripetal, creating life order and helps to reverse the disease and aging process
Entropy - dispersing, creating disorder (see more definitions below).
The Theraphi program can encourage neurological negentropy, which means an aging population will enjoy a calmer and clearer state of mind for a lifetime.
It is the tendency towards disorder (entropy) is what eventually impairs mood, motivation, mindfulness and motor skills. The Theraphi activated negentropy is the complete opposite of entropy. The complexity of the human mind requires a wholistic approach towards optimization that makes every effort to maintain the delicate balance of neurotransmitters, and this is the hallmark of robust mental health, which is within the power of Theraphi to achieve.
Stem cell de-differentiation and conjugate centripetal electric fields
It is relatively self-evident that the stem cell is a field effect responsive, quite literally the root or stem of a ‘fractal seed’. Growth from the stem cell state- toward differentiation is precisely growth from the stem of the fractal field - particularly if we look at the DNA field as the phase conjugator.
The golden ratio is what makes DNA's field electrically centripetal, and braids its genetic material and the power of the DNA to implode- life is fundamentally electro-magnetic before it becomes chemical.
The principles regarding stem cells is that by pushing the unpacking growth force toward differentiation is exactly the opposite of pushing the stem cell toward de-differentiation (perfect compression electrically).
Access to the very high frequency core of the fractal conjugate field which stabilizes the cell in its stem like state, is precisely what the broad spectral phase accurate phase conjugation of Theraphi accomplishes.
It is our view that the centripetal or broad spectral conjugate field we have so potently assembled in our Theraphi technology should quite clearly be the ideal field effect environment to catalyze cells back toward the root of de-differentiation (to become again the stem of the fractal tree)
In light of the successes Priore enjoyed with cancer and other diseases and the very extensive reports of rejuvenation and alleviation of disease, we invite a collaboration with the right team and lab for this immensely valuable testing.
We have a growing team of international centers many with MD’s who are ready to prove the next step with Theraphi stem cell bioactivity.
The Future Technology of the Theraphi system
With Paul Harris
It will be shown that scalar waves, normally remaining unnoticed, are very
interesting in practical use for information and energy technology for reason of
their special attributes. The mathematical and physical derivations are supported by
practical experiments:
1. the wireless transmission of electrical energy
2. the reaction of the receiver to the transmitter
3. free energy with an over-unity-effect of about 3
4. transmission of scalar waves with 1.5 times the speed of light
Scalar waves are hypothetical waves, which differ from the conventional electromagnetic transverse waves by one oscillation level parallel to the direction of propagation; they thus have characteristics of longitudinal waves. Scalar waves are called also "electromagnetic longitudinal waves", "Maxwellian waves", or "Teslawellen" (tr., "Tesla waves"). Variants of the theory claim that Scalar electromagnetics (also known as scalar energy) is the background quantum mechanical fluctuations and associated zero-point energies (in contrast to "vector energies" which sums to zero). Scalar field theory (SWT) is a set of theories in a abstract model which posits that there is a basic mechanism that produces the electric field and the magnetic field. Proponents of the theory state that electromagnetism isn't completely described by the standard electromagnetic theory. It is a protoscientific theory.
Is the future use of the Theraphi an energy transmitting device?
Can it be proven it has super-luminosity properties?
Could it be used as a state of art communication device?
Tesla loved the doves. The universal unit of electrical charge is "Coulomb" which means the dove.
The way the universal charge travels through the ether is much like the dove flies. This charge distribution efficiency is the very essence of life force
“Ere many generations pass; our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe.” – Nikola Tesla
Cold Fusion and Hydrogen Frequencies
New ground breaking research in establishing precise frequency tunings for the Hydrogen atom is being conducted in our lab in Melbourne. These frequency recipes may be the most important and powerful that have ever been researched on this planet. Used also for desalination and making solar energy battery charging much more efficient
Hydrolysis by Fractal Implosion:
Releasing Hydrogen from water- more efficiently-
using the new precise equation for the newly discovered accurate 'music'
(wavelength and frequency harmonic series)
of hydrogen.
We are cracking the hydrogen code to liberate hydrogen from water at a much lower input energy than possible before, opening way to hydrogen economy.
Releasing Hydrogen from water by using the new precise equations for the accurate 'wavelength’ and ‘frequency harmonic series’ of hydrogen. A dramatic reduction in power to split hydrogen is the core of our hydrogen golden ratio project. The only power in our system is the amplifier to generate the key "singing note" frequency series we feed to the hydrolysis plates.
The Breakthru in proof of the fractality of the hydrogen structure allows us to optimize these frequency recipes. Our technology precisely accounts for this phenomenon and allows a more powerful and direct approach to tuning hydrolysis and hydrogen energy production. This will revolutionize the leap into ‘energy from water’.
Fractal Field Technologies
Ormus Agriculture and Bloom the Desert
Bloom the Desert (BTD) brings together many Earth friendly cutting edge technologies and low cost approaches
for the rejuvenation of arid land, under performing farms, damaged and polluted land. Whole regions of planet
Earth can be rejuvenated into blooming, thriving, blossoming, enriching, flourishing, beautiful natural agricultural
lands and communities.
Our trial farm in Dubai proved up several BTD technologies. We reduced the high salt desert sands of 13.2 pH to
a measured 8.2 pH, by using our tailored made salt reducing microbes, sea water extracted ‘ormes’, biochar and
‘implosive treated water’. We grew vegetables in the desert without any fertilizers. Pictures, video and
independent validation is available on our website. We have the unique ability to grow crops in desert arid lands
using our low cost methods. We are looking for sponsors for our next project which would be building on what we
have already proven in Dubai. Essentially, we can find water anywhere, we can create ‘fertile soil’ anywhere, we
can grow food and build eco sustainable dwellings- anywhere. A possible solution to many of the worlds
problems is to start using arid land for agriculture and communities.
Hypersonic Propulsion Transportation System
WARP DRIVE * IMPLOSION ACCELERATION * gravity field production
Long before the climate crisis took hold, scientists dreamed of a day when high-speed transportation systems based on renewable energy would become the rule — rather than the exception — for air, land and water travel. Thanks to HyperSonic Propulsion Systems, that day will soon come. "These airplanes we have today are no more than a perfection of a child's toy made of paper. In my opinion, we should search for a completely different flying machine, based on other flying principles. I imagine a future aircraft, which will take off vertically, fly as usual, and land vertically. This flying machine should have no moving parts.” – Henri Coanda
At HyperSonic we vision a world of super sonic flight based on the principles of “implosion” not explosion, ‘unconventional’ rather than conventional, the geometry of torus space/time, fluidic mechanics, gravity control and extension, superconductive materials and changes on a quantum level. Over the last 100 years their have been mainly forgotten highly successful developments in alternative flight technologies. We focus on areas of the Biefield-Brown effect and Maxwellian quaternion math indicating an intimate connection between electro-magnetics and gravity.
We are developing technologies of “super flight” propulsion and concentrating on the following methods:
Kowsky-Frost Propulsion Effect * Toroidal Drive / Fluidic Torus (M-Drive)
Podkletnov Disk * Phased Displacement Drive Mark II
Herringbone Plate / Warp Coil * HHO Hypersonic Drag Reduction
Obviously these emerging technologies will replace rockets and jet engines. Applied advanced space time physics will enable interstellar flights, routine missions to the astroid belt for mining of precious metals, establishment of galactic communities as well as effective, cheaper aviation on planet Earth, including rapid cargo delivery and much faster speeds for civil flights.
What is the field effect?
It produces a field around the device that causes an interaction with the local gravity field, or directly produces a gravity field. When this field points down, things get heavier. When it points up, they get lighter. It's as simple as that. The Kowsky-Frost device is a field-effect generator. It creates a "bubble" of energy around the device that has a lower energy density than the local vacuum, and since the energy density of the local vacuum is what gives matter inertial properties, that is affected as well. So the device carries with it it's own inertial reference. Turn at 1000 MPH, you don't feel the force. Let's call this one the "warp drive", as with severe local curvature or energy density changes, the velocity of light changes as well, and it is possible (in theory for now) to generate a field that allows a craft to move at 1000 times the speed of light.
The craft needs both systems. One for operation near the ground, and one for many miles or kilometers above it. Why is this? There is a sharp demarcation between the space on either side of the "bubble", and if you turned on the warp drive taking off it would shred the runway!
The first thing we will build will be the hydraulic drive that Viktor worked on. For energy, we will need to either build a field effect device or mechanical force generator that does this as well. If you produce an implosive vortex of gravity and drop mass inside that vortex it can't help but spin. If you take Viktor Schauberger's Herringbone and wrap it around a cylinder, it will produce torque instead of thrust.
Technology Description:
The “Imploder” water treatment device produces a measurable and validated effect on plant growth, seed germination success, and biomass yields. It revitalizes water quickly and is easy to install. It is unique technology that combines a magnetic array with a directional nozzle. The Super Imploder has 8 large supermagnets delivering over 4500 gauss. It is the world’s most powerful magnetic water treatment technology. The Imploder device facilitates the bringing of required nutrients into plants by causing a de-clustering effect on water.
Testing and validation:
The ‘absorption efficiency effect’ and ‘redox potential’ has produced independently validated measurements of approximately 328% plant growth increase along with biomass density. Current testing involves several growers from various locations using a variety of methods. Our website has test results from all over the world
Successful seed germination and accelerated plant growth. It revitalizes water quickly, is easy to install, has no maintenance or moving parts, cost effective and produces amazing results. The “Super Imploder” water treatment creates a measurable and validated effect on plant growth, seed germination and biomass yields (stronger, better crops). It saves money on water consumption and energy costs. Read also about the shower nozzle and Triploder products now on the market
The science embedded in our technology utilizes implosion, golden mean ratio and a propriety magnetic array, uniquely arranged to create the most aligned, intense magnetic flux lines. The Super Imploder incorporates all of these features
It is technology that has never been achieved before; a unique magnetic array is combined with a specially designed directional vortex nozzle, using the GOLDEN MEAN RATIO. Flux lines are draw into Implosion, which causes intense and increased redox potential in water, which has the effect of de-clustering its molecules. This means better absorption of nutrients into seedlings and maximizing crops yields
Our mission is to continually research and develop innovative technologies and products that are meaningful and enriching to people’s lives, businesses and the environment
Read more on the website:
Patrick Botte and Dan Winter- team teach 5 Breakthru Consciousness Raising IOS- Biofeedback Apps, ,
iTHRVE is the only heart rate variability (HRV) and craniosacral biofeedback entrainment app that offers both HRV and craniosacral training for stress management, resilience training, peak performance, optimum well-being, and much more...
Benefits of iTHRVE app
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• Craniosacral training
• Stress measurements
• Breathing training
• Peak performance
• Resilience training
• Empathy training (improving relationships)
• Sports performance